满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。 Gramma Go...


Gramma Goodie visits her grandkids every Sunday afternoon. Every visit starts the same. First she rings the doorbell. Then Chris jumps down the stairs. Jamie runs to open the door. And every time, Gramma Goodie has gifts. But the kids never know what she'll bring.

Sometimes it's something you need, like socks or underwear. Sometimes it's movie tickets or a giant teddy bear. It could be a kite or a stuffed (填充的) baby kangaroo. It could be a lollipop (棒棒糖) that turns your tongue blue.

Well, one Sunday, Gramma rang the doorbell. Chris hurried down the stairs. And Jamie threw open the door.

''Hello, my darlings'', Gramma Goodie said with a smile. ''Look what I have for you. '' She pulled out a pack of cards, and they played ''Go fish'' all afternoon. At the end of the day, Gramma gave everyone kisses. Then she said her good-byes.

As she drove away, Chris and Jamie heard their parents talking. They said that Gramma Goodie's birthday was next Sunday. They were going to plan a special dinner and bake a delicious cake for her birthday surprise.

''Gramma Goodie has a birthday?'' they thought. Both were a little puzzled. Grown- ups have birthdays? Who in the world knew?

''Well, we have to get her a gift, '' Jamie decided.

''But what?'' asked Chris. ''Gramma Goodie has almost EVERYTHING! ''

Jamie thought about scarves and flowers. But Gramma had plenty of scarves and a huge rose garden. Chris thought about books, pillows and photo albums. A diary? She had one. An umbrella? She had that too. A radio? There is one in her kitchen. Oh, what would Chris and Jamie do? They spent all week thinking.





Paragraph 1:

On Sunday, the doorbell rang.


Paragraph 2:

''What's this? '' asked Gramma Goodie.



Paragraph one: On Sunday, the doorbell rang. Chris and Jamie didn't go downstairs as usual, for they had been thinking about what they could send to grandma to give her a surprise. Entering the house, grandma asked ''What happened to you both? Did anything go wrong? '' ''Nothing at all'' they answered and forced a smile to comfort her. After dinner, grandma Goodie went home. Paragraph two: ''What's this? '' asked Gramma Goodie. ''It's your birthday gift'', they said happily. At the same time, they urged grandma to open it quickly. Grandma Goodie took the delicate package, then some photos appeared, which were taken during their yearly vacation. Behind each photo place, time and their feelings were written down. Looking at these photos, grandma Goodie recalled the happy time they had spent together, and couldn't help tearing. ''Why are you crying? '' Jamie asked. ''You give me a big surprise, and I am so touched.'' She said, giving them kisses on their cheeks. 【解析】 这是一篇读后续写。文章讲述了一个小故事。祖母每个周末去看望孙子、孙女时都带着各种不同的礼物,这让孩子们觉得很开心。当孩子们听说祖母生日快到了,决定送给祖母一个礼物,但他们觉得祖母好像什么都不缺,所以很苦恼该送什么给她。 续写分为两段。第一段的开头是:星期天,门铃响了……所以可以接着写:Chris和Jamie没有像往常那样兴高采烈地跑下楼,因为他们一直在思考要送什么给祖母,能在生日那天给祖母一个惊喜。祖母进门问:“你们今天怎么了呀?有什么不开心的事吗?”“没有”两个孩子齐声回答,并且都挤出了一个微笑,免得让祖母担心。晚饭后,祖母回家了。 第二段的开头是:祖母问:“这是什么?”“这是您的生日礼物”Chris和Jamie回答。他们催促祖母快点打开,心想着它一定会让她高兴。祖母把精美的包装去掉后,看到了里面是一张张塑封好的照片,照片是她和孩子们每年出去玩耍时拍的,每张照片后还写着拍摄的地点和时间,以及当时孩子们快乐的心情。看着这些照片,祖母想起了那些美好快乐的日子,情不自禁地流下了眼泪。Jamie问“祖母你怎么哭了?”“你们给了我一个大大的惊喜,我很感动”祖母一边说,一边亲吻两个孩子。 续写时要注意所写内容要符合逻辑。用5个关键词加大了写作难度,考生应熟悉关键词,以便在适当时候加以运用,写作完成后将关键词下划线。



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Dear Peter,



Li Hua




Yuan Longping, one of China’s most famous scientists, grows 1. is called super hybrid rice. In 1953, Yuan Longping 2. ( graduate) from college. As 3. young man, he saw the great need for increasing the rice output. Since then he has devoted 4. (he) to growing more rice without expanding the area of the fields. In 1973, he became the first 5. (agriculture) pioneer in the world to grow rice that has a high output. This special strain of rice makes it possible to produce 20% more of the crop in the same fields. Yuan Longping is quite satisfied 6. his life. He thinks he 7. (be) just a farmer, even though he is one of the greatest scientists in China. Spending money on himself or 8. ( lead) a comfortable life means very little to him. He gives too much money to help others for their research and 9. (selfless) circulates his knowledge in some other countries. Thanks to his hard work, the problems of 10. (hungry) will be solved, and millions of people can benefit from his great work.



    When Mike Mushaw decided to join the national bone marrow registry (骨髓登记) nearly three years ago, he never really gave it a second thought. After all, he did it only because his college football coach had _______ him and his teammates to register.

About six months after the registry, Mushaw got a call. His bone marrow matched a _______ in Virginia. Mushaw didn’t know it at the time that his marrow would _______ to a five-month-old girl named Eleanor with a rare _______. She had hardly _______ her house, and the only place she went to was the _______ because her immune (免疫的) system was far too _______. As the days and weeks passed, her condition had become only more_______ and she would die without the transplant (移植).

Still, _______ is sure of the success. At first, Eleanor’s family had only hoped that she would have some improvement from the transplant, enough to ________ a more normal life. ________ after a few weeks, the doctors came back with ________ news: Eleanor’s condition hadn’t just ________ — Mushaw’s bone marrow had cured (治愈) her.

“She is doing amazing,” the mother says, “ ________ than we ever expected her to be. It was a little surprising just because of how serious her condition was, but it was more of a relief and ________ feeling than anything.”

Mushaw didn’t ________ any of this until Eleanor’s parents sent him an e-mail to ________ him for saving her life. “When they told me it was a little girl, I got a little choked up (哽咽),” Mushaw says, “Just to hear that someone so ________ has such a serious disease and her only ________ is in your bone marrow is a heavy ________.” But he was pleased that his kindness had saved a life and even one small act of kindness can go a long way.

1.A.ordered B.encouraged C.employed D.forced

2.A.doctor B.hunter C.performer D.patient

3.A.go B.fall C.turn D.float

4.A.wound B.disease C.injury D.hurt

5.A.approached B.explored C.reached D.left

6.A.park B.shop C.cinema D.hospital

7.A.strong B.weak C.false D.ordinary

8.A.curious B.impressive C.serious D.familiar

9.A.nobody B.everybody C.somebody D.anybody

10.A.ruin B.escape C.lead D.attract

11.A.And B.So C.Or D.But

12.A.boring B.astonishing C.frightening D.convincing

13.A.expanded B.reduced C.improved D.failed

14.A.Heavier B.Poorer C.Better D.Worse

15.A.sad B.happy C.angry D.worried

16.A.believe B.research C.understand D.know

17.A.forgive B.warn C.thank D.respect

18.A.young B.old C.gentle D.kind

19.A.thought B.strength C.hope D.weakness

20.A.chat B.feeling C.debt D.award



    Having good communication skills is important. They can help you with performances in class, during the job hunting, having arguments and in a variety of other situations. 1.

1. Understanding the basics of communication skills.

Communication is the process (过程) of delivering signals or messages between a sender and a receiver through various methods. 2.

2. Trying to attract the attention of your audience.

Whether you are speaking or listening, looking into the eyes of the person with whom you are having a conversation with can make the communication more successful. Eye-contact expresses interest and encourages your partner to be interested in you in return.

You can use gestures to help. 3. Make your whole body talk. Use smaller gestures for individuals and small groups. The gestures should get larger as the group that one is talking to increases in size.

3. 4.

People will think of you as nervous and unsure of yourself if you talk fast. However, be careful not to slow down to the point where people begin to finish the sentence just to help you finish.

People will judge your ability through your vocabulary. 5. Improve your vocabulary by reading new words regularly. Look in the dictionary to help you learn how to pronounce a new word.

Communication increases happiness and love and makes you more popular. When you improve how you talk and present yourself, you will build your confidence, self-esteem (自尊) and social life.

A.Using your words.

B.These include gestures with hands and face.

C.Learning to get in the mood for conversation.

D.If you aren’t sure of how to say a word, don’t use it.

E.It is also the skill we use to build and keep relationships.

F.If you do that, you’ll make conversations far more interesting.

G.Here are some tricks you can use to improve your communication skills.



    Anything made of plastic or metal can be 3D printed nowadays — bicycles, toys, tools... even replacement body parts! But the latest trend in 3D printing may be food. Scientists and chefs are putting their heads together to create printed food.

Several 3D printers designed for food are now on the market. Anything that can be made into a soft wet mixture can be squeezed (挤压) from a tube in a 3D printer. Instead of ink, these printers can use fruits, vegetables, proteins, sweets, and more. This makes for lots of combinations that can be healthy, yummy, and even artistic.

Most 3D printers don’t actually cook the food, at least not yet. Engineers at Columbia University’s Creative Machines Lab invented an oven (烤箱) that cooks 3D-printed pizza with laser beams (激光束). A special computer program controls the lasers, heating each part of the pizza to perfection. Unlike regular ovens, lasers can carefully cook each thin piece of 3D-printed food.

In the future, food can be made with a 3D printer to meet our needs. For example, a hospital could design meals to meet patients’ dietary needs. Vitamins, minerals, and even medicines can be mixed right in. A 3D printer can make food appealing. Foods that someone may not like might be more attractive after 3D printing. Maybe that food you dislike wouldn’t seem so bad if it looked like a castle!

The idea of 3D printed food may seem very modern. In fact, NASA (美国国家航空航天局) has been researching the topic for more than ten years. On a long travel, it’s important to have food that is easy to make, tastes good, and has the nutrients astronauts need to stay healthy. Printing food on demand may soon be into the space!

1.What will be the latest trend in 3D printing?

A.3D printed bicycles.

B.3D-printed toys.

C.3D-printed food.

D.3D-printed body parts.

2.What is special about the laser oven?

A.It is invented by students at Columbia University.

B.It is made from strong laser beams.

C.It can make 3D-printed food carefully.

D.It can cook each part of 3D printed food perfectly.

3.What does the underlined word “appealing” in paragraph 4 mean?





4.What can be the best title for the text?

A.Anything Can Be 3D Printed

B.3D Printing: the Future of Food

C.NASA’s New Research

D.How to Cook 3D Printed Pizza



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