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During the rosy years of elementary scho...

    During the rosy years of elementary school(小学), I enjoyed sharing my dolls and jokes, which allowed me to keep my high social status. I was the queen of the playground. Then came my tweens and teens, and mean girls and cool kids. They rose in the ranks not by being friendly but by smoking cigarettes, breaking rules and playing jokes on others, among whom I soon found myself.

Popularity is a well-explored subject in social psychology. Mitch Prinstein, a professor of clinical psychology sorts the popular into two categories: the likable and the status seekers. The likables’ plays-well-with-others qualities strengthen schoolyard friendships, jump-start interpersonal skills and, when tapped early, are employed ever after in life and work. Then there’s the kind of popularity that appears in adolescence: status born of power and even dishonorable behavior.

Enviable as the cool kids may have seemed, Dr. Prinstein’s studies show unpleasant consequences. Those who were highest in status in high school, as well as those least liked in elementary school, are “most likely to engage(从事) in dangerous and risky behavior.”

In one study, Dr. Prinstein examined the two types of popularity in 235 adolescents, scoring the least liked, the most liked and the highest in status based on student surveys(调查研究). “We found that the least well-liked teens had become more aggressive over time toward their classmates. But so had those who were high in status. It clearly showed that while likability can lead to healthy adjustment, high status                        has just the opposite effect on us.”

Dr. Prinstein has also found that the qualities that made the neighbors want you on a play datesharing, kindness, opennesscarry over to later years and make you better able to relate and connect with others.

In analyzing his and other research, Dr. Prinstein came to another conclusion: Not only is likability related to positive life outcomes, but it is also responsible for those outcomes, too. “Being liked creates opportunities for learning and for new kinds of life experiences that help somebody gain an advantage, ” he said.

1.What sort of girl was the author in her early years of elementary school?

A.Unkind. B.Lonely. C.Generous. D.Cool.

2.What is the second paragraph mainly about?

A.The classification of the popular.

B.The characteristics of adolescents.

C.The importance of interpersonal skills.

D.The causes of dishonorable behavior.

3.What did Dr. Prinstein’s study find about the most liked kids?

A.They appeared to be aggressive.

B.They tended to be more adaptable.

C.They enjoyed the highest status.

D.They performed well academically.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.Be Nice—You Won’t Finish Last

B.The Higher the Status, the Better

C.Be the Best—You Can Make It

D.More Self-Control, Less Aggressiveness


1.C 2.A 3.B 4.A 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章主要讲述了受欢迎度对青少年的影响。 1.推理判断题。根据第一段During the rosy years of elementary school, I enjoyed sharing my dolls and jokes, which allowed me to keep my high social status.可知,在美好的小学时光里,作者喜欢分享她的娃娃和笑话,由此推断出,作者在早年的小学时期是一个慷慨的女孩。A. Unkind不友善的;B. Lonely寂寞的;C. Generous慷慨的;D. Cool冷静的。故选C。 2.主旨大意题。第二段Mitch Prinstein, a professor of clinical psychology sorts the popular into two categories: the likable and the status seekers.(临床心理学教授Mitch Prinstein将受欢迎的人分为两类:讨人喜欢的人和追求地位的人。)是段落主题句,本段内容分别对the likable 和the status seekers做了解释,所以本段主要介绍了两种受欢迎的分类,故选A。 3.推理判断题。根据第四段It clearly showed that while likability can lead to healthy adjustment (它清楚地表明,讨人喜欢可以促使健全的调整)推断出,心理学教授Mitch Prinstein的研究表明,讨人喜欢的孩子适应性更强,故选B。 4.主旨大意题。通过阅读全文内容,尤其是最后一段,可知这篇文章主要讲了受欢迎度对青少年的影响,讨人喜欢对青少年成长都有深远的有益影响。与选项A“友善一点——你将不会排在最后(你不会完蛋/你会笑到最后)”一致,故选A。

Ten years ago the population of our village was_________ that of theirs.

A. as twice large as B. twice as large as

C. twice as much as D. as twice much as



This cinema can offer      seats to audience.

A.thousand B.thousands C.thousand of D.thousands of



Li Hua is going to be an elder brother. His parents are planning to have their    child.

A.first B.second C.one D.two



A year is divided into        months. September is the       month of the year.

A.twelve; ninth  B.twelve; nineth C.twelfth; ninth D.twelfth; nineth



—Have you heard of the Two-Child policy? 

—Of course. And I know many couples have new babies in their      .

A.forties B.fortieth C.the fortieth D.forty



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