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Plastic waste is a huge problem in Indon...

    Plastic waste is a huge problem in Indonesia, and this has led the country's second-largest city to come up with a novel approach to encourage residents to recycle—free bus rides in exchange for used plastic bottles and cups. The city of Surabaya launched the initiative back in April—the first Indonesian city to put it into practice, and citizens can ride city buses by either dropping off the plastic bottles and cups at terminals(终点站) or using the plastic items to pay their fare directly.

Under the new recycling initiative, a two-hour bus ticket costs up to five plastic bottles or 10 plastic cups, depending on the size. The city hopes this scheme will help it meet its target of becoming free of plastic waste by 2020.

''Garbage, like plastic bottles, piles up in my neighborhood, so I brought it here, so the environment is not only cleaner but also to help ease the workload of garbage collectors,'' said Linda, a resident of Surabaya.

According to Reuters, data show that 15 percent (nearly 400 tons) of the city's daily waste is plastic. The data also show that one bus can collect up to 550 pounds of plastic each day, totaling about 7.5 tons each month. After collecting the plastic waste, workers remove labels and bottle caps before the plastic is sold to recycling companies. This money then goes toward bus operations and to fund urban green spaces.

1.What does the underlined word ''initiative'' probably mean?

A.A new price of riding buses.

B.Dropping off the plastic bottles.

C.Selling plastic items to get fares.

D.The first action to recycle plastic.

2.What's Surabaya’s new way to deal with plastic waste?

A.Plastic items are only sold to companies.

B.Citizens are encouraged to sort plastic bottles.

C.Natives can take city buses instead of driving.

D.People can trade plastic waste for free bus rides.

3.What's Linda's attitude towards the program?

A.Doubtful. B.Supportive. C.Negative. D.Uncaring.

4.What's the purpose of Surabaya's taking the measure?

A.To develop the city's economy.

B.To call on green travel in the city.

C.To raise the environmental awareness.

D.To solve the worldwide social problem.


1.D 2.D 3.B 4.C 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了印度尼西亚城市Surabaya为了鼓励居民循环使用塑料废品以降低垃圾污染实行了一个计划,那就是让居民用塑料废品换取免费乘坐大巴。通过这种方式提高居民的环保意识,最终实现2020年城市无塑料垃圾的目标。 1. 词义猜测题。根据第一段的Plastic waste is a huge problem in Indonesia, and this has led the country's second-largest city to come up with a novel approach to encourage residents to recycle—free bus rides in exchange for used plastic bottles and cups. The city of Surabaya launched the initiative back in April—the first Indonesian city to put it into practice可知,塑料垃圾在印度尼西亚是一个巨大的问题,这导致该国的第二大城市想出了一个新的方法来鼓励居民循环使用——以用过的塑料瓶和杯子来换取免费乘坐大巴。早在四月Surabaya发起了initiative——第一个把它付诸实践的印度尼西亚城市。根据句意,尤其是the first Indonesian city to put it into practice,推测划线部分的意思是“第一个循环使用塑料的行动”。D. The first action to recycle plastic.(第一个循环使用塑料的行动)符合以上说法,故选D项。 2. 细节理解题。根据第一段的Plastic waste is a huge problem in Indonesia, and this has led the country's second-largest city to come up with a novel approach to encourage residents to recycle—free bus rides in exchange for used plastic bottles and cups. (塑料垃圾在印度尼西亚是一个巨大的问题,这导致该国的第二大城市想出了一个新的方法来鼓励居民循环使用——以用过的塑料瓶和被子来换取免费乘坐大巴。)可知,人们可以用塑料废品换取免费乘坐大巴。D. People can trade plastic waste for free bus rides.(人们可以用塑料废品免费乘坐大巴车)符合以上说法,故选D项。 3. 推理判断题。根据第三段的''Garbage, like plastic bottles, piles up in my neighborhood, so I brought it here, so the environment is not only cleaner but also to help ease the workload of garbage collectors,'' said Linda, a resident of Surabaya.( Surabaya的居民Linda说:“像塑料瓶之类的垃圾堆满了我的小区,因此我把它带来这里,这样不仅环境更清洁了,而且也可以减少垃圾收集员的工作量。”)可推测,Linda支持这个计划。B. Supportive.(支持的)符合以上说法,故选B项。 4. 推理判断题。根据第二段Under the new recycling initiative, a two-hour bus ticket costs up to five plastic bottles or 10 plastic cups, depending on the size. The city hopes this scheme will help it meet its target of becoming free of plastic waste by 2020.(根据新的回收计划,按照塑料杯的大小,一张两小时的大巴车票需要5个塑料瓶或10个塑料杯。该市希望这一计划能帮助实现到2020年无塑料垃圾的目标)可推测,Surabaya 市采取该措施的目的是提高居民的环保意识,鼓励他们循环使用塑料废品,以最终实现城市无垃圾的目标。C. To raise the environmental awareness.(为了提高居民的环保意识)符合以上推测,故选C项。

    It was a cold day and I had no desire to drive to my daughter Carolyn’s house. But she had insisted I see something on top of the mountain. So here I was, unwillingly making the two-hour journey through fog.

After I parked the car, we walked along a path with thick pine needles and huge evergreens towering over us. Gradually, the peace and silence began to fill my mind. Then we turned a corner and stopped—and I breathed in amazement!

From the top of the mountain, covering several valleys, were rivers of daffodils(水仙花) in bloom. All kinds of colors spread like a carpet before us. It looked as if the sun had spilled gold down the mountainside. At the center hung a waterfall of roses. Here and there were colorful tulips(郁金香). How fantastic the wonder was!

A lot of questions filled my mind. Who created such beauty? Why? How?

Nearing the center of the garden, we saw a sign that read: ''Answers to the Questions I Know You Are Asking.'' The first answer was: ''One Woman—Two Hands, Two Feet, and Very Little Brain.'' The second was: ''One at a Time.'' The third: ''Started in 1958. ''

As we drove home, I was so moved that I could scarcely speak. ''She changed the world,'' I finally said, ''one bulb at a time. She started almost 40 years ago, probably just the beginning of an idea, but she kept at it.''

1.The author didn't want to make the trip because __________

A.she didn't want to see her daughter.

B.the road condition was not so good.

C.the weather was bad and the trip was long.

D.the forest was so thick as to make one depressed.

2.What was the author amazed at after turning a corner?

A.The silent forest.

B.The grand scenery.

C.The tough journey.

D.The colorful tulips.

3.What can we infer from paragraph 5?

A.The woman created the wonder by herself.

B.The garden was created with others' help.

C.Five people helped make the garden.

D.The garden was soon built.

4.What does the author intend to tell us from the story?

A.Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.

B.An eye finds more truth than two ears.

C.Chance often favors the prepared mind.

D.He who walks with wise men should be wise.



    Edinburgh is the world’s festival city with twelve festivals throughout the year. Here are some of the events you can enjoy.

The Edinburgh International Festival

This is the original Edinburgh festival which began in 1947. Actors, musicians, dancers and opera singers from all over the world perform to huge audiences. You need tickets for most events which take place in theaters around the city.

The Edinburgh Art Festival

This festival is modern and has been celebrated for around ten years. It is a fantastic opportunity to see some of the city’s best visual art in art galleries and museums. Most events are free and include events such as fashion shows and art exhibitions.

The Edinburgh Festival Fringe

This is the largest arts festival in the world with thousands of shows which take place across the city. Anyone can perform in the festival and over 20,000 artists take part, so there is always a huge variety of acts to choose from. Go to the Royal Mile to watch performers such as magicians and comedians for free. However, it can get very busy as thousands of tourists and local people fill the city streets to enjoy the shows.

The Edinburgh International Book Festival

The largest book festival in the world began in 1983 and takes place every year in Charlotte Square Gardens in the centre of Edinburgh. There are over 700 events for children and adults who love books. You can meet many authors, talk to them, ask them to sign a book or listen to them talk about their stories.

1.Which Festival has the longest history?

A.The Edinburgh Art Festival.

B.The Edinburgh Festival Fringe.

C.The Edinburgh International Festival.

D.The Edinburgh International Book Festival.

2.What can tourists do in the Edinburgh Festival Fringe?

A.Ask authors to sign books.

B.Perform with artists together.

C.Go to theaters to watch plays.

D.See the best visual art in galleries.

3.Where does the passage come from?

A.A story book. B.A science fiction.

C.A news report. D.A travel magazine.











Dear Tom,

How’s it going? I am glad to receive your last letter.


Looking forward to your early reply!


Li Hua









Neighborhood does help. Six years before, at the hottest day of the year, I saw man working on the grass at the bank next door. I didn’t know him, and I decided to do something kind. I went in the house, take a Cola from my fridge and returned outside. Then I stood at the place that he could see me. I held up the drink and pointed to her. He nodded. When he came to accept the bottle from me, he thanked me immediate. He said that he was thinking about get something to drink.

He has helped me a lot of since then. He gives me advices whenever I need help.



    About six years ago, I was sitting on a plane next to a woman. I was _______ and wanted to take a rest, but she tapped (轻拍) me on the shoulder to _______ herself.

“Hi, my name is Helga.”

As we _______, it came up that I had started an organization called Acts of Kindness. As I described what we did, Helga got very _______ and said to me, “There is nothing more important in the world than _______.” She began telling me a _______ about the last time she had _______.

It was three years ago and she was  _______ back to her hometown because her father had become very _______. Just as the plane was about to ________, her father’s doctor ________ to tell her that her father had ________ passed away. For the three-hour plane ride, she sat in shocked silence. When she arrived at the airport, She sat down on a sofa and ________. For two hours thousands of people just walked by.

“Not a single person ________ and asked if I was OK that day. On that day I ________ kindness isn’t normal.”

Her story has ________ me for all these years. We spend so much time worrying about our own problems that we ________ and take no notice of other people in need of kindness. So, I’ve made it my ________ to do my part in making kindness “normal”.

Now, I travel to schools to give ________ about our need for kindness. And when I give my talks, I always have my ________ with Helga in the back of my mind.

1.A.excited B.energetic C.tired D.sad

2.A.enjoy B.introduce C.praise D.describe

3.A.rested B.talked C.watched D.read

4.A.serious B.amused C.nervous D.worried

5.A.safety B.trust C.health D.kindness

6.A.joke B.story C.promise D.plan

7.A.cycled B.driven C.flown D.made

8.A.heading B.looking C.running D.riding

9.A.old B.lonely C.poor D.ill

10.A.return B.disappear C.land D.leave

11.A.wrote B.forgot C.called D.expected

12.A.suddenly B.slowly C.secretly D.finally

13.A.shouted B.slept C.cried D.waited

14.A.stopped B.moved C.continued D.escaped

15.A.accepted B.realized C.admitted D.remembered

16.A.cheated B.discouraged C.attracted D.impressed

17.A.walk by B.believe in C.look after D.depend on

18.A.memory B.topic C.duty D.reason

19.A.choices B.speeches C.plans D.decisions

20.A.interview B.trouble C.dream D.conversation



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