满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

There are several ways of retelling “Cha...

    There are several ways of retelling “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”. In 2005 Hollywood focused on Willy Wonka, the factory’s owner, portraying him as a purple-gloved man-child. A new musical production of Roald Dahl’s children’s story at the Theatre Royal in London concentrates on the up-from-poverty fortune of Charlie Bucket, the boy who finds the golden ticket.

Tales of upward social mobility attempted or achieved are crowding the London stage. “Billy Elliott”, the story of a miner’s son who strives with the death of family strikes to make it as a ballet dancer, recently celebrated its four-millionth visitor. “Port”, an account of a Stockport girl’s attempts to escape her depressing origins, was a success at the National Theatre this spring. Last year “In Basildon” described strivers in the typical upwardly-mobile Essex town.

It is a respectable theatrical (and literary) theme, but it is being handled in a different way. John Osborne’s 1956 play “Look Back in Anger” showed a working-class man’s anger at the middle class he had married into. By the 1970s and 1980s writers were looking down their noses at social climbers, in plays like “Top Girls” and “Abigail’s Party”, in which a middle-class arriviste (暴发户) serves inferior snacks and the wrong kind of wine.

Social mobility moved away as a topic for a while, as playwrights like David Hare turned to examine carefully the state of the nation. Now it has returned—and is described much more sympathetically. Dominic Cooke, who directed “In Basildon” at the Royal Court Theatre, says this may be a delayed reaction to the collapse of state socialism in Europe.

A possible reason for the sympathetic tone is that upward mobility can no longer be taken for granted. In 2011 researchers at the London School of Economics concluded that intergenerational social mobility, assessed by income for children born between 1970 and 2000, had suspended. Another study, by Essex University academics, found matters had not improved during the crisis.

So it is fantastic fun to see people make it. Charlie Bucket does so spectacularly(壮观地). At the end of “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” he is a pint-size entrepreneur(企业家), with an immigrant workforce of Oompa-Loompas to ensure he does not fall back down the social ladder.

1.What are the versions of “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” mentioned in the passage?

A.Magic and ballet. B.Movie and musical.

C.Drama and painting. D.Novel and documentary.

2.What does “It” in Paragraph 3 refer to?

A.The story of a miner's son.

B.The topic of upward social mobility.

C.An account of a Stockport girl's attempts.

D.A striver in the upwardly-mobile Essex town.

3.According to the author, ______ may attribute to(归因于) being classified as middle-class.

A.gaining by dishonest means

B.serving others what they like

C.being involved in social climbing

D.marrying the one sharing your background

4.How does the author feel about social mobility in reality?

A.Curious. B.Optimistic.

C.Pessimistic. D.Concerned.


1.B 2.B 3.A 4.C 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍不同的戏剧以不同的方式展现现社会流动性这个主题。 1. 细节理解题。由第一段的第一句“In 2005 Hollywood focused on Willy Wonka, the factory’s owner, portraying him as a purple-gloved man-child.”和最后一句“A new musical production of Roald Dahl’s children’s story at the Theatre Royal in London concentrates on the up-from-poverty fortune of Charlie Bucket, the boy who finds the golden ticket.”可知,2005年的好莱坞电影版从工厂主威利·王卡下手,剧中把他描绘为一位带着紫色手套,充满孩子气的男子。伦敦皇家剧院新上演的罗尔德·达尔儿童故事音乐剧则侧重于表现穷苦孩子查理发现金券脱离贫苦的经历。由此可见,查理和巧克力工厂在文中提到的有电影版本和音乐版本。结合选项可知,选项B正确。 2. 词义猜测题。由第二段的第一句“Tales of upward social mobility attempted or achieved are crowding the London stage.”可知,伦敦舞台上充斥着各种尝试或成功转为上流社会的故事。由此可见,it指代的是社会向上流动的话题,是一个可敬的戏剧和文学主题。结合选项可知,选项B正确。 3. 推理判断题。由第三段的最后一句“By the 1970s and 1980s writers were looking down their noses at social climbers, in plays like “Top Girls” and “Abigail’s Party”, in which a middle-class arriviste (暴发户) serves inferior snacks and the wrong kind of wine.”到20世纪70年代和80年代作者看不起那些攀附上流社会人,比如《优异女子》和《阿比盖尔的政党》中产阶级暴发户就像低劣的老鼠,不合时宜的红酒。由此判断出,根据作者的说法,通过不诚实的手段获得可以归因于被划分为中产阶级,选项A正确。 4. 推理判断题。由第五段的第二句“In 2011 researchers at the London School of Economics concluded that intergenerational social mobility, assessed by income for children born between 1970 and 2000, had suspended.”和最后一句“Another study, by Essex University academics, found matters had not improved during the crisis.”可知,2011年,伦敦经济学院的调查人员通过评估1970至2000年为孩子存储的收入,总结道:两代人的社会流动性停滞不前。另一项由埃塞克斯大学学者进行的研究发现各项问题并没有在经济衰退期得到改善。由此判断出,在现实生活中社会流动性已经停滞不前,处于不好的状态,表达了作者对社会流动性悲观同情的态度。结合选项可知,选项C正确。

    Welcome to Iceland! I hope that your trip will be pleasant and that __________ will help you during your stay. It includes very important information you might find useful for your travel and we hope you will enjoy it.

Iceland is becoming a very popular place to visit all year round and we are not surprised. The country with its spectacular, unspoiled, fragile and raw nature, hot springs, icebergs and waterfalls is a feast for the eyes both during summer and winter. Our history and culture is young compared to most other countries. We speak our own language, Icelandic, which due to the country’s isolation in the past, has been very well preserved.

Driving in Iceland can be a bit different from many other countries. We do have a number of gravel roads, single lane bridges, narrow roads, rough mountain roads with unbridged rivers, animal stock near or on the road and weather conditions can change quickly. Therefore driving in Iceland needs your full care during your stay because we want you back safe and happy.

We kindly ask you to help us improve our quality by giving us feedback on how we are doing and what we can do better. Not less importantly, we ask you to help us preserve the Icelandic nature which can be very fragile. Off-road driving is strictly forbidden and please do not litter.

In case of trouble, accident or breakdown please don’t hesitate to contact our emergency phone numbers 840-6010 for south and west Iceland, or 840-6000 for north and east Iceland or one of our many locations around the country and we will do our very best to help you to safely continue your journey.

I trust that your travel in Iceland will be comfortable and pleasant. I wish you a safe journey.

1.Which of the following statements might be most suitable for the blank in Paragraph 1?

A.our travel agency magazine B.this newspaper article

C.the traffic regulations D.police travel guides

2.Which of the following is TRUE about Iceland?

A.Travelling in Iceland is only popular in summer and winter.

B.The country is not much visited because of its special language.

C.Travelers can enjoy nice food when travelling in Iceland.

D.A traveler can both have hot and cold experiences in Iceland.

3.What can a traveler do if his car suddenly breaks down in west Iceland according to the passage?

A.He may have his car repaired.

B.He may call 840-6010 for help.

C.He may push his car off the road.

D.He may drive in the other direction.



    Over the centuries Shakespeare’s plays have gained a reputation for being difficult to understand. But if his work is experienced on stage as Shakespeare intended, then it can become much clearer. In fact 95% of the words used in Shakespeare’s plays are the same words we use today.

The meanings of some words have altered significantly, _________, because Shakespeare was writing at a time of great linguistic change. This gave him a certain amount of _________ license in his language.

So what can Shakespeare’s plays tell us about how people really spoke at this time? And did anyone really speak like his characters? The lines spoken by Corin to Rosalind and Celia in As You Like It probably weren’t _________ of an Elizabethan shepherd.

The first thing to remember about Shakespeare’s work is that he wrote plays to entertain. They are _________ works, and the dialogue was exploited to suit the stage. Therefore his characters’ language did not always _________ how real people would have spoken.

For instance, in As You Like It when Corin, the shepherd, talks of love, his lines are beautiful and poetic – but _________ unrealistic. The lines Shakespeare gave Corin probably wouldn’t have been used by an Elizabethan shepherd – instead they _________ to highlight the drama.

Another example of how the theatrical style enriched Shakespeare’s text can be seen in the structure of his lines. According to the practice of the time, Shakespeare wrote his poems in iambic pentameter(抑扬格五音步) so it was _________ for his actors to learn. When Shakespeare was writing, new plays were performed every day so this 10-beat structure was a great help for anyone having to learn a lot of lines for the next day’s play.

_________ this structure meant that, on occasion, Shakespeare made up or adapted words to fit. __________, on several occasions Shakespeare changed the word “vast” to “vasty” when “vast” did not fit the __________ of the line. But if we look beyond the dialogue to the words themselves we can find out a little of how people really spoke.

We can come close to this thanks to “original pronunciation” which is a system of __________ that reproduce how the Elizabethans are believed to have spoken. Today it sounds like a West Country accent, with echoes of other parts of the country. When we __________ this to Shakespeare’s dialogue, rhymes and puns(押韵与双关) that are not heard in modern English are suddenly revealed.

So through Shakespeare’s plays we can __________ a great deal about how people really spoke. His dialogue was on the whole representative of the language of the time and area and now provides us with invaluable insight into a(n) __________ language.

1.A.otherwise B.furthermore C.however D.hence

2.A.creative B.significant C.limited D.practical

3.A.critical B.typical C.proud D.afraid

4.A.valuable B.outstanding C.efficient D.dramatic

5.A.reflect B.mean C.sign D.signal

6.A.luckily B.essentially C.generally D.naturally

7.A.construct B.produce C.function D.illustrate

8.A.easier B.worse C.wiser D.slower

9.A.Falling into B.Varying from C.Agreeing to D.Sticking to

10.A.By contrast B.For example C.What’s more D.In consequence

11.A.structure B.style C.rhythm D.form

12.A.speech B.writing C.communication D.symbol

13.A.fit B.devote C.apply D.input

14.A.keep up B.find out C.take on D.bring about

15.A.lost B.difficult C.ongoing D.global



Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word. For the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

“Melting pot” means a place where people from many different ethnic groups or cultures form a united society. The idea comes from 1. (heat) metals in a container. When they melt, the metals unite and become  2. new and stronger. This term has been used to describe the United States as a nation created from people who came here from many different countries.

A Frenchman who was living in America expressed the idea more than 200 years ago. J. Hector de Crevecoeur 3. (publish) a book called Letters From an American Farmer in 1782. He wrote that America had people from many different countries. He said that they would become a new people 4. work would one day change the world.

For many years, Americans generally accept the idea 5. their country is a melting pot. They welcome immigrants from many nations. Yet some of those immigrants criticize the melting pot idea. They feel they are forced to lose their culture and language 6. (accept) in America. Other people also criticize the idea. They say the aim of the melting pot is to make different cultures disappear into the one 7. (represent) the largest group.

New groups of immigrants from Asia and Latin America are changing the United States today. Some are resisting learning American culture and language. Reports say some Americans fear that the nation is separating into many groups that have no 8. (share) purpose. Others say the melting pot is no longer changing the nation’s immigrants, but the immigrants are changing America.

Some experts who study immigration say they now compare American society 9. a salad bowl. A salad is made of many different foods. They each keep their own taste 10.being part of a successful product. In this way, cultural groups keep their customs and language and are still part of American society.



假定你是李华,曾交换去英国学习,现已回国三个月。你想念在英国的老师Mrs. Smith,请根据以下要点给她写一份封信:

1. 感谢他曾经对你的帮助;

2. 介绍自己现在的学习情况;

3. 邀请他端午节来中国感受中国文化。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Mrs. Smith,

I'm writing to



Li Hua







注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均限一词。

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Nowadays in China, either in the morning nor after dinner, people, especial elderly women, gather in squares to dance to popular music. More and more young people are also participating the square dance now.

There are many reasons for their popularity. First of all, China has made a great progress in the social and economic development in the past decades, and people had more time and energy to enjoy their lives. Besides, do the square dance is a good way for people to get fit.

However, dancers play loud music and occupy lots of public places, where makes many people annoying. Maybe square dancers need to make some change.



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