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Definition of adult learning vary, but a...

    Definition of adult learning vary, but according to the European Commission, it is defined as all forms of learning undertaken by adults after having left initial education and training, however far this process may have gone.

Education and training are important factors in achieving the strategic goal of raising economic growth, competitiveness and social inclusion. However, with some expectations, implementation(实现,履行) remains weak. Most education and training system still largely focus on the education and training of young people and limited progress has been made in changing systems to mirror the need for learning throughout the life span. An additional 4 million adults would need to participate in lifelong learning. Recent research confirms the importance of investing in adult learning. Research on older adults indicates that those who engage in learning are healthier, with a consequent decrease in health care costs.

Europe’s key economic challenge is to raise its growth and employment performance while preserving social cohesion(凝聚力). Rapid progress in other regions(地区) of the world shows the importance of innovative (创新的), advanced and quality education and training as a key factor in economic competitiveness. General levels of competence must increase, both to meet the needs of the employment market and to allow citizens to function well in society.

Europe is facing unheard-of demographic changes that will have a major impact on society and on the economy and consequently on education and training provision and needs. The European population is aging: over the next 30 years the number of younger Europeans(up to 24 years old)will fall by 15%. One in three Europeans will be over 60 years old, and  about one in then will be over 80.

Raising the overall level of skills of the adult population by offering more and better learning opportunities throughout adult life is important for both efficiency and equity reasons given the challenges identified above. Not only does adult learning help make adults more efficient workers and, better-informed and more active citizens, it also contributes to their personal well-being.

1.What dose the author say about adult learning?

A.It reduces health care costs greatly.

B.The young need take it seriously.

C.It hasn’t been given enough attentions.

D.More adults have realized its importance.

2.What must we do to do well in today’s society ?

A.Upgrade(提高) general levels of our abilities

B.Face various challenges bravely.

C.Copy what other regions have done.

D.Be sensitive to the labour market.

3.What does the underlined part in Paragraph 4 refer to?

A.Change in the education system B.Changes in the job market

C.Changes in the population D.Changed in society


1.C 2.A 3.C 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文,介绍了欧洲的成人教育的现状和存在的问题,并指出为成人提供更多的学习机会有助于提高他们的幸福感以及应对人口老龄化带来的挑战。 1. 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“However, with some expectations, implementation(实现,履行) remains weak. Most education and training system still largely focus on the education and training of young people and limited progress has been made in changing systems to mirror the need for learning throughout the life span. An additional 4 million adults would need to participate in lifelong learning.”可知,然而,在一些情况下,执行力仍然很弱,大多数教育和培训系统仍然主要侧重于年轻人的教育和培训,在改变反映终身学习需要的制度方面取得的进展有限,另外仍有400万成年人需要参与终身学习的教育和培训项目,也就是说,作者认为成人学习并没有得到足够的重视,故C项正确。 2. 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“General levels of competence must increase, both to meet the needs of the employment market and to allow citizens to function well in society.”可知,为了满足就业市场的需要,并使公民在社会中发挥良好作用,必须提高综合能力水平,也就是说,在当今社会,我们应该提高综合能力水平以更好地发挥作用(服务社会),故A项正确。 3. 词义猜测题。根据画线词后的“The European population is aging: over the next 30 years the number of younger Europeans(up to 24 years old)will fall by 15%. One in three Europeans will be over 60 years old, and about one in ten will be over 80.”可知,欧洲人口正在老龄化:在未来30年内,在欧洲,24岁以下的年轻人的数量将下降15%,三分之一将超过60岁,十分之一将超过80岁,这说明欧洲正面临前所未有的人口变化,由此可知画线词词义为“人口变化”,故C项正确。

    The story of chocolate begins with the discovery of America in 1492. Columbus was the first European to come into contact with cacao. Columbus was struck by how much value the Indians placed on them as he did not know the beans were used by currency. It is unlikely that Columbus brought any of these beans back to Spain and it was not until about 25 years later that Cortez grasped the commercial possibilities when he found the Aztecs using the beans to make the royal drink “chocolatl”.

The Spanish, in general, were not fond of the bitter drink so Cortez and his followers made it more palatable by adding sugar and later cinnamon(肉桂) and vanilla(香草) were added. Spanish monks( 僧侣) let the secret out back home and, although the Spanish hid it from their neighbors for a hundred years, finally chocolate’s popularity grew until it was their fashionable drink at the French court(宫廷) and the wise choice of customers at London meeting houses.

The cacao tree is strictly a tropical plant only in hot, rainy climates. Thus, its cultivation (培育 ) is limited to countries not more than 20 degrees north or south of the equator ( ). The cacao tree is very delicate and sensitive. It needs protection from the wind and requires a fair amount of shade under most conditions. This is true especially in its first two or three years of growth. A newly planted young cacao tree is often sheltered by a different type of trees. It is normal to plant food crops for shade such as bananas, or coconuts. Rubber trees( 橡胶树) and forest trees are also used for shade. Once established, however, cacao trees can grow in full sunlight, provided there are fertile soil conditions and intensive farming. With cutting and careful cultivation, the trees of strains will begin bearing fruit in the fifth year. With extreme care, some strains can be stimulated to produce good crops in the third and fourth year.

The process of turning cacao into chocolate hasn’t changed much since the late 1800s, when the Swiss learned to make fine unsweetened chocolate. Mixed with cocoa butter and other ingredients and then “purified”, the finished result is shaped, cooled, packaged by machine, distributed, sold and of course, eaten!

1.Why didn’t Columbus bring beans back to Spain at once when he found cacao?

A.Because he couldn’t afford to buy the cacao bean.

B.Because he didn’t know how to turn cacao bean into chocolate.

C.Because he was not aware of the commercial value of cacao bean then.

D.Because Spaniards then didn’t favour the chocolate that the Aztecs originally drank.

2.The underlined word “palatable” in paragraph 2 probably means _______.

A.affordable B.agreeable

C.patent D.portable

3.Which of the following is correct about cacao tree?

A.Cacao trees require hot, rainy climates and adequate sunlight.

B.Cacao trees need a lot of looking after to be used commercially.

C.Cacao trees won’t produce fruit until the fifth year.

D.Cacao trees can grow well in all continents.




1.We examine the wording ________ detail before deciding on the final text.

2.I feel it’s your husband who is ________ (blame) for the spoiled child.

3.You are _______ liberty to say what you like.

4.Take some change _______ case you should need it.

5.________ you can sleep well, you will lose the ability to focus, plan and stay motivated after one or two nights.

6.________ seat belts save lives has been proven once and again.

7.A high mountain range runs from east to west, _________(cut) the continent in two.

8.One cannot help being old but one can resist _______( be ) aged.

9.Allen was found guilty and lost his job in consequence________it.

10.To promote the learning efficiency, students should have a _________(balance) diet.

11.I have no idea ________ the new treaty will take effect next month or not.

12.________(owe) to your timely help, all guests were served well in the party.

13.When she is put in a situation _________ she has to remark on others, she always changes the topic.

14.Fruits that are abundant in vitamin can be greatly_________ ( benefit )to our health.

15.Don’t read such books _________ you can’t understand with great effort.




The Mid-Autumn Festival is also called the Moon Festival or the Moon cake Festival. It has a long history 1. (date) back to the Tang Dynasty (618-907). It 2. (traditional) falls on the 15th day of the 3.(eight) month of the lunar calendar. Since ancient times, customs of the Mid-Autumn Festival 4. (include) appreciating the moon, eating moon cakes 5. drinking wine. The full moon on Mid-Autumn night symbolizes family reunion 6. Chinese culture because the moon is round and the 7. (bright) of the year on this day. With the full moon hanging above in 8. sky, people 9. are far away from their 10.(hometown) might miss families while looking at the beautiful moonlight.



    Jeremy Locke, 25, has his own roofing company in Bridgeport, Nova Scotia. For a couple of years before he began his _______, he would drive past the home of Jeanette MacDonald, noticing the _______ state of her roof. He was _______ —not just for the elderly woman but also for the children living with her. So Locke _______ to lend a helping hand.

The young man knocked on MacDonald's door and _______ to fix her roof for nothing, "I didn't know who the woman was, but I wanted to _______ this for her and her grandchildren," he explained to The Chronicle Herald. However, despite his kind _______ , the woman politely turned him down.

MacDonald and her _______ left an impression on Locke. He saw _______ between the woman and his own grandmother, and couldn't bear to see her in this ________ . He had also grown up without much and felt that he should use his skills to ________ .

A year after Locke set up his own roofing company, seeing that the roof was ________ in a state of disrepair, Locke returned to MacDonald's home and asked MacDonald if she wanted to enter a raffle (抽奖) his company was doing for a ________ roof. The 70-year-old woman ________ the chance, but little did she know that there was no ________ .

MacDonald's relief ________ Locke's kindness is immeasurable, "I could win $1 million but it wouldn't make me as ________ as knowing I'm getting a new roof on. Jeremy is ________something. He's a guardian angel (守护天使) sent from God."

The________ should cost about $ 9,000 in terms of materials and manpower. However, the only thing Locke wants in return is a home-cooked meal for his staff from the woman who ________ him of his grandmother.

1.A.journey B.business C.research D.curiosity

2.A.average B.unexpected C.unique D.terrible

3.A.frightened B.embarrassed C.concerned D.convinced

4.A.decided B.complained C.agreed D.happened

5.A.declined B.offered C.managed D.pretended

6.A.catch up with B.take care of C.get rid of D.put up with

7.A.application B.reaction C.theory D.intention

8.A.hesitation B.shame C.regret D.difficulty

9.A.symbols B.conditions C.similarities D.beliefs

10.A.situation B.occupation C.incident D.direction

11.A.respond B.seek C.help D.transform

12.A.still B.even C.already D.just

13.A.temporary B.delicate C.random D.free

14.A.appealed to B.jumped at C.laughed off D.looked into

15.A.competition B.cheating C.dilemma D.potential

16.A.comparing B.withdrawing C.following D.contradicting

17.A.fragrant B.lucky C.happy D.rich

18.A.partly B.consequently C.generally D.really

19.A.room B.work C.meal D.decoration

20.A.reminds B.warns C.convinces D.informs



    Our memory naturally declines as we age. We depend on our memory to perform our daily tasks well and do our jobs properly.1.. Nothing is more embarrassing than forgetting crucial information at a gathering. But there are some ways we can do to make it as sharp as ever.

Sleep Well

This is very important if you want to keep your good memory until you grow old. You must give your brain enough rest and sleep so that it can regenerate more cells where it can store more information.2..

Eat Healthily

There are several food products that you can eat to enhance your memory.3.. Have more of beans which contain folate(叶酸), this is a vitamin B that figures well in brain development. Adding nuts and beans to your daily diet can also contribute to a healthier memory.


Don’t think that you are too old to learn new skills. Try learning a new language or even playing an instrument. Start attending baking or painting classes. It’s not really in the skill that you choose but it’s in the fact that you focus on it for regular periods of time and find it interesting.


5.. When you exercise, you increase blood flow to the brain, increase the production of newer and younger cells and protect the brain cells from any kind of damage. Exercise can do a lot of wonders to our body so better start exercising now before it’s too late.

A.Never stop learning

B.Listen to the teachers carefully

C.In school, we greatly rely on it during exams

D.Take responsibility for the mistake you’ve make

E.Eating avocado and broccoli stimulates blood flow to the brain

F.We can never stress the importance of exercise in keeping our memories sharp

G.Try sleeping early and you will find that it is easier for you to focus on the task at hand



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