满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I don’t like you speak to her. A.the way...

I don’t like     you speak to her.

A.the way B.the way in that

C.the way which D.the way of which


A 【解析】 考查定语从句。句意:我不喜欢你和她说话的方式。先行词是the way时,定语从句用in which/that或是不用关系代词。故选A。

As I held my father’s hands one night, I couldn’t help but ______ their roughness.

A.noticing B.notice C.to notice D.noticed



After the clock _____ twelve, the students walked out of the lecture room.

A.beat B.hit C.struck D.rang



    Santa Claus might not be real for most people. But for one kid Santa Claus is 100% real and even brings him _______ every year.

Mr.Hussain _______to be walking past a house in his local area in 2013 _______a young boy named Alfie shouted “Santa”. Not wanting to _______ the young boy, Mr. Hussain gave him some money and that started a friendship which sees Hussain _______ Alfie every year to give him gifts. He _______ now come over on their birthdays.

Alfie's _______, Tracy Ashford-Rose, told Buzz Feed News that Christmas wouldn't be the _______ without a visit from “Santa”. She said that she _______ “my little Alfie shouting out for me, ‘Look? It's Father Christmas!'”

“Hussain got three ________ away and came back to knock on my door; he said he couldn't live without giving a gift because my little boy ________ he was Father Christmas, ”Ashford-Rose continued.“This was four years ago, and we still ________ gifts to each other. He comes to see Alfie and my daughter Hayley on their birthdays and gives gifts. And he never forgets the ________.

“We now ________ him Grandad Christmas.We see him throughout the year. He ________Alfie's hand and hugs him.”

Amanda Taylor-Smith is a professional ________ and the family's former neighbour. She was at Alfie's house when Hussain dropped in last Sunday, and she ________ the heart-warming story on Facebook.

I rarely get a ________ in my eye when I take photos, but that guy just ________ it for me. I thought I had to tell that ________, ”she told Buzz Feed News.

1.A.talents B.pleasure C.hope D.gifts

2.A.proved B.claimed C.intended D.happened

3.A.while B.before C.when D.until

4.A.disappoint B.puzzle C.frighten D.terrify

5.A.look out for B.pay a visit to C.pay attention to D.get around

6.A.so B.even C.still D.just

7.A.father B.uncle C.mother D.grandpa

8.A.same B.only C.opposite D.likely

9.A.imagines B.reminds C.figures D.remembers

10.A.caves B.routes C.houses D.offices

11.A.thought B.pretended C.replied D.demanded

12.A.measure B.expect C.experience D.exchange

13.A.dates B.scene C.promise D.deal

14.A.make B.call C.take D.describe

15.A.trembles B.shakes C.shoots D.spreads

16.A.director B.coach C.photographer D.adviser

17.A.wrote B.invented C.told D.shared

18.A.tear B.pain C.light D.test

19.A.performed B.did C.arrested D.worked

20.A.lie B.truth C.story D.event



    Most people will have to use pubic transportation at some point, so take the time to learn proper manners. Don't be one of those people who leave other passengers complaining.

Follow basic traffic rules. 1.This includes hallways,stairwells, and other areas where there is a constant flow of foot traffic. If you must pass someone, try to do it on the left, as you would in a car. Be considerate of anyone who is disabled or has a service animal.

Watch your belongings. Not only do you need to protect your belongings, but you also need to protect others from your bags and backpacks. Remove your backpack from your back so that when you turn around, you don't knock someone over. You should never place a bag on the seat next to you when you are on a crowded bus or train. Put it on the floor. 2.

Hold down the noise. Don’t inflict (使吃苦头) your noise on others3. Don’t have long cellphone conversations until you reach your stop. If you must listen to music,wear earbuds and keep the volume low enough so that only you can hear it.

4. Do your best to make sure others don't have to deal with smells coming from you. You can wear deodorant(除臭剂) to remove or hide unpleasant smells, but don't put on too much heavy perfume before getting on a crowded train.5.Don’t bring unsealed food and drink on public transportation. Smells travel in small spaces. You also risk spilling and causing a dangerous environment where people may slip and fall.

A.Watch over environment.

B.Learn policies about wearing fragrance.

C.You should stay to the right as much as possible.

D.This includes loud talking, electronics, and singing.

E.Always show good manners while riding public transportation.

F.If you don't want it to get dirty, place it on your lap so others can sit.

G.You will not only make some people feel uncomfortable, but they may also be allergic to it.



    Once when I was facing a decision that involved high risk, I went to a friend. He looked at me for a moment, and then wrote a sentence containing the best advice I’ve ever had: Be bold and brave and mighty (强大的) forces will come to your help.

Those words made me see clearly that when I had fallen short in the past, it was seldom because I had tried and failed. It was usually because I had let fear of failure stop me from trying at all. On the other hand, whenever I had jumped into deep water, forced by courage or circumstance (环境), I had always been able to swim until I got my feet on the ground again.

Boldness means a decision to bite () off more than you can eat. And there is nothing mysterious about the mighty forces. They are inner powers we have: energy, skill, sound judgment, creative ideas––even physical strength greater than most of us realize.

Admittedly, those mighty forces are spiritual ones. But they are more important than physical ones. A college classmate of mine, Tim, was an excellent football player, even though he weighed much less than the average player. “In one game I suddenly found myself facing a huge player, who had nothing but me between him and our goal line,” said Tim. “I was so frightened that I closed my eyes and crazily threw myself at that guy like a bullet (子弹) ––and stopped him cold.”

Boldness—-a willingness to get yourself to the extreme—is not one that can be gained overnight. But it can be taught to children and developed in adults. Confidence builds up. Surely, there will be setbacks (挫折) and disappointments in life; boldness in itself is no guarantee (保证) of success. But the person who tries to do something and fails is a lot better off than the person who tries to do nothing and succeeds.

So, always try to live a little bit beyond your abilities — and you’ll find your abilities are greater than you ever dreamed.

1.Why was the author sometimes unable to reach his goal in the past?

A.He faced huge risks. B.Fear prevented him from trying.

C.He lacked mighty forces. D.Failure blocked his way to success.

2.What is the meaning of the underlined part in Paragraph 3?

A.Swallow more than you can digest. B.Develop more mysterious powers.

C.Act slightly above your abilities. D.Learn to make creative decisions.

3.What was especially important for Tim’s successful defense in the football game?

A.His spiritual force. B.His basic skill.

C.His real fear. D.His physical strength.

4.What is the author’s purpose in writing this passage?

A.To advise people to develop more abilities.

B.To advise people to build up physical power.

C.To tell people the ways to guarantee success.

D.To encourage people to be courageous.



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