满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

What does the man think of the movie? A....

What does the man think of the movie?

A.Exciting. B.Boring. C.Just so-so.


C 【解析】 【原文】 W: How did you like the movie, John? Tom said it was boring. But I know you were excited to see it. M: I can’t decide. Some parts were all right, and others not so good.  

What are the speakers talking about?

A.The Chinese New Year. B.Holiday plans. C.The weather.



Where does the conversation take place?

A.In the bedroom. B.In the kitchen. C.Outside the house.



What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A.Family members. B.Classmates. C.Colleagues.



What does the man think the woman should do?

A.Talk to her husband.

B.Get an eye operation.

C.Buy a new pair of glasses.




When the pandemic started, some people were wondering if the internet could stand up to the rise in demand. The answer is not only a clear “yes” but this whole period made it even stronger.

How would our world survive without Internet in pandemic situation? The answer is simple: differently but not better or worse. We know that the internet available is changing a lot of things. Thanks to it, people were able to keep on working from their home, others were able to keep contact with their loved ones and friends and most found their entertainment relief through it. Had it not ever existed, people would have stayed at home and enjoyed their family or created more since they would have had more time on their hands.

But in today’s world, the internet has become the one link that unites us all. It is the reason why people were able to forget for minutes and hours at a time through the use of Internet. It is the reason why so many companies will survive and most probably grow stronger afterwards, since they were able to plan through Skype and Zoom. It is the reason why lovers did not fall into full depression, having to live away from their partner for a few months, since they were at least able to talk and see each other while sharing moments of their lives. There cannot be any doubts anymore: The internet is the one link that unites us all.

In the first three months of this year, internet use has grown by 25% in most major cities around the world. This number is reflected in the use of various applications and websites. One of the clearest jumps up is the use of video calls. This should not be surprising since it is used both for business and for personal purposes. PC Game stores have also seen a huge increase in their sales during this period. A bit more surprising maybe, is the increase of online grocery stores usage as the stores were breaking down under the demand.




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