满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Are you familiar with the greeting, "Can...

    Are you familiar with the greeting, "Can I add you on WeChat?" It seems like every time we meet new friends or colleagues nowadays, the first thing that springs to mind is adding each other on the app. Nevertheless, more than 80 percent of WeChat users report feeling stressed or anxious when they receive a large number of messages, according to a study done recently by the app's developer Tencent (腾讯). In other words, WeChat can overwhelm (使应接不暇) us, while also breaking down the boundaries between our work and private lives.

Just think how easy it is now for bosses to hand out assignments during the holiday, so long as they have your WeChat contact. When you're at the cinema enjoying a romantic movie or having a barbecue in the backyard, you can never cut yourself off from the outside world unless you switch off your phone. Not to post something in WeChat Moments before replying to your boss first!

Apart from interrupting your leisure time, WeChat can also reduce your productivity at work. For many office workers, logging in to WeChat on their computers at the start of the day has become routine. But what if browsing the Moments distracts us from doing the work? The app steals our time without us even noticing it, making us have the false belief that we are busy all the time.

And as if that weren't bad enough, there're the "one-off" friends who take up space on our WeChat friend list. A handy way to check how many one-off friends you have is to take a look at your chat history with them. Sometimes, you only sent the initial friend requests so you could invite them to a WeChat group or inform them of something for your boss. Yet still, as your friend count (好友数量) ever goes up, it can make you feel the need to post selfies (自拍) and share details of your life in your Moments, just so you can stay up to date.

With WeChat, all our spare time is swallowed up by the constant torrent of messages and our attention keeps getting diverted by Moments and pop-up ads. So it's time that we should do something to nip this problem in the bud.

1.What is most of WeChat users' reaction when receiving a mass of messages?

A.They are quite upset. B.They think it's unavoidable.

C.They break down. D.They complain about Tencent.

2.Which of the following may make your boss angry according to Paragraph 2?

A.Enjoying a movie at the weekend.

B.Posting something in WeChat Moments.

C.Having a barbecue on vacation.

D.Ignoring the assignment he handed out when seeing it.

3.How can we decide who is the one-off friend on our WeChat friend list?

A.By checking if you sent the initial friend request.

B.By seeing if your boss asked you to inform him of something.

C.By having a look at your chat record.

D.By counting the number of your friends on the list.

4.What can be a suitable title for this text?

A.Is WeChat becoming a necessity in our life?

B.Are WeChat friend requests ruining your life?

C.Does your boss want to be your WeChat friend?

D.Is it better to have more WeChat friends?


1.A 2.D 3.C 4.B 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章讲述了,微信与我们的日常生活有着非常紧密的联系,探讨了微信带来的不利影响,启发读者思考应如何对待微信。 1. 细节理解题。由第一段中的“Nevertheless, more than 80 percent of WeChat users report feeling stressed or anxious when they receive a large number of messages, according to a study done recently by the app's developer Tencent .”(然而,据微信应用开发商腾讯最近的一项研究显示,超过80%的微信用户在收到大量信息时感到压力或焦虑。),可知微信用户在收到大量信息时感到很不安。故选A项。 2. 推理判断题。由第二段中的“Just think how easy it is now for bosses to hand out assignments during the holiday, so long as they have your WeChat contact.”(想想看,现在老板们在假期里分发任务是多么容易,只要他们有你的微信联系人。)和“When you're at the cinema enjoying a romantic movie or having a barbecue in the backyard, you can never cut yourself off from the outside world unless you switch off your phone. Not to post something in WeChat Moments before replying to your boss first!”(当你在电影院欣赏浪漫电影或在后院烧烤时,除非你关掉手机,否则你永远无法与外界隔绝。在回复老板之前,不要发朋友圈!),可推断出看到老板分发的任务不理会(还发朋友圈),会让你的老板生气。故选D项。 3. 细节理解题。由倒数第二段中的“A handy way to check how many one-off friends you have is to take a look at your chat history with them.”(一个检查你有多少一次性朋友的简便方法是查看一下你和他们的聊天记录。),可知看看你的聊天记录就可以查询谁是你的一次性朋友。故选C项。 4. 主旨大意题。由第一段尾句“In other words, WeChat can overwhelm (使应接不暇) us, while also breaking down the boundaries between our work and private lives.”(换句话说,微信可以让我们应接不暇,同时也打破了我们工作和私人生活之间的界限。),第二段中的“When you're at the cinema enjoying a romantic movie or having a barbecue in the backyard, you can never cut yourself off from the outside world unless you switch off your phone.”(当你在电影院欣赏浪漫电影或在后院烧烤时,除非你关掉手机,否则你永远无法与外界隔绝。),第三段第一句“Apart from interrupting your leisure time, WeChat can also reduce your productivity at work.”(除了打断你的闲暇时间,微信也会降低你的工作效率。),第四段第一句“And as if that weren't bad enough, there're the "one-off" friends who take up space on our WeChat friend list.”(似乎这还不够糟糕,在我们的微信好友列表中,有一些“一次性”的朋友占据了空间。)和最后一段第一句“With WeChat, all our spare time is swallowed up by the constant torrent of messages and our attention keeps getting diverted by Moments and pop-up ads. So it's time that we should do something to nip this problem in the bud.”(有了微信,我们所有的闲暇时间都被源源不断的信息所吞噬,我们的注意力不断被瞬间和弹出的广告所转移,所以我们应该采取措施把这个问题消灭在萌芽状态。),可知这篇文章讲的是微信让我们的生活大受负面的影响,B选项“微信好友请求会毁了你的生活吗?”,为短文最佳标题。故选B项。

    Recently, I experienced a wonderful lesson in how little things still mean a lot. My brother, mother and I live in Hawaii. Our farm is at least a dozen miles from even the most basic of services. Therefore, I take weekly trips to the shop to get supplies. About a month ago, I finished loading up the car and was about to leave, when a piece of paper on the ground caught my eye. I picked it up and read it carefully.

It was a receipt from the State Motor Vehicle Division, recording the owners payment of her Vehicles Registration fees. At first I thought that I could find the owner. So I waited there for about an hour. Although the receipt had been borne on the wind, where in the busy, crowded parking lot would I find the owner? I looked over the receipt for contact or any personal data, perhaps a license tag or telephone number. I checked the date, the fees paid, noted the name of the owner and pocketed the paper. I concluded that the best and easiest step to take was to put the receipt in an envelope and send it to the owner first the next morning.

By the end of the week, I received a beautiful "thank you " letter from a very grateful and happy woman containing a handwritten message and a gift card. In the letter, the woman explained how the wind snatched (夺去) her receipt from a pocket in her car’s passenger door. She had searched everywhere for quite some time before giving up.

It felt great to know I had helped someone avoid a loss by doing something that at first glance(一瞥) seemed little and unimportant.

1.What can be the best title for the text?

A.A Lesson I Will Never Forget B.Never Lose Heart or Give up

C.Little Things Still Mean a Lot D.Think Carefully Before You Act

2.What can we learn about the author?

A.He lives downtown in Hawaii.

B.He goes to the shop to get supplies once a week on foot.

C.He is too poor to have basic supplies for his family.

D.He is patient and willing to help others.

3.The underlined word “it” in paragraph 2 most probably refers to_______.

A.the receipt B.the license tag

C.the telephone number D.the personal data

4.How did the woman lose her receipt?

A.She forgot where she had put it. B.A strong wind blew it away.

C.A thief took it away. D.She left it in the parking lot



    If you've fallen in love with stories about prince and princess, l've got you covered with the books below, which are brand new in 2019.

A Curse So Dark and Lonely by Brigid Kemmerer

This Beauty and the Beast retelling follows PrinceRhen, cursed into a beast by a powerful woman,and Harper, a teenage girl who might be able to save him. But powerful forces are standing against them, and it will take more than a broken curse to save them from ruin.

Sherwood by Meagan Spooner

This Robin Hood retelling from the view of Maid Marian opens after Robin of Locksley's death.Maid Marian doesn't know how she'1l go on, but the people of Locksley town, pressed by the Sheriff of Nottingham, need a protector. Marian never meant to tread in Robin's footsteps, but now she'll make the choice to become her own hero.

Blanca Roja by Anna-Marie MCLemore

This Snow White retells Blanca and Roja, as they meet a spell(咒语) that will pull them into a dangerous game, which will leave one of them, and trap the other in the body of a swan.

A Blade So Black by LL McKinney

This Alice in Wonderland retelling follows Alice, trained to battle monsters in the dark kingdom known as Wonderland. When Alice's teacher is poisoned, she has to find the medicine by going deeper into Wonderland where she's ever gone before.

1.Which book is similar to Beauty and the Beast?

A.Sherwood. B.Blanca & Roja. C.A Blade So Black. D.A Curse So Dark and Lonely

2.Who is the main character of Sherwood?

A.Meagan Spoon. B.Robin Hood. C.Maid Marian. D.Anna Marie McLemore

3.Why does Alice go deeper into Wonderland?

A.To save her teacher 's life. B.To flght against some monsters.

C.To find her own handsome prince. D.To trap a girl in the body of a swan



Have you bought the same book________ I referred to yesterday?

A.when B.which C.where D.as



Is this university ______you visit last time?

A.that one B.which C.the one D.the one what



The doctor _______my sister is talking has just come from England.

A.with whom B.with who C.with which D.that



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