满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I have been carrying a notebook and pen ...

    I have been carrying a notebook and pen around with me since I was three. I practiced letters over and over because the act of writing was appealing. Once I could form words, I discovered the beauty of the sentence. The pages transformed into two- or three-line tales about dogs and horses and something else that interested me.

Eventually, I began to understand what it was my heart longed for: to create words and stories. I wrote plays out of the adventures of my American Girl dolls and mimicked(模仿) the mysteries of Harry Potter. I scribbled(涂鸦) across margins in class notes and grabbed any magazine that caught my eye.

I was 11 when I wandered into a Goodwill shop one afternoon with my mother. We searched for treasures and I discovered a row of old typewriters. Most were black, some electric and others manual(手动的), almost all behemoths(庞然大物). Many keys were yellowed with age, but they all shone up at me like magic. I spent long minutes opening cases, tapping keys, shifting rollers to hear that oh-so-delightful ping.At last, I came across a small tan case. Inside was a 1950s baby blue Smith Corona typewriter. I was instantly attracted.

I begged my mom to buy it. Despite my puppy-dog eyes, we left without it. Months passed, and the typewriter left my mind. Christmas arrived with a usual number of presents, until we reached the last one: a tiny box behind the tree. Inside I found a typewriter tape, along with instructions to look under my brother’s bed. With a scream I dashed for his room and found a familiar tan case hidden below.

Within minutes, I had the baby blue beauty set up at our dining table and paper gathered. Growing up, I spent many hours pulling out the typewriter whenever I wanted to copy handwritten stories or needed inspiration.I dragged it with me when I moved from Illinois to Washington.

My typewriter made my childhood dreams of being a writer feel real. Its well-worn keys stoked the creativity in my soul. The words I imagined went from the scribbled pages of notebooks to the print of the typewriter. It was as if I was turning these fantasies into published works all on my own.

1.What happened after the author was able to write a sentence?

A.She developed an interest in writing. B.She took to practising her handwriting.

C.She showed much affection for pets. D.She became a huge Harry Potter fan.

2.Why was the author attracted to the 1950s Smith Corona typewriter?

A.It had yellow keys originally.

B.It was in better condition than the others.

C.It was of small size and had a unique color.

D.It made a more delightful sound than the rest.

3.How did the author finally get the typewriter she had desired?

A.She saved up for the typewriter. B.She received it as a prize.

C.She got it as a Christmas gift. D.She got it from the shop owner.

4.The underlined word “stoked” in Paragraph 6 is closest in meaning to “ ________”.

A.prevented B.increased C.reflected D.consumed

5.Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?

A.Magical Typewriter B.Happy Childhood C.Power of Words D.Typewritten Wonder


1.A 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.A 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述自己从小喜爱写作,有一次在一家商店里被一台淡蓝色打印机所吸引,最终在圣诞节时得到了她梦寐以求的打字机。打字机激发了作者灵魂中的创造力,使作者儿时当作家的梦想成真了。 1. 推理判断题。根据文章第一段“Once I could form words, I discovered the beauty of the sentence. The pages transformed into two- or three-line tales about dogs and horses and something else that interested me.(一旦我能造句,我就发现了句子的美。书页变成了两到三行关于狗和马的故事,以及其他一些我感兴趣的东西。)”和第二段“Eventually, I began to understand what it was my heart longed for: to create words and stories.(最终,我开始明白我内心渴望的是什么:创造文字和故事。)”可推断,作者对写作产生了兴趣。故选A。 2. 细节理解题。根据文章第三段“At last, I came across a small tan case. Inside was a 1950s baby blue Smith Corona typewriter. I was instantly attracted.(最后,我发现了一个棕色的小盒子。里面是一台20世纪50年代的淡蓝色史密斯科罗娜牌打字机。我立刻被吸引住了。)”可知,此打字机吸引作者的原因是它体积小,颜色独特。故选C。 3. 细节理解题。根据文章第四段“Christmas arrived with a usual number of presents, until we reached the last one: a tiny box behind the tree. Inside I found a typewriter tape, along with instructions to look under my brother’s bed. With a scream I dashed for his room and found a familiar tan case hidden below. (圣诞节到来了,像往常一样,我们收到了许多礼物,直到最后一件:圣诞树后的一个小盒子。我在里面找到了一台打字机的纸带,还有在我哥哥床底下找东西的说明书。随着一声尖叫,我冲到他的房间,发现下面藏着一个熟悉的棕色箱子。)”可知,作者是通过是她收到的圣诞礼物,最终得到了她梦寐以求的打字机。故选C。 4. 词义猜测题。根据文章第六段此词后句“The words I imagined went from the scribbled pages of notebooks to the print of the typewriter. (我想象的文字从潦草的笔记本变成了打字机的打印。)”可猜测,旧钥匙激发了我灵魂中的创造力。stoked为“增加,激发”之意。故选B。 5. 主旨大意题。根据全文内容可知,文章主要讲述自己从小喜爱写作,有一次在一家商店里被一台淡蓝色打印机所吸引,最终在圣诞节时得到了她梦寐以求的打字机。打字机激发了作者灵魂中的创造力,使作者儿时当作家的梦想成真了。所以用“Magical Typewriter(神奇的打字机)”作为文章标题最为合适。故选A。

    In 2006, one of the biggest music feuds(积怨) in history ended when Apple (the iPad and iPhone company) and Apple Corps (The Beatles' record label) settled their differences. The argument had been over the ''apple'' logos they both have as part of their trademarks(商标). Shortly after, The Beatles' music was launched for download. While the band's hit songs didn't make as big an impact as commentators(评论员) lad predicted, the event still led to plenty of press coverage.

But iTunes isn't the only technology linked to The Beatles. The Beatles: Rock Band is a video game for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Nintendo Wii which allows you to become The Beatles. Released in 2009, the game includes a drum kit, guitar and microphone so you can sing and play along to your favourite songs. Not surprisingly, the game was a huge success, selling more than two million units. A remastered box set of all The Beatles' albums was released on the same day, which also sold well.

Films about The Beatles are also popular. Recent movies include Nowhere Boy, which is a film about the life of John Lennon. It's directed by Sam Taylor-Wood and stars Aaron Johnson and Kristin Scott Thomas.

Magazines and newspapers are still often filled with Beatles stories, and the zebra crossing near Abbey Road recording studios(where the 1969 album of the same name was recorded), was ranked Grade II listing in 2010, which means it’ll be protected. This followed similar recognition for Abbey Road studios itself.

And the future for The Beatles? Well, the band could still top the charts as there are unreleased tracks that still haven't seen the light of day. A strange experimental track called Carnival of Light, and a 27-minute jam of Helter Skelter have never been heard by the public.

Will they ever be released?

1.According to the passage, The Beatles' hit songs in 2006 ______

A.did not have ''apple'' logos B.were not well received as expected

C.couldn't be downloaded D.had a bad impact on commentators

2.Why is The Beatles: Rock Band mentioned in Paragraph 2?

A.To show the increasing popularity of video games.

B.To highlight the technological application of The Beatles.

C.To promote the online sales of technological devices.

D.To emphasize the music talent of the rock band.

3.From the passage we know John Lennon is ______.

A.a member of The Beatles B.the director of Nowhere Boy

C.a game developer D.the lead actor of Nowhere Boy

4.The protection of the zebra crossing implies that ______.

A.the road was in bad state and needed protection

B.the road was a desirable place t report Beatles stories

C.the road made it difficult to recognize Abbey Road studios

D.the road was of historic importance and deserved attention

5.What makes The Beatles' topping the charts possible?

A.Classical music. B.Unreleased songs. C.Strange works. D.Public curiosity.



    It was in four decades of nursing that I'd had such a terrible problem with a colleague. Rita seemed to look down upon me and I had no idea why. Every _______ I expressed had the opposite effect. Our relationship was so impossibly _______ that I didn't even pray about it.

It is eight years since I _______ from nursing, and certainly retired from ever thinking about that _______ coworker. A pandemic (流行病) had _______ us all like a ton of bricks and even my town of Huntington had sold out of protective masks. I _______ for a box of hospital-grade masks I had left over. Well, I didn’t find the masks, _______ I found some old, unopened mail----a Christmas card ----I’d _______ placed near some reference materials a year ago. That kind of thing is always a _______ to find, but the return address was Florida and I couldn't ________ who I knew there.

I opened the envelope and read the card in ________ ----it was from Rita. ''Please ________ me for being such a mean person. '' she wrote. A ________ of love and forgiveness washed over me. I’m not really a(n) ________ because of a problem with my hands, but there at 11:30 p.m., I typed out an emotional message ________ her that there was no cause for concern, no need for forgiveness ________ there is only love and gratitude for the mercy and miracles of God. In a matter of seconds, I ________ a text back. Rita was over the moon with ________. She said that this reconciliation(和解) and my physical healing had been her ________ prayer. That was ________, I thought, but then again with God nothing is really ever that unexpected, is it?

1.A.kindness B.quarrel C.apology D.interest

2.A.special B.close C.bad D.casual

3.A.hid B.retired C.suffered D.heard

4.A.merciful B.elegant C.grateful D.troublesome

5.A.hit B.violated C.guided D.teased

6.A.made B.paid C.searched D.answered

7.A.and B.so C.or D.but

8.A.politely B.unconsciously C.directly D.annually

9.A.treat B.conflict C.disaster D.reward

10.A.agree on B.figure out C.look into D.deal with

11.A.astonishment B.craziness C.disappointment D.sadness

12.A.blame B.punish C.forgive D.applaud

13.A.roll B.glance C.copy D.wave

14.A.doctor B.editor C.texter D.educator

15.A.convincing B.informing C.instructing D.warning

16.A.unless B.while C.until D.because

17.A.reviewed B.received C.rewrote D.recognized

18.A.joy B.sorrow C.anxiety D.frustration

19.A.initial B.absurd C.constant D.unique

20.A.unaffected B.reliable C.ordinary D.unexpected



Not only ______ me improve my Spanish, but Campero introduced me to her culture.

A.she helped B.did she help C.had she helped D.she had helped



_____ never easy, innovation is absolutely possible with adequate training and continuous practice.

A.When B.As C.Since D.While



Nothing matches face-to-face communication in _____thoughts, emotions and information.

A.concluding B.containing C.confusing D.conveying



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