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In space, there is no up or down. Withou...

    In space, there is no up or down. Without the gravity that we experience on Earth, as-tronauts and everything else on a spaceship float freely.

Humans can experience the sense of zero gravity without going into space. HowA zero-gravity flight. When an airplane flies in a lot of parabolas(抛物线), a man-made zero-gravity environment is set up. Everything in the plane floats, even passengers.

Gravity has an effect on everything from the human body and mind to the behavior of plants and the way machines run. Space travel is expensive and dangerous. But zero-gravity flights let scientists conduct experiments in an environment that mimics(模拟) the conditions of space. On each of its research trip, Zero-G flies about 30 parabolas, each of which creates a period of weightlessness that lasts about 30 seconds. Nikolaus Kuhn of the University of Ba-sel, in Switzerland, flew with Zero-G. He was conducting an experiment about soil and the flow of water on Mars. The Red Planet has about one-third of the gravity that Earth has. This means water flows more slowly on Mars. By making the parabolas less steep, zero-gravity flights can make the feeling of Martian gravity. Flying with Zero-G has been necessary for Kuhn’s research. “It is the only chance, other than going to Mars, to mimic movement of water as it would be on Mars,” he told TFK.

For years, NASA used zero-gravity flights to prepare and train astronauts. “I have not been to space,” Peters of Zero-G says, “But I have been told by astronauts that zero-gravity feels exactly the same.” As humans continue to explore the universe beyond Planet Earth, zero-gravity flights will remain an important and fun tool. “It never gets old,” Peters says “I would do it every weekend for the rest of my life if I could.”

1.Why do scientists set up man-made zero-gravity environment

A.To study the water on the earth.

B.To offer weightlessness as a business.

C.To take scientists to any other planets.

D.To mimic the condition of space for experiments.

2.How much time of weightlessness can a Zero-G light offer

A.About 30 seconds. B.About 90 seconds.

C.About 15 minutes. D.About 30 minutes.

3.What feature do the parabolas in Zero-G flights have

A.The gentler parabolas are, the more satisfied the researchers are.

B.The steeper parabolas are, the less weight the passengers feel.

C.The steeper parabolas are, the more successful the experiments are.

D.The gentler parabolas are, the more quickly water on Mars flows.

4.What can be inferred about the Zero-G flight from the text

A.It is useless for training astronauts.

B.It has no side effect on human body.

C.It creates a substitutable environment of zero gravity in space.

D.It is cheaper but more dangerous than space travel.


1.D 2.C 3.B 4.C 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了什么是失重飞行以及失重飞行的原理及作用。 1. 细节理解题。根据文章第三段句子“But zero-gravity flights let scientists conduct experiments in an environment that mimics(模拟) the conditions of space.”可知,失重飞行能够模拟太空零重力的环境,便于科学家组织实验。由此可知,科学家要建立人造的零重力环境是为了模拟空间条件进行实验。故选D项。 2. 细节理解题。根据文章第三段句子“On each of its research trip, Zero-G flies about 30 parabolas, each of which creates a period of weightlessness that lasts about 30 seconds.”可知,每次研究之旅中,失重飞行约30条抛物线,每条抛物线创造了约30秒的失重时间。也就是说约30条抛物线共创造了约900秒的失重时间,合计约15分钟。故选C项。 3. 细节理解题。根据文章第三段句子“The Red Planet has about one-third of the gravity that Earth has.”可知,火星上的重力约为地球的三分之一。再根据第三段句子“By making the parabolas less steep, zero-gravity flights can make the feeling of Martian gravity.”可知,通过使抛物线不那么陡峭,失重飞行就能让人感受到火星的重力。即抛物线越陡,乘客感受到的重量就越轻。故选B项。 4. 细节理解题。根据文章第二段句子“A zero-gravity flight. When an airplane flies in a lot of parabolas(抛物线), a man-made zero-gravity environment is set up. ”可知,失重飞行能够创造一个环境,这个环境可以替代太空中的失重环境。故选C项。

    Many people don’t have a home because of an illness or because they lost their jobs. They have bad health and can’t start working, and because of that, they can’t pay for a doctor, so it’s a never-ending circle. Homeless people don’t have anywhere to go, so they have to sleep on the streets, covering themselves with newspapers and looking through the rubbish cans to find some food or warmer clothes.

Seeing these horrible living conditions, the Australian charity Beddown decided to help these people in need. They came up with an amazing idea to make shelters in places that are vacant at night-like parking lots! The organization asked one of the largest car park-opera tors, Secure Parking, and they agreed upon it.

“It was great to start with a group of our volunteers to help us and set up some beds. Although as expected we had a few challenges to overcome, it was good to start bringing Bed down to life. Beddown will provide an immediate response for those who can not sleep well to access safe, find shelter-and access to a real bed and a great night’s sleep. We will work with our other partners to provide long-term solutions to providing our guests with accommoda-tion, education and employment opportunities.” The founders of Beddown said in one of their Instagram posts.

The charity also provided other services to the guests, like doctors, nurses, dentists, hairdressers. They gave them new clothing, a place to clean themselves and helped provide social services. “After spending the week here, having a good sleep at night, it reminded me of life and I want to begin my life again,” one homeless man said.

1.What can we learn about the homeless in Australia

A.They live a hard life. B.They lost their families.

C.They don’t want to work. D.They like to live on the street.

2.What does the underlined word “it” in paragraph 2 refer to

A.Making beds for the homeless. B.Using the parking lot to get money.

C.Using the parking lot to help the homeless. D.Inviting the car park operators to organize the activity.

3.What did the founders of Beddown say about setting up beds for the homeless

A.It is only a part of their help. B.It helps the volunteers greatly.

C.It makes the Beddown get more reputation. D.It gives the homeless a chance to return to real life.

4.What can be the best title for the text

A.The Homeless Get Good Diet Now.

B.Beddown Shelters the Homeless in Car Parks.

C.Beddown Helps the Homeless Find Jobs in Car Parks.

D.Australian Charity Beddown and the Homeless in Australian.



    It often happens that problems blow into our lives. For some of us it may be a temporary period, but for others, it’s a lifetime change. Here are stories of ordinary people who had to face unpleasant events and managed to overcome them with dignity.

Bill Porter

Even though Bill Porter had a damaged brain, he wanted to work in sales. He achieved his goal, and later he became one of the best salesmen in America. The movie Door to Door is about him, and it’s recommended to those who think something will hold them back from achieving a desired career.

Evgeny Smirnov

There’s nothing worse for a dancer than losing the ability to dance. But Evgeny Smirnov, Russian break dance champion, went on dancing, despite the fact that he had to learn to dance again. His performance became a great example of the fact that someone can dance incredibly cool even without a leg.

Olesya Vladykina

Even though she’s only 20, Olesya Vladykina has suffered a lot; an accident in Thailand took not only her left hand, but also her close friend. The moment changed the girl’s life, but she didn’t give up. After the accident, she took part in the Paralympic Games twice, having won first place and having set a world record.

Andrea Bocelli

Blindness takes away the ability to see the world, but not to feel it. Perhaps this helps Italian Andrea Bocelli, a popular blind classical singer, to share fascinating and inspiring energy with the audience through his songs.

1.Whose story is the movie Door to Door about

A.A singer’s. B.A dancer’s.

C.A sportsman’s. D.A salesman’s

2.What disadvantage does Evgeny Smirnov have

A.He has one arm. B.He has only one leg.

C.He has no ability to see. D.He has a damaged brain.

3.Whose performance will you enjoy if you like classical music

A.Bill Porter’s. B.Andrea Bocelli’s

C.Evgeny Smirnov’s. D.Olesya Vladykina’s









参考词汇:中国结Chinese knot

Dear Lily,

How are you doing?



Li Hua



假如英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中 共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






As Grandma gets older, she is getting more and more forgetful. I went to a nearby supermarket with her on last week. I pushed the shopping cart around to load it with what we want to buy. I was looking at some snacks while I realized Grandma was missed. I looked for her everywhere and she was nowhere to be found. So I turned to security guard who was on duty with tear in my eyes. He comforted me patient and told me to wait by the apple stand when she and other guards were searching for Grandma. It was not long before Grandma was found and brought to me. I was very grateful that I decided to put it forward and help others whenever possible.




The annual Dalian International Sand Cultural Festival ended in September and 1. three-month festival attracted 3.1 million tourists both from home and abroad to Dalian Jinshitan National Tourist Resort(度假胜地).

According 2. the organizing committee, the festival promoted tourism consumption by 1.55 billion yuan for the national 5A-level resort in Dalian Jinpu New District, Northeast China's Liaoning province. “We're promoting the tourism industry 3. (build) Jinshitan into a world-famous tourist resort," said Shang Shuchen, 4. (direct) of Dalian Jinshitan National Tourist Resort.

5.(know) as Golden Pebble Beach, Jinshitan is famous for its beautiful 6.(nature) scenery. During the festival, 18 themed activities 7. (hold) , showing international youth culture and art exchange, seafood cuisine, beach volleyball match, model contest, environmental protection and so on, 8. provided more choices for citizens and tourists to enrich the beach life.

Over the years, Dalian Jinpu New District has 9. (successful) held a number of special tourism festivals with its rich culture and tourism resources. The International Sand Cultural Festival at Jinshitan 10. (become) a well-known brand in Northeast China and even Northeast Asia.



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