满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

That warm day was the only day of the we...

    That warm day was the only day of the week without rain.I opened the door,took a seat and began to enjoy the wonderful sunshine.Suddenly,I noticed that the house near mine had been sold.An elderly lady was in front of the door,with some beautiful flowers beside her.I walked to her.She looked to be in her early eighties and had the prettiest white hair.

“Hi!My name is Karmen,” I said smiling brightly at the old lady.She smiled back and said,“Hello,Karmen.I’m Kitty.” Her voice was very strong for someone at her age.Later,I learned that she was alone and had no family or relatives to help her.From that day on,I often visited her and helped her with her housework and sometimes she gave me some delicious food.A year passed,and I considered her to be one of my best friends.

One day,I walked over for my morning visit and knocked on the door,but there was no answer.I knocked again,and she still didn’t turn up.So I let myself in,using the key she had given me.I checked her living room and then her kitchen.I finally went into her bedroom,and she was lying peacefully on her bed.Beside her there were two notes.One was her will(遗嘱),which said all that she had would be given to me.The other was a thank-you note.I went to her bedside and cried sadly.

Though several years has gone by,I still miss her deeply.Whenever I look at the beautiful flowers in front of her house,I remember the wonderful friendship we had.

1.Through visiting the old lady,the author learned that the old lady    .

A.disliked all her relatives

B.had no one to look after her

C.didn’t want to live with her family

D.was looking for someone to look after her

2.What can we learn from the passage?

A.The old lady was not kind.

B.The author didn’t have any good friends.

C.The old lady didn’t know how to make food.

D.The author got along very well with the old lady.

3.What does “turn up” mean in Paragraph 3?

A.appear B.leave

C.try D.change

4.In order to thank the author,the old lady decided to   .

A.give the author her favourite flowers

B.let the author know she was her best friend

C.give the author a key to her house

D.leave all that she had to the author


1.B 2.D 3.A 4.D 【解析】 本文为记叙文。这篇短文作者主要记述了他和一位老人的友谊。 1.细节理解题。根据第二段中的Later,I learned that she was alone and had no family or relatives to help her.可知,没有人来照顾她。故B选项正确。 2.细节理解题。根据短文第二、三段描述可知,作者和这个老人相处得很好,以至于最后将财产都给了作者。故D选项正确。 3.词义猜测题。由下文描述可知,作者用老人给她的钥匙检查了她的起居室,走进她的卧室,她安详地躺着,留下了遗嘱,因此可知老人去世了,因此推断没有出现,故turn up与appear意思相同。故A选项正确。 4.根据第三段中One was her will, which said all that she had would be given to me. The other was a thank-you note. I went to her bedside and cried sadly.可知,为了感谢作者,老太太决定把她所有的东西都留给作者。故D选项正确。

Fantastic Magazines for Learning English

Digital Photogra pher

Perfect if you like: taking pictures with your camera or phone.

What you’ll find inside: This magazine is full of colorful photos and very pleasing to look at. There are many tips and guides on how to take great pictures, and they are written in simple and easy-to-understand English though there are some technical camera terms. You feel like the writers are tolking to you! You can impress your friends with your irnproved English and your new photography skills!

Fast Company

Perfect if you like: business and learning how successful companies work.

What you’ll find inside: Fast Company is one of the most approachable magazines about business and companies. It has many interviews of successful people, as well as general news about interesting new companics. It does use a higher level of writing than what is usual for magazines, so give it a try first to make sure you can understand the articles.

Cricket and Cicada

Perfect if you like: excellent literature and short stories.

What you’ll find inside: Cricket and Cicada are literary magazines aimed at teenagers. Each issue is full of wonderful short stories and poems, and beautiful illustrations. Even though these are technically children’s magazines, they are perfect for learning English because they have high quality writing.

Mental Floss

Perfect if you like: interesting trivia and facts.

What you’ll find inside: What does outer space smell like Why isn’t cat food mouse-flavored If you’re the kind of person who asks yourself these questions, you’ll love Meriful Floss, Each issue is full of bite-sized trivia and mostly short articles with really interesting facts that you’ll want to share with others.

While the print edition of the magazine stopped publishing in 2016, you can still read Mental Floss online. Click here to get more information.

1.Which magazine tells something about business and companies

A.Digital Photographer. B.Fast Company

C.Cricket. D.Menial Floss.

2.What is special about Cricket and Cicada

A.They focus on drawing skills B.They can only be bought online.

C.They are intended for teenagers. D.They are full of colorful pictures.

3.Where is the text most probably taken

A.On a website. B.In a newspaper.

C.In an English textbook. D.From a science magazine.











Dear Toby,








Li Hua







注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Do you have female friends whom you refer as “guimi”? If you are a girl and an answer is yes, you are a lucky dog. “Guimi” is not only used among girls. It refers to your more loyal girl friends. You had special emotional connections with each other. You share almost everything about each other and you keep each other companies whenever one of you is down. In English, the word with the same meaning is “BFF”, that stands by “best friend forever”, or “bestie”. Either one describes your best female friend. But if you want to say that a boy is your closely friend, you should use “bromeo”, which is made up of “bro” and “Romeo”.



    Nicole was twenty-eight-month old and had been in our neighboring playgroup with other little kids for more than one year. Then my husband and I decided to move her to a full-day nursery _______. After doing a lot of _______, we finally chose the center named “Sunshine”.

We decided to start with two days a week, helping her _______ separation and stranger anxiety when starting a _______ kind of life.

During the first several days, I went together with Nicole every morning, and there her new _______, Diomara, was waiting for us. We three then stayed there for one _______. At first, she only played with me or asked me to _______ her wherever she went. After two or three days, I could sit _______ and watch her play with new friends, but sometimes she would make a _______ to look around searching for me.

During the second week Nicole gradually eased into the new ________, and Diomara suggested starting to leave Nicole there ________ me. At the beginning I decided to leave her for just half an hour. When I hugged, kissed and said goodbye to her, she started crying with the clear ________ that mom would go. I closed the door and could even hear her cry. ________ feeling sad and guilty, I knew it’s not my fault --- it’s just how babies ________.

I was back on time. My little girl laughed and ran to me at the ________ of me. Diomara told me that everything was super and perfect: Nicole stopped crying ________ after I left, and she had a good time ________ a castle using Lego blocks. The next day I left for one hour, and she enjoyed a wonderful lunch with other kids. The last day I stayed there only for a while. By the time she had already ________ the concepts of leaving and returning. That day she stayed there till 3 pm.

Now she is happily in the new day care for two days a week. Meanwhile she is still in the ________ playgroup for another two half days. Gradually she’ll quit from the playgroup. There should be a process. There are so many things far ________ her knowledge, so we need to perform step by step and with patience.

1.A.school B.kindergarten C.group D.center

2.A.discovery B.request C.job D.research

3.A.struggle B.overcome C.appreciate D.adapt

4.A.difficult B.wonderful C.different D.foreign

5.A.friend B.caregiver C.nurse D.schoolmate

6.A.hour B.minute C.moment D.day

7.A.watch B.accompany C.avoid D.keep

8.A.aside B.asleep C.outside D.awake

9.A.pause B.mistake C.gesture D.wish

10.A.classroom B.habits C.settings D.scenes

11.A.with B.around C.over D.without

12.A.dependence B.consciousness C.loneliness D.wonder

13.A.Though B.However C.As D.Since

14.A.study B.suppose C.treat D.develop

15.A.idea B.distance C.sight D.thought

16.A.long B.even C.shortly D.frequently

17.A.visiting B.building C.enjoying D.crashing

18.A.used B.shaped C.refused D.formed

19.A.valuable B.new C.precious D.previous

20.A.beyond B.within C.to D.for



Tips for Great Language Exchanges

● What to ask yourself

The first step is to ask yourself some important questions. The most important question to ask yourself is why you want to learn the language. 1.

● Find the right partner

There are hundreds of partners to choose from in the language you want to learn. 2. When reading profiles, look for some important signs. People who have been on the site and have been active are much more likely to be good partners than those who have been on the site for a week and don't really have their profile filled out and haven't been active. Another thing to keep in mind is that it is better to find at least two exchange partners. 3.

● State your expectations

4. Expressing expectations in advance will give the partnership a higher chance of going well. Avoid being too strict. For example, if you're hoping for Wednesday nights every week, you'll have better luck if you state other times that also could work for you.


Before each meeting, prepare some questions on a topic of your choice. That will give you the chance to look up related words as well as think about your own answers. Preparing topics ahead of time will also help you avoid having nothing to say at your meetings. Otherwise, you'll find that you keep talking about the same things at every meeting, which you want to avoid.

A.Get fully prepared.

B.Avoid having nothing to express.

C.Some of them may give you a hand.

D.So how can you find the right partner?

E.People lead busy lives and one person may not be available every week.

F.Another question to ask yourself is how much free time you really have.

G.Once you find a person who seems like a good fit, be clear about what your expectations are.



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