满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

—Shall we ask Bob to help us do the work...

Shall we ask Bob to help us do the work ?

Sure . Time _____and we have a lot to do tonight .

A.is run out B.is running out C.has been run out D.was run out


B 【解析】 考查时态。句意:——我们可以去叫鲍勃帮我们作这个工作吗?——当然可以。时间马上就用完了,今天晚上我们还有很多事情要做。run out“用完”,没有被动语态,结合语境可知,此处是指时间马上用完,用现在进行时表将来,故选B项。  

Was it in the beautiful park ___was located at the foot of the mountain ___we first met our foreign teacher?

A.which; where B.which; that C.which; which D.that; where



His expression suggested that he ____the invitation and he suggested full preparations _____.

A.had accepted; would be made B.accepted; be made

C.has accepted; make D.had accepted; be made



What’s the matter with you, Jane ? You look so anxious.

Oh, nothing much. In fact ,I ____the result of the test.

A.have just considered B.was just considering

C.would just consider D.will just be considering



He seldom shows his family around his company, _________?

________. And he also talks with them about the production frequently.

A.doesn't he, Yes, he does B.does he, No, he doesn't

C.doesn't he , Yes ,he doesn't D.does he, Yes ,he does



Your digital camera is very nice. Where did you buy_____? I’d like to buy _____, too.

A.it; one B.it ; it C.one ; one D.one ; it



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