满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起...



Dear Henry,

I am writing to invite you to attend the Chinese paper-cutting art exhibition to held in the art gallery from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm the next Saturday in the City Museum.

Paper-cutting is a traditionally art form in China, which had a history of more than 1,500 years. People often decorate their homes with paper-cutting during festivals and weddings. In this exhibition, you can see paper-cutting with various pattern. In addition, they are famous artists who will perform how to cut paper in the spot. I hope that you can seize this opportunity to learn much about traditional Chinese culture.

The exhibition is well worth attended. Looking forward to hear from you soon.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


1.held前加be 2.去掉Saturday前的the 3.traditionally→traditional 4.had→has 5.pattern→patterns 6. they→there 7.in→on 8. much→more 9. attended→attending 10. hear→hearing 【解析】 本文是应用文。作者写这封信邀请Henry参加中国剪纸文化艺术展。 1.考查被动语态。句意:我写信是想邀请您参加下周六上午9点到下午4点在美术馆举办的中国剪纸艺术展,展览地点在城市博物馆。the Chinese paper-cutting art exhibition 和hold之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,用不定式的被动形式to be done作定语,表示将来的被动动作,意思为“将要举行的中国剪纸艺术展”。故held前加be。 2.考查固定短语。next Saturday 意思为“下星期六”,在句中作状语,不需要冠词,故去掉Saturday前的the。 3.考查形容词。修饰名词短语art form,应该用形容词形式。故traditionally改为traditional。 4.考查时态。句意:剪纸是中国的一种传统艺术形式,有着1500多年的历史。句子叙述的是客观事实,应该用一般现在时;定语从句先行词是a traditional art form,是单数,因此谓语动词用单数第三人称形式。故had改为has。 5.考查数名词单复数。pattern是可数名词;前面有形容词various,pattern应用复数形式。故pattern改为patterns。 6.考查固定句型。句意:有很多著名的艺术家会现场表演如何剪纸。根据句意,此处是“There be…”句型,意思为“有……”。故they改为there。 7.考查固定短语。根据句意,此处是短语on the spot,意思为“当场,在现场”。故in改为on。 8.考查副词比较级。句意:我希望你能抓住这次机会,更多地了解传统的中国文化。根据句意,此处应该用副词比较级的形式,意思为“更多地了解”。故much改为more。 9.考查动名词。句意:这次展览很值得参观。根据句意,此处是短语be well worth doing…意思为 “很值得做……”,后接动名词形式,并且用主动形式表被动意义。故attended 改为attending。 10.考查动名词。根据句意,此处是短语look forward to,意思为“期待做……”,后接动名词形式作宾语。故hear改为hearing。  


It's common to see food delivery workers riding electric bikes in a hurry through big cities in China. Some of them even risk 1. (run) red lights to deliver their meals in time. However, such careless behavior often causes serious problems.

The reason for the rise of such a careless behavior is that there is 2. large demand for food delivery workers, and many companies offer high salaries 3.(attract) new workers.

In fact, food delivery workers are often under high 4.(press) from their employers. They face company fines for delivering food late. Moreover, the more orders they take, the more money they can earn, 5. leads to some workers checking 6.(they) mobile phones for new orders while they are riding their bikes

While most companies require delivery workers to follow traffic rules, it remains a problem whether these requirements and rules are 7.(strict) obeyed

To solve the problem, some cities 8.(take) action since last year. Shanghai required the delivery workers should9.(train) on traffic rules and safety. Now in Shenzhen, if a delivery worker gets caught breaking traffic rules more than twice, he or she will be banned 10. driving food delivery vehicles for a whole year.



    I was excited to take my dog Georgie to the river the other day, as it’s within walking distance of our new home. Having spent her first six years in a cage, George had never seen a body of _________, and I wanted to get there before sunset to watch her _________ it.

I was growing increasingly _________ about all the stops. She _________ the grass, dirt and trees, and licked whatever was stuck to the road. These were all new _________ for her and she took her time studying them.

When I accepted that it was _________ to hurry her along, I _________ my cell phone and began texting. I thought that I needed something to do while Georgie was _________ us down.

Then, I heard the cicadas (), and I remembered that the sound of cicadas is my favorite sound in the world. That awakened something buried within me that _________ for the simple pleasures that had been ____________ by technology.

I made a __________ decision to be present, and to enjoy the ____________ to the river, just like Georgie. The journey was just as ____________ as the final destination would be, and it took that Georgie to ____________ me.

Now. I ____________ the wonder of the winding plants on our path. I felt the occasional warm raindrop on my skin from a gray sky ____________ to burst at any moment. I smelled the grass, the flowers, the dirt and the air. I treasured each one ____________, as if discovering them for the first time.

As we neared our destination. I realized something even more ____________ It didn’t matter whether we even reached the river. Why must there always be a ____________? Georgie had no idea that we had a destination. She was present for the journey, and she ____________ every bit of that sweet experience.

1.A.water B.land C.work D.people

2.A.drink B.experience C.waste D.clean

3.A.worried B.curious C.upset D.impatient

4.A.protected B.removed C.inspected D.damaged

5.A.discoveries B.gifts C.jobs D.problems

6.A.necessary B.fruitless C.wise D.better

7.A.picked up B.turned off C.looked for D.took out

8.A.letting B.turning C.slowing D.breaking

9.A.paid B.longed C.applied D.planned

10.A.replaced B.determined C.required D.followed

11.A.curious B.flexible C.panic D.conscious

12.A.journey B.freedom C.cycling D.swimming

13.A.hard B.dangerous C.wonderful D.long

14.A.give B.leave C.remind D.convince

15.A.admired B.expressed C.discovered D.worked

16.A.beginning B.continuing C.threatening D.leading

17.A.equally B.secretly C.greatly D.absolutely

18.A.interesting B.serious C.useful D.important

19.A.difference B.destination C.change D.reason

20.A.provided B.used C.lacked D.enjoyed



The Value of Tears

Tears can ruin make-up, bring conversation to a stop, and give you a runny nose. Tears leave you embarrassed and without energy. Still, crying is a fact of life, and your tears are very useful. Even when you’re not crying, they make a film over the eye’s surface.1.

When tears fall, they reduce stress. But we tend to fight them for all sorts of reasons. “People worry about showing their emotions, afraid that once they lose control they’ll never get it back.”2. After we cry, the feelings that caused the tears often disappear.

Sometimes people become much stressed and can’t cry. Whatever emotion they are feeling—shock, anger, fear, or sadness—is being held back.

But everyone has the need to cry. Psychologist Vera Diamond explains that her treatment often consists of giving people permission to cry. 3.Patients practice crying just to become used to expressing emotions. She suggests safe, private places to cry, like under the bedcovers or in the car. Crying is a way of reducing tension, but people don’t like it when others cry because it makes them tense.4. And they’ll do just about anything to make you stop.

In certain situations, such as at work, tears are not appropriate. It’s good not to cry during a tense business discussion.5.You should also act out the whole situation again and be as noisy and angry as you like. It will help you feel better. “And,” she adds, “Once your tears have taken away the stress, you can begin to think calmly of ways to deal with the problem.”

Tears are a sign of our ability to feel. If you find yourself near someone crying, deal with it. And never be afraid to cry yourself.

A.They too may be holding back a need to cry.

B.They cry for different reasons.

C.She gives crying exercises.

D.It contains a chemical against infection.

E.The fact is that no emotion lasts forever.

F.It forms in response to the stress on the surface of the eye.

G.But once you’re safely behind closed doors, don’t just cry.



New App Helps People Remember Faces

Large gatherings such as weddings and conferences can be socially overwhelming. Pressure to learn people’s names only adds to the stress. A new facial-recognition app could come to the rescue, but privacy experts recommend proceeding with caution.

The app, called SocialRecall, connects names with faces via smartphone cameras and facial recognition, potentially avoiding the need for formal introductions. “It breaks down these social barriers we all have when meeting somebody,” says Barry Sandrew, who created the app and tested it at an event attended by about 1,000 people.

After receiving an invitation to download SocialRecall from an event organizer, the user is asked to take two selfies and sign in via social media. At the event, the app is active within a previously defined geographical area. When a user points his or her phone camera at an attendee’s face, the app identifies the individual, displays the person’s name, and links to his or her social media profile. To protect privacy, it recognizes only those who have agreed to participate. And the app's creators say it automatically deletes users’ data after an event.

Ann Cavoukian, a privacy expert who runs the Privacy by Design Center of Excellence praises the app’s creators for these protective measures. She cautions, however, that when people choose to share their personal information with the app, they should know that “there may be unintended consequences down the road with that information being used in another context that might come back to bite you.”

The start-up has also developed a version of the app for individuals who suffer from prosopagnosia, or “face blindness,” a condition that prevents people from recognizing individuals they have met. To use this app, a person first acquires an image of someone’s face, from either the smartphone’s camera or a photograph, and then tags it with a name. When the camera spots that same face in real life, the previously entered information is displayed. The collected data are stored only on a user’s phone, according to the team behind the app.

1.SocialRecall is used to ________.

A.take photos B.identify people

C.organize events D.make friends

2.Paragraph 3 is mainly about ________.

A.how the app works

B.how the app was created

C.what makes the app popular

D.what people can do with the app

3.SocialRecall helps people with prosopagnosia by ________.

A.giving names to the photos kept in their smartphones

B.collecting information previously entered in the phone

C.providing the information of a person when they first meet

D.showing the person’s information when it spots a stored face

4.What can we learn about SocialRecall from the passage?

A.It may put people’s privacy at risk.

B.It has caused unintended consequences.

C.It can prevent some communication disorders.

D.It is praised by users for its protective measures.



    Maple syrup (枫糖浆) is a sweetener from maple tree sap (树汁). Many people use it in baking in place of sugar or other sweeteners, some use it in tea instead of honey and it is frequently used as a topping for pancakes, waffles, and other breakfast foods. Since true maple syrup is rather expensive, a wide range of false maple syrup exist.

This sweetener originated in the northeast region of North America, and it is in this region that most of the world’s maple syrup is still produced. Vermont, New Hampshire Maine, and the eastern portion of Canada are all known for their fine syrup, each with slightly different flavor qualities.

This sweetener is produced by tapping maple trees to release and collect their sap. A tree's sap is the liquid that, much like blood in animals, carries water and food to different parts of the tree to keep it nourished. A mature maple produces about ten gallons of sap in a given season, after which the tree will wall off the channel that has been tapped, so that a new tap has to be drilled the next season. Maples are not tapped for syrup until they are at least 40 years old and have reached a certain size, to ensure that no harm comes to the tree through the tapping process .

An immense amount of sap is required to produce maple syrup because the watery sap must be reduced to achieve the proper thickness and taste. Although the exact amount depends on the sweetness of the sap, in general it takes about 40 times as much maple sap to produce a portion of syrup. This may be further reduced to create thicker delicacies, such as maple butter, maple cream , and maple sugar.

In the Us, there are grade A and Grade B syrups, with three sub-divisions of Grade A: light amber, medium amber, and dark amber. Grade B is even darker than Grade A dark amber. Many people assume that the grading system is also indicative of quality, but in reality, it only helps to differentiate the color and taste of the syrup, which is a matter of personal preference. The tastes are different, but to say one is objectively “better” than another would be incorrect.

1.What do we know about the maple syrup from the first two paragraphs?

A.It can be a substitute of sugar and honey.

B.It varies greatly in flavor qualities.

C.It is produced in the northeast of the US.

D.It is too expensive to gain popularity.

2.The underlined word "nourished" in paragraph 3 can be replaced by “__________”.

A.warm. B.healthy.

C.complete. D.mature.

3.Why is a large amount of sap needed?

A.Because it is widely used in most delicacies.

B.Because it helps to protect old trees from harm.

C.Because it needs to be concentrated to make maple syrup.

D.Because the more sap is used, the better maple syrup tastes.

4.What's the main purpose of writing the text?

A.To teach people how to make maple syrup.

B.To attract more people to buy maple syrup.

C.To introduce basic knowledge of maple syrup.

D.To help people choose maple syrup of good quality.



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