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Over the past 20 years, Zhang Bi has don...

    Over the past 20 years, Zhang Bi has donated her blood more than 130 times to help people in need.

Zhang, 44, an employee of a company in Yichang, Hubei province, first donated blood in 1998 while studying at Wuhan University of Technology. “It was in the summer when I was with my classmates, and medical workers were promoting the idea of voluntary blood donations, ” she recalled. To mark her upcoming graduation with a degree in international trade and commerce, she decided to donate 200 milliliters of blood. “In fact, I was jittery at first, ”she said. “But with the nurse explaining things and providing guidance, I gained basic knowledge and finally calmly finished the blood donation.”

After graduation, she began to donate blood once or twice a year. In May 2001, an incident touched Zhang and deepened her understanding of voluntary blood donation. Her brother, a traffic policeman, was attacked and got hurt in a lung after dealing with an illegally operated motorcycle. He suffered blood loss and needed massive blood, but for lack of supplies in the blood bank, all the police officers in the city volunteered to donate blood. “Finally, with the help of the volunteers, my brother was saved, ”she said.

From then on, she began to donate blood every six months, the maximum allowed, according to the Blood Donation Law. In 2006, Zhang's father had a heart surgery and needed blood. Zhang had donated so much blood that she had earned enough “credits” for receiving the blood her father needed from the blood center.

Yi Xiaomei, an official at the Yichang Blood Center, said there are more than 400 regular blood donors in the city. “They have made great contributions to blood donation in the city, ” Yi said. “Zhang Bi, as a typical example, tries her best to guarantee the quality and quantity of blood.” Zhang said donating blood is not only good for the recipient Abut improves her own mental and physical well-being. “I hope I can continue as long as my physical condition can meet the donor requirements, ”she said.

1.What does the underlined word “jittery” mean in paragraph 2

A.Excited. B.Curious.

C.Nervous. D.Embarrassed.

2.What played an important part in saving Zhang Bi’s brother

A.The blood in the blood bank.

B.The help of the police officers.

C.Zhang Bi’s donation of blood.

D.The contribution of an official at the Blood Center.

3.What can be inferred from the last paragraph

A.Blood Center has no limit in donating blood.

B.Yichang has the best and most blood donors in China.

C.Blood donors make a little money from blood donation.

D.Donating blood benefits both the recipient and the donor.

4.What's the best title for the text

A.A Blood Donor Proves Love not in Vain.

B.Our Society Needs Women's Contribution.

C.An Accident Changed a Traffic Policeman.

D.Blood Donors Promoted Voluntary Blood Donation.


1.C 2.B 3.D 4.A 【解析】 本文是记叙文。讲述湖北宜昌的张弼无偿献血20多年的事迹,证明爱不是徒劳的。献血者不仅帮助了别人,也帮助了自己,同时提高了自己的身心健康。 1. 词义猜测题。根据下文But with the nurse explaining things and providing guidance, I gained basic knowledge and finally calmly finished the blood donation.(但随着护士对事情的解释和指导,我获得了基本的知识,终于平静地完成了献血。)与划线句意思相反,故划线句句意为:起初我是紧张的。与划线词与nervous意思相近。故选C。 2. 细节理解题。根据第三段的He suffered blood loss and needed massive blood, but for lack of supplies in the blood bank, all the police officers in the city volunteered to donate blood. “Finally, with the help of the volunteers, my brother was saved, ”she said.可知,张弼的哥哥失血过多,需要大量的血液,但血库缺乏补给,该市所有警察都自愿献血,最后,在志愿者的帮助下张弼的哥哥得救了,因此可知,是警察的帮助挽救了张弼的哥哥的生命。故选B。 3. 推理判断题。根据最后一段的Zhang said donating blood is not only good for the recipient but improves her own mental and physical well-being可知,献血不仅对接受者有好处,而且提高了献血者的身心健康。故选D。 4. 主旨大意题。文章第一段阐述在过去二十年里,张弼献血130多次帮助有困难的人们,接下来展开讲述了张弼的事迹,张弼献血不仅帮助了许多人,而且对献血者也有好处,张弼的父亲做手术时需要血液,因为张弼的献血父亲得到了足够的血液,她自己的身心健康也得到了提高。故A项“献血者证明爱不是徒劳的”,故选A。

Tromsothe Arctic's most cosmopolitan(国际的)city

Tromso is a cosmopolitan place defined by pubs, a lively music scene and an events calendar that includes everything from traditional native festivals to the Arctic's largest pride celebration.

Mild temperatures and a 2-month-long night

Tromso, about 70, 000 permanent residents, has relatively mild temperatures, which might help explain Tromso’s current popularity as an Arctic destination. Like other places in the Arctic, Tromso experiences polar night, during which the sun never rises above the horizon. Polar night does have several hours of dark during the“daytime”, even on the shortest day of the year.

A gateway to the Arctic

Some people come here to cross"the Arctic"off their life list. For domestic tourists as well as international visitors, the attractions include the chance to go skiing in the mountains right outside the city. If you aren't a ski-jumping fan, the city also has some of the world's northernmost professional sports activities for you to take part in, including a soccer team that plays in Norway's top league. Snowshoeing, dogsledding and winter hiking are also on the agenda.

One of Europe's coolest music destinations

There are regular traditional music concerts in the Tromso Cathedral. The weekend-long Insomnia Festival takes place here each October and the DJ Music Festival each November. Though it began asand remains an electronic music festival, other genres (流派)from Norway and Europe are also represented.

Wintertime events and festivals

After the sun returns in January, Tromso hosts Sami Week to celebrate the region's native people. Films, reindeer racing and other cultural events are part of the activities. The Arctic Pride takes place each November in Tromso, calling itself the Northernmost Pride Festival in the world. It features lectures, shows, a parade, parties and concerts.

1.Why is Tromso popular as an Arctic destination according to the text

A.It can broaden people's horizon.

B.The climate there agrees with tourists.

C.The shortest daytime appears there.

D.It has the same polar night as other polar cities.

2.What can travellers probably do in Tromso

A.Go skiing right inside the city.

B.Enjoy electronic music just from India.

C.Play soccer with some professional athletes.

D.Go hiking with their friends at home and abroad.

3.In which activity or festival public speakers are needed

A.The Arctic Pride. B.The Sami Week.

C.The Insomnia Festival. D.The DJ Music Festival.




Li Jiang:Have you heard this? Local governments throughout China are encouraging the use of serving chopsticks.

Su Hua:Yes, I have. Chinese eating tradition has once again come under the spotlight when it comes to public health.

Li Jiang:But it seems people have different opinions.

Su Hua:What do you think?

Li Jiang:I think it’s time to change our eating practice.

Su Hua: But I am used to sharing food with my family and friends using my chopsticks.

Li Jiang:You see. People will finally come to realize that the serving chopsticks are much better for health.

Su Hua: I agree, but using individual chopsticks reflects the Chinese food culture.















To keep the creative juices flowing, employees should be receptive to criticism

Researchers have been curious about whether negative feedback really makes people perform better, particularly when it comes to completing creative tasks. The literature has been mixed about this. In a recent investigation, Kim, who in May will join the Cambridge Judge Business School as an assistant professor, observed –– through a field experiment and a lab experiment –– and reported on how receiving negative feedback might impact the creativity of the recipients(接受者).

In both studies, Kim found that negative feedback can inspire or prevent creative thinking. What is most important is where the criticism comes from. When creative professionals or participants received criticism from a boss or a peer, they tended to be less creative in their subsequent work. Interestingly, if an individual received negative feedback from an employee of lower rank, they benefited from it and became more creative.

Some aspects of these findings seem intuitive(凭直觉的). “It makes sense that employees might feel threatened by criticism from their managers,” says Kim. “Supervisors have a lot of influence in deciding promotions or pay raises. So negative feedback from a boss might cause career anxieties.” It also stands to reason that feedback from a co-worker might also be received as threatening because we often compete with our peers for the same promotions and opportunities.

When we feel that pressure from above or from our peers, we tend to fixate on the stressful aspects of it and end up being less creative in our future work, says Kim.

What Kim found most surprising was how negative feedback from their followers (employees that they manage) made supervisors more creative.

“It’s a bit counterintuitive(反直觉的) because we tend to believe we shouldn’t criticize the boss,” says Kim. “In reality, most supervisors are willing to receive negative feedback and learn from it. It’s not that they enjoy criticism –– rather, they are in a natural power position and can cope with the discomfort of negative feedback better.”

The key takeaways: bosses and coworkers need to be more careful when they offer negative feedback to someone they manage or to their peers. And feedback recipients need to worry less when it comes to receiving criticism, says Kim.

“The tough part of being a manager is pointing out a follower’s poor performance or weak points. But it’s a necessary part of the job,” says Kim. “If you’re a supervisor, just be aware that your negative feedback can hurt your followers’ creativity. Followers tend to receive negative feedback personally. Therefore, keep your feedback specific to tasks. Explain how the point you’re discussing relates to only their task behavior, not to aspects of the person.”

In short, anyone who wants to offer negative feedback on the job should do so attentively and sensitively and to promote creativity at work, we should all be receptive to criticism from supervisors, peers and followers.

To keep the creative juices flowing, employees should be receptive to criticism

Introduction to the topic

Experiments are conducted to find out whether negative feedback 1. people’s performance or not.

Negative feedback can inspire or hold back creativity,  2. on where the criticism comes from.

3. of the study

Criticism from a boss or a peer 4. creativity, while negative feedback from lower rank employees will be 5..

Our work is greatly influenced by our supervisors, so their criticism might bring about anxieties.

6. for the phenomena

We compete with our peers for the same opportunities, thus feeling 7. by their negative feedback.

Supervisors are in a favourable  8. and can learn from their followers’ negative feedback.

Enlightenment from the study

When offering criticism to followers or peers, bosses and coworkers need to keep it 9. to their tasks.

Recipients should adopt a positive 10. towards others’ criticism.







    I’m from the Eastern Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma, but I’ve lived in Denver for quite a few years. I have a friend that also lives in Denver who is originally from Oklahoma. We got talking about how homesick we were, and he suggested that we go spend a couple of weeks with his grandma but informed me of two things.

The first was that his grandmother might not be particularly fond of Shawnee people. This was because of a thing that had happened between our tribes in the late 1800s. The second thing was that she could be a little bit persistent about inviting people to go to church with her on Sunday.

I grew up with an Irish Catholic mother and a Shawnee father, and so I was very open to all kinds of different spiritual beliefs. Thus I promised my friend that I could be diplomatic with his grandmother if she was persistent with her invitations, and I even thought that maybe I could win her over to liking Shawnee people.

When we got inside, he introduced us. I addressed her as Miss Myrtle to show extra respect. Her greeting was polite but not particularly warm. But over the next week I took her to Tulsa to run errands (做琐碎的事情), I fixed her chicken coop, and I used all my best manners to win her over. At dinner that night she said to me, “You know, Alistair, it’s been nice having you here. Now, you know this Sunday is Mother’s Day. Of course, at my age I never know if this could be my last Mother’s Day. There’s just one thing I want. I would like you to be my special guest at church on Sunday.”

We got to the church. People walked up the center aisle and put some money into this little wooden collection box, and that bought them the privilege of inviting somebody from the congregation (集会) up to sing a “Special.” A Special, it turned out, is a solo hymn (赞美诗;圣歌). And then Miss Myrtle started up the aisle. When she reached the front, she scanned the congregation, found me, and said, “My grandson brought a friend with him from Denver. His name is Alistair, and he is from the Eastern Shawnee Tribe. But he is a very nice person. Alistair, I would like you to come up here and sing us a Special.”

I immediately began making “no” gestures and grinning. But my friend had grabbed me by the arm and was guiding me over his knees in the narrow pew. He said, “Grandma’s going to be so happy.”

And the next thing I knew, I was out in the center aisle, and it almost felt like there was some invisible force pushing me toward the front of the church. It could have been God. And I was hoping that, if it was God, when I reached the microphone, God would choose that moment to work a super-big miracle and make it so that I could sing.

The music started, and I started to sing. “Michael, row your boat ashore, alleluia. Michael, row your boat ashore ...” It was about the time I reached the second alleluia (哈利路亚的欢呼声) that I realized that was in fact the only line I remembered.

And then, finally, I stopped. The organist, who was not quite sure what was happening, continued to play, but when she realized it was finally over, she stopped in kind of an abrupt way, and then there was silence, and in that silence I walked back down the aisle. Suddenly an applause broke out and then more and more joined in. I sat back down. Miss Myrtle was on the other side of me. But once I was settled in my seat, she leaned toward me slightly and said, “I don’t believe I’ve ever met someone that didn’t know at least one hymn.” There wasn’t a whole lot I could say about that, so I was just like, “Happy Mother’s Day.”

1.From the first two paragraphs, we can know that the writer ______.

A.has a friend whose home origin is Denver

B.lives in a distant tribe of Shawnee

C.is suffering periods of homesickness

D.won’t be warmly received by the grandma

2.Miss Myrtle was a little cold when seeing the writer probably because ______.

A.she had been told he was Shawnee B.she was too old to be so warm

C.her last Mother’s Day was coming D.he had declined her invitation

3.The process of the author winning Miss Myrtle over can be best described by “________”.

A.Faith can move mountains B.Nurture passes nature

C.Fact is stranger than fiction D.Custom makes all things easy

4.Why did the writer made “no” gesture when invited to sing a hymn?

A.He was too shy to do it. B.He had different spiritual belief

C.Some invisible force pushed him D.He did not know any hymn at all

5.From the last paragraph we can know that ______.

A.the writer sang so well that he was warmly applauded

B.the writer was really pride of the unexpected result

C.Miss Myrtle was quite unsatisfied with the writer

D.Miss Myrtle was grateful for the writer’s special thyme

6.Which of the following could be the best title?

A.A Hymn to End All Hymns B.A Hymn to Embarrass Grandma

C.An Experience to Turn Around D.An Experience to Learn To Sing



    The replacement of fossil and nuclear energy sources for electricity production by renewables such as wind, sun, water and biomass is a cornerstone of Germany’s energy policy. Amongst these, wind energy production is the most important component. However, energy production from wind is not necessarily ecologically sustainable. It requires relatively large spaces for installation and operation of turbines, and bats and birds die after collisions with rotors in significant numbers. For these reasons, the location and operation of wind energy plants are often in direct conflict with the legal protection of endangered species. A recent survey on this green-green dilemma among over 500 representatives by the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (Leibniz-IZW) concludes that the current mechanisms for the protection of bats in wind power projects are insufficient.

“We found broad consensus among participants,” states Christian Voigt, first author of the survey. “The overwhelming majority of respondents considered the protection of biodiversity to be just as important as the contribution to protect the global climate through renewable energy production.” Most stakeholders agreed that small to moderate losses in the yield of wind power plants in terms of electricity production caused by the consistent application of conservation laws must become acceptable. However, significant discrepancies also existed. For example, representatives of the wind energy industry considered compliance with climate protection targets as more important than measures to protect species.

The conflict between wind power projects and the objectives of biological conservation intensified in recent years because the rapidly rising number of wind plants – there are now around 30,000 on mainland Germany – has made suitable locations scarce. “Besides, only about 25% of wind turbines are operated under mitigation schemes such as temporary halt of wind turbine operation during periods of high bat activity even though the legal framework would require the enforcement of such measures,” adds author Marcus Fritze of Leibniz-IZW.

For the purpose of this survey, the authors selected bats as a representative group of species for all wildlife affected by wind turbines, as large numbers of bats die at turbines and they enjoy a high level of protection both nationally and internationally, and therefore play an important role in planning and approval procedures for wind turbines. The results of years of research led by Voigt at the Leibniz-IZW show that fatalities at wind turbines in Germany affect bat populations in Germany as well as populations in other European regions from where these bats originate.

On the basis of the survey results, the authors argue in favour of a stronger consideration of nature conservation objectives in the wind energy industry. They suggest ways in which the cooperation of those involved in wind power projects can be improved so that both wind energy production and the goals of biological conservation can be satisfied.

1.What does the first paragraph mainly talk about?

A.The real cornerstone of Germany’s energy policy.

B.Problems with poor installation and operation of turbines.

C.Germany’s impressive achievements to promote renewable energy.

D.The conflict between wind plants and insufficient wildlife protection.

2.The underlined word “discrepancies” in Paragraph 2 most probably means ________.

A.assumptions B.disagreements C.diversities D.adjustments

3.Bats were chosen to represent all wildlife affected by wind turbines because ________.

A.more bats have been killed than any other species

B.bats play an important role in keeping natural balance

C.they can greatly affect the planning and approval of wind projects

D.they will die out quickly in Germany if not protected immediately

4.What do the authors of the survey think are possible solutions?

A.Building fewer number of wind plants and selecting more suitable locations.

B.Negotiating severe laws and strictly carrying them out in wind energy plants.

C.Focusing on protecting biodiversity and slightly reducing wind plant production.

D.Stressing natural protection and improving cooperation in wind power industry.



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