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Over the past few months, COVID-19 has c...

    Over the past few months, COVID-19 has caused great uncertainty around the world affecting people's lives in all aspects.Education is also greatly affected. With students all turning to online instruction, live-streamed classes have become popular among schools and universities.  1.

In China, the use of e-learning is unusual not only in size but also in depth. 2. For another, it proves how modern technology changes the way students are educated and encourages further research and development of educational technology to introduce virtual communities between students and teachers.

In fact,online instruction as an alternative teaching mode has been expanding rapidly in recent years.Many Chinese start-ups focus on AI applications in online courses,and various online educational platforms are set up.3. The online education platform MOOC,where a wide variety of courses is available,has attracted the world's top universities to upload and share resources with students around the world.

Compared with formal instruction,online courses save abundant costs and create a flexible teaching mode(模式)-homeschooling,especially during a crisis. 4.For example,rural students with no access to the Internet and television might be left behind in this new mode.When e-learning becomes the only solution for delivering knowledge,the existing divide could be widened,further deepening education inequality.Also,the quality of teaching becomes heavily dependent on uncertain factors,such as a stable connection to the Internet and technical skills.

5.Yet,the pandemic(流行病)has undoubtedly affected the teaching style in a sweeping manner and given educators around the world plenty of time and space to think about the alternative educational modes.

A.However,online teaching has its own disadvantages.

B.The traditional face-to-face teaching style has been challenged.

C.Chinese colleges and universities started the spring term online.

D.Moreover,online education is fairly acceptable to college education.

E.Online teaching provides a chance to reconsider the current education system.

F.For one thing,the impressive practice sets a good example to other countries.

G.So,it's early to predict how the future of the education system will look like.


1.B 2.F 3.D 4.A 5.G 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了在线教学模式的利弊。 1.根据前一句“With students all turning to online instruction, live-streamed classes have become popular among schools and universities”可知,随着学生们都转向在线教学,直播课程在学校和大学中变得很受欢迎。B项“传统的面对面教学方式受到挑战”承接上文,B项中的“traditional face-to-face teaching”与上文的“online instruction”相呼应,符合语境。故选B项。 2.根据后一句“For another, it proves how modern technology changes the way students are educated and encourages further research and development of educational technology to introduce virtual communities between students and teachers.”可知,另一方面,它证明了现代技术如何改变学生的教育方式,并鼓励进一步研究和开发教育技术,在学生和教师之间引入虚拟社区。F项“一方面,令人印象深刻的做法为其他国家树立了良好的榜样”承上启下,F项中的“For one thing”与下文的“For another”相呼应,符合语境。故选F项。 3.根据后一句“The online education platform MOOC, where a wide variety of courses is available, has attracted the world's top universities to upload and share resources with students around the world.”可知,在线教育平台MOOC提供了各种各样的课程,吸引了世界顶尖大学与世界各地的学生上传和共享资源。D项“此外,网络教育对大学教育来说是相当可以接受的”承上启下,D项中的“college education”与下文的“attracted the world's top universities”相呼应,符合语境。故选D项。 4.根据后一句“For example, rural students with no access to the Internet and television might be left behind in this new mode.”可知,例如,在这种新模式下,无法上网和看电视的农村学生可能会落在后面。A项“然而,在线教学有其自身的缺点”承上启下,A项中的“disadvantages”指下文列举的几个例子,符合语境。故选A项。 5.根据后一句“Yet, the pandemic(流行病)has undoubtedly affected the teaching style in a sweeping manner and given educators around the world plenty of time and space to think about the alternative educational modes.”可知,然而,这场大流行无疑对教学风格产生了广泛的影响,给了世界各地的教育工作者足够的时间和空间来思考其他的教育模式。G项“所以,现在预测教育系统的未来是什么样子还为时过早”,引起下文,G项中的“it's early to predict”与下文的“plenty of time and space to think about”相呼应,符合语境。故选G项。

    Elon Musk has expressed his company – Neuralink is close to announcing the first brain-machine interface (接口) to connect humans and computers. Musk told followers in Twitter the technology would be “coming soon” – though he failed to provide details.

Neuralink was set up in 2016 with the ambitious goal of developing hardware to strengthen the human brain. However, little about how this will work has been made public. Neuralink describes the interface as an extremely high-speed connection between the human brain and computers.

Musk has frequently claimed the rapid rise of artificial intelligence poses an existential risk to humanity. Such an interface, he says, is essential if humans are to compete with such technology in the future. At a technology conference in 2016, Mr Musk said humans risked being treated like house pets by AI machines if a brain-computer interface was not built. Last year on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast, Musk said Neuralink’s technology would allow humans to “effectively combine with AI”.

A paper published in Nature Nanotechnology in 2015 described a concept for this connection, explaining how a flexible circuit (回路) could be injected into a living brain. “We’re trying to lessen the distinction between electronic circuits and neural circuits,” said Harvard researcher Charles Lieber, who co-authored the study. Despite the technology’s potential to increase the human brain, experts have warned that brain-computer interfaces risk being controlled by vicious (恶意的) artificial intelligence.

Such an action could lead to AI controlling the thoughts, decisions and emotions of a person using a brain-computer link. “Technological developments mean that we are on a path to a world in which it will be possible to discover people’s mental processes and directly operate the brain mechanisms underlying their intentions, emotions and decision,” stated a Nature comment piece written by 27 scientists and machine intelligence engineers. “The possible medical and social benefits in it are vast. But we must guide their development in a way that respects, protects and enables what is best in humanity.”

1.What message did Musk convey about his Neuralink?

A.It sells brain-machine interfaces.

B.It offers rich data about interfaces.

C.It has followers to connect humans and computers.

D.Its new technology will be accessible to the public soon .

2.What can we know from Paragraph Two?

A.Neuralink aims to know the human brain better.

B.How the hardware functions is already known.

C.The brain-machine interface was invented in 2016.

D.The interface is expected to link the human brain and computers rapidly.

3.According to Musk, why are brain-machine interfaces important?

A.Because they may treat human like house pets.

B.Because they may make AI serve human better.

C.Because they build neural circuits in human brains.

D.Because they rapidly develop artificial intelligence.

4.What is the attitude of Nature to brain-machine interfaces?

A.Objective B.Favorable

C.Opposed D.Indifferent



    The coronavirus outbreak has sparked panic buying of toilet paper and cleaning products in countries across the world, but one UK businessman is determined to spread some happiness among the anxiety and confusion.

Rob Braddick, 48, who owns Braddick’s Holiday Park in Westward Ho, Devon, in the southwest of England, has filled the toy grabber machines in his amusement park with two of the country’s most sought-after cleaning products.

Customers could previously try their hand at grabbing “Frozen 2” or “Peter Rabbit” toys from the machines, but no more. “They got removed this morning,” Braddick said of the toys, replacing them with toilet roll and hand sanitizer (洗手液). Visitors can now pay 50p for three goes on the toilet roll grabber, or a go for Carex, which Braddick described as the “Rolls- Royce of hand sanitizers.”

Braddick said that his decision was born of a desire to make people feel less stressed in uncertain times. “It’s a bit of light relief with everything that’s going on,” he said. “Hopefully it will raise a smile, which I think everybody needs.”

Around the world, travel plans have been severely affected, and tens of millions of people remain at home as part of global efforts to fight against coronavirus. Supermarkets have seen shortages of toilet paper and hand sanitizer as anxious consumers stockpile the products.

Braddick said the family business, which has been running since 1932, has received more than a dozen calls from potential customers who say they don’t want to travel abroad for their holidays and would rather stay in the UK. As for his own measures against coronavirus, Braddick said staff have been told to wash their hands every half hour, which is particularly important for those handling money.

1.What is the third paragraph mainly about?

A.New practice of the game. B.Prizes of the game.

C.Price for a try. D.People’s love for grabbing toys.

2.What’s the purpose of Braddick’s new idea?

A.To make higher profits. B.To attract more people to play the game.

C.To support his family business. D.To ease people’s anxiety.

3.What can be inferred from the passage?

A.Cleaning products will be in shortage for a long time.

B.Braddick’s business is experiencing a hard time.

C.Tourism may fall into a decline.

D.Everyone in the park is told to wash their hands every half hour.



    I'm now living in the south of France with my husband Keith and three small children, and I feel like a fish out of water everywhere but one place-the Saturday street market.It's been operating in our small town of Sommieres since the 13th century,but we've only lived here for three months.

From Monday to Friday,life is all about the kids.I'm busy helping my children deal with life in a French school.It's not easy,and their stress is the whole family's stress,as Keith and I are occupied with the daily school runs,piles of homework and school notes in French.

But on Saturday,the market is for me.I feel so peaceful as I walk along the quiet street toward the busy town square.The knife-sharpening man is there, operating a machine that looks like it dates from the Industrial Revolution.There' re street musicians with guitars and microphones,and the sound of beautiful songs fills the air.And the food,of course,is delicious.The cheese man doesn't speak-he just points and cuts,offering a piece from his knife.Lines come out of the door for fresh bread at the bakery.Organic vegetables,herbs and desserts are a feast for the eyes,before being put into the bag to be enjoyed later for lunch.The noises and smells of the market are unfamiliar and thrilling,but their procedures are clear to me.This is part of why I love the place so much:Unlike during the week,when I'm constantly faced with my own difficulties,I know how this place works.My terrible French isn't the barrier to communication that it is in other circumstances.

At school and in the village,I can't joke or join a conversation,and although the other parents at the school are kind,I'm an outsider.But at the market,I'm just another customer with a basket.Surrounded by day trippers,I feel like a local- greeting people I know and petting dogs.

My Saturday experiences allow me to hope that in the near future I'll feel equally confident in my everyday life.Until then,Saturdays prepare me for the coming week of school runs.

1.What does the author mean by saying “I feel like a fish out of water”?

A.She feels uncomfortable in new surroundings.

B.She feels free out of her daily housework.

C.She feels lonely without her children.

D.She feels unable to make a living in another country.

2.What can be learned about the author's life during weekdays?

A.She learns French together with her children.

B.She devotes herself to her children in a French school.

C.She runs to school every day to help her children.

D.She tries to balance her job and the housework.

3.Why does the author like going to the Saturday market?

A.She wants to get away from her family's stress.

B.She can talk with other customers freely there.

C.She feels relaxed and comfortable there.

D.She tries to gain confidence in the busy atmosphere.



假如你是李华,半个月前你给澳大利亚好友Jack邮寄了一些口罩以帮助他和家人防范新冠肺 炎。请给他写一封电子邮件询问他是否收到口罩并告知他一些防范经验,内容包括:

1 .表达关心;




参考词汇:新冠肺炎COVID - 19 口罩surgical mask

Dear Jack,



Li Hua




1.Every time I feel down, he always pats me g _______(温柔地) on the back,

2.When the boss is a _______ from the meeting, the secretary will be in charge of it.

3.With the final exam a _______, students are becoming more and more stressful.

4.Just as the professor often says, the _______ (区别) between art and science are easy to find.

5.I can help you with your study. _______ (与此同时), you'd better ask your teachers for help.

6.If you come across new words while reading, you can c _______ a dictionary.

7.Jogging for 40 minutes after supper every day is b _______ to those who want to get into shape.

8.The government is _______ (呼吁) to everyone to wear masks when they are in public.

9.He was d _______ to make contributions to the society, so he volunteered to work as a teacher in the countryside.

10.Our evidence shows that spending time _______ (在户外) is good for kids' eyes.



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