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Do what you love and love what you do, a...

    Do what you love and love what you do, and success will come? Well, we wish. 1.It takes more than just passion to succeed in anything.

Passion is just emotion; care is an action.

Wishing hard and wanting something really badly won’t give you anything. Passion is a barely controllable emotion, and emotion is not always reliable. 2.

In today’s world where people always talk about finding your passion, it still seems vague (模糊的) to many. On the other hand, if you’re asked to find something you care about, it’s easier for you to take action.


There’s a lot of work to do besides being enthusiastic. For example, you can be enthusiastic about painting, but if you don’t have any art sense and painting skills, you can hardly become an expert in painting. 4.The belief that you’ll do it well anyway as long as you like it is just an illusion.

Learn not just what you care about, but what’s around that too.

When you’ve got your focus, try to map out the skills you need to get better at that. When you have the learning plan ready, apply that course you need, get yourself the tools required and start learning and practicing.

Success is a way to go, but you can start right now.

5.But if you’ve already got your passion, it will be good enough to make that your foundation and motivation to keep moving. Start mapping out the skills you need and take actions, Instead of passively letting your passion wander around, be active and do something that will push you forward.

A.Care is different, it implies actions.

B.“Like it” doesn’t mean “Good at it”.

C.Passion alone doesn’t guarantee success.

D.However, reality is not as simple as we want it to be.

E.You are good at something and you need the world to know.

F.Desire to make a difference in the world with your strengths.

G.To become an expert, you need to be always learning and improving your skill.


1.D 2.A 3.B 4.G 5.C 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章讲述了激情在成功路上的作用,但是要想在任何事情上取得成功,光有激情是不够的。文章主要说明了在成功路上除激情之外,还需要的一些其他因素。 1. 根据后文It takes more than just passion to succeed in anything.可知要想在任何事情上取得成功,光有激情是不够的。由此可知,上文提到的“做你热爱的事,热爱你所做的事,成功就会到来”的想法只是我们所希望的,现实并不是想象的那么简单。故D选项“然而,现实并不像我们想的那样简单”符合上下文语境,故选D。 2. 根据小标题Passion is just emotion; care is an action.(激情只是情感;关心是一种行动)以及上文 Passion is a barely controllable emotion, and emotion is not always reliable.可知激情是一种几乎无法控制的情感,情感并不总是可靠的。由此可知,关心意味着要行动。故A选项“关心是不同的,它意味着行动”符合上下文语境,故选A。 3. 根据后文中For example, you can be enthusiastic about painting, but if you don’t have any art sense and painting skills, you can hardly become an expert in painting.可知例如,你可以对绘画充满热情,但是如果你没有任何的艺术感和绘画技巧,你很难成为一个绘画专家。由此可知,本段主要旨在说明喜欢一件事情并不意味着你擅长做这件事。故B选项““喜欢”并不意味着“擅长””符合上下文语境,故选B。 4. 根据上文For example, you can be enthusiastic about painting, but if you don’t have any art sense and painting skills, you can hardly become an expert in painting.可知例如,你可以对绘画充满热情,但是如果你没有任何的艺术感和绘画技巧,你很难成为一个绘画专家。以及后文The belief that you’ll do it well anyway as long as you like it is just an illusion.可知相信只要你喜欢就会做得很好只是一种幻觉。由此可知,本句承接上文说明要想成为专家,需要不断学习和提高技能,也不是空想。故G选项“要成为专家,你需要不断学习和提高你的技能”符合上下文语境,故选G。 5. 根据后文But if you’ve already got your passion, it will be good enough to make that your foundation and motivation to keep moving. Start mapping out the skills you need and take actions, Instead of passively letting your passion wander around, be active and do something that will push you forward.可知但是如果你已经有了你的激情,那就足够让它成为你继续前进的基础和动力了。开始规划你需要的技能并采取行动,而不是被动地让你的激情四处游荡,积极地做一些能推动你前进的事情。由此可知,后文but表示转折,说明仅仅有激情并不能保证成功,但是激情可以成为你继续前进的基础和动力。故C选项“仅仅有激情并不能保证成功”符合上下文语境,故选C。

    Cells in our brain usually send “stop eating” signal when we’ve had enough. But after mice ate fatty foods for just two weeks, their brains’ brake on overeating quieted down. That finding may help explain the complex link between food and appetite that can become disordered when people overeat.

Food is essential to life. Our brains have, therefore, evolved a series of systems to make sure we eat enough. Garret Stuber, a neuroscientist at the University of Washington, together with his team took aim at one brain area known to be involved in eating behaviors.

This lateral hypothalamus (下丘脑外侧区) contains many diverse cells Stuber’s group looked at the behaviors of genes in the cells here. And in one typeglutamatergic nerve (谷氨酸能神经) cellsbig differences appear between fat mice and lean ones.

Earlier work by Stuber’s group had suggested that these cells act like a brake on eating. When the researchers prevented these cells from firing, mice suddenly overate. They also fattened up. But it wasn’t clear how the cells’ activity changed as the mice transitioned from slim to fat.

“Obesity doesn’t just happen overnight,” notes Stuber. To find out the secret, his group undertook a new study. They fed mice high-fat food. Now and again, they’d use a fancy microscope to look at how well the animals’ glutamatergic cells could fire off signals.

Two weeks into the high-fat foodeven before the mice became round – the activity of these nerve cells had slowed. It continued as the animals grew larger over a 12-week period. “The cells’ activity was going down as a function of high-fat diet. The results suggest that the high-fat diet is removing the brake on eating and obesity,” explains Stuber.

It’s hard to say whether similar cells normally control people’s appetite. Brain-imaging tests have shown that the same brain region the hypothalamusplays a role when people shift between hunger and feeling full.

1.What happened after the mice ate fatty foods for two weeks?

A.Their appetite was getting worse. B.Their brains became disordered.

C.They refused to eat zero fat food. D.They lacked a feeling of fullness.

2.It can be learned from the text that glutamatergic nerve cells ________.

A.are easily found in lean mice B.can prevent mice from overeating

C.function well under any condition D.are a main part of lateral hypothalamus

3.Why did Stuber’s group undertake the new study?

A.To study the role of glutamatergic cells in mice’s fattening up.

B.To find out the link between high-fat diets and obesity.

C.To find out deciding factors in mice’s appetite.

D.To study the eating habit of fat mice.

4.What is the main idea of the text?

A.Obesity influences glutamatergic nerves’ function.

B.Glutamatergic nerves decide people’s appetite.

C.High-fat diets lead to overeating.

D.Our brains control our food choices.



    We often hear such statements: “I spilled (洒出) juice, but it wasn’t my fault.”, “I got in trouble at school, but it wasn’t my fault.” or “I was in a car accident, but it wasn’t my fault.” That “It’s not my fault.” is a go-to response for so many people and especially teenagers.

Parents complain they are tired of the “excuse”. The reason why variations of “It’s not my fault.” are so popular is that it lets us off the hook from guilt and blame. I’m a fan of not owning responsibility for things that I can’t control. Teens who often say “It’s my fault.” when something bad happens tend to be highly self-critical, perfectionistic and more easier to be troubled by anxiety and depression.

While it is important to recognize lack of reason to blame oneself, many teens over-rely on “It’s not my fault.” When trying to get them to take responsibility, parents usually attempt to convince their teens that something is their fault. The approach tends to be ineffective and turn into a power struggle. No one wins. A more effective approach can be to stress significant drawbacks to consistently focusing on removing our responsibility with this phrase.

Overuse of the phrase can result in feelings of lack of ability to control their own lives. This sense has been shown to cause low motivation. Besides creating feelings of lack of ability, overuse of “It’s not my fault.” focuses a teen’s attention on what is done as opposed to what needs to be done.

People may not have caused all their problems but they have to solve them anyway. The example I frequently share with teens is the question of what one will do if he is pushed into a deep lake. One can certainly stay in water, yelling, “It’s not my fault.” However, that won’t get him out of water. He needs to swim to the shore, regardless of the fault.

If you take a proper approach to communicating with your teens, you can help them avoid over-reliance on “It’s not my fault.”

1.What phenomenon is described in Paragraph 1?

A.The teenagers’ dislike for school life.

B.The common trouble faced by teenagers.

C.The reasons for blaming others for accidents.

D.The tendency for people not to be responsible for mess in life.

2.What type of teens tends to suffer great mental pressure according to the text?

A.Those lacking confidence and ambition.

B.Those allowing others to find excuses.

C.Those unable to get along well with others.

D.Those often blaming themselves for some incidents.

3.What’s the author’s attitude to parents’ usual way of guiding children?

A.Supportive. B.Negative.

C.Ambiguous. D.Neutral.

4.What lesson is conveyed in the example often shared by the author?

A.We should try to avoid troubling others.

B.We should focus on how to solve problems.

C.We should dare to point out others’ mistakes.

D.We should be self-critical as much as possible.



    By the 1970s, the Olympic Marathon had come a long way from the dusty roads of Athens. Yet women were still not allowed to compete and the struggle to establish a women’s Olympic Marathon was itself something of a long-distance race.

Women had been excluded from long-distance running until 1928, when the typical long race was the 800 meters. The women competitors hadn’t properly prepared for the race and several fell down and became temporarily unconscious due to extreme tiredness. This led Olympic organizers in 1928 to consider the marathon too violent for women.

This is not to say there was no tradition of women’s long-distance running. Women had been prohibited from participating in the ancient Olympics by the cruel law. But women in ancient Greece held their own festival to honor the goddess Hera every five years. Only one athletic event was held a running race.

When the Olympics were revived in 1896, women were again excluded. However, in 1967, women’s ability in running attracted great attention. Number 261 in the Boston Marathon was given to K V. Switzer. Not until two miles into the race did officials realize that Switzer was a woman. Race officials tried to catch Switzer and remove her from the race but her teammates fended them off with body blocks. And Switzer wasn’t scared by officials’ aggressive actions. She kept running. Although the running was demanding, Switzer didn’t give up and eventually finished the race. Switzers story made the quest for equality in long-distance running for women a political issue. Slowly, the rules did begin to change.

The first women’s marathon officially agreed by the IAAF was the Tokyo International, held in 1979. IAAF president Adriaan Paulen watched the race. He was so impressed by the level of the competition that he announced he would fully support the effort to establish a women’s marathon in the Olympics. Soon the IAAF recommended to the IOC that a women’s marathon be included in the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics. And the advice was adopted.

1.What was the reason for women’s failing to attend the Olympic Marathon in 1928?

A.They generally weren’t enthusiastic about it.

B.They were thought not strong enough for it.

C.They weren’t supported by the public to attend it.

D.They were too tired to make full preparations for it.

2.Which of the following can best replace the underlined word in Paragraph 3?

A.separated B.banned C.freed D.protected

3.Which of the following best describe Switzer?

A.Brave and determined. B.Talented and kind.

C.Honest and easygoing. D.Optimistic and clever.

4.What’s Adriaan Paulen’s contribution to women’s running?

A.Letting women have the right to compete against men in running.

B.Making a series of rules for women’s running.

C.Having trained many outstanding women runners.

D.Helping women be qualified for the Olympic Marathon.



    Brisbane is an exciting city, voted as one of the most liveable cities in Australia. Its fine food will make you hate to leave. Here are four famous restaurants.

Kingsley Steak Crab House

Located on the waterfront of the Brisbane River with views of the Story Bridge, Kingsleys Steak & Crab House supplies an incomparable ideal setting for lunch or dinner. With impressive views and a combination of both indoor and outdoor seating, it attracts a lot of tourists to have a unique dining experience here. It also offers fresh seafood, including Alaska king crabs, high-grade wine and friendly staff.

Rates per person: $35

Moo moo The Wine Bar

Moo Moo The Wine Bar is an award-winning chain of lakeside dining sites. Originally, it was founded in 2005 by Steven Adams, a well-known chef. MooMoo has since claimed many awards, including Queensland’s Best Steak Restaurant 2008, Gold Riverside Restaurant of the Year 2007, and Gold Coast’s Best Steak Restaurant.

Rates per person: $40-$45

Jellyfish Restaurant

The beautiful views over the Brisbane River are just a starter to come from Jellyfish Restaurant. Its aim is to source and serve fishes of 8 species daily, to learn and understand the texture and qualities of each species and recommend the best way to cook to its customers and serve for the fine experience.

Rates per person: $30-$45

Tibetian kitchen

For a fine dining experience in Brisbane, it is hard to go past Tibetian Kitchen founded by the award-winning well-known chef Matt Moran. With a beautiful setting on the bank of the Brisbane river, Tibetian Kitchen is all about beautifully presented dishes which look like pieces of perfect artwork. This is what Tibetian Kitchen differs from other restaurants above.

Rates per person: $35-$45

1.What can we learn about MooMoo The Wine Bar?

A.It is competitive in price. B.It is famous for its steak.

C.It has a favorable location. D.It has a history of about ten years.

2.Which will you choose if you intend to learn some cooking skills?

A.Kingsleys Steak Crab House B.Moo Moo The Wine Bar

C.Jellyfish Restaurant D.Tibetian Kitchen

3.How is Tibetian Kitchen different from other restaurants mentioned in the text?

A.Its environment is elegant. B.Its food rates are much lower.

C.Its chefs have won many awards. D.Its food presentation is rather pleasing.



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