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Beijing museum launches outer space int...



Beijing museum launches outer space into cyberspace

The National Museum of China has taken a variety of measures on its website and WeChat account, creating virtual tours for its current and permanent exhibitions, uploading audio of previous educational courses and providing more social media posts to detail the star items in its collection. It has gone a further step by launching an exhibition entirely online with the help of advanced technology such as 3D modeling and 5G.

The exhibition, titled Dongfanghong Forever, charts the progress China has made in aerospace over half a century. The show opened on April 24, which is marked as the country’s Space Day, when the satellite Dongfanghong 1 was launched in 1970.

The success of Dongfanghong 1 entering its present orbit not only registered the country’s first steps in exploring outer space but the event also made China the fifth country in the world to develop a satellite on its own and put it in space.

The online exhibition is expected to run for a long time, and people can visit it on the museum’s website at any time. It is the first such virtual show the museum has staged. It reviews “three critical moments in the country’s space exploration-the development of Dongfanghong 1, the liftoff of China’s first manned spacecraft, Shenzhou V, in 2003 and the landing of the Chang’e 4 lunar probe in 2019”.

The exhibition gives a view of Dongfanghong 1 orbiting in the form of digital simulation (模拟). Viewers can also watch television interviews of scientists involved in the mission and documentary footage filmed in 1970, as well as hear Dongfanghong (The East is Red), a song popular in China hailing Mao Zedong, played by the satellite.

The exhibition will motivate more people to engage in the country’s ambitious course of space exploration.


1.The National Museum of China has recently ______.

A.launched a satellite into outer space

B.set up a website and WeChat account

C.uploaded more digital documents online

D.helped to advance 3D and 5G technology

2.On the museum’s website, you can ______.

A.see how Dongfanghong 1 was orbiting

B.have an interview with some scientists

C.visit China’s first manned spacecraft

D.provide classes about space exploration


1.C 2.A 【解析】 本文是一篇应用文。文章介绍北京国家博物馆利用网络在网站上为大众提供虚拟航空展览,以鼓励更多人参与到国家的航空事业中来。 1. 细节理解题。根据文章第一段“The National Museum of China has taken a variety of measures on its website and WeChat account, creating virtual tours for its current and permanent exhibitions, uploading audio of previous educational courses and providing more social media posts to detail the star items in its collection.”国家博物馆在网站和微信上为展览创建了虚拟之旅,上传了以往教育课程的音频、社交媒体帖子、明星项目等,可知博物馆最近在线上传了更多的数据文件。故选C。 2. 细节理解题。根据第二段“The exhibition gives a view of Dongfanghong 1 Orbiting in the form of digital simulation” 可知,展览以数字模拟的形式展示了东方红1号的轨道运行。由此可知,在博物馆的网站上,你可以看到东方红1号是如何绕轨道运行的。故选A。

    I was always the girl who managed to stay moderately fit through an active lifestyle. I relied on my brain but largely ______ my body.

Then, due to a mixture of ______ and overwork, I found myself no longer the ______ and happy person I had been. I couldn’t find ______ in the things I loved. I was unwell and needed to find a way to get better.

I added ______ to my schedule, along with more time outdoors and reducing my ______. I didn’t expect to enjoy it, and knew that I would need a one-to-one trainer to ______ me to exercise regularly. I ______ a personal trainer. I explained that I wasn’t aiming to lose weight. I had no ______ of shifting my anxiety on to the way I looked. ______, I wanted to improve my balance, flexibility and strength.

My trainer presented exercise as a way to boost myself up (增强) rather than ______, and to help my body be stronger and ______ for the things I wanted to do every day. To achieve this, I ______ time and energy in myself. ______ myself physically has not always been easy. It is hard work, I sweat a lot, and I ______ it. I finally found myself understanding ______ I would want to make exercise part of my life.

My body has built up. When I run, it takes less ______; when I dig my garden for hours, my back no longer ______. Now, when I’m ______ who I am and what I’m worth, I look down at my arms. Thanks to the exercise, my newly defined ______ reminds me of what I’m made of: the determination to thrive as well as survive.

1.A.appreciated B.shaped C.trained D.ignored

2.A.passions B.complaints C.stresses D.praises

3.A.confident B.honest C.punctual D.generous

4.A.evidence B.pleasure C.humour D.fault

5.A.entertainment B.communication C.travel D.exercise

6.A.expectation B.workload C.diet D.income

7.A.promise B.motivate C.allow D.beg

8.A.seized B.charged C.hired D.questioned

9.A.intention B.chance C.idea D.doubt

10.A.Instead B.Otherwise C.However D.Moreover

11.A.hang about B.shrink down C.burst in D.show off

12.A.fitter B.slower C.higher D.lighter

13.A.saved B.wasted C.found D.invested

14.A.Challenging B.Burying C.Measuring D.Locating

15.A.mean B.love C.catch D.refuse

16.A.where B.how C.when D.why

17.A.time B.skill C.effort D.focus

18.A.shakes B.breaks C.aches D.exists

19.A.enjoying B.wondering C.choosing D.guessing

20.A.character B.habit C.muscle D.mind



—Can you pass me the book on the shelf?

—Of course, ______.

A.never mind B.take it easy C.here you are D.help yourself



You don’t have to take a taxi. I’ll have my assistant ______ you to the museum.

A.to drive B.driven C.driving D.drive



Education reform has swept across schools, bringing with ______ new opportunities for students to develop in an all-round way.

A.one B.it C.them D.those



A package of measures has been introduced to help the economy and ______ jobs.

A.preview B.preserve C.prevent D.predict



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