满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

France has everything you could possibly...

    France has everything you could possibly wish for in a holiday, and not including things like the Eiffel Tower, there are many other landmarks and tourist attractions to experience.

You can choose to book one of the inclusive holidays in France or plan your own trip and stay at one of the Paris hotels or B&Bs. In fact there are more hotels in Paris than any other city in France, as this is such a popular place for a short weekend break. But for a break with a difference, how about staying in one of the castles that have been changed into famous hotels in luxury?

On the other hand, if you enjoy taking a touring holiday, there are thousands of French campsites in France, where you can put up your own tent, but on many campsites for more convenience you could even live in a chalet(棚屋).

You can easily find campsites with excellent facilities that include swimming pools, shops clubs, bars, entertainment, playgrounds, etc. These are good for the whole family holiday and some even offer other activities such as tennis, fishing, swimming and more, which can make for an ideal self-help holiday at very little expense, yet please do not forget about your holiday insurance.

And, for those who love adventure holidays, you will not be disappointed with a lot of activities on offer in France, such as boating, rafting, horse riding, hiking, which mean holiday insurance is even more necessary.

So for your next holiday to France, why not start planning to see more of the real France, with all of its history, culture, landmarks and heritage.

1.What does the author want to tell in the passage?

A.France is a country full of the adventure.

B.France is a popular place for the tourists.

C.France is a good attraction for wine lovers.

D.France is a good place for people to live in.

2.If you decide on an inclusive holiday,       .

A.you have a chance to visit a famous castle

B.you don't have to visit a place in a hurry

C.you don't have to worry about housing

D.you will surely save a lot of money

3.What is the advantage of choosing a campsite?

A.You can enjoy yourself best with less money.

B.You can experience different French culture.

C.You will enjoy the wonderful chalet.

D.You will be offered holiday insurance.

4.What will you do if you are an adventure lover?

A.It is better to stay with your family or friends.

B.It is important to choose easy activities.

C.It is necessary to buy holiday insurance.

D.It is necessary to visit landmarks or heritage first.


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.C 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。法国时时刻刻吸引着来自世界各国的游客。作者在文中给游客推荐了许多在法国旅游的度假方式。 1. 推理判断题。根据文章的主要内容,尤其第一段的France has everything you could possibly wish for in a holiday, and not including things like the Eiffel Tower, there are many other landmarks and tourist attractions to experience.(法国有你假期希望的一切东西,除了像埃菲尔铁塔这些著名景点,这里还有很多其他地标和游览圣地可以体验)由此判断出,作者写这篇文章是为了说明法国是一个受欢迎的旅游胜地。B. France is a popular place for the tourists.(对于游客来说法国是一个受欢迎的地方)符合以上说法,故选B项。 2. 推理判断题。根据第二段的In fact there are more hotels in Paris than any other city in France, as this is such a popular place for a short weekend break. (事实上,巴黎的酒店比法国其他任何一个城市都多,因为这里是人们度周末的好地方。) 可推测,如果决定去一个全包性的旅行可以不用担心住宿问题,因为这里周末会有很多人,这意味着酒店可能会供不应求,全包性的旅游可以帮助解决这个问题。C. you don't have to worry about housing(你不必担心住宿)符合以上推测,故选C项。 3. 细节理解题。根据第四段的These are good for the whole family holiday and some even offer other activities such as tennis, fishing, swimming and more, which can make for an ideal self-help holiday at very little expense, (这些地方适合全家出游,有些甚至还提供网球、钓鱼、游泳等其他活动,这些都可以成为理想的自助假期,而且花费很少)可知,选择野营的优势是可以花很少的钱享受很好的服务。A. You can enjoy yourself best with less money.(你可以花较少的钱同时玩得最开心)符合以上说法,故选A项。 4. 细节理解题。根据第二段的And, for those who love adventure holidays, you will not be disappointed with a lot of activities on offer in France, such as boating, rafting, horse riding, hiking, which mean holiday insurance is even more necessary.(对于那些喜欢冒险假期的人来说,你不会因法国的很多运动,例如划船、骑马、充气船、远足等感到失望,这意味着假期保险是更加必要的)可知,喜欢冒险的人有必要买一个假期保险。C. It is necessary to buy holiday insurance.(买一个假期保险是必要的)符合以上说法,故选C项。

    October 15th is Global Hand Washing Day. Activities are planned in more than twenty countries to get millions of people in the developing world to wash their hands with soap.

Experts say people around the world wash their hands but very few use soap at so-called critical moments. These include after using the toilet, after cleaning a baby and before touching food.

Global Hand Washing Day is the idea of the Public-Private Partnership for hand washing with soap. The goal, they say, is to create a culture of hand washing with soap. The organizers say all soaps are equally effective at removing disease-causing germs. They say the correct way to wash is to wet your hands with a small amount of water and cover them with soap. Rub it into all areas including under the fingernails. Then, rinse well under running water. Finally, dry your hands with a clean cloth.

The Partnership says soap is important because it increases the time that people spend washing. Soap also helps to break up the dirt that holds most of the germs. And it usually leaves a pleasant smell, which increases the chances that people will wash again. It also says that washing hands with soap before eating and after using the toilet could save more lives than any medicine. It could help reduce cases of diarrhea(痢疾), which is the second leading cause of children deaths. Do remember October 15th-Global Hand Washing Day!

1.What's the best title for this passage?

A.Say no to washing hands.

B.Hand washing: so important—it gets a day of its own.

C.Find out why washing hands carefully is so important.

D.Want to live a longer life?—wash your hands.

2.The underlined word "rinse" in Paragraph 3 probably means       .

A.to dry your hands B.to clean your fingers

C.to rub your hands carefully D.to wash away the soap

3.The last paragraph mainly tells us       .

A.why washing hand with soap is so important

B.how to wash your hands correctly

C.the dangers of washing hands without soap

D.when we should especially wash our hands with soap

4.In which part of newspaper would you most probably read this passage?

A.Entertainment B.Health report

C.Public service D.Advertisement



    Sam Martin, 24, from Belfast

I do all my shopping on Christmas Eve because I prefer to get it done quickly. I certainly don't enjoy shopping. It doesn't matter when I shop-I probably won't buy gifts that people will want anyway. I just choose from whatever is there. I am never disappointed because I don't know what to buy for others before I get to the shop, and I don't care about getting it at the best price. My friends call me last-minute shopper.

Lucy Collins, 34, from Liverpool

I've always finished all my shopping by the middle of August. I buy when things are cheap and when I can afford to. I also enjoy trying to buy as many gifts as possible at less than the full price. This year, I've spent £230 and saved £695 on the prices.

I think Christmas is a magical time so I like looking for gifts throughout the year. I also like knowing I've bought presents that people will enjoy, rather than picking through whatever is left in the shops on Christmas Eve.

Frankie Bircham, 31, from Hertfordshire

I've always finished shopping by the end of September. I like the satisfaction of giving people presents they want-I don't like "Oh, that'll do". I prefer to buy online so I can compare prices to make sure I' m getting the best possible deal. It's cheaper than travelling into London to go shopping and I can easily return anything I don't like when it arrives.

Andi Euridge, 40, from London

I start my shopping in January and have always finished it by November. I don't like onlir shopping because then you have the craziness of parcels not arriving in time.

I live on a tight budget and I cannot afford to buy all my gifts with one month's pay. So I prefer picking up a present here and there throughout the year.

1.We can learn from the text that Sam Martin       .

A.is an organized shopper B.always buys presents at a discount

C.hates shopping in a hurry D.enjoys doing some last-minute shopping

2.What do Lucy Collins and Frankie Bircham have in common?

A.They do shopping when the shops are quiet.

B.They choose presents everywhere.

C.They like online shopping

D.They care about the receivers' feelings.

3.Why does Andi Euridge dislike online shopping?

A.It causes anxiety when parcels don't arrive in time.

B.It's not much cheaper than shops.

C.Returning the goods troubles him.

D.It makes him run over budget.




1) 祝贺他获奖;

2) 肯定他付出的努力;

3) 询问何时方便,在网上切磋棋艺。





Dear Tom,



Li Ming




As a general rule, a band may start as a group of high-school students 1. (share) the same interest in music. They may first practice their music in someone’s house. Sometimes they may play to 2.(passer-by) in the street or subway. And then the musicians may get the chance to give 3. (perform) in pubs or clubs, for which they are paid4. cash. As time goes by, they gradually become known to the audience and some even make records!

The Monkees, 5., started in a different way. Of 6. (it) four members, only one was good enough and the other three just pretended 7. (sing) during the broadcasts. To be honestit couldn't 8.call a real band in the beginning.

Anyhow,the band became so popular and sold many records. 9. (fortunate), the Monkees broke up about 1970. But they reunited in the mid-1980s and produced a new record in 1996, 10.was to celebrate their former happy time.



    NASA  scientists have found evidence of flowing water on Mars. This opens up the possibility of _______ and wonders we cannot begin to imagine. The _______ undoubtedly is an astonishing achievement.

We may be excited by the thought of living things on another _______, but we seem to have lost _______ in our own. In the past four decades, the world has_______ 50% of its vertebrate(脊椎动物)wildlife. But across the latter half of this period, there has been a steep _______ in media coverage of the subject.

Think of what would change if we valued _______ on the earth as much as we value the possibility of water on Mars. _______3% of the water on this planet is fresh and of that, two-thirds is frozen. Yet we lay waste to the _______ part. Sixty per-cent of the water used in farming is ________ by careless irrigation. Rivers, lakes and aquifers (地下蓄水层)are sucked dry, while what remains is often so bad that it ________ the lives of those who drink it. As for salty water, which so interests us ________apparently detected on Mars, on Earth we express our ________ by destroying it. A new report suggests fish numbers have halved since 1970. Coral reefs are under such ________ that most could be gone by 2050.

A couple of weeks ago, I launched a column(专栏) focusing on extreme consumption, and ________ suggestions. They have flooded in. here are just a few of the ________. Wigs(假发)for babies, to allow “baby girls” with little or no __________ at all the opportunity to have a beautifully realistic hair style”. The iPotty, which ________ little children to keep playing while toilet training. A smartphone for dogs to take pictures of themselves…

As clever new ways of wasting stuff are continually ________, we become more used to the ________ consumption of the world’s precious resources. Isn’t it time for us to have seconds thoughts about our lifestyle?

1.A.peace B.trust C.life D.danger

2.A.appearance B.discovery C.performance D.operation

3.A.planet B.stage C.level D.island

4.A.courage B.hope C.pride D.interest

5.A.spread B.lost C.ignored D.found

6.A.climb B.turn C.increase D.decline

7.A.water B.plants C.animal D.air

8.A.Often B.Only C.Even D.Last

9.A.private B.public C.unclear D.accessible

10.A.checked B.chosen C.wasted D.polluted

11.A.saves B.threatens C.enriches D.changes

12.A.when B.If C.because D.though

13.A.complaint B.doubt C.appreciation D.surprise

14.A.pressure B.control C.guidance D.attention

15.A.made B.considered C.invited D.followed

16.A.benefits B.reasons C.features D.products

17.A.time B.hair C.help D.knowledge

18.A.permits B.promises C.persuades D.advises

19.A.criticized B.reported C.replaced D.created

20.A.expensive B.limited C.pointless D.sustainable



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