满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

If you want to make music but never had ...

    If you want to make music but never had lessons as a kid, don’t lose hope. Music teachers say it’s never too late. And as it turns out, the most difficult things are not stiff (不灵活的) hands or an aging brain.

Scot Hawkins, a piano teacher in Silver Spring, says that ability is low on the list of what’s required for adult students. Instead, attitude — especially patience — is everything. “Adults come in with unreasonable goals about what they can achieve, and how quickly,” he says. They want to skip (跳过) steps one through five, and get to step six. And unlike children, no one forces adults to practice, so they may never spare time for it.

But adults have advantages, too. They can see and hear things in the music that completely escape children. David Conrad is one of Hawkins’ students. He started learning the piano with his son Simon when Simon was 8. When learning a new piece, Conrad spends hours studying the music before he sits down to play it. He wants to understand how the notes are organized to figure out what the music is trying to show.

David and Simon Conrad have had their musical difficulties over the years but they haven’t given up. Simon, who is now 16, still takes lessons. A few months ago, he started teaching himself the saxophone. His dad learned some Jazz music, so now, when Simon needs a break from his homework, they play duets (二重奏).

It may be hard but playing music with someone you love or working towards a lifelong goal can be very enjoyable and useful.

1.What is the most important when it comes to learning music?

A.Age. B.Attitude.

C.Teachers. D.Brain.

2.What is an advantage for adults to learn music?

A.They have reasonable goals.

B.They are able to learn quickly.

C.They can teach their children by themselves.

D.They can work out what the music is trying to express.

3.What can we learn from David and Simon?

A.They always give in to difficulties.

B.They have great desire to learn music.

C.They are both good at teaching themselves.

D.They really want to become great musicians.

4.In which section of a newspaper may this text appear?

A.Sports. B.Science.

C.History. D.Music.


1.B 2.D 3.B 4.D 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了钢琴老师霍金斯说成年人在学习音乐的时候态度和耐心不足,但在理解音乐方面比儿童更有优势,通过描述大卫和他的儿子一起学习音乐,非常努力,最后取得了好的结果,告诉我们朝着目标或者和爱的人一起学习音乐非常有用,学习音乐永远不晚。 1. 细节理解题。根据第二段第一句的 “ability is low on the list of what’s required for adult students. Instead, attitude — especially patience — is everything.”可以看出,关于学习音乐,对于成年人学习者来说,能力并不是排在前列的要求,相反地,对音乐态度就是一切,everything这个词点出态度也就是最重要的,并且这句话尤其点出耐心的重要性。所以我们可以推断出,态度对于学习音乐来说是最重要的因素。故选B。 2. 细节理解题。根据第三段第一句 “But adults have advantages, too.”可知,成年人也有优势。并且根据后面一句的 “They can see and hear things in the music that completely escape children. ”可以看出,成年人能够看到并且听到孩子不能(看到和听到)的东西,由此我们可以推出,成年学习者由于年龄优势,相比儿童来说,他们会自己努力理解音乐的涵义(这些儿童却往往不能做到),也就是他们会努力理解音乐表达的是什么。故选D。 3. 细节理解题。根据第三段的 “When learning a new piece, Conrad spends hours studying the music before he sits down to play it. He wants to understand how the notes are organized to figure out what the music is trying to show.”可知,在学习一首新曲子时,康拉德会在坐下演奏之前花上几个小时研究音乐。他想了解音符是如何组织起来的,以找出音乐想要表现的是什么。以及第四段的 “David and Simon Conrad have had their musical difficulties over the years but they haven’t given up.”可以看出,大卫和西蒙·康拉德多年来一直在音乐上遇到困难,但他们没有放弃。所以可以看出,康德拉和儿子一起学习音乐的时候都非常的努力,学习音乐非常地热情。由此可以推出他们对于学习音乐有极大的渴望。故选B。 4. 推理判断题。文章一开头的 “If you want to make music but never had lessons as a kid, don’t lose hope.”就已经点出从来不要因为小时候没有上过课而失去学习音乐的希望。并且最后一段的“It may be hard but playing music with someone you love or working towards a lifelong goal can be very enjoyable and useful.”可以看出,你和你爱的人一起演奏音乐或者朝着一个终生的目标努力可能是非常愉快和有用的。都可以找出关键词 music,从而判断出此文章可能出现在报纸的音乐版面。故选D。


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1.By using the Takeaway.com app, you can ______.

A.book a restaurant table B.learn how to cook

C.order some delicious food D.cancel your meal for free

2.If you want to know where your order is, you may turn to ______.

A.Food Tracker B.Map View

C.Popular Dishes D.Addresses

3.Which of the following statements is not the advantage of the app?

A.You can make it clear where the restaurant is.

B.The app provides more than one language for the users.

C.You need to fill in your address each time you order some food.

D.It can help you find out the most popular dishes in the restaurant.




I peered over my grandma’s shoulder as she sewed pieces of cloth together. The two pieces became one faster than I’d imagined. The colors, however, looked ugly when put together and none of the patterns matched. All the patches (补丁) on this blanket seemed to disagree.

“Grandma that’s the ugliest quilt (棉被) I’ve ever seen.”

“Oh, sweetie, it’s warm and beautiful,” said Grandma, pointing to a pile of crazy patterned shirts and suits. “I can take these old clothes that Grandpa and I will never wear again and turn them into something useful and good. It’s not the quilts appearance but the love that sews it together that makes it beautiful. This quilt will keep you warm on a cold night like tonight. And I know that for a fact.” Grandma put her hand on my shoulder, “Not everyone is as lucky as we are. Here, put on your coat. We’ll get a second opinion about how ugly my quilts are.”

Grandma folded a finished quilt and tucked it into a shopping bag. Afterwards, we got in the car and drove downtown. The white snow turned grayer as we got to the city. Eventually, Grandma pulled up at a dark alley (胡同) and we got out of the car. The terrible smell of rotting garbage made me feel sick and pinch my nose shut. Grandma took my hand and led me to the street lamp. I could see the snow shimmering (发出微光) in the light.

Grandma paused. “There’s usually somebody down this alley. It’s quiet and out of the wind--a good place to stay on cold nights. A nice warm quilt might make it even better.”

The dark engulfed (吞没) Grandma and I as we stepped deep into the alley. The pavement was cracked and missing in spots. Chicken bones and stained boxes littered their way. And Grandma’s shoes made a loud sound with each step. Feeling frightened, I squeezed Grandma’s hand. Grandma squeezed my hand back. “Its OK.” she smiled.

“Who’s there?” shouted a voice out of the darkness.

Paragraph 1:

“I have a nice warm quilt, if you want it,” said Grandma.


Paragraph 2:

Back home, I found a worn-out quilt by accident in a cupboard.




假定你是李华,你校象棋( Chinese chess)俱乐部将举办象棋比赛。请你用英语给你的交换生朋友 Leslie写一封电子邮件,邀请他参加,内容包括:

1. 比赛时间和地点;

2. 参加比赛的意义;

3. 报名方式及日期。

注意1. 词数80左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。





Today we know Antarctica as an extreme environment 1. (contain ) ice and snow. But new research provides evidence that the area was very different in the past, 2. was found inside a piece of Earth sediment (沉淀物) gathered by researchers 3. under the seafloor off the coast of Antarctica.

In the sediment, they 4. (find) forest soil estimated to be about 90 million years old and this would have been in the Cretaceous Period, when dinosaurs were the main land 5. (animal). Johann Klages, who was the lead writer of a study on the findings 6. (publish) in the journal Nature, said the sediment collection was from 7. depth of about 30 meters below the ocean floor. Klages said an examination showed that the material formed on land, not in the ocean.

The Earth has experienced in the past and is 8. (current ) undergoing today. The researchers said that the rainforest environment in Antarctica was especially surprising, because each year the area 9. (experience) a four-month polar night when there is no sunlight to fuel plant life. Klages said no ice sheets were present during the time, but 10. (season) snowfall was likely.



    My daughter, now 20, is studying to be an opera singer. She’s already _________ her way into the world’s best conservatories (音乐学院) and studios. _________, some people disagree on her choice. They are _________ fond of telling her, “Ohhhthat’s a really _________ career. It’s almost _________ to make a living. Not many people _________ it.”

A few months ago, I was with her when a neighbour asked what she was _________ in. My daughter answered and got the usual _________ , not contrary to her expectations. She listened _________ to the prediction of her __________ and financial ruin, then said, “Well, if opera doesn’t __________, I’ll do something else.”

I was so proud of my __________. Truth told, I was even more proud of myself, her mid-life-career-changing mom. I was also on-my-knees __________ to my mother. Because of her example, I’d given my child the gift of __________ herself-and not in a silly usual way, like, adaptability and industry. Even at her tender age, with her frankly very privileged upbringing, she understands that circumstances can change and that __________ can, too.

1.A.beaten B.earned C.eaten D.lost

2.A.Furthermore B.Therefore C.However D.Thus

3.A.strangely B.excitedly C.sadly D.randomly

4.A.excellent B.boring C.admirable D.hard

5.A.necessary B.dishonorable C.impossible D.important

6.A.make B.hit C.find D.put

7.A.taking B.calling C.majoring D.joining

8.A.award B.encouragement C.judgment D.response

9.A.rudely B.politely C.impatiently D.carefully

10.A.danger B.failure C.success D.luck

11.A.figure out B.pick out C.work out D.pick out

12.A.neighbor B.mother C.teacher D.daughter

13.A.similar B.indifferent C.grateful D.familiar

14.A.adapting to B.believing in C.giving up D.learning from

15.A.power B.theory C.memory D.dreams



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