满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I'm now living in the south of France wi...

    I'm now living in the south of France with my husband Keith and three small children, and I feel like a fish out of water everywhere but one place-the Saturday street market.It's been operating in our small town of Sommieres since the 13th century,but we've only lived here for three months.

From Monday to Friday,life is all about the kids.I'm busy helping my children deal with life in a French school.It's not easy,and their stress is the whole family's stress,as Keith and I are occupied with the daily school runs,piles of homework and school notes in French.

But on Saturday,the market is for me.I feel so peaceful as I walk along the quiet street toward the busy town square.The knife-sharpening man is there, operating a machine that looks like it dates from the Industrial Revolution.There' re street musicians with guitars and microphones,and the sound of beautiful songs fills the air.And the food,of course,is delicious.The cheese man doesn't speak-he just points and cuts,offering a piece from his knife.Lines come out of the door for fresh bread at the bakery.Organic vegetables,herbs and desserts are a feast for the eyes,before being put into the bag to be enjoyed later for lunch.The noises and smells of the market are unfamiliar and thrilling,but their procedures are clear to me.This is part of why I love the place so much:Unlike during the week,when I'm constantly faced with my own difficulties,I know how this place works.My terrible French isn't the barrier to communication that it is in other circumstances.

At school and in the village,I can't joke or join a conversation,and although the other parents at the school are kind,I'm an outsider.But at the market,I'm just another customer with a basket.Surrounded by day trippers,I feel like a local- greeting people I know and petting dogs.

My Saturday experiences allow me to hope that in the near future I'll feel equally confident in my everyday life.Until then,Saturdays prepare me for the coming week of school runs.

1.What does the author mean by saying “I feel like a fish out of water”?

A.She feels uncomfortable in new surroundings.

B.She feels free out of her daily housework.

C.She feels lonely without her children.

D.She feels unable to make a living in another country.

2.What can be learned about the author's life during weekdays?

A.She learns French together with her children.

B.She devotes herself to her children in a French school.

C.She runs to school every day to help her children.

D.She tries to balance her job and the housework.

3.Why does the author like going to the Saturday market?

A.She wants to get away from her family's stress.

B.She can talk with other customers freely there.

C.She feels relaxed and comfortable there.

D.She tries to gain confidence in the busy atmosphere.


1.A 2.B 3.C 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者为了逃离生活琐事,在周六集市寻求平静和生活希望的故事。 1. 词句猜测题。文章第一段提到I feel like a fish out of water everywhere but one place — the Saturday street market.(除了周六集市,我在其他地方都感觉自己是a fish out of water) ,再根据文章二三段内容可知,作者很喜欢周六集市,觉得在那里自己感觉很放松。也就说明作者在其他地方都感觉不自在。结合作者开头就提到自己的住所,所以I feel like a fish out of water应该是指“自己在新的住所很不舒服,格格不入”。故选A。 2. 细节理解题。根据From Monday to Friday, life is all about the kids. I’m busy helping my children deal with life in a French school.(从周一到周五,生活都是关于孩子的。我正忙着帮助孩子们应付在法国学校的生活 )可知,作者在工作日全身心地投入到她在法国学校的孩子们身上。故选B。 3. 推理判断题。根据第三段中的But on Saturday, the market is for me. I feel so peaceful as I walk along the quiet street toward the busy town square.(但在周六,市场是为我准备的。当我沿着安静的街道走向繁华的城市广场时,我感到如此平静)及This is part of why I love the place so much: Unlike during the week, when I’m constantly faced with my own difficulties, I know how this place works. My terrible French isn’t the barrier to communication that it is in other circumstances.(这是我如此热爱这个地方的部分原因:不像在工作日,我总是要面对自己的困难,我知道这个地方是如何运作的。我糟糕的法语并不像在其他情况下那样成为交流的障碍)由此可推知,作者喜欢去星期六的市场,是因为在那里能感到放松和舒适。故选C。

假如你是李华,半个月前你给澳大利亚好友Jack邮寄了一些口罩以帮助他和家人防范新冠肺 炎。请给他写一封电子邮件询问他是否收到口罩并告知他一些防范经验,内容包括:

1 .表达关心;




参考词汇:新冠肺炎COVID - 19 口罩surgical mask

Dear Jack,



Li Hua




1.Every time I feel down, he always pats me g _______(温柔地) on the back,

2.When the boss is a _______ from the meeting, the secretary will be in charge of it.

3.With the final exam a _______, students are becoming more and more stressful.

4.Just as the professor often says, the _______ (区别) between art and science are easy to find.

5.I can help you with your study. _______ (与此同时), you'd better ask your teachers for help.

6.If you come across new words while reading, you can c _______ a dictionary.

7.Jogging for 40 minutes after supper every day is b _______ to those who want to get into shape.

8.The government is _______ (呼吁) to everyone to wear masks when they are in public.

9.He was d _______ to make contributions to the society, so he volunteered to work as a teacher in the countryside.

10.Our evidence shows that spending time _______ (在户外) is good for kids' eyes.




This afternoon a poorly - dressed man came into my restaurant. After he finished his order, a million pound banknote 1.take out of an envelope. I asked Mr. Clements whether it was true. Mr. Clements said yes. The reason was 2.two of this amount had been issued by the Bank of England this year.

He thought 3.the gentleman showed us couldn't be a fake (赝品).Till now, 1 have no idea 4. a gentleman with a million pound banknote dressed himself poorly and ate in our small restaurant. What happened today made me 5. excite).




When I packed up my life and moved from the comforts of my little hometown to Waco, I felt lost. I didn't know 1. I was ready for that. For the first few weeks, I didn't miss home because there was so much for me to learn that I had no time to think about anything. I tried my best to adapt 2. college - level classes and remember the names of every new person I met. I explored every corner, 3.look for the perfect place to study. Nowadays, in my second semester, I have almost been used to the university life and for me, the school life is neither dull 4.stressful. One of the best things college has taught me  5.be how to be independent.



    Many of us dream of making all the difference—earning a lot of money. A great scientist has achieved that big success and _______ all the money to help others. Professor Nicola Curtin of the University of Newcastle successfully _______ a new drug for cancer, but when the time came for her big _______, she chose to give some of the profits away to help the _______ people to make their life better.

The drug Rubraca is the _______ of 30 years of research and helps people who have a gene known to lead to an increasing _______of breast cancer. Rubraca helps target the cancerous cells so as to repair their DNA and finally _______ tumour cells (肿瘤细胞).The University of Newcastle _______ rights of the medication (药物)for $40. 8 million to a company, which is a pretty penny. Instead of _______herself, Curtin used her $1.2 million share to ________ The Curtin PARP Fund.

The fund ________ to help the disabled, the homeless, and anyone experiencing a disadvantage. It helps them to develop the skills to ________ difficulties so that they can get education or employment. "Those people’s ________ makes me think about life. I have ________ had everything that I need in life _________ there are many people who are leading a hard life. ________, through The Curtin PARP Fund, I want to leave an________ legacy (遗产)by helping them master the basic skills for life. And I feel ________ of what I have done. ” said Curtin.

What Curtin has done tells that we can help others in many ________ by using our talent to help, and by ________ and offering much assistance, etc.

1.A.made B.passed C.donated D.showed

2.A.exchanged B.took C.accepted D.created

3.A.payoff B.celebration C.event D.benefit

4.A.honest B.needy C.friendly D.important

5.A.instruction B.improvement C.chance D.result

6.A.view B.risk C.cause D.fact

7.A.make B.study C.remove D.catch

8.A.sold B.offered C.ensured D.achieved

9.A.helping B.praising C.protecting D.treating

10.A.raise B.present C.establish D.obtain

11.A.aims B.affords C.begins D.competes

12.A.avoid B.realize C.overcome D.experience

13.A.action B.admiration C.shame D.situation

14.A.ever B.never C.still D.already

15.A.but B.so C.though D.if

16.A.Moreover B.However C.Meanwhile D.Therefore

17.A.thankful B.careful C.lasting D.interesting

18.A.afraid B.proud C.sick D.sure

19.A.aspects B.ways C.purposes D.attempts

20.A.reaching out B.setting off C.looking back D.giving up



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