满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The Roll of a Lifetime Since the age of ...

The Roll of a Lifetime

Since the age of three, Chelsie Hill had dreamed of becoming a dancer. That ambition _________ ended one night in 2010. Then a car accident left her paralyzed(瘫痪的) from the waist down. For most people, that would have _________ any hope of a dancing career. For Hill, it was the beginning. Far from being a(n)  _________ , her wheelchair offered her courage. She wanted to prove that she was still ‘normal’, whatever normal meant.

Normal for her meant _________, so Hill did it in her wheelchair right _________ her nondisabled high school dance team. Half of her body was taken away from her. It definitely took a lot of _________ and patience.

After graduation, Hill wanted to _________ her dance network to _________ women like her. She met people online who had _________ various spinal cord injuries but shared her __________, and she invited them to dance with her.

Hoping to __________ more people in a larger city, Hill moved to Los Angeles and formed a team of dancers with disabilities she calls the Rollettes. Dancing on __________, the Rollettes discovered, can be just as fast-paced and fulfilling as the footbased variety. In disabled dance competitions around the country, they’re having fun, and as the audiences’__________ reactions indicate, the fun is infectious.

Hill has __________ what many of us never will: her childhood dream. The Rollettes have helped her find something else just as __________. Every year she holds a dance camp for wheelchair users and in 2019, 173 participants from ten countries attended. For many, being part of the Rollettes was really great. It was the first time they’d felt they __________. “I had a girl say it was the most empowering thing when she __________ into a room and everyone was at eye level,” Hill told CBS News.

The dancers aren’t the only ones feeling __________. One woman saw a YouTube video of the team competing and commented, “You guys are so __________! ! ! I’m in tears because you rock! To be in a wheelchair and __________ be so beautiful makes me know I can be beautiful too!”

1.A.simply B.nearly C.suddenly D.really

2.A.approached B.abandoned C.raised D.ruined

3.A.accident B.obstacle C.injury D.disability

4.A.dream B.performance C.dancing D.teamwork

5.A.alongside B.in C.among D.for

6.A.bumping B.innovating C.turning D.learning

7.A.design B.expand C.employ D.change

8.A.include B.contact C.draft D.cure

9.A.suffered B.witnessed C.treated D.escaped

10.A.accomplishment B.identification C.determination D.requirement

11.A.interview B.entertain C.educate D.reach

12.A.wheels B.mats C.stages D.feet

13.A.immediate B.enthusiastic C.extreme D.distant

14.A.absorbed B.applied C.attained D.accumulated

15.A.fulfilling B.relaxing C.convincing D.interesting

16.A.lived B.succeeded C.appeared D.belonged

17.A.walked B.rolled C.rushed D.wandered

18.A.devoted B.determined C.inspired D.delighted

19.A.talented B.awesome C.energetic D.special

20.A.just B.ever C.only D.still


1.B 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.D 7.B 8.A 9.A 10.C 11.D 12.A 13.B 14.C 15.A 16.D 17.B 18.C 19.B 20.D 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了主人公Chelsie Hill在经历车祸上身瘫痪后,仍然坚持成为舞者的梦想。在实现梦想后,又成立了Rollettes来帮助那些和她有同样遭遇的女性实现梦想的故事。 1. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:她的雄心壮志在2010年的一个夜晚几乎要结束了。A.simply简单地;B.nearly几乎;C.suddenly突然地;D.really真正地。联系前后文可知,她的梦想是成为一名舞者,但因为一场车祸腰部以下瘫痪了,可以推断出这一事故让她的雄心壮志几乎要结束了。故选B项。 2. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:对大多数人来说,那会毁了舞蹈生涯的希望。A.approached靠近;B.abandoned抛弃;C.raised举起;D.ruined毁灭。通过上文可知,她的腰部以下瘫痪了,对于大部分人来说,这可能是对舞蹈生涯毁灭性的伤害。故选D项。 3. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:她的轮椅没有成为她的障碍,反而提供给她勇气。A.accident事故;B.obstacle障碍;C.injury伤害;D.disability缺陷。far from意为“远非,完全不”,空格后句说轮椅给了她勇气,那么空格处应该是和勇气相反的名词,应用obstacle。故选B项。 4. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:正常对她来说意味着跳舞。A.dream梦想;B.performance表演;C.dancing跳舞;D.teamwork合作。根据前文可知,她的梦想是成为一名舞者,再根据后文可知,她在学校舞蹈队旁边学习跳舞,可以推断出正常对她来说意味着跳舞。故选C项。 5. 考查介词词义辨析。句意:所以Hill在她的轮椅上,就在学校非残疾的舞蹈队旁边练习跳舞。A.alongside在……旁边;B.in在……里面;C.among在……中;D.for为了。文章中没有提到Hill是校舞蹈队的一员,并且这是一个非残疾的舞蹈队,可推断出她是在舞蹈队的旁边跟着练习。故选A项。 6. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:她的半个身体都不受控制了,这确实需要许多学习和耐心。A.bumping碰撞;B.innovating创新;C.turning转弯处;D.learning学习。根据上文可知,她想学习跳舞,但上半身却瘫痪了,在这种情况下想要跳舞是需要许多学习和耐心的。故选D项。 7. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:毕业之后,Hill想要扩展她的舞蹈网络,使那些像她一样的女性成为其中的一部分。A.design设计;B.expand扩展;C.employ雇用;D.change改变。根据下文可知,Hill会通过网络邀请一些脊椎受损但却有决心的女性和自己一起跳舞,可知她是想扩展自己的舞蹈网络。故选B项。 8. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:毕业之后,Hill想要扩展她的舞蹈网络,使那些像她一样的女性成为其中的一部分A.include使成为……的一部分;B.contact联系;C.draft起草;D.cure治愈。根据下文可知,她邀请那些和她有类似经历的女性一起跳舞,可以推断出她是想让这些女性加入她的舞蹈网络,成为其中的一部分。故选A项。 9. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:她在网上认识那些遭受过各种脊椎损伤但依然分享决心的人,并邀请她们和自己一起跳舞。A.suffered遭受;B.witnessed目击(罪行或事故);C.treated对待;D.escaped逃跑。空格后spinal cord injuries(脊椎损伤)是一种疾病,应与suffer(遭受)连用,遭受某种疾病。故选A项。 10. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:她在网上认识那些遭受过各种脊椎损伤但依然分享决心的人,并邀请她们和自己一起跳舞。A.accomplishment成就;B.identification身份证明;C.determination决心;D.requirement必要条件。根据上文可知,Hill想要邀请一些像她一样的女性加入舞蹈网络,Hill是一位虽然遭受疾病但却没有放弃梦想,对梦想依然有决心的人,可以推断出,她邀请的女性也是遭受病痛,但却对生活和梦想有决心,不放弃的人。故选C项。 11. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:希望在大城市引起更多人的注意,Hill搬去了洛杉矶。A.interview采访;B.entertain款待;C.educate教育;D.reach引起……的注意。根据前文可知,Hill想要扩展她的舞蹈队,可推断出她想要吸引更多人对舞蹈队的注意。故选D项。 12. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:她们发现在轮椅上跳舞也可以像用脚跳舞一样,快节奏的和有满足感的。A.wheels轮子;B.mats垫子;C.stages舞台;D.feet脚。根据上文可知,这是一个由脊椎受损的残疾人组成的舞蹈队,所以她们应该是坐着轮椅跳舞。故选A项。 13. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在全国残疾人舞蹈比赛中,她们跳的很开心,正如观众们热烈的反应所示,快乐是有感染力的。A.immediate立即的;B.enthusiastic热烈的;C.extreme极端的;D.distant遥远的。根据空格后描述可知,快乐是有感染力的,她们跳的很开心,这种快乐感染到了观众,所以观众的反应是热烈的。故选B项。 14. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:Hill达到了我们许多人永远无法实现的目标:她童年的梦想。A.absorbed吸收;B.applied申请;C.attained达到;D.accumulated积累。根据上文可知她梦想成为一名舞者,现在她成为了一名舞者,也就是她的梦想达到了。故选C项。 15. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:舞蹈队帮她找到了其他让人感觉有意义的事。A.fulfilling让人感觉有意义的;B.relaxing令人放松的;C.convincing令人信服的;D.interesting有趣的。根据后文可知,很多参加她的舞蹈营的人都感觉棒极了,而且让她们找到了归属感,所以这应该是一件让人感觉有意义的事。故选A项。 16. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:这是她们第一次感觉到自己有归属感。A.lived活着;B.succeeded成功;C.appeared出现;D.belonged适应,合得来。通过后文女孩的话可知,舞蹈营里的人都是虽然残疾但却热爱舞蹈的人,所以大家在一起是合得来的,有归属感的。故选D项。 17. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:一个女孩曾对我说,最令人欣慰的事是当她坐着轮椅进入房间时,每个人都是可以平视的。A.walked步行;B.rolled滚动;C.rushed冲进;D.wandered闲逛。根据文章内容可知,舞蹈营里的人都是遭受过脊椎损伤的人,因此行动应该是依靠轮椅的。故选B项。 18. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:不只是舞者受到了鼓舞。A.devoted忠诚的;B.determined坚定的;C.inspired受鼓舞的;D.delighted高兴的。通过上文可知,舞者在这里找到了归属感,对生活又充满了信心,所以应该是受到了鼓舞。故选C项。 19. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:你们是如此的令人惊叹。A.talented有才华的;B.awesome令人惊叹的;C.energetic充满活力的;D.special特别的。通过空格后句可知,女人认为她们虽然坐在轮椅上,但生命仍然如此美丽,可推断出女人认为她们的人生是令人惊叹的,难以想象的。故选B项。 20. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:坐在轮椅上仍然如此美丽,这让我知道了我也可以生活得很美丽。A.just正好,恰好;B.ever曾经;C.only只有,仅;D.still仍然。根坐在轮椅上的人生本该是悲伤的,但她们却仍然活的漂亮。故选D项。

—The loud music is really starting to get on my nerves.

— ________  I can’t focus my attention on my homework.

A.I’ll bet. B.I got it .

C.You have me there. D.You have my word.



Everybody is ________ to hear that Xuzhou Metro Line 2 and Line 3 will be opened soon.

A.on cloud nine B.on their last legs

C.crossing their fingers D.killing the fatted calf



The number of visitors ______ steadily since the reopening, despite a sharp decline compared to normal years.

A.has risen B.is rising

C.had been rising D.has been rising



You were really between a rock and a hard place ______ you had to choose between your career and your relationship.

A.when B.where C.before D.until



— It’s really a pity that you didn’t go to see Frozen II last night.

— I ________, but I had to prepare for the coming exam.

A.would like to B.ought to C.would have D.should have



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