满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Tim Cook is both blind and deaf. And try...

    Tim Cook is both blind and deaf. And try as they might, staff on the night just couldn’t figure out how to _______ with the man, who was traveling all alone.

But then, a 15-year-old girl used sign language and genuine sympathy to _______ the day.

Teenager Clara Daly was _______ with her mother Jane from Boston to Los Angeles when the flight attendants(空乘人员) made an _______ over the speaker. They were _______ for anyone on board who knew sign language.

Clara _______ the call button, because she’d studied a year of American Sign Language in school. She was the only one on the plane _______ of truly communicating with Tim, and her heart went out to him.

_______ six hours of just not being able to talk to anyone,” she recalled sympathetically.

Clara talked to Tim through fingerspelling, which is a system of speaking to deaf people by touching his hand with her fingers and _______ each letter in a word. This way, Tim could ________ Clara’s hands and they could communicate, First. Clara helped the night attendants ________ all of Tim’s needs were met. Then, she spent the rest of the time just ________ with him.

Together, they shared stories about their families and Clara’s future plans, while Clara ________ about Tim’s past as a salesman.

Lynette Scribner, A ________ behind them on the plane, couldn’t help taking a photo and ________ it on social media. She said she was amazed to see such incredible ________ .

After she wrote about Clara’s ________ on social media, Lynette’s post ________ . So far, it has been shared over 730,000 times on US social media platform Facebook.

The ________ girl was quick to point out that she just did what any one of us should do when given the opportunity: help out.

“Everyone should just be ________ each other just because that’s the nature of people,” Clara said.

1.A.cooperate B.connect C.communicate D.meet

2.A.save B.enjoy C.spend D.live

3.A.shopping B.traveling C.working D.staying

4.A.forecast B.effort C.suggestion D.announcement

5.A.looking B.waiting C.standing D.sending

6.A.picked B.fixed C.pressed D.made

7.A.afraid B.capable C.aware D.fond

8.A.Notice B.Predict C.Describe D.Imagine

9.A.drawing B.singing C.signing D.saying

10.A.feel B.see C.shake D.move

11.A.prevent B.ensure C.prove D.recognize

12.A.chatting B.dealing C.quarrelling D.singing

13.A.cared B.thought C.read D.learned

14.A.doctor B.play C.passenger D.visitor

15.A.considering B.sharing C.mailing D.stopping

16.A.sympathy B.adventure C.courage D.confidence

17.A.politeness B.bravery C.sadness D.kindness

18.A.put up B.came up C.set off D.took off

19.A.proud B.humorous C.humble D.thankful

20.A.believing B.helping C.accepting D.understanding


1.C 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.D 9.C 10.A 11.B 12.A 13.D 14.C 15.B 16.A 17.D 18.D 19.C 20.B 【解析】 本文为记叙文。15岁女孩Clara用手语帮助飞机上的乘务人员跟一个看不见又听不见的人交流,并被拍照上传到媒体上。她的行为得到了很多人赞扬。 1. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:Tim又瞎又聋。尽管他们尽力了,但当晚的工作人员还是不知道如何与独自旅行的那个人沟通。A. cooperate合作;B. connect连接;C. communicate交流;D. meet会见。由上文的“staff on the night just couldn’t figure out how to ”以及下文中的“ communicate with Tim”可知,此处是指航班上的工作人员不知道如何与独自旅行的那个人进行交流(communicate),故选C。 2. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:但后来,一个15岁的女孩用手语和真诚的同情拯救了这一天。A. save解救,节省;B. enjoy享受;C. spend花费;D. live生活,居住。由下文的内容可知,当航班上的工作人员不知如何与Tim交流时,这个女孩用手语帮助了他们,即拯救(save)了这一天。故选A。 3. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:十几岁Clara和她的母亲Jane一起从波士顿到洛杉矶旅行时,乘务员用喇叭做了个通告。A. shopping购物;B. traveling旅行C. working工作;D. staying停留。由上文的traveling并结合语境可知,此处是指Clara和她的母亲也乘坐这次航班到洛杉矶旅行(traveling),故选B。 4. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:十几岁Clara和她的母亲Jane一起从波士顿到洛杉矶旅行时,乘务员用喇叭做了个通告。A. forecast预报;B. effort努力;C. suggestion建议;D. announcement公告。由上文的“anyone on board who knew sign language.”并结合上下文的语境可知,此处是指乘务员用喇叭做了通告(announcement)。故选D。 5. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们正在飞机上寻找会手语的人。A. looking看,寻找;B. waiting等候;C. standing站立;D. sending发送。由上文的“乘务员用喇叭做了通告”可知,此处是指在飞机上寻找懂手语的人,“look for…”为固定搭配,意为“寻找”,故选A。 6. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:Clara打开呼叫按钮,因为她在学校学了一年的美国手语。A. picked捡起;B. fixed修理;C. pressed按,压;D. made制造。根据下文中的“the call button”可知,此处是指她按(press)下了呼叫按钮,故选C。 7. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她是飞机上唯一一个能和Tim真正交流的人。A. afraid害怕的;B. capable有能力的,可以做的;C. aware意识到的;D. fond喜欢的。由下文“of truly communicating with Tim”结合上文“as she’d studied a year of Sign Language in school”可知,此处指她是飞机上唯一一个能与Tim交流的人。“capable of doing sth”为固定搭配,意为“有能力做某事”,可知,此处选B。 8. 考查动词辨析。句意:想象一下六个小时不能和任何人说话。A. Notice通知,注意到;B. Predict预测;C. Describe描述;D. Imagine想象。根据上文可知,在乘务人员找到Clara之前,所有的工作人员都不知道如何与Tim交流,可知,此处是指Clara想象(imagine)的,故选D。 9. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:Clara通过手指拼写与蒂姆交谈,这是一种与聋人交谈的系统,她用手指触摸他的手,并以单词来在每个字母打手语。A. drawing画;B. singing唱歌;C. signing示意的动作,手势语;D. saying说。根据语境可知,Clara是用手势语来与Tim交流的,故选C。 10. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:Tim能感觉到Clara的手,他们可以交流。A. feel感觉;B. see看见;C. shake握手,摇动;D. move移动。根据上句中的“by touching his hand with her fingers”克拉拉用手指触摸他的手,可知,Tim能感觉(feel)到Clara的手,故选A。 11. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:首先Clara帮助乘务人员确保Tim的所有要求得到满足。A. prevent阻止;B. ensure确保;C. prove证明;D. recognize认出。由下文的“all of Tim’s needs were met”可知,此处是指Clara帮助乘务人员确保(ensure)Tim的所有要求得到满足。故选B 。 12. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:然后,她把剩下的时间花在和他聊天上了。A. chatting聊天;B. dealing处理;C. quarrelling争吵;D. singing唱歌。由下文的“Together, they shared stories about their families and Clara’s future plans”可知,Clara把剩下的时间花在和他聊天(chatting)上了。故选A。 13. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:Clara得知Tim过去是个推销员。A. cared关心,喜欢;B. thought想,认为;C. read读;D. learned得知,获悉。由上文的“Together, they shared stories about their families and Clara’s future plans”可知,此处是指通过交谈,Clara得知(learned)他曾是个推销员,故选D。 14. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:在飞机上坐在他们身后的乘客Lynette Scribner忍不住拍了张照片,并在社交媒体上分享。A. doctor医生;B. player运动员,游戏者;C. passenger乘客;D. visitor参观者。由文章可知,Clara与她的母亲坐飞机旅行,飞机上的人都是乘客。所以Lynette Scribner也是飞机上的乘客(passenger)之一,故选C。 15. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:在飞机上坐在他们身后的乘客Lynette Scribner忍不住拍了张照片,并在社交媒体上分享。A. considering考虑,思考;B. sharing分享;C. mailing邮寄;D. stopping停止。根据“After she wrote about Clara’s ___17___ on social media, Lynette’s post ___18___ ”可知,这位乘客给他们拍了照并在社交媒体上分享(sharing),故选B。 16. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:她说看到如此令人难以置信的同情心她很惊讶。A. sympathy同情;B. adventure冒险;C. courage勇气;D. confidence信心。由上文“a 15-year-old girl used sign language and genuine sympathy to ___2___ the day.”的内容可知,可知,此处是指看到Clara的同情心(sympathy)让她很惊讶。故选A。 17. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:在她在社交媒体上写下Clara的善举之后,Lynette的帖子开始被疯狂转发。A. politeness礼貌;B. bravery勇敢;C. sadness悲伤;D. kindness善良,善举。由上文中描述的克拉拉帮助盲人乘客可知,此处是指在社交媒体上写了Clara的善举(kindness),故选D。 18. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:她在社交媒体上写下Clara的善举之后,Lynette的帖子开始被疯狂转发。A. put up举起;B. came up发生;C. set off出发,燃放;D. took off起飞,(产品、活动、事业等)腾飞。由下文中的“So far, it has been shared over 730,000 times on US social media platform Facebook.” 到目前为止,它已经在美国社交媒体平台Facebook上被分享超过73万次。可知,此处是指Lynette的帖子被转发的特别快(转帖腾飞),故选D。 19. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这个谦逊的女孩很快地提出,她只是做了我们任何人只要有机会都应该做的事情。A. proud自豪的;B. humorous幽默的;C. humble谦虚的;D. thankful感谢的。根据小女孩的话可以看出,她是一个谦虚的()女孩。故选C。 20. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:Clara说:“每个人都应该互相帮助,因为这是人的本性。”A. believing相信;B. helping帮助;C. accepting接受;D. understanding理解。根据语境及常识可知,互相帮助(helping)是人的本性。故选B 。

Some good habits at young ages help to_________ our character in later life.

A.pass B.reduce C.revise D.form



Professor Smith is very kind. You can turn to him for help as long as he is_________.

A.active B.confused C.available D.busy



After graduation, Jane_________ her job as a volunteer teacher in the countryside.

A.set out B.set up C.took up D.took over



The exact date hasn't been decided. We'll have to wait for_________ week.

A.other B.others C.the other D.another



_________ I am concerned, the summer vacation could be shortened.

A.As far as B.As long as C.As soon as D.As well as



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