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Carl Jones' love for animals began in hi...

    Carl Jones' love for animals began in his childhood. As a boy, he rescued injured wild creatures. In the 1970s, when the 24-year-old biologist learned that the Mauritius kestrel(红隼) is dying out, he decided to do his part.

He arrived on the island in an age of extinction. Even his employers of BirdLife International instructed him to “pull out elegantly” and leave the kestrel-saving to Mauritius government officials. That actually meant closing it down, because the Mauritians didn’t have the resources or ability.

Despite various difficulties, Jones holds the belief that all species are savable and humans need to live closely with other species. He has done so all his life and developed his hands-on approach to saving species.

Jones challenges the classic conservation wisdom that we must first understand the reasons for a species, decline and restore its habitat. Instead, he argues that scientists must identify the limiting factors on a species' population—food, nesting sites, competition, killing, diseasewith practical fieldwork. “If there's a shortage of food, you will start feeding. If there's a shortage of nesting sites, you will put up nesting boxes. You don't need endless PhD students studying a species for 20 years. ” Conservation science, he argues, is often too remote. “Do you sit back and monitor a sick patient or do you treat them and see what works? A lot of species have been studied to extinction. ”

In Mauritius, Jones has preserved many plant species and nine animals. Without Carl Jones, the world might have lost the Mauritius kestrel, the pink pigeon and more.

1.What did BirdLife International want Carl Jones to do?

A.Live closely with other species. B.Do his part in an age of distinction.

C.Co-operate with the local government. D.Give up his decision to save the Mauritius kestrel.

2.What's Carl Jones’ approach to saving species?

A.Working on specific factors. B.Getting necessary resources.

C.Analyzing reasons for a species' decline. D.Following the classic conservation wisdom.

3.When it comes to saving endangered species, what's Carl Jones' opinion on studying them?

A.It's a waste of time. B.It's an impractical approach.

C.It should be done in remote areas. D.It takes highly educated personnel.

4.What can we infer about Carl Jones' work?

A.It is based on abundant research. B.It has produced beneficial results.

C.It received the government’ support. D.It is against the basic laws of fieldwork.


1.D 2.A 3.B 4.B 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了从小喜爱动物的生物学家Carl Jones,在20世纪70年代时开始投入到红隼的保护工作中。尽管困难重重,Jones仍然相信所有的物种都是可拯救的,人类需要与其他物种紧密地生活在一起。文章主要说明了Jones对于动物保护的一些看法以及他的成果。 1. 细节理解题。根据第二段中Even his employers of BirdLife International instructed him to “pull out elegantly” and leave the kestrel-saving to Mauritius government officials.可知甚至连他的雇主国际鸟盟也指示他“优雅地退出”,把拯救凯斯特尔的任务留给毛里求斯政府官员。由此可知,国际鸟盟想让Carl Jones放弃拯救毛里求斯红隼的决定。故选D。 2. 细节理解题。根据第四段中Instead, he argues that scientists must identify the limiting factors on a species' population—food, nesting sites, competition, killing, disease—with practical fieldwork.可知相反,他认为科学家必须通过实际的野外工作来确定一个物种种群数量的限制因素——食物、筑巢地点、竞争、杀戮、疾病。由此可推知,Carl Jones拯救物种的方法是针对某个影响物种种群的特定因素进行工作。故选A。 3. 推理判断题。根据第四段中Conservation science, he argues, is often too remote.可知他认为,保护科学往往过于遥远。由此可推知,谈到拯救濒危物种,Carl Jones认为研究它们是一个不切实际的方法。故选B。 4. 推理判断题。根据最后一段中Without Carl Jones, the world might have lost the Mauritius kestrel, the pink pigeon and more.可知如果没有Carl Jones,这个世界可能会失去毛里求斯红隼、粉红鸽子等等。由此可推知,Carl Jones的工作产生了有益的结果。故选B。

    Many famous churches as listed below have a long religious history, inventive architecture and dedicated craftsmanship.

Sagrada Familia

This church located in Barcelona, Spain is a UNESCO World Heritage Site(世界文化遗址). It is a Roman Catholic Church planned by architect Antoni Gaudi and its construction began in 1882. However, it remains incomplete till today. This is mainly because of its huge size and the process to return the earliest construction to its original condition would never end. A tour of the whole church would take about a week.

Saint Basil’s Cathedral

This famous church is located in Moscow, the capital of Russia and marks the exact center of the city. It was completed in 1561 under the rule of Ivan the Terrible and has a very colorful architecture unusual for a church. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is perhaps one of the most famous churches in the world because it appears in many movies.

Westminster Abbey

This famous church is in London and is one of the iconic(标志性的) buildings in the country. It was built in the 10th century and today is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Thames River and Westminster Palace are both located near the Abbey and the Gothic(哥特式的) architecture draws many tourists each year. Westminster Abbey is also the place for important events of the royal family.

Church of the Nativity

This church is located in Bethlehem, Palestine and is believed to be the birthplace of Jesus. Its construction was started 327AD and today it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This church, however, does not see many tourists because of the ongoing conflict in Palestine.

1.What's the common character of the churches?

A.They're Gothic architectures. B.They are located in city centers.

C.They are UNESCO world heritage sites. D.They are visited by many tourists every year.

2.Which church has the longest history?

A.Sagrada Familia. B.Saint Basil’s Cathedral.

C.Westminster Abbey. D.Church of the Nativity.

3.Why is Sagrada Familia still incomplete?

A.Its construction didn't start until recently. B.Repair is needed before completing it.

C.Early buildings will be pulled down. D.People want to make it larger and larger.



假设你叫李华, 最近在某英文购物网站上购买了一双鞋子,但出现了以下表格里的问题。请给网站写一封投诉信, 包括以下内容:














1. 写信的目的;

2. 投诉内容:申购情况;实际情况;

3. 要求:重新邮寄或退款;

4. 询问:若寄回, 谁承担寄费?

Dear Sir/ Madam,



Li Hua









On a snowy winter nighta bus with 45 passenger had an accident because the slippery road. And all of them were trapping in the bus and what was worsethe bus ran out of gas and it is very cold in it. They could do nothing but to wait for help. A man who lived nearby saw what had happened. He and some villagers manage to open the door and helped all of whom out of the bus. He took them to his home but offered them food and water and even some warm clothes for children. They spent two days in his home and finally help came. All of them were thankfully for his kind help.




A young man and an old man were waiting for a bus. 1. sat next to each other. “What’s that in your bag?” asked the young man, pointing to a big bag beside the old man.

“Gold. There was nothing but gold,” answered the old man. The young man could not believe his own ears and was 2. great surprise. Then he began to think about 3. to get the money. The old man was very tired and it seemed that he could hardly keep his eyes open. After a while, the old man 4. (lie) down on the chair and fell asleep.

The young man took 5. big bag gently and quietly. But when he was just about to run away, he found a corner of his fur coat was under the old man’s body. Several times he tried to pull it out, 6. failed. At last he took off his coat, 7. (think) that the gold in the bag must cost far more than his fur coat.

Worried but 8. (delight), the young man ran out of the station as quickly as his legs could carry him, until he reached a place 9. he thought the old man couldn’t find him. He stopped and quickly opened the bag but he just found a great many small stones in it. Then he ran back to the station 10. (hurry), only to find that the old man was gone.



    I was fourteen years old and thought I had already known all the important things in life. I remember being more than a little________at the homework my geography teacher, Mr. Ream, had given the class. We had to________to someone we knew who had been in a war as a soldier and write about their experiences.

I ________it was totally meaningless. What did that have to do with________? I wanted to know. I still had an unpleasant attitude toward it________I put my notebook down on the table in front of my stepfather. I________that he'd been in the war, so I decided to make it________for myself and not to look any further from home for my________.

He asked me what I________, and I said I had to interview him about his experiences in the war________a class. I'm sure his body must have stiffened(变僵硬), but at that time I was too blind to________it. He asked me to sit down and then we got________. I'll never forget his response to the first question I________asked, "Have you ever killed anyone?"

His answer of "yes" was the________that made me begin to take the talk seriously. I still____his eyes when he told me the horror of what he'd________and what he'd done during the war. I had never expected that kind of________from anyone, but I know that's________what he gave me.

The things he told me taught me a lot. They also showed me I had a lot left to________in this life. I gained new love and________for this man who is now my father.

1.A.annoyed B.interested C.frightened D.tired

2.A.stick B.talk C.contribute D.write

3.A.forgot B.agreed C.thought D.realized

4.A.life B.writing C.geography D.homework

5.A.as B.if C.unless D.since

6.A.imagined B.guessed C.believed D.knew

7.A.clear B.easy C.normal D.common

8.A.interview B.experiment C.presentation D.operation

9.A.designed B.prepared C.needed D.collected

10.A.in B.by C.for D.from

11.A.move B.hide C.consider D.notice

12.A.started B.concluded C.banned D.changed

13.A.officially B.carelessly C.unluckily D.probably

14.A.delight B.shock C.honor D.confusion

15.A.described B.copied C.waited D.remembered

16.A.arranged B.expected C.witnessed D.created

17.A.benefit B.happiness C.honesty D.admiration

18.A.usually B.exactly C.rapidly D.gradually

19.A.learn B.enjoy C.miss D.complain

20.A.pity B.fear C.satisfaction D.respect



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