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When Deirdre Taylor was preparing to lea...

    When Deirdre Taylor was preparing to leave her Virginia home to fight Covid-19 in New York, she made sure to ____ a possession that she kept for over thirty _______: a front-page newspaper article.

This article ______ Taylor's rescue from a burning New York City apartment by a ______ in 1983. She was only four then.

The picture on the front-page article shows a young Taylor with the man who ______ her, Eugene Pugliese.

“I always knew I came ______ to losing my life that day,” Taylor told CNN. “I could have a second chance at ____ . thanks to him.”

Today, Taylor, 41, is an emergency room ______ with a happy family. Ever since the incident, she wondered what ______ the firefighter who saved her, coming up ______ when she searched for him online. ______ to spend two months helping in the ______ against Covid-19 at NYU Langone Hospital, Taylor saw this as an opportunity to finally ______ him.

During one of her shifts (轮班),Taylor told a firefighter her ______ . He called the cunent captain of FDNY in Manhattan, who______ knew whom Taylor was looking for.

Taylor gave Pugliese a an______ right after her shift and was very happy to hear his voice on the other end.“I wondered about him on 9/11 and hoped I would get the chance to thank him, and I finally _____ said Taylor.

Now 76 years old, Pugliese was ______ when he got the call from Taylor on Friday.

“We just sat there crying on the ______ Pugliese told CNN, _____  that he's had the same article framed on his wall for 25 years now.

1.A.choose B.pack C.send. D.mail

2.A.days B.weeks C.months D.years

3.A.described B.reported C.reminded D.discovered

4.A.doctor B.pedestrian C.firefighter D.relative

5.A.saved B.saw C.treated D.fed

6.A.true B.alone C.close D.alive

7.A.life B.work C.walk D.speech

8.A.patient B.cleaner C.volunteer D.nurse

9.A.came to B.happened to C.related to D.belonged to

10.A.empty B.different C.alike D.nice

11.A.Anxious B.Afraid C.Desperate D.Ready

12.A.play B.competition C.fight D.argument

13.A.understand B.repay C.help D.find

14.A.lesson B.duty C.story D.view

15.A.never B.exactly C.hardly D.gradually

16.A.call B.message C.address D.letter

17.A.failed B.did C.escaped D.hesitated

18.A.thrilled B.scared C.depressed D.relaxed

19.A.ground B.Internet C.TV D.phone

20.A.realizing B.explaining C.adding D.recalling


1.B 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.C 7.A 8.D 9.B 10.A 11.D 12.C 13.D 14.C 15.B 16.A 17.B 18.A 19.D 20.C 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了Deirdre Taylor在去纽约抗击Covid-19病毒时,找到了当年救她的消防员Pugliese的故事。 1. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:当Deirdre Taylor准备动身离开弗吉尼亚前往纽约去抗击Covid-19的时候,她一定要把她保存30多年的财产打包,这个财产是一个报纸头版文章。A. choose选择;B. pack收拾行李,打包;C. send派送;D. mail邮寄。根据前文“leave her Virginia home to fight Covid-19 in New York”和后文“possession”,可知Deirdre Taylor准备离开去纽约,所以她要收拾她的私人物品并打包带走。故选B项。 2. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:当Deirdre Taylor准备动身离开弗吉尼亚前往纽约去抗击Covid-19的时候,她一定要把她保存30多年的财产打包,这个财产是一个报纸头版文章。A. days天;B. weeks星期;C. months月;D. years年。根据下文“in 1983”,可知Deirdre Taylor已经保存了30多年。故选D项。 3. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:这篇文章报道了,1983年Deirdre Taylor被一名消防员从纽约一间正在着火的公寓中救出。A. described描述;B. reported报道;C. reminded提醒;D. discovered发现。根据前文“a front-page newspaper article.”可知,这是一篇头版头条,所以是报道出来。故选B项。 4. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:这篇文章报道了,1983年Deirdre Taylor被一名消防员从纽约一间正在着火的公寓中救出。A. doctor医生;B. pedestrian路人;C. firefighter消防员;D. relative亲戚。根据下文第五段“firefighter”,可知Deirdre Taylor是被一名消防员所救。故选C项。 5. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:在报纸头版新闻中的照片是年轻的Deirdre Taylor和救她的消防员Eugene Pugliese。A. saved挽救;B. saw看见;C. treated对待;D. fed喂养。根据下文“I could have a second chance at ___7___ , thanks to him.”可知多亏了Eugene Pugliese,Deirdre Taylor有了第二次生命,所以是Eugene Pugliese救了Deirdre Taylor。故选A项。 6. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:Deirdre Taylor对CNN声称:我一直都知道那天我差点失去生命。A. true真实的;B. alone独自;C. close接近;D. alive活着,在世。该句come close to译为“差一点,接近”,此处to为介词后接动词ing形式。作者知道那天差点失去了生命。故选C项。 7. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:多亏了他,我有了第二次生命的机会。A. life生命;B. work工作;C. walk行走;D. speech演讲。根据前文“I always knew I came ___6___ to losing my life that day,”和“the man who ___5___ her”可知,Deirdre Taylor认为自己在那天几乎要失去生命,但是幸亏Eugene Pugliese救了她,所以她有了第二次生命的机会。故选A项。 8. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:现在,Deirdre Taylor已经41岁,是一名急诊室护士,并且有一个幸福的家庭。A. patient病人;B. cleaner清洁工;C. volunteer志愿者;D. nurse护士。根据文章第一段“to fight Covid-19 in New York,”,可知Deirdre Taylor要去纽约抗击Covid-19病毒,所以推测Deirdre Taylor可能是一名医护工作者,而nurse译为“护士”,符合语境。故选D项。 9. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:自从那时事故,她一直想知道那位救她的消防员怎么样,她上网搜索他的时候,没有任何信息。A. came to苏醒,恢复知觉;B. happened to发生在…身上;C. related to与…相关;D. belonged to属于。根据下文“coming up ___10___ when she searched for him online.”可知,Deirdre Taylor一直在找救她的消防员Eugene Pugliese,但是都一无所获,所以Taylor想知道Eugene Pugliese到底发生了什么事情。故选B项。 10. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:自从那次事故,她一直想知道那位救她的消防员怎么样,当她上网搜索他的时候,却没有任何信息。A.empty 空的;B.different不同的; C.alike相像的; D.nice好的。根据下文“Taylor saw this as an opportunity to finally ___13___ him.”可知,Deirdre Taylor认为这是他最后一次Eugene Pugliese的机会,所以Deirdre Taylor之前一直都没有他的消息。此处come up empty译为“扑了个空”。故选A项。 11. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:Deirdre Taylor准备花费两个月的时间在NYU Langone医院协助抗击Covid-19病毒,她认为这是最后找到Eugene Pugliese的机会。A. Anxious焦虑的;B. Afraid害怕的,担心的;C. Desperate不顾一切,绝望的;D. Ready准备好。根据前文“When Deirdre Taylor was preparing to leave her Virginia home to fight Covid-19 in New York”可知,Taylor准备离开弗吉尼亚去纽约抗击Covid-19病毒。故选D项。 12. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:Deirdre Taylor准备花费两个月的时间在NYU Langone医院协助抗击Covid-19病毒,她认为这是最后找到Eugene Pugliese的机会。A.play玩; B.competition竞争; C.fight打仗; D.argument争论。根据前文“When Deirdre Taylor was preparing to leave her Virginia home to fight Covid-19 in New York”可知Taylor要去纽约抗击Covid-19病毒,此处fight against译为“与…作斗争”。故选C项。 13. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:Deirdre Taylor准备花费两个月的时间在NYU Langone医院协助抗击Covid-19病毒,她认为这是最后找到Eugene Pugliese的机会。A.understand理解; B.repay回报; C.help帮助; D.find发现。根据前文“coming up ___10___ when she searched for him online.”可知Deirdre Taylor一直在寻找这个消防员,但是都没有结果,所以Deirdre Taylor认为这次去纽约也是最后一次寻找Eugene Pugliese的机会。故选D项。 14. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:在她一次轮班的时候,Deirdre Taylor告诉一个消防员关于她的故事。A. lesson课程;B. duty职责;C. story故事;D. view观点。根据前文“a front-page newspaper article.”可知,头条上报道的是关于Taylor的故事。故选C项。 15. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:这个消防员给曼哈顿的联邦警察局局长打电话,这位局长知道Taylor在找谁。A. never从未;B. exactly确切地;C. hardly几乎不;D. gradually渐渐地。根据下文“Taylor gave Pugliese a (an)___16___ right after her shift”可知,局长帮助Deirdre Taylor找到了Eugene Pugliese,所以推测这位局长准确知道Taylor要找的人。故选B项。 16. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:Deirdre Taylor下班后给Eugene Pugliese打了电话,听到电话那端Eugene Pugliese的声音,她非常开心。A. call电话;B. message信息;C. address地址;D. letter信件。根据下文“hear his voice on the other end.”可知,Deirdre Taylor听到Eugene Pugliese声音很开心,所以推测两人在打电话。故选A项。 17. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:Deirdre Taylor说她在9\11事件中找过Eugene Pugliese,希望有机会去感谢Eugene Pugliese,最后我做到了。A. failed失败;B. did做,干;C. escaped逃跑;D. hesitated犹豫不决。根据上文“hear his voice”可知,Taylor最终是找到了Eugene Pugliese,所以最后Taylor做到了,完成了自己的心愿。故选B项。 18. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:现在Eugene Pugliese76岁了,周五当他接到Deirdre Taylor打来的电话时,他非常的激动。A. thrilled非常兴奋的;B. scared害怕,恐惧的;C. depressed沮丧的,失落的;D. relaxed放松的。根据后文“We just sat there crying”,可知他们两个听到彼此的声音都非常激动,喜极而泣。故选A项。 19. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:Eugene Pugliese告诉CNN,他们两个在电话的两端一直哭,他还说,这25年来,他一直把同一篇文章裱在墙上。A. ground地面;B. Internet互联网;C. TV电视;D. phone电话。根据前文可知,Deirdre Taylor和Eugene Pugliese两人是通过电话取得联系,所以推出他们两个在接到彼此电话的时候泪流满面。故选D项。 20. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:Eugene Pugliese 告诉CNN,他们两个在电话的两端一直哭,他还说,这25年来,他一直把同一篇文章裱在墙上。A. realizing意识到;B. explaining解释;C.adding补充说;D. recalling使想起,回忆起。结合前文“told”和后文“he's had the same article framed on his wall for 25 years now.”可知,这是Eugene Pugliese补充说明的。故选C项。

    With unemployment levels at the highest since the Great Depression, many individuals don’t have the privilege of working, and those do feel nervous about how long they’ll have that opportunity. If you fall into the latter category, 1.The following suggestions are concrete steps you can focus on right now to increase your success in your job during this special time and demonstrating your value while working remotely.

Do your work

2. But especially in times where businesses and organizations are having to make hard decisions about who to keep, doing your work — and doing your work well — is necessary.

Tell others

I don’t recommend that you give yourself a shout out at every single meeting. But if you have accomplished something important, share it. That could look like covering a few highlights of your work with your boss each week, either in your one-on-one or through email. 3. And this gives you increased visibility across the organization as people understand the role that you fill and the value you add.


Although you don’t want to overload yourself with extra work, look for ways to make your boss’s life easier. For instance, turn in your work early so your manager has extra time to review it before a meeting. These little things can help reduce the pressure on your boss.

Much of what happens with the job market and your particular job will be out of your hands. You can’t control what businesses are considered necessary or not. And there are many factors in place that determine the market demand for your work. However, if you follow pieces of advice above, 5.

A.Set your goal

B.Help your boss

C.I can appreciate your concern.

D.you’ll share your work with others.

E.Focus on what you did for your organization.

F.Getting your work done is always a good idea.

G.you’ll make a positive impression in the process.



    Scientists believe they could bring the likes of dodos(渡渡鸟)back from the dead through cloning experiments in the near future which could see the flightless birds revived from their extinction.

The big bird, which was about a metre tall and weighed up to 18 kilograms, was native to Mauritius but became extinct in the 1600s, shortly after humans discovered the island. However, 400 years later, scientists now believe that they could bring the dodo back to life through cloning of some of its closest living relatives.

Scientists recently published a paper which identified the overall genomic structure of dinosaurs. The team achieved this by tracing the ancestors (祖先)of birds the dinosaurs closest living relatives to create the genomic structure. Researchers involved in the study say it is an emphatic ‘no’ when it comes to the possibility of ever being able to clone dinosaurs, but they do say that more recently extinct birds like the carrier pigeon and the dodo could be brought back due to the fact that they have such close living relatives.

University of Kent scientists Darren Griffin and Rebecca O’Connor wrote in an article for The Conversation: “We discovered that birds and most flightless dinosaurs had a lot of chromosomes (packages of DNA). Having so many allows animals to generate variation, the driver of natural selection.”

“However, though it is a long shot, it may be possible in future to use Jurassic Park technology to help avoid some of the harm that humans have caused. Mankind has seen the extinction of well-known avian dinosaurs such as the dodo and the passenger pigeon.”

“Recovery(恢复)of DNA that is a only few hundred years old from these birds is a far more realistic way. It may also be that eggs from closely related living species might just be good enough. In the right conditions we may be able to use them to resurrect some of these species from extinction.”

1.What can we learn about dodos?

A.They flew to Mauritius in the 1600s. B.They could be used to clone pigeons.

C.They would die out in the near future. D.They might be brought back to life soon.

2.How do scientists revive dodos?

A.They clone dodos’ closest living relatives. B.They trace those endangered birds closely.

C.They look for dinosaurs’ living conditions. D.They identify genomic structure of pigeons.

3.What does the underlined word “resurrect” in the last paragraph mean?

A.Learn. B.Protect.

C.Revive. D.Prevent.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.Scientists Expect to Clone the Dodos. B.Scientists Find Close Living Relatives.

C.Dinosaurs Have Already Been Extinct. D.Some Species Have Been Discovered.



    Dickens was the most popular novelist of his time, and remains one of the best-known and most-read of English authors. He created some of the world’s best-known fictional characters and is regarded as the greatest novelist of the Victorian era.

Among fellow writers, Dickens has been admired. Leo Tolstoy, G. K. Chesterton, and George Orwell praised his realism and comic voice as well as his drawing people’s attention to children and the poor. The French writer Jules Verne called Dickens his favorite writer, writing his novels “stand alone, dwarfing all others by their amazing power and suitable expression.” The Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh was inspired by Dickens’s novels in several of his paintings like Vincent’s Chair and in an 1889 letter to his sister stated that reading Dickens, especially A Christmas Carol, was one of the things that was keeping him from killing himself

A Christmas Carol is most probably his best-known story, with frequent new adaptations. It is also the most-filmed of Dickens’ stories, with many versions dating from the early years of cinema. According to the historian Ronald Hutton, the current state of the observance of Christmas is largely the result of a mid-Victorian revival of the holiday spearheaded by A Christmas Carol. William Makepeace Thackeray called the book “a national benefit, and to every man and woman who reads it a personal kindness”.

At a time when Britain was the major economic and political power of the world, Dickens highlighted the life of the forgotten poor and disadvantaged within society. Through his journalism he campaigned on specific issues — such as sanitation and the workhouse — but his fiction probably demonstrated its greatest prowess (非凡的才能) in changing public opinion on class inequalities. The exceptional popularity of Dickens’ novels not only displayed his outstanding ability to create attractive storylines and unforgettable characters, but also ensured that the Victorian public confronted issues of social justice that had commonly been ignored.

1.What is the second paragraph mainly about?

A.Vincent van Gogh appreciates Dickens’ novels very much.

B.George Orwell sees Dickens’ novels as a minor of society.

C.Jules Verne thinks highly of Dickens and Dickens’ novels.

D.Dickens’ fellow writers comment on his novels positively.

2.What is Thackeray’s attitude towards A Christmas Carol?

A.Critical. B.Appreciative.

C.Doubtful. D.Unconcerned.

3.What made Dickens’ novels popular?

A.Their highlights of the public life in the Victorian era.

B.Their vivid characters and focus on social inequalities.

C.Their presentation of Dickens’ love for his journalism.

D.Their description of British economic and political power.

4.In which section of a magazine may this text appear?

A.Science. B.Entertainment.

C.Literature. D.Health.



    Ever since Zion Williamson was 5 years old, he wanted to be a basketball star. But to get there, he needed a lot of encouragement and coaching along the way, and there was no one that better than his mother, Sharonda Sampson. She coached Zion in every youth basketball league he ever played. Sampson was a collegiate track star and later became a middle school health and physical education teacher.

He has got up at 5:30 a.m. to head to the outdoor court and play basketball since he was 9 years old. Zion's hard work began to pay off when he entered high school, where he became a YouTube hit for his high-flying dunks (灌篮)and powerful moves. But Sampson wanted her son to not only work hard at being great but study how the legends of the game went about their skills.

“When I started playing, my mom said there were three players she wanted me to watch — Magic Johnson, Larry Bird and Michael Jordan,” Williamson said. “Even though I wasn't alive when he Jordan was doing those things, it just attracted me. Everything he did was just incredible.”

The national spotlight shined on Zion during his one year of collegiate basketball at Duke University, where he was coached by five-time national champion Mike Krzyzewski. The most storied rivalry in the collegiate game is between Duke and North Carolina, where Jordan won a national championship back in the 1980s.

Shortly after his freshman season, Zion declared for the NBA Draft. Sampson was by her son's side when he was chosen by the Pelicans as the top player. “I wouldn't be here without my mom” said Zion with tears streaming down his face after his selection.

Zion was brilliant in the first 19 games of his regular-season NBA career, averaging over 23 points and six rebounds per game, before the coronavirus (冠状病毒)crisis forced the league to shut down. The 19-year-old Zion says he's been staying fit and will be ready to go when the league resumes.

1.What do we know about Zion from the first two paragraphs?

A.He was trained mainly by his mother.

B.He dreamed of being a basketball star at 9.

C.He was famous for his mother at YouTube.

D.He coached his mother in basketball leagues.

2.Why did Zion's mother ask him to watch three players?

A.She wanted to make Zion beat them one day.

B.She expected Zion to learn much from them.

C.She required Zion to join their basketball teams.

D.She wished Zion to like the same players as she.

3.What did Zion mean by “I wouldn't be here without my mom”?

A.He would join the NBA with his mom

B.He would stand beside his mother firmly.

C.His success related to what his mom did.

D.He followed her wherever his mother went.

4.What is the writer's purpose in writing the text?

A.To encourage people to learn from Zion.

B.To explain why Zion likes playing basketball.

C.To prove Zion has a gift for playing basketball.

D.To introduce an NBA basketball player.



    If you’re among the millions of people spending more time at home in these special times, you may find you’re reading more — and there are lots of new books arriving to keep you entertained.

The Fascinators

By Andrew Eliopoulos

A must-read for persons who like magic, “The Fascinators” is an attractive tale of young love and friendship. In a town where magic is opposed, a group of friends brought together by an amateur magic club guide their love lives, relationships and social mix-ups.

The Paris Hours

By Alex George

“The Paris Hours” takes place over the course of a single day in 1927 in the City of Light, but is told through the stories of four characters. The story explores the effects and events of World War I and the magnificence of Paris through four characters’ angles, and the climax brings their paths together in an exciting read that you won’t be able to put down.

The Queen’s Secret

By Karen Harper .

A fictional account set in 1939 about the mother of Queen Elizabeth , once described by Hitler as “the most dangerous woman in the world.” She decides to make the reign of her husband, King George VI, successful, through a story that’s full of royal secrets. This book is a must-read for history lovers and fans of “The Crown.”

The Tourist Attraction

By Sarah Morgenthaler

This is a romantic story that takes place in — you guessed it — Moose Springs, Alaska. The owner of a small-town diner frequented by tourists, named The Tourist Trap, crosses paths with an out-of-towner love interest through an act of kindness.

1.Who might be more interested in the book written by Andrew Eliopoulos?

A.History lovers. B.Magic lovers.

C.Travel lovers. D.War lovers.

2.Which of the following tells about stories happening in the First World War?

A.The Tourist Attraction. B.The Fascinators.

C.The Queen’s Secret. D.The Paris Hours.

3.What kind of book is The Tourist Attraction?

A.A love story. B.A folk tale.

C.A detective story. D.A historical story.



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