满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。 1.What problem will the ...


1.What problem will the motorway bring to the village?

A.Children will find it hard to go to the Streeve Beach.

B.The well-known beauty spot will be destroyed.

C.Fewer villagers will live there.

2.What will be built on farmland?

A.A swimming pool. B.A steel factory. C.Houses.

3.Where will the high-tech park be built?

A.In the north of the village. B.In the south of the village. C.In the west of the village.

4.What is most villagers’ attitude towards the government plans?

A.Fully satisfied. B.Rather worried. C.Quite unexpected.


1.A 2.C 3.B 4.B 【解析】 【原文】 M: And now for our main headlines on Southern Local News for today. First of all, the report about the government plans on developments around the village of Tartlesbury was published this morning. The new motorway will pass along the north side of the village. It will cross the River Teeme from the well-known beauty spot, Streeve Beach, to the north-east of the village. The motorway will cut the village off from the Streeve Beach, where many children play. But that is not the end of it. There are also plans to build a thousand houses on farmland west of the village. And on top of that is the plan to build a high-tech park for new technology companies. It will be built in the south of the village, where the old steel factory used to be. A new centre with a swimming pool and a large supermarket are also planned next to the park. And, as has been expected, the plans have created quite a lot of interest. Not all people are for them. Mr.Khan, a local shopkeeper said,” Most of us in the village are absolutely concerned about what is being planned here. This is just a chance for some people to make money quickly. Of course, we welcome the jobs that the new technology park will bring, but we feel more worried that the large increase in housing and the planned motorway will destroy the character of the area.” I think this is a debate that is going to run on for quite some time and we here on Local News will keep you informed.


1.What are the speakers discussing?

A.How to form clouds. B.How to present their research. C.How to explain different types of clouds.

2.Why does the man suggest having small cards?

A.To make the presentation more interesting

B.To remind him of what to say

C.To organize all the research.

3.What will the man do

A.Prepare the cards. B.Make the presentation slides. C.Look for pictures of clouds online.

4.What part will the woman do?

A.The low-level clouds part. B.The medium-level clouds part. C.The high-level clouds part.




1.Why does the man want to get a summer job?

A.To save money for a course. B.To pay his brother back. C.To save for a trip.

2.How will the woman get money?

A.By borrowing from her brother. B.By doing a part-time job. C.By asking her parents.

3.What does the man decide to do in the end?

A.Study in Spain. B.Get a job in Portugal. C.Go to Latin America with the woman.




1.What problem does the woman have?

A.She’s lost. B.Her shoes are broken. C.Her feet are uncomfortable.

2.Why did the speakers come to the city?

A.To attend a meeting B.To buy some shoes. C.To make a tour.




1.How will the woman send the package?

A.By air. B.By sea. C.By express mail.

2.How much should the woman pay?

A.20. B.23. C.26.



Why does the man call the woman?

A.To ask for a sick leave. B.To ask about English classes. C.To discuss tomorrow’s schedule



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