满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

______I catch a cold , my nose runs. A.F...

______I catch a cold , my nose runs.

A.First time B.At times C.Every time D.The time


C 【解析】 考查连词。句意:我一感冒了就流鼻涕。A. First time 第一次;B. At times有时;C. Every time每当……时候;D The time时间。Every time充当连词,引导时间状语从句,意为“每当……时候”。故选C。  

It was not how much we do but how much love we put into what we do _______benefits our work best.

A.who B.which C.that D.what




1.I travel to unusual places and work a ______________people from all over the world.

2.As he was not allowed to a _____________her to the shops, he wrote out a list of items for her.

3.From James’s face, I could see he was terrified of being a ____________by us.

4.Sometimes I wonder how r____________ chemistry is to these students.

5.Sometimes working outdoors, sometimes in an office, sometimes using scientific e__________ and sometimes meeting local people and tourists, I am never bored.

6.Just accept them for who they are , and give them e____________ to live as rich and full a life as you do.

7.How a____________ to be discovered by her, Claire thought.

8.Unfortunately, the doctors don’t know how to make me better, but I’m very outgoing and have learned to a____________ to my disability.

9.I thought, at the time, that this was just a story but then I w__________ it with my own eyes many times.

10.It’s a great comfort to have a s___________ family to be with .




In 1989, fresh out of high school, I had the difficult task of choosing a career path before college started in three months. In those days in Pakistan, there were limited choices: becoming a doctor or an engineer, or entering the financial world after getting a business degree. I wasn’t interested in engineering, so that I was left with medicine or business. I couldn’t decide.

My uncle suggested that I do a work placement(实习) to experience it for a month in an international company followed by a month in a hospital. After that, I could make a decision. It seemed like a good idea.

I was accepted for a month’s placement at a foreign bank in Karachi. I got a feel for how the world of finance functioned, made new friends, and generally enjoyed the mostly easy-going work surroundings.

The month passed rapidly, and soon I began working at a leading hospital in Karachi. The experience couldn’t have been more different. The hospital had a stressful environment. The days started early (at 7 am, compared to 9 am at the bank), and were filled with endless duties. And the night calls! This was crazy, working all day, through the night, and again the next day.

I began thinking about my two experiences. The bank had offered a more relaxing atmosphere, better working hours and less stress. The hospital was full of excitement, but the studying and training was difficult. It seemed that the business choice was going to win out.

Near the end of my month at the hospital, I was driving home after an especially busy night call. In front of me was a public bus, with college students sitting on the top. As the driver weaved through (穿梭) traffic, I could see the boys shaking from side to side.


1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;

2. 应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;

3. 续写部分分为两段,每段开头语已为你写好;

4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语;

Paragraph 1:

Suddenly, a boy fell off the back of the bus.


Paragraph 2:

The next day, when I went to the hospital to see the boy, all his family got up, with grateful smiles on their faces.











My fellow students,


Li Hua




It is widely accepted that optimistic attitudes promote health as well as happiness. The secret of a long life is 1. (universe) desired and has long been sought. Today we can reveal it: always look on the bright side. A huge research project2.(lead) by scientists at the Boston University School of Medicine concludes that optimists live3. (long).

Lewina Lee, lead author of the study, said, “A lot of evidence4.(suggest) that exceptional longevity( 寿 ) is widely accompanied by a longer span of good health and living5. disability. Therefore our findings raise an exciting possibility6. we may be able to promote health and  happiness by7.(develop) positive attitudes such as optimism.”

However, the study doesn’t suggest that we should aim for great pleasure. Sadness is8. important part of the human condition. Any normal person sometimes experience disappointment, ambitions and the9.(lose) of loved ones. But for many people, these matters of human existence 10. (transform) into an abnormal state of despair. There is a vital place in public health for providing mental treatment in helping to correct these cognitive errors. It is not weakness to be defeated by setbacks. It is merely a mistake.



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