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提示词:微信朋友圈 WeChat Moments



Last month, on a Monday class meeting, our Chinese teacher announced a significant activity themed “Reading and Acting out Classics”. Luckily, I was honored to be elected as the screenwriter and director of our group. No sooner had I arrived at home than I threw myself into choosing book and a famous novel “A Dream of Red Mansions” popped into my head. I read the whole novel attentively and devoted myself to writing the play. Then our group contributed to practice. Ultimately came the big time, we presented the performance in our classroom with brilliant acting skills and vivid lines, which was highly praised by our classmates. Finally, we uploaded our video clip on WeChat Moments. Just several minutes later, we received many good comments. Through this activity, we had a profound understanding that reading classic novel can not only improve our literary competence but also enrich our spirit. How significant the experience is! 【解析】 本篇书面表达要求根据图文进行写作。 假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。你们班上个月开展了一次以“阅读名著,再现经典”为主题的活动。请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,给校刊“英语园地”写一篇英文稿件,记述你和同学参加此次活动的全过程。人称使用第一人称,时态以过去时为主。写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系,尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。特别注意在选择句式时要赋予变化。平时除了加强词汇积累,写作联系以外,还可以适当记忆一些类似的范文,这样在考试中可以起到事半功倍的效果。

假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。你的英国笔友Jim作为交换生目前正在上海学习。在给你的邮件中曾提到他对中国特色服饰文化很感兴趣。你得知今年十月将在北京举办 “中国服装艺术,创意设计”文化周活动,请你给他写封邮件,内容包括:

1. 时间、地点、参加人员;

2. 主要活动安排;

3. 询问对方的意向。

注意:1. 词数不少于50

2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Jim,



Li Hua



    A study revealed that, in most occasions, the outcome on a given task can be improved when two people have helped each other instead of working on their own. As early as 1624 John Donne has already popularized the phrase “No man is an island”. And this is especially true, be it in the workplace, in doing scientific research, or working in events. One of the benefits of cooperation is that people can pool together their skills and wisdom towards a common aim. Because of this, they have a higher chance of being more successful. 1.

Teamwork promotes diversity. The very nature of teamwork requires a group of people from various backgrounds to come together and share their thinking. 2. This level of diversity generates cultural understanding, increased communication through collective knowledge of approaches and a larger resource of opinions.

3. Working within a team helps us to create an environment which inspires collective knowledge, resources and skills. Consequently, this allows us to pick some ideas and to reflect on our own way of thinking. Teamwork also encourages self-improvement because it helps us to expand our horizons and make better use of our own intrinsic capabilities. And since self-improvement helps us in seeking better ways to perform our role within a team, it improves both the efficiency and productivity of the team as a whole.

Completion of task becomes easy. Each member has unique skills to help with the project. 4. For example, you may ask one person to do research, another to take charge of social media marketing, and another to look after delivery. Teamwork can get the most of each person’s strengths.

5. For instance, tackling about climate change by researchers who come from different disciplines (学科) could potentially lead to ground-breaking researches. In the traditional research world, one researcher pursued a theme over several decades. However, academia is fostering a fresh research culture, whereby academic works advance through the creation of interdisciplinary research.

A.Teamwork encourages healthy competition.

B.It promotes peer learning and self-improvement.

C.So a task can be assigned based on a person’s skills and expertise.

D.There are many benefits we can gain out of teamwork and cooperation.

E.The seeds of creativity and innovation spring from the exchange of ideas.

F.As a result, different opinions and problem-solving methods can be formed.

G.Cooperation has several benefits including shared risk, resources and knowledge.



    Sometimes, when looking at the things that have been lying around for a long time in our lives, we probably realize that those items may be useful to others. With the development of the internet, online communities have figured out a way to generate profit from the sharing of those underused assets. Using websites and social media platforms that facilitate the buying and selling of second-hand goods, it is now easier than ever for peer-to-peer sharing activities to take place. And this is what we call sharing economy.

One of the things consumers appreciate when using or working in the sharing economy is the flexibility. It offers services to people when and where they want them. For those who don’t care for traditional office work, sharing economies do not require professional working environments, so there is no need to put yourself in an atmosphere that unfits for your personality. It allows people to choose flexible atmosphere to work remotely instead of in one physical office space.

A sharing economy helps consumers to earn money by renting out underused goods or resources. For example, you can rent out a home using Airbnb, expensive tools from one’s garage, cars, or even sharing the groceries before going on a holiday. All of these provide a way for items to be resold and repurposed instead of just thrown away. Therefore, it helps to reduce waste and make or save money for the provider and users.

But the sharing economy is not without criticisms. The sharing economy is developing faster than existing regulations or ongoing supervision. One downside is that in many cases there is a lack of regulation to check the products and services exchanged during these deals. Unlike formal companies, unregulated individuals do not follow certain regulations and this can lead to poorer and inconsistent quality of goods and services and a higher risk of fraud. For example, hotels are inspected to assure quality, whereas some apartments for short-term rental online are not. The digitally-driven peer-to-peer nature of the sharing economy services sometimes doesn’t match well with certain regulations, which on the other hand, helps keep the provided services more affordable.

Another problem is related to safety concerns. Most sharing economy platforms are based on trust, as well as ratings by guests and hosts. But sometimes it happens that one uses a car, or rents an apartment and it is totally different than one imagines. After all, we have heard some unpleasant tales of guests and hosts.

The sharing economy definitely has its lovers and haters. Many are not ready to switch to that model, where others are already using more than four platforms in their daily lives.

1.What makes peer-to-peer sharing activities easier?

A.The convenience of the network.

B.The development of community.

C.People’s keeping underused things.

D.People’s demand of second-hand goods.

2.The example in paragraph 4 is used to show        .

A.sharing economy services are more affordable

B.short-term rental apartments are cheaper than hotels

C.the current rules can’t regulate the quality of online business

D.apartments rental online can’t ensure the safety of the guests

3.What is the author’s attitude towards sharing economy?

A.Supportive. B.Neutral. C.Disapproving. D.Doubtful.

4.Which of the following shows the development of ideas in the passage?

I: Introduction  P: Point  Sp: Sub-point (次要点)  C: Conclusion

A. B.

C. D.



    While gazing at an airplane passing thousands of feet overhead, or when you are just about to board a flight at the airport, have you ever noticed that the majority of airplanes are white? Sure, some have decorations and names in different colors, but the base color behind those add-ons is almost always white.

Now, thinking of your summer wardrobe, which has at least a couple of white items, be it a T-shirt, a pair of pants, or a skirt. The main reason people prefer white on a hot day is its particular ability to reflect sunlight. The color white is a terrific reflector of sunlight, and reflects almost all the light that falls on it, unlike other colors, which absorb some of the light. So, just like clothing, aircraft producers use white paint to keep airplanes cool. It minimizes the heating as well as the potential harm from solar radiation. Planes have some parts made from plastic, carbon fiber, and fiberglass. Those things in particular need the most protection from the blazing sun.

The next reason for painting planes white is even more practical. It’s just cheaper to have white-colored plane. You see, all airplanes start out white when they’re made. But what if an airline decides to paint theirs, say, bright yellow? An additional layer of paint will add more than 1,000 pounds of weight to the aircraft. The paint on a Boeing 737 weighs 180kg and on a Boeing 747 is around 500kg. Weight increment means the increase of fuel burnt, and that can get pricey. Most airlines want to avoid the higher cost.

When flying at high altitudes, exposed to various atmospheric conditions, colored airplanes tend to fade, and thus require a lot of paint jobs to maintain their artistic appeal. A white-colored airplane, on the other hand, doesn’t appear significantly different, even after spending a considerable amount of time in the air.

Besides, airplanes are regularly inspected for cracks and any other form of surface damage for obvious safety reasons. Nothing works better than white when it comes to spotting a crack on the surface, as the crack is almost always darker than white. Plus, a white plane is easier to spot visually in the event of a crash or any other mishap, especially at night, or in a massive body of water.

Additionally, a study published in Human-Wildlife Interactions found that the paint job does make a difference to birds: “This finding suggests that a whiter airframe would stand out more against the sky from the perspective of the flying bird’s visual system.” According to ABC, approximately $300 million dollars’ worth of damage to planes is caused by birds each year. There you have it: Planes are white to keep you as safe and comfortable as possible, with the added bonus of hitting by fewer birds.

1.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Colored airplane is easier to spot when in the event of a crash.

B.White color can absorb some of the light and make the plane cool.

C.White paint can decrease the possible damage of the sun radiation.

D.Colored aircrafts do not fade easily and maintain the color for a long time.

2.The underlined word “that” in paragraph 3 refers to        .

A.the aircrafts B.white-colored plane

C.most airlines D.the increase of fuel burnt

3.Why does the author mention the birds in the last paragraph?

A.To introduce how the birds’ visual system works.

B.To show the cost of an airplane is quite expensive.

C.To state white plane is more obvious to flying birds.

D.To stress how serious damage birds can do to planes.

4.The main purpose of this passage is to        .

A.inform and explain B.discuss and clarify

C.analyze and advise D.compare and evaluate



    Every day on her walk to school, Khloe Thompson, a nine-year-old girl, kept noticing the same homeless people and couldn’t help but feel troubled. She kept asking her mom why or how they were there, and at the end of the conversation she always wondered, “What can I do to help?” Seeing these struggling individuals in her community, Khloe made a resolution to create her own charity devoted to improving the lives of local homeless people. After Khloe made the decision firmly, she quickly began to effect change in the homeless community, raising spirits while lending some much-needed assistance to those living on the street.

“No dream is too small or too big!” writes Khloe on her GoFundMe page, which was set up by Khloe and her mom Alisha and has raised $14,000 in the two months since it was established, exceeding its original $10,000 goal. “Any funds raised on this page will go toward our charity filing fees and any future volunteer projects. The more we raise, the more people we can help!”

The charity, called Khloe Kares, is a community service-oriented organization that plans different projects to give some assistance to those in need. Khloe’s first project was Kare Bags, which are intended to help the homeless. “I like to give them a nice sturdy bag that they can have forever,” says Khloe, “Sometimes they give me hugs and then they say thank you.”

“As a parent, you’re going to be concerned about her walking up to random strangers,” says Alisha, who accompanies Khloe when she hands out her Kare Bags. After seeing people’s positive reactions, she said “People really warm up to her quickly.”

As Khloe strives to help those near her, homelessness has become an increasingly pressing issue. For Khloe, Kare Bags are just the beginning. She is currently planning a toy drive for kids living in group homes, which will take place on July. She has collected about $1,000 worth of toys to give out, and additional voluntary gifts will go towards The Raise Foundation of Orange County, whose goal is to stop child abuse and neglect.

1.Khloe created her own charity to        .

A.collect money for children’s toys

B.help homeless people of the local area

C.protect more children from abuse and neglect

D.improve the living condition of the community

2.From the passage, we can know that GoFundMe page        .

A.is a community service-oriented organization

B.was set up by Khloe and some local volunteers

C.plans different projects to help those people in need

D.raises fund for filing fees and future volunteer projects

3.Which of the following words can best describe Khole?

A.Devoted and open-minded.

B.Humorous and strong-willed.

C.Determined and warm-hearted.

D.Knowledgeable and hard-working.

4.Which of the following can be the best title?

A.No Life is Easy

B.The Road to Success

C.The Power of Volunteers

D.Lend a Hand to Strangers



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