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You might be surprised that dollar store...

    You might be surprised that dollar stores typically have a variety of products that can be found at a better price than regular stores—though, there are some things you should never buy at the dollar store.

A dollar store is a variety store, meaning they sell a wide range of products. Party supplies, cleaning supplies, and paper products are some of the great, cheap finds you can find at dollar stores. But, not every product is always priced at just one dollar. In fact, dollar stores often have a wide range of products at prices between $1 and $10.

“Dollar stores are able to profit, in part because operating costs are kept low by employing only a handful of people, and by limiting the amount of cold chain storage in their stores (which is necessary for fresh foods like produce),” says Minovi, a policy associate, focusing on healthy retail policies.

Dollar stores can provide a lot of items at a cheaper price, but that doesn’t mean the item will last longer or function at the best quality. With that in mind, these are the things you should have been buying from the dollar store this whole time.

“Dollar stores in the United States typically seek to open locations in economically disadvantaged communities that lack a full-service grocery store,” adds Minovi. “Unfortunately, the food on offer is largely calorie-dense (高热量) and nutrient-poor, so this model depends on selling nutritionally poor food to mostly low-income customers.”

1.What’s the obvious advantage of dollar stores?

A.Varieties of goods are sold cheaply.

B.Customers can get cheap but perfect goods.

C.Goods never bought at regular stores are offered.

D.All the products in the store are sold at one dollar.

2.What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?

A.What goods a dollar store sells. B.How a dollar store makes money.

C.Why a dollar store employs people. D.How a dollar store keeps cold foods.

3.Which of the following does Minovi agree with?

A.Dollar stores make money by cutting down employees.

B.Much cold frozen food can be bought in dollar stores.

C.Food from the dollar stores is nutritional and healthy.

D.Dollar stores are popular with low-income customers.

4.What is probably the best title for the text?

A.Locations of Dollar Stores B.The Service of Dollar Stores

C.The Operation of Dollar Stores D.Disadvantages of Dollar Stores


1.A 2.B 3.D 4.C 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了什么是一元店,一元店的优势以及一元店是如何盈利的,同时指出一元店可以以更便宜的价格提供很多商品,但这并不意味着这些商品可以用得更久或以最好的质量使用。一元店出售的食物大多是高热量和低营养的,所以这种模式依赖于向主要是低收入的顾客出售营养贫乏的食物。 1. 细节理解题。根据第一段中You might be surprised that dollar stores typically have a variety of products that can be found at a better price than regular stores…可知你可能会感到惊讶,一元店通常有各种各样的产品,而且价格比普通商店更便宜……由此可知,一元店的明显优势是各种各样的商品都卖得很便宜。故选A。 2. 主旨大意题。根据第三段“Dollar stores are able to profit, in part because operating costs are kept low by employing only a handful of people, and by limiting the amount of cold chain storage in their stores (which is necessary for fresh foods like produce),” says Minovi, a policy associate, focusing on healthy retail policies.可知“一美元店能够盈利,部分原因是通过只雇佣少数人,以及限制店内的冷链存储量(这对农产品等新鲜食品来说是必要的)来保持较低的运营成本。”专注于健康零售政策的政策助理Minovi说。由此可知,第三段的主要内容是一元店如何赚钱。故选B。 3. 推理判断题。根据最后一段中Unfortunately, the food on offer is largely calorie-dense (高热量) and nutrient-poor, so this model depends on selling nutritionally poor food to mostly low-income customers.可知不幸的是,出售的食物大多是高热量和低营养的,所以这种模式依赖于向主要是低收入的顾客出售营养贫乏的食物。由此可推知,D选项“一元店很受低收入顾客的欢迎” Minovi会同意。故选D。 4. 主旨大意题。根据第一段You might be surprised that dollar stores typically have a variety of products that can be found at a better price than regular stores—though, there are some things you should never buy at the dollar store.可知你可能会感到惊讶,一元店通常有各种各样的产品,而且价格比普通商店更便宜——不过,有些东西你绝对不应该在一元店买。结合文章主要介绍了什么是一元店,一元店的优势以及一元店是如何盈利的,同时指出一元店可以以更便宜的价格提供很多商品,但这并不意味着这些商品可以用得更久或以最好的质量使用。一元店出售的食物大多是高热量和低营养的,所以这种模式依赖于向主要是低收入的顾客出售营养贫乏的食物。由此可知,C选项“一元店的经营”最符合文章标题。故选C。

    Plastic waste is a huge problem in Indonesia, and this has led the country's second-largest city to come up with a novel approach to encourage residents to recycle—free bus rides in exchange for used plastic bottles and cups. The city of Surabaya launched the initiative back in April—the first Indonesian city to put it into practice, and citizens can ride city buses by either dropping off the plastic bottles and cups at terminals(终点站) or using the plastic items to pay their fare directly.

Under the new recycling initiative, a two-hour bus ticket costs up to five plastic bottles or 10 plastic cups, depending on the size. The city hopes this scheme will help it meet its target of becoming free of plastic waste by 2020.

''Garbage, like plastic bottles, piles up in my neighborhood, so I brought it here, so the environment is not only cleaner but also to help ease the workload of garbage collectors,'' said Linda, a resident of Surabaya.

According to Reuters, data show that 15 percent (nearly 400 tons) of the city's daily waste is plastic. The data also show that one bus can collect up to 550 pounds of plastic each day, totaling about 7.5 tons each month. After collecting the plastic waste, workers remove labels and bottle caps before the plastic is sold to recycling companies. This money then goes toward bus operations and to fund urban green spaces.

1.What does the underlined word ''initiative'' probably mean?

A.A new price of riding buses.

B.Dropping off the plastic bottles.

C.Selling plastic items to get fares.

D.The first action to recycle plastic.

2.What's Surabaya’s new way to deal with plastic waste?

A.Plastic items are only sold to companies.

B.Citizens are encouraged to sort plastic bottles.

C.Natives can take city buses instead of driving.

D.People can trade plastic waste for free bus rides.

3.What's Linda's attitude towards the program?

A.Doubtful. B.Supportive. C.Negative. D.Uncaring.

4.What's the purpose of Surabaya's taking the measure?

A.To develop the city's economy.

B.To call on green travel in the city.

C.To raise the environmental awareness.

D.To solve the worldwide social problem.



    It was a cold day and I had no desire to drive to my daughter Carolyn’s house. But she had insisted I see something on top of the mountain. So here I was, unwillingly making the two-hour journey through fog.

After I parked the car, we walked along a path with thick pine needles and huge evergreens towering over us. Gradually, the peace and silence began to fill my mind. Then we turned a corner and stopped—and I breathed in amazement!

From the top of the mountain, covering several valleys, were rivers of daffodils(水仙花) in bloom. All kinds of colors spread like a carpet before us. It looked as if the sun had spilled gold down the mountainside. At the center hung a waterfall of roses. Here and there were colorful tulips(郁金香). How fantastic the wonder was!

A lot of questions filled my mind. Who created such beauty? Why? How?

Nearing the center of the garden, we saw a sign that read: ''Answers to the Questions I Know You Are Asking.'' The first answer was: ''One Woman—Two Hands, Two Feet, and Very Little Brain.'' The second was: ''One at a Time.'' The third: ''Started in 1958. ''

As we drove home, I was so moved that I could scarcely speak. ''She changed the world,'' I finally said, ''one bulb at a time. She started almost 40 years ago, probably just the beginning of an idea, but she kept at it.''

1.The author didn't want to make the trip because __________

A.she didn't want to see her daughter.

B.the road condition was not so good.

C.the weather was bad and the trip was long.

D.the forest was so thick as to make one depressed.

2.What was the author amazed at after turning a corner?

A.The silent forest.

B.The grand scenery.

C.The tough journey.

D.The colorful tulips.

3.What can we infer from paragraph 5?

A.The woman created the wonder by herself.

B.The garden was created with others' help.

C.Five people helped make the garden.

D.The garden was soon built.

4.What does the author intend to tell us from the story?

A.Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.

B.An eye finds more truth than two ears.

C.Chance often favors the prepared mind.

D.He who walks with wise men should be wise.



    Edinburgh is the world’s festival city with twelve festivals throughout the year. Here are some of the events you can enjoy.

The Edinburgh International Festival

This is the original Edinburgh festival which began in 1947. Actors, musicians, dancers and opera singers from all over the world perform to huge audiences. You need tickets for most events which take place in theaters around the city.

The Edinburgh Art Festival

This festival is modern and has been celebrated for around ten years. It is a fantastic opportunity to see some of the city’s best visual art in art galleries and museums. Most events are free and include events such as fashion shows and art exhibitions.

The Edinburgh Festival Fringe

This is the largest arts festival in the world with thousands of shows which take place across the city. Anyone can perform in the festival and over 20,000 artists take part, so there is always a huge variety of acts to choose from. Go to the Royal Mile to watch performers such as magicians and comedians for free. However, it can get very busy as thousands of tourists and local people fill the city streets to enjoy the shows.

The Edinburgh International Book Festival

The largest book festival in the world began in 1983 and takes place every year in Charlotte Square Gardens in the centre of Edinburgh. There are over 700 events for children and adults who love books. You can meet many authors, talk to them, ask them to sign a book or listen to them talk about their stories.

1.Which Festival has the longest history?

A.The Edinburgh Art Festival.

B.The Edinburgh Festival Fringe.

C.The Edinburgh International Festival.

D.The Edinburgh International Book Festival.

2.What can tourists do in the Edinburgh Festival Fringe?

A.Ask authors to sign books.

B.Perform with artists together.

C.Go to theaters to watch plays.

D.See the best visual art in galleries.

3.Where does the passage come from?

A.A story book. B.A science fiction.

C.A news report. D.A travel magazine.











Dear Tom,

How’s it going? I am glad to receive your last letter.


Looking forward to your early reply!


Li Hua









Neighborhood does help. Six years before, at the hottest day of the year, I saw man working on the grass at the bank next door. I didn’t know him, and I decided to do something kind. I went in the house, take a Cola from my fridge and returned outside. Then I stood at the place that he could see me. I held up the drink and pointed to her. He nodded. When he came to accept the bottle from me, he thanked me immediate. He said that he was thinking about get something to drink.

He has helped me a lot of since then. He gives me advices whenever I need help.



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