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People always say that life can 't go on good all the time, because we will meet all kinds of difficulty. When we are students, we want to get improving and get high marks in the exams. When we graduate and find the job, we need to finish all the tasks what are given to us on time. Even after retiring, we still come across something difficult in our life. Although life is difficult, we should get used to them. When we face with the difficult time, we ought consider it as a test for us. When we get through it, we will gain value experience. The pleasure we get make us proud.


【解析】 这是一篇议论文。文章提到人的一生中会遇到很多各式各样的问题,我们应该有克服困难的勇气,我们要认为这些困难是对我们的一个测试,当我们克服这些困难之后,我们将会感到无比愉悦和骄傲。 1. 考查副词。句意:人们常常说,生活不是处处都顺利的。分析句子可知,go on为动词词组,意为“往前走;继续……下去”,因此需使用副词对其进行修饰。故将good改为well。 2. 考查名词复数。句意:人们常常说,生活不是处处都顺利的,因为我们会遇见各种各样的困难。分析句子可知,all kinds of后接可数名词复数。故将difficulty改为difficulties。 3. 考查非谓语。句意:当我们还是学生的时候,我们想着能提高自己,得到更高的分数。分析句子可知,此处应表示完成的概念,且get后接过去分词表示动作的完成,即“希望自己得到了提高”。故将improving改为improved。 4. 考查冠词。句意:当我们毕业后找工作,我们需要及时完成交给我们的所有任务。分析句子可知,此处表示泛指“某一项工作”而不是特指“该工作”,故将the改为a。 5. 考查关系代词。句意:当我们毕业后找工作,我们需要及时完成交给我们的所有任务。分析句子可知,此句为定语从句,从句中缺少主语,且先行词tasks由all进行修饰,因此只能使用that。故将what改为that。 6. 考查代词。句意:尽管生活很困难,但我们还是要适应它。分析句子可知,该句主语life意为“生命”时为不可数名词,因此可使用it代替。故将them改为it。 7. 考查动词。句意:当我们面对困难的时候,我们应该把这个困难想象成为是对我们的考验。分析句子可知,face with意为“用……覆盖”,根据句意此处应表示“面对困难的时候”。故去掉with。 8. 考查动词词组。句意:当我们面对困难的时候,我们应该把这个困难想象成为是对我们的考验。分析句子可知,此处为固定词组ought to,意为“应该;应当”,故在ought后加上to。 9. 考查形容词。句意:当我们克服困难之后,我们就会得到很宝贵的经验。分析句子可知,名词experience需使用形容词进行修饰,故将value改为valuable。 10. 考查主谓一致。句意:这份愉悦会让我们无比骄傲。分析句子可知,pleasure意为“快乐的事;乐事”,常用作不可数名词,因此该句中的谓语应使用第三人称单数形式。故将make改为makes。  


Recently political party leaders mom around the world1. (express )their appreciation for the Communist Party of China (CPC)for widely sharing China’s experience and practice in2. (it) fight against COVID-19.

“While3.(successful) preventing the spread of the virus at home, China has been doing all it can 4. (support)and help other countries in need, 5. fully shows the spirit of a community with a shared future for mankind that asks all to stick together and help each other,” they said in messages 6. (address)to the International Department of the CPC Central Committee.

Former Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama thought highly 7.china's astonishing speed and striking 8.(measure) in the antivirus battle, and added “China has achieved 9. major victory over the disease”.

Hatoyama said, “The Japanese people have been deeply touched by Chinas helping hand when Japan is short of 10.(medicine) supplies, and greatly moved by the CPC’s sharing of China's anti-epidemic experience and practice in letters sent to Japan. China’s actions are a true picture of the Xi-proposed vision of a community with a shared future for mankind.”



    The competition Michael Stone, a blind man, faced today was fierce. The pole was set at 17 feet. That was three inches higher than his personal best. Michael faced the most _______day of his pole- vaulting(撑杆跳) career.

As long as Michael could_______he had always dreamed of flying. Michaels mother read him many stories about flying when he was_______. Her excitement and enthusiasm made Michael’s dreams full of _______and beauty.

From the age of 14, Michael_______ every day with weights and running. The program was carefully  _______ by Michael’s father.

All of Michael's vaults today seemed to be the _______ for his hard work. As soon as he_______on the mat full of airthe crowd stood on their feet in surprise. Without hesitationMichael _______began preparing for his next attempt. He seemed ________ of the fact that he had just surpassed (超出) his personal best by three inches and that he was one of the final two________in the pole vaulting event.

When Michael cleared the________ at 17 feet 4 inches, again he showed no emotion. What he needed were constant ________ and strong determination. As he________ his tum and heard the other let out a sigh, Michael knew the other vaulter had ________ his final jump. He knew it was time for his________jump. He knew it was time to ________when he heard the singing of some distant bird.

As he began________, something felt wonderfully different, yet________. Michael Stone was now flying, just like in his childhood ________ .He set a new world record National Junior Olympics record.

1.A.embarrassing B.memorable C.challenging D.horrible

2.A.remember B.bear C.hold D.realize

3.A.catching on B.growing up C.giving in D.breaking down

4.A.stress B.admiration C.praise D.color

5.A.worked out B.made up C.turned over D.fit in

6.A.concluded B.removed C.monitored D.developed

7.A.companion B.reward C.step D.choice

8.A.rolled B.jumped C.sat D.landed

9.A.immediately B.nervously C.frequently D.gradually

10.A.afraid B.aware C.ashamed D.tired

11.A.staff B.audiences C.champions D.competitors

12.A.wall B.mat C.desk D.bar

13.A.preparation B.consideration C.help D.sympathy

14.A.saw B.forget C.waited D.avoided

15.A.won B.missed C.made D.reached

16.A.first B.perfect C.latest D.final

17.A.rest B.read C.speak D.fly

18.A.running B.walking C.praying D.sobbing

19.A.true B.familiar C.relative D.fair

20.A.experiences B.losses C.dreams D.scenes



    Deep sea fishing, sometimes called sport or big game fishing, is a form of fishing. This type of fishing can be a real challenge and is also meant to be enjoyable. 1.. Deep sea fishing is practiced in many regions of the world.

2.. Big game fish like the open ocean because it provides them with lots of room and lots of prey. Often, a deep sea fishing expedition will travel beyond the sight of land to reach fishing grounds.

Once the boat arrives on site, a number of techniques can be used to fish. Some people like to use nets, while others prefer to spread bait in the water to attract fish, and to hook them individually. Spear fishing is also possible with some species. 3.. The main reason is that big game fish can escape in the early stages of the process.

If a fish is landed, there are a number of options for dealing with the fish. Some people take the fish home to eat. Others think that the catch is the fun part. 4..

Going on a fishing charter (租船 )can be an enjoyable experience for people who like fishing and being out on the water. 5., although it is also possible to bring your own equipment.

A.Deep sea fishing is adventurous

B.Besides, it provides a source of food

C.So they make the most of time on charters

D.Fishermen have to be strong and quick on their feet

E.Many charters provide all of the equipment people will need

F.The goal with deep sea fishing is to reach deeper parts of the ocean

G.They set the fish free afterwards so that it can live to fight another day



    Coral reefs are a necessary part of sea life and support it by providing shelter and habitat to various organisms. They also supply and recycle nutrients as well as enable a fish population to boom, along with other species, for a healthy and diverse ecosystem.

However, the rise in average water temperatures due to climate change has resulted in more frequent and extended “coral bleaching(珊瑚白化)” events that damage their health, causing fish and other sea species to abandon them.

In order to repair this delicate ecosystem, scientists from the UK and Australia conducted a study that involved using speakers underwater near damaged coral reefs to make them sound healthy and attract fish, potentially starting the natural recovery press of coral reefs and their dependent life forms.

The location for this experiment was the Great Barrier Reef in the Coral Sea, found alongside the east coast of Queensland Australia, which is famous to have the largest coral reef system in the world that’s 2, 300 kilometers long and covers an area of nearly 344, 400 square kilometers. By using loudspeakers to reproduce such sounds, areas of dead coral reefs were found to attract twice as many fish, compared to places where no sounds were played. These returning fish could help in the recovery of this ecosystem by giving those areas of coral a chance of new life.

“Fish are important for coral reefs to function as healthy ecosystems. Increasing fish populations in this way could help to start natural recovery process, reducing the damage we’re seeing on many coral reefs around the world. Of course, attracting fish to a dead reef won’t bring it back to life automatically, but the recovery process relies on fish that clean the reef to make space for corals to regrow.” said Mark Meekan.

1.What is the first paragraph mainly about?

A.The importance of coral reefs. B.The influence of climate change.

C.The perfect place for sea species. D.The ecosystem diversity and complexity.

2.What's the purpose of using speakers underwater?

A.To make fish more active. B.To test damaged coral reefs.

C.To help recover the ecosystem. D.To help speed the growth of reefs.

3.Why is the experiment carried out in the Great Barrier Reef?

A.It can attract rich sea species. B.It can draw public attention easily.

C.There exist more dead coral reefs. D.There is the largest coral reef system.

4.What is Mark Meekan's attitude towards the use of speakers?

A.Doubtful B.Positive

C.Disappointed D.Indifferent



    Picasso paintings regularly sell for millions of dollars, making it unlikely that the majority of art lovers will ever own a work by the famous Spanish painter. But Care International, a Paris-based nonprofit is offering individuals around the world the chance to acquire a Picasso original for just $111 and contributes to a worthy cause at the same time.

As Caroline Elbaor reports for artnet News, Aider les Autres is offering tickets for Nature Morte, a 1921 Picasso painting describing a newspaper and a glass of absinthe(苦艾酒). The painting, which is on display at the Picasso Museum in Paris, has been valued at SI. I million. But one lucky winner will be able to obtain the painting for a mere small amount of that price.

By selling the Picasso painting at an extremely discounted rate, Aider les Autres hopes to raise a lot of money for Care International. Around 200, 000 rale tickets (抽奖券)are available for purchase, meaning the organization will be able to raise up to $22 million. Some of the money will be used to buy the painting and cover other costs, but the majority will be donated to the charity.

Care International plans to use the donated money to build and restore wells, washing facilities and toilets in Cameroon, Madagascar and Morocco. Having easy access to clean water not only reduces the risk of water borne diseases, but also reduces the time that people and particularly women and girls have to spend walking to clean water sources.

“Besides the huge waste of time, women and girls are at risk as they walk alone along remote paths and tracks,” Aider les Autres explains. “Girls are also more likely to miss school because of lack of hygiene (卫生). By providing clean water, we will increase girls' attendance by many thousands.”

1.Where are art lovers likely to get a Picasso original at a very low price?

A.From the lucky winner. B.From Caroline Elbaor.

C.From the Picasso Museum. D.From Care International.

2.What will most money from raffle tickets be used to do?

A.Buy tickets for art overs.

B.Buy the painting Nature Morte.

C.Contribute to charitable projects.

D.Give away to the lucky winner.

3.Why will Care International build wells in Morocco?

A.To promote its status. B.To store more clean water.

C.To improve people’s health. D.To increase girls 'learning time.

4.Where is this text most likely from?

A.A personal diary. B.A news report.

C.A book review. D.A science fiction novel.



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