满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。 1.Where do the speaker...


1.Where do the speakers live now?

A.In Columbia. B.In Japan. C.In Canada.

2.What does Ron’s father do?

A.He fixes trucks. B.He flies airplanes. C.He sails on boats.

3.Which class did Ron do badly in?

A.Engineering. B.Spanish. C.Math.


1.C 2.A 3.B 【解析】 【原文】 W: Hey Ron, I heard that your family is planning to move away this year. Is that true? M: Yeah, unfortunately it is. My father has to go to Columbia for his job and we will go with him. W: Oh, no. I was hoping John had heard you wrong. He told me yesterday at Eric’s birthday party and I couldn’t believe it. Didn’t your family just move here last year? M: It’s actually been two years since we moved to Canada from Japan, but I know what you mean. It feels like such a short time. I just began to feel comfortable here. But because my father is in the military, we move often. W: Well, at least you get to stay with your family. My grandfather was in the military and he went all over the world flying airplanes. He met my grandmother in China, when they sailed on a boat together! What does your father do in the military? M: My father actually fixes the trucks that the soldiers use to bring food to local villages. He is really good at it. commitment W: That makes sense. You did very well in engineering and math class this past year. M: Yeah, my father has taught me everything he knows. I just wish I did as good in Spanish class. I will need to speak it in Columbia, but I almost failed the class this year!


1.How often does the woman walk to work?

A.Two days a week. B.Three days a week. C.Four days a week.

2.What does the woman dislike about hired bikes?

A.The parking situation. B.The expense. C.The speed.

3.Where will the man go next?

A.To the restaurant. B.To the station. C.To the office.




1.How long has the man been in China?

A.For one year. B.For two years. C.For four years.

2.Where are the speakers?

A.In an office. B.In a restaurant. C.In a park.

3.What is the main subject of the conversation?

A.Entertainment. B.History. C.Culture.




1.What does the woman usually do with her phone?

A.Watch films.

B.Pay for groceries.

C.Communicate with co-workers.

2.How many phones does the man want to have?

A.One. B.Two. C.Three.



Who are the speakers?

A.Instructor and student. B.Family members. C.Salesman and customer.



How does the man feel?

A.Worried. B.Confident. C.Afraid.



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