满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

That was a happy evening for the little ...

    That was a happy evening for the little Down syndrome (唐氏症)girl a teenager the size of a ten-year-old. She and her family were _______ themselves at McDonald's. She made her way to the restroom. Her younger, but _______, brother sat quietly. He noticed something, which_______, she had not noticed.

Four teenagers had taken an interest in the little girl the moment they_______her. They were openly laughing and pointing,

The brother _______ for his sister. He walked to the guys. They paled slightly and looked alarmed as this total stranger — a year or two their _______ --- placed his hands _______ on their table. They studied each other while he was clearly in their _______, and while they were most definitely out of their comfort zones, The brother_______ with one hand for one of them to move over. He __________to sit right down next to them. Somewhat in__________, and thrown completely off-guard, they made space for him. "I was watching you making fun of my sister, he quietly__________ them. All four stumbled (磕磕绊绊)over their words in their rush. "Who? That was your sister? We weren't making fun of her! We__________ we would never __________ anyone. We just felt sorry for her.", But he told them again, "I watched you." They __________, knowing they had been caught red-handed and maybe even realizing their __________ and cruelness. Maybe they even sense the love this guardian had for his sister. The brother turned to his__________and then he said __________"I feel sorry for people like YOU! ”

Then he walked away. When the sister went back to her seat, the four looked __________, making sure they looked absolutely anywhere __________that little girl.

1.A.caring B.cooking C.enjoying D.helping

2.A.elder B.braver C.bigger D.smaller

3.A.thankfully B.mercifully C.considerately D.unexpectedly

4.A.robbed B.spotted C.blocked D.caught

5.A.made up B.put up C.took up D.stood up

6.A.colleague B.class C.group D.junior

7.A.cautiously B.casually C.gently D.boldly

8.A.range B.possession C.space D.shelter

9.A.remarked B.signed C.drew D.fought

10.A.intended B.prayed C.compromised D.saluted

11.A.joy B.surprise C.peace D.prejudice

12.A.informed B.commanded C.inquired D.contradicted

13.A.resist B.complain C.swear D.insist

14.A.look at B.look up at C.look down at D.look down on

15.A.wound him up B.gave in C.joined up D.called on him

16.A.curiosity B.violence C.carelessness D.rudeness

17.A.friends B.relations C.acquaintances D.partners

18.A.pitifully B.strongly C.calmly D.honestly

19.A.away B.out C.inside D.beyond

20.A.other than B.better than C.more than D.less than


1.C 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.D 6.D 7.D 8.C 9.B 10.A 11.B 12.A 13.C 14.D 15.B 16.D 17.C 18.B 19.A 20.A 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了一位唐氏综合症女孩在麦当劳和家人进餐的时候被四个少年嘲笑,她的弟弟为她出头,教育了四个嘲笑她的少年。 1. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:她和她的家人在麦当劳很愉快。A. caring 关心;B. cooking烹饪;C. enjoying 享受;D. helping帮助。根据前文的“That was a happy evening for the little Down syndrome (唐氏症)girl”可知,这是一个愉快的夜晚,可以推断那个时候他们很开心;enjoy oneself意为过得愉快。故选C项。 2. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她的弟弟,年龄比她小但是体型比她大,安静地坐着。A. elder年长的;B. braver更勇敢的;C. bigger更大的;D. smaller更小的。根据前文“That was a happy evening for the little Down syndrome (唐氏症)girl —a teenager the size of a ten-year-old.”可知,这位女孩因为唐氏综合症的关系,虽然是少年的年龄但是只有十岁孩子的体型,可推断她弟弟虽然年纪比她小但是体型比她大。故选C项。 3. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:他注意到了一些事情,幸亏,她没有注意到。A. thankfully幸亏;B. mercifully同情地;C. considerately体贴地;D. unexpectedly出乎意料地。根据后文“They were openly laughing and pointing,”可知,弟弟注意到的事情是四个少年在嘲笑她,这并不是一件令人愉快的事情,所以她没有注意到是幸运的。故选A项。 4. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们一发现她,这四个少年就对这个小女孩产生了兴趣。A. robbed抢劫;B. spotted发现;C. blocked挡住;D. caught抓住。根据语境可以推断,在女孩去卫生间的时候这四个少年注意到了她从而发出了嘲笑。故选B项。 5. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:弟弟为了他的姐姐站起来。A. made up编造,组成;B. put up举起,张贴;C. took up占据;D. stood up起立。根据前文“Her younger, but ___2___, brother sat quietly.”及后文的“He walked to the guys.”可知,刚开始弟弟是站着的,看到有人嘲笑自己的姐姐,他于是从座位上站起来向着那四个少年走去。故选D项。 6. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:他们的脸色有点苍白,警惕地看着这个完全的陌生人——比他们小一岁或两岁的青少年。A. colleague同事;B. class班级;C. group群,组;D. junior青少年。根据前文“Four teenagers had taken an interest in the little girl the moment they___4___her.”及设空前表示年龄的数字可知,这四个是青少年,弟弟比他们小一两岁。故选D项。 7. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:他们的脸色有点苍白,警惕地看着这个完全的陌生人——比他们小一岁或两岁的青少年——大胆地把手放在他们的桌子上。A. cautiously小心翼翼地;B. casually随意地;C. gently轻柔地;D. boldly大胆地。根据前文可知,弟弟比这四个少年还要小一两岁,但是他的闯入却引起了他们的警惕,可见弟弟表现得很大胆很勇敢。故选D项。 8. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:他们互相确认了一下,然而他确实占了他们的空间。A. range范围;B. possession拥有,财产;C. space空间;D. shelter遮蔽物。根据后文“they were most definitely out of their comfort zones”可知,他们感觉到不舒适是由于弟弟闯入了他们所在的空间。故选C项。 9. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:弟弟用手示意其中一个人往旁边挪。A. remarked评论;B. signed示意;C. drew画画;D. fought打架。根据后文“they made space for him”可知,弟弟最终坐到了他们旁边,可推断是弟弟用手示意他们给他腾出了一个位置。故选B项。 10. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:他打算在他们旁边坐下。A. intended打算;B. prayed祈祷;C. compromised妥协;D. saluted敬礼。根据前文“The brother___9___ with one hand for one of them to move over.”可推断,弟弟打手势要他们往旁边挪,就是打算自己坐下来。故选A项。 11. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:他们有点儿吃惊和措手不及,为他腾出了位置。A. joy愉快; B. surprise惊讶;C. peace和平;D. prejudice偏见。根据表并列的and及后文的“thrown completely off-guard”可推断,面对年龄比他们小的弟弟的行为,他们又吃惊又有点儿不知所措。故选B项。 12. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:“我看着你们嘲笑我的姐姐。”他平静地告诉他们。A. informed告诉,通知;B. commanded命令;C. inquired 询问;D. contradicted反驳。根据语境可知,弟弟讲述自己所看到的事情,是用叙述的口吻告知他们,而不是命令或询问或反驳。故选A项。 13. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们发誓我们从不会看不起任何人。A. resist抵制;B. complain抱怨;C. swear发誓;D. insist坚持。根据后文表示强烈的语气词would never可推断,不会看不起任何人是他们的誓言。故选C项。 14. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:我们发誓我们不会看不起任何人。A. look at看着;B. look up at往上看;C. look down at往下看;D. look down on看不起。根据语境可知,此时这四个少年是在为自己辩解,所以说的话是为了掩盖自己嘲笑别人的行为,故要表达不会看不起别人的意思。故选D项。 15. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:他们屈服了,知道自己被当场抓住了。A. wound him up惹恼他;B. gave in屈服,让步;C. joined up与……联盟;D. called on him号召他。根据后文的“knowing they had been caught red-handed”可知,他们意识到了自己嘲笑别人的事被抓了个现行,所以放弃了辩解,屈服了。故选B项。 16. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:他们屈服了,知道他们被当场抓住了,甚至也可能意识到了他们的粗鲁和残忍。A. curiosity好奇;B. violence暴力;C. carelessness粗心;D. rudeness粗鲁。根据表示并列的and及设空后的cruelness(残忍)可知,设空处意思与残忍接近,再结合前面这四个少年嘲笑女孩的行为,可知此处要表达粗鲁的意思。故选D项。 17. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:弟弟转向他刚认识的这些人然后语气强烈地说道“我为像你们这样的人感到难过!”A. friends朋友;B. relations亲人;C. acquaintances认识的人;D. partners伙伴。根据后文“I feel sorry for people like YOU!”可知,弟弟是对着这四个少年讲话的,所以可推断在讲话之前是先转向他们;这四个少年对于弟弟而言,不是朋友,不是亲人也不是伙伴,而是刚刚认识的人。故选C项。 18. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:弟弟转向他刚认识的这些人,然后语气强烈地说道“我为像你们这样的人感到难过!”A. pitifully遗憾地;B. strongly强烈地;C. calmly平静地;D. honestly诚实地。根据话语结束时的感叹号可知,弟弟说这句话的时候语气是很强烈的。故选B项。 19. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:当他姐姐回到座位的时候,这四个少年看向了别处。A. away离开一段距离,向另一个方向;B. out出去;C. inside在里面;D. beyond在另一边。根据前文“maybe even realizing their ___16___ and cruelness”及后文“making sure they looked absolutely anywhere”可知,这四个少年意识到了嘲笑别人是不礼貌的,在女孩回到座位的时候看向了女孩不在的那个方向,也就是看向可另一个方向。故选A项。 20. 考查介词短语辨析。句意:当他姐姐回到座位的时候,这四个少年看向了别处,确保他们看向了除女孩之外的任何一个地方。A. other than除了;B. better than好于;C. more than多于;D. less than少于。根据前文“maybe even realizing their ___16___ and cruelness”及“the four looked ___19___,”可知,四个少年在意识到自己的不礼貌之后,不再看向女孩的方向,也就是看向了除女孩之外的其他方向。故选A项。

    If your parents will retire soon, to live comfortably in retirement, you need to persuade them to save until it hurts. 1.They may think they can't afford to save or fear losing money to had investments (投资),but they have to overcome those fears, because a financially (财政上)secure future will be up to them.

They can start by saving as little as $10 a paycheck or putting away half their next rise. A small amount of money can produce massive amounts of wealth over time. 2.

People used not to worry about saving for their later years because many had pensions, and they didn't live as long as people do now. But they can no longer count on their employers, partly because the employers might not he able to afford their pensions, and most people don't stay with one employer. 3. Consequently, they should depend on themselves for retirement.

4. You can advise them to start by contributing 1% of their pay. If the 1% contribution hurts, then they can slay at that level until it doesn't hurt any more. If it doesn't hurt, then increase their contributionby another 1%.Do that until it hurts.

5.They just ask for a small cup of coffee instead of a large cup in the coffee house or they can try to skip drinking soda daily at lunch. In time they will benefit a lot from today's’ efforts when they retire.

A.They can start small.

B.The key is getting started.

C.But believe you can make it.

D.Many people change jobs every few years.

E.It's easy to cut a dollar a day from most budgets.

F.People give lots of excuses for not saving for retirement.

G.Some seniors are confident that they will be supported by their children.



    Natural disasters take many different forms and can happen without warning. Earthquakes, floods, volcanoes, droughts, typhoons, and hurricanes are all natural disasters.

The earthquake of 26 December 2004 resulted in one of the worst natural disasters in living memory. It was a massive underwater quake and occurred in the Indian Ocean. This caused a huge tsunami (海啸)to cross the Indian Ocean. It destroyed coastlines and communities and brought death and destruction to many people. The survivors needed fresh water, food and shelter as well as medical help. People from all over the world gave money.

The surface of the Earth has not always looked as it does today; it is moving continuously although very slowly and has done so for billions of years. This is one cause of earthquakes,when one section of the Earth crashes with another. Scientists can predict where this might happen and the area between plates is called a fault line. However, earthquakes do not always happen on Fault lines, which is why they are so dangerous and unpredictable.

All the disasters are very dangerous and continue to kill thousands of people each year, but they are nowhere near the most dangerous disaster to ever happen on earth. One type of event in the earth's history has regularly killed millions of beings: asteroid (小行星)impacts (撞击). About once every million years the Earth is hit by a piece of rock and ice from space large enough to cause massive destruction including earthquakes, volcanoes and ice ages and sometimes to kill entire species. Sixty-five million years ago more than half the earth's species were killed by such a disaster, including all the dinosaurs(恐龙). Disasters on the Earth may seem dangerous, but the biggest threat to humans is likely to come from space.

1.What did the world do when the tsunami occurred in the Indian Ocean?

A.They gave away money to the beggars.

B.They sponsored to help the people survive.

C.They donated their possessions to the survivors.

D.They helped rebuild the coastlines and communities.

2.What can scientists predict about earthquakes?

A.The possible time. B.The possible climate.

C.The possible place. D.The possible frequence.

3.Which is the best heading that matches Paragraph 3?

A.What do earthquakes destroy? B.Why do earthquakes happen?

C.How can we prevent earthquakes? D.Which is the most dangerous natural disaster?

4.Where does the author think the most dangerous natural disaster will come from?

A.Space. B.Earth. C.Humans. D.Wild animals.



    Conflict is part of everyday life. It is not always a bad thing --- it can lead to good discussions and improvements in the relationship between two people. However, if it's not handled properly, it can be destructive and can bother your studies or other areas of your life.

We all have different styles of approaching conflict. Some of us avoid, others compete, give in,adjust or cooperate. Each of these styles has its strengths and weaknesses. So it’s important to know how you approach conflict. Remember that blaming others and refusing to take responsibility for your role in a conflict can only worsen the conflict and lead to more anger, frustration (挫折),or fear. On the other hand, making the effort to listen without judgement, trying to understand the other party's needs, and searching for solutions in which everyone wins lead to healthy conflict resolution and may result in positive change. If you find that you can't work it out with the other person, you may want to seek the help of a neutral party, to help you work through the conflict.

Whether you use the services of a third-party mediator or negotiate a solution between yourselves, the following principles are important to constructive conflict resolution: address the conflict before it becomes much more complex; separate the person from the problem; focus on interests rather than sticking to your position; commit to finding a mutually (相互地)beneficial outcome; avoid blaming others; listen actively; keep the lines of communication open; focus on the future.

Be aware of the possibility that you may just have to agree to disagree. Not all conflicts can be resolved. For most people, values are negotiable and they are not always in line with the values of others. In a diverse community like we have now, we must accept and be respectful of difference.

1.What would be the best title for the passage?

A.How to Resolve Conflict. B.Different Ways for Conflict.

C.Conflict Might Be a Good Thing, D.Not All Conflicts Can Be Resolved.

2.What does the underlined part "a neutral party” in the second paragraph refer to?

A.Supports that can back someone up all the time.

B.People not supporting either side in a disagreement.

C.A group of people who have the opinions in common.

D.Judges that uphold justice when dealing with conflict.

3.The second paragraph is mainly developed by ___________.

A.making comparison B.giving examples

C.listing figures D.explaining facts

4.Which does the author agree with according to the passage?

A.Conflict can lead to your worsening health if you disregard it.

B.Conflict can result in improved relationship if dealt with properly.

C.Conflict can develop better if you blame the other part of the conflict.

D.Conflict can help you if you compete with the other part of the conflict.



    Toni Morrison was an American writer who received the Nobel Prize in Literature. Her novels. Beloved, Song of Solomon and others explored the way African-Americans search for freedom and identity in a country obsessed with skin color. Morrison was nearly 40 when she published her first novel The Bluest Eye in 1970. The Nobel Prize committee described her writing as language itself, a language she wants to liberate from race. Her novels discussed America's past, focusing on black history and the effects of slavery and racism. She culled her characters “the unfree at the heart of the democratic experiment”.

In 1988, she won the Pulitzer Prize for her novel Beloved, the story of a mother who kills her baby daughter rather than permit  her to be born  into slavery. It became a best-seller and was later made into a film with Oprah Winfrey. Many Americans admired her as the country's greatest living writer, including former President Barack Obama.

She was born in 1931. She attended Howard University, an all-black university in Washington, D. C. At Howard, she read African. British and American literature, including writers William Faulkner and Virginia Woolf. After a short marriage, she became a single mother of two sons and worked as a book editor in New York.

Several publishers rejected her first book The Bluest Eye but it impressed The New York Times' book critic John Leonard, who believed Morrison was an important new voice. He said her writing was “so charged with pain and wonder that the novel becomes poetry”.

Morrison enjoyed her literary fame and was proud of her Nobel Prize.

1.What are Toni Morrison's books mainly about?

A.Women's equality and rights. B.The development of America.

C.The literature of America. D.American history and racism.

2.Which of the following helped Toni Morrison receive the Pulitzer Prize?

A.Beloved. B.Song of Solomon.

C.The Bluest Eye. D.The New York Times.

3.Why is former President Barack Obama mentioned?

A.To show Barack Obama's support in literature.

B.To prove Toni Morrison' greatness as a writer.

C.To stress Toni Morrison' contribution to America.

D.To remind readers of the skin color of Barack Obama.

4.What can we infer from John Leonard's words?

A.He thought highly of Morrison. B.He rejected the book The Bluest Eye.

C.The book The Bluest Eye made him painful. D.Toni Morrison's book was hard to understand.



2020 Bunny Chase

Spend some quality time with your family while following clues (线索), do some crafts (手工), find Easter eggs, chocolate and small prizes. Keep your eyes open for the golden ticket! If you find it, you'll be the winner of an AMAZING prize to make the outdoors great this summer. Register at die Wolf Centre on Sunday, April 12th, between 11 am and 1 pm. Participation Fee is regular Wolf Centre admission ($30 per family). You can pre-pay your admission online here.


JUNE 26 9:30 PM – ll:30 PM

Fascinated by the night sky above? Book a space for the whole family on one of our summer astronomy programs. Take a walk with our onsite astronomer who will guide you through the stars. A typical evening astronomy program lasts approximately 1.5 to 2 hours, and runs rain or shine.

Cost: $20.00 per adult & $15.00 per child (17 & under)

For more information or to make a reservation, book online, call 1-800 -631 - 2198 (Ext. Main Office) or email reservations@ haliburtonforest com.

Natural History

Haliburton Forest offers a series of Natural History Presentations. Partnered with individuals (个人)as well as organisations, these 1 -- 2 hour Tuesday night seminars will vary in themes. Topics may cover research being conducted at Haliburton Forest, natural landscapes and ecosystems, local wild animals and plants, or even environmental concerns.

Cost: There is no charge for this event.

Green and Gold Camp

Come and spend a week with us at Green and Gold Camp on the Sacramento State Campus between 7/10/2020-7/14/2020! Days are filled with scavenger (拾荒者)hunts, river walks, the Challenge Center, water activities, arts and crafts, games and more! Your adventure begins at Sacramento State.

Cost: $290 per camper

1.What can people do at 2020 Bunny Chase?

A.Play games with rabbits. B.Get some gold as the prize.

C.Win a prize for the outdoors. D.Win a prize by pre-paying the admission.

2.What is special about Natural History?

A.It requires preregistration. B.It provides a family visit.

C.It does not charge any fee. D.It focuses on the same theme.

3.Which can help you learn how to survive in the wild most probably?

A.2020 Bunny Chase. B.Astronomy.

C.Natural History. D.Green and Cold Camp.



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