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The 3D-printing industry is accelerating...

    The 3D-printing industry is accelerating its efforts to help fight the new coronavirus and the disease it causes, COVID-19.

On Tuesday, HP announced it’s working with those who bought its 3D printers to make medical face shields, hands-free door openers and an adjuster for face masks for medical staff who often must wear them for hours. It’s also testing “hospital-grade” face masks meeting the higher-end FFP3 (过滤式面罩) standard and parts for simple emergency ventilators (呼吸机) and it’s looking into nasal swabs to test for COVID-19 infection. HP also is offering free downloads of its 3D-printed medical equipment designs.

Carbon, whose 3D printers are used to make everything from bicycle seats to teeth straighteners, said it plans to send face shield designs to its network of customers who’ve bought its 3D printers. Carbon co-founder and Executive Chairman Joseph DeSimone said on Monday the company expects to send the designs by early Tuesday.

3D-printcr makers typically sell their products to others that actually do the 3D printing. One such customer, Ford, said Tuesday that it’s made 1,000 face shields and shipped them to Michigan hospitals, with plans to make 100,000 face shields a week. It is also working with 3M and General Electric on respirator masks and ventilator designs.

The effort is one of several to apply 3D-printing technology to the fight against coronavirus. 3D printing isn’t as fast at churning out products as conventional mass production methods. But 3D printers are flexible and able to make many different parts anywhere there’s a printer and raw materials like the plastic resins Carbon printers use.

Some 3D-printing efforts have focused on ventilators, which expected to be in short supply with a surge of COVID-19 patients suffering from respiratory (呼吸器官) problems. Also in short supply arc N95 masks that can be useful in reducing the likelihood a wearer will spread COVID-19 to others.

Carbon’s DeSimone is cautious about the enthusiasm, though, saying that regulatory approval is important and that 3D-printcr enthusiasts shouldn’t be making components not intended for close human contact that might release unhealthy gases.

1.What is the passage mainly about?

A.An introduction about 3D-printing.

B.The 3D-printing industry’s efforts to help fight COVID-19.

C.The products that 3D-printing makers sell.

D.How 3D-printing makers produce medical equipment.

2.HP announced to help its customers to make the following products except for_____________.

A.medical face shields B.hands-free door openers

C.an adjuster for face masks D.emergency ventilators

3.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A.Carbon’s company will finish its design after Tuesday.

B.Ford has made 1,000 face shields end plans to make 10,000 more in a week.

C.3D printers arc more flexible than traditional mass production methods.

D.Most 3D-printings focus on making ventilators and N95 because of their short supply.

4.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A.3D-printing may release unhealthy gases.

B.DeSimone is cautious about 3D-printing.

C.Carbon’s company didn’t gain regulatory approval of making medical equipment.

D.3D printers aren’t enthusiastic about making components designed for close human contact.


1.B 2.D 3.C 4.A 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。本文主要讲述了3D打印被应用在医疗领域用于抗击新冠肺炎所产生的影响。 1. 主旨大意题。根据文章内容3D打印被应用在医疗领域用于抗击新冠肺炎所产生的影响,尤其是文章第一段The 3D-printing industry is accelerating its efforts to help fight the new coronavirus and the disease it causes, COVID-19.可知,3D打印行业正在加快努力,帮助抗击新型冠状病毒及其引发的疾病COVID-19。由此可知,本篇文章主要是介绍3D打印行业为抗击新冠肺炎所做的努力。故选B项。 2. 细节理解题。根据第二段HP announced it’s working with those who bought its 3D printers to make medical face shields, hands-free door openers and an adjuster for face masks for medical staff who often must wear them for hours.可知,惠普宣布将与购买其3D打印机的公司合作,生产医用面罩、免提开门器和口罩调节器,供经常需要戴上几个小时的医护人员使用。由此可知,惠普并不能帮助其客户生产紧急呼吸机。故选D项。 3. 细节理解题。根据第五段But 3D printers are flexible and able to make many different parts anywhere there’s a printer and raw materials like the plastic resins Carbon printers use.可知,但是3D打印机更灵活并且能够在任何地方打印不同的部分,只要那里有打印机和打印机要用的原材料,比如塑料树脂。由此可知,3D打印机比起传统的大数量的商品生产方法更灵活。故选C项。 4. 推理判断题。根据最后一段内容:碳公司的德西蒙对这种热情持谨慎态度,他说,监管部门的批准很重要,3D打印爱好者不应该制造可能会释放有害气体的非人类亲密接触的组件。由此推知,3D打印可能会释放不健康的气体。故选A项。

    Dutch author Marieke Lucas Rijneveld has become one of the youngest writers to be shortlisted (列入候选) for a Booker prize, after their debut novel (处女作)made the final line-up for the International Booker.

Rijneveld. a rising star in Dutch literature, is 28― lightly older than British author Daisy Johnson was when she was shortlisted for the Booker prize in 2018 age 27. The author, who identifies as male and uses the pronouns they/them, was shortlisted after a six-hour virtual (虚拟的) judging meeting for the £50,000 prize, which is shared equally between writer and translator, for The Discomfort of Evening, translated by Michele Hutchison. The novel, tells of a girl whose brother dies in a skating accident and draws from Rijneveld’s own experiences: when they were three, their 12-year-old brother was knocked over and killed by a bus.

“Rijneveld’s language renders (重现) the world again, revealing the shocks and violence of early youth through the angle of a Dutch dairy farm. The strangeness of a child looking at the strangeness of the world is in it,” said judges of the work.

“The Discomfort of Evening is one of six novels in the running for the International Booker, each of which,” said chair of judges Ted Hodgkinson, “restlessly reinvents (重 塑)received narratives, from foundational myths to family folklore, plunging us into discomfiting and delightful encounters with selves in a state of transition (过渡)”.

Hodgkinson chaired a panel (专家组)of five judges who selected the shortlist from 124 submissions. The coronavirus pandemic meant their meeting had to be virtual, but Hodgkinson said he and his panel still managed to discuss the line-up for more than six hours.

The winner will be announced on 19 May.

1.We can learn from the 2nd paragraph that_____________.

A.Rijneveld is a young male writer.

B.Rijneveld and the translator Michele Hutchison will share the $50,000 prize.

C.Daisy Johnson was the youngest writer shortlisted for a Booker prize this year.

D.The Discomfort of Evening is partly adapted from Rijneveld’s own experiences.

2.Which can we infer from the passage?

A.Rijneveld’s brother died from a skating accident.

B.The judges of the work speak highly of Rijneveld’s language.

C.Six novels reveal the shocks and violence of early youth on a Dutch dairy farm.

D.Hodgkinson and his panel were unhappy to discuss the line-up online for over six hours.

3.Why did the panel have a virtual judging meeting?

A.Because of the coronavirus pandemic.

B.Because there were too many submissions.

C.Because it was more effective online.

D.Because the judges lives too far away from each other.

4.What is the most suitable title of the passage?

A.Booker prize winner will be announced

B.Rijneveld, one of the most youngest Booker winner

C.International Booker prize shortlist led by 28-year-old’s debut

D.The Discomfort of Evening a novel running for the International Booker



    I watched my Dad close the door. It was a really cold night in dead silence and I was all alone at home. My parents left because they had been running fever for several days and they were showing other symptoms of COVID-19. It was the 9th day of Wuhan lockdown starting on January 23.

The virus we now know as COVID-19 is somehow fearsome partly because it does not discriminate (区别对待) in choosing who it infects. But that is only partly true. All the evidence suggest that it can be merciless to older people, so I was wondering whether my parents would make it and whether we would ever take family photos, which my parents and I had talked about during the Spring Festival holiday..

On their second day away my parents called and asked me how I was. We talked using FaceTime, and the moment I saw mom lying there with an oxygen mask and my dad could not talk without breathing heavily, I realized that I had to live on my own.

But two weeks later, I came across a fever and had to go into quarantine (隔离) and be put under medical observations for 14 days. Fortunately, my illness turned out to be due to a bacterial infections but not COVID-19.

Everything there was hectic, there seemed to be a shortage of medical staff and materials were in short supply. Even though the doctors and nurses were covered from head to toe, I could see how tired they were when I looked into their bloodshot eyes.

They would work a whole day preparing for new patients and seemed incredibly apologetic for not having everything that was needed. Most of the patients were really understanding, but of course there were those who were not, and complained loudly, but all the doctors and nurses tried their best to deal with it in a calming way. And they are all from other cities like Shanghai and Guangzhou, and some of them are just three or four years older than me.

When the quarantine was over, every patient effusively thanked the workers for what they had done, but the answer they received was exactly the same: “That’s what we’re here for.”

1.When did the author’s parents leave her for the hospital?

A.January 23. B.January 30.

C.January 31. D.February 1.

2.What does the underlined phrase “make it” in Paragraph 2 mean?

A.Succeed. B.Join in.

C.Arrive. D.Survive.

3.What can we learn according to the passage?

A.Both the author and her parents got infected with COVID-19.

B.The majority of the patients understood the doctors and nurses.

C.The patients apologized to the doctors and nurses because they were too tired.

D.The author didn’t get infected with COVID-19 because the virus can only infect the older.

4.What may the author think of the medical workers according to the passage?

A.Admirable. B.Outgoing.

C.Impatient. D.Thankful.



2 Killed in Knife Attack in French Town Under Lockdown

In what was described as a potential terrorist attack, a knife-wielding man killed two people and wounded five others on Saturday morning in a town in southern France with only a few shops open under a national lockdown to prevent the coronavirus pandemic (新冠肺炎).

The attacks took place about 11 a.m. local time outside a bakery and other shops. Witnesses said that the suspect yelled, Allahu akbar!" as he lunged at his victims, according to France Bleu. The assailant (行凶者)randomly attacked bystanders on the street, first cutting the throat of a man in his 40s in front of his companion and his son, in the center of Romans-sur-Isere, just south of Lyon, according to the French authorities and news media.

He then attacked two workers and a customer inside a tobacco store before heading to a butcher’s shop. The suspect, a 33-ycar-old man of Sudanese origin, was arrested by the police as he was "found on his knees on the sidewalk while praying in Arabic," said the country’s antiterrorism prosecutor’s office, which is handling the investigation into the attack. At the man’s home, investigators found religious writings in which the author complained of living in a "country of infidels (没有信仰的)the prosecutors said in a statement.

The suspectwho the French news media said was an asylum-seeker (避难者)from Sudanwas not immediately identified by name. President Emmanuel Macron vowed that "light would be shed on this odious (可 憎的)act which casts a shadow on our country, which has already been severely tested in recent weeks. "

1.Where docs the attacker come from?

A.Iraq B.Saudi Arabia C.France D.Sudan

2.The first victim was accompanied with      when he was attacked.

A.his son B.his companion C.his wife and his son D.none

3.Which of the following statements is Not True according the passage?

A.The attack was in the street.

B.The suspect was an infidel man.

C.The suspect’s name wasn’t known to the French new media at first.

D.President Emmanuel Macron eared much about the case and promised to make it clear.




Old Man Donovan was a mean man who hated children. He threw rocks at them and even shot at them with a shotgun. At least that's what we had heard.

His small farm bordered our neighborhood where my younger sister, Leigh Ann,and I lived when we were growing up. His farm was long,narrow,and quaint. It held two treasures. One was his beautiful fruit.

There were many varieties of fruit:pears,apples,and lots more I just can't think of. The fruit naturally drew the children to his land. It made them into thieves. But my sister and I didn't dare to take his fruit because of the horrible rumors we had heard about Old Man Donovan.

One summer day,we were playing in a nearby field. It was time to head back home. My sister and I were feeling very daring that day. There was a short cut to our house that went through the Donovan farm. We thought he wouldn't be able to see us run across his property around the luscious fruit trees. We were almost through the farm when we heard, "Hey,girl! "in a gruff,low voice. We stopped dead in our tracks! There we were,face to face with Old Man Donovan. Our knees were shaking. We had visions of rocks pounding our bodies and bullets piercing our hearts. "Come here, "he said,reaching up to one of his apple trees. Still shaking,we went over to him. He held out several ripe,juicy,red apples. "Take these home, "he commanded. We took the apples with surprised hearts and ran all the way home. Of course, Leigh Ann and I ate the apples.

As time went on,we often went through Old Man Donovan's farm,and he kept on giving us more luscious fruit. One day,we stopped by to see him when he was on his front porch. We talked to him for hours. While he was talking,we realized that we had found the other hidden treasure: the sweet,kind heart hidden behind his gruff voice. Soon,he was one of our favorite people to talk to. Unfortunately,his family never seemed to enjoy our company. They never smiled or welcomed us in.






Paragraph 1:

Every summer,we would visit Mr. Donovan and talk to him.


Paragraph 2:

The next winter,word got around that Old Man Donovan had died.




假定你是李华,你的英国笔友 David 给你发了一封邮件,倾诉他因疫情居家进行线上学习所遇到的烦恼,请你针对 David 的问题回复邮件。


Dear Li Hua,

I have some problems. Due to the COVID-19, all of us now have to keep social distance and take online courses at home. I find it hard to constantly focus on studying. I feel tired easily. Worse still, I have become so anxious and short-tempered. I do want to change the situation, but I don’t know how. What should I do?

Yours, David


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