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GENETIC testing cannot tell teachers any...

    GENETIC testing cannot tell teachers anything useful about an individual pupil’s educational achievement. That is the conclusion of a study that looked at how well so-called polygenic scores for education predict a person’s educational achievements, based on a long-term study of thousands of people in the UK. “Some people with a very low genetic score are very high performers at age 16. Some are even in the top 3 percent,” says Tim Morris at the University of Bristol, UK.

And while Morris expects the accuracy of polygenic scores for educational achievements to improve, he doesn’t think they will ever be good enough to predict how well an individual will do. Even relatively simple qualities such as height are influenced by thousands of genetic variants, each of which may only have a tiny effect. It has been claimed that polygenic scores can be used to make useful predictions, such as a person’s likelihood of developing various diseases. One company is even offering embryo screening (screening of an unborn baby in the very stages of development) based on polygenic scores for disease risk.

Some researchers - notably Robert Plomin of King’s College London - think that schools should start using polygenic scores for educational achievement. In most cases, the scores may reflect qualities such as persistence as well as intelligence.

To assess the usefulness of polygenic scores in education, Morris and his colleagues calculated them for 8,000 people in Bristol who are part of a long-term study known as the Children of the 90s. The participants’ genomes have been queued and their academic results are available to researchers. Among other things, the team found a correlation of 0.4 between a person’s polygenic score and their exam results at age 16. But there would need to be a correlation of at least 0.8 to make useful predictions about individuals, says Morris.

Plomin, however, argues that the results support his opinion. “A correlation of 0.4 makes it the strongest polygenic predictor in the behavioural sciences,” says Plomin. “It’s so much stronger than a lot of other things we base decisions on. So it’s a very big finding.”

Morris says schools already have access to other predictors that are more accurate, such as a pupil’s earlier test results. Looking at parents’ educational achievements is also a better predictor of a pupil’s academic results than studying their genome, his results show. Providing teachers with an extra predictor based on genetics would just confuse matters, says Morris, and the cost cannot be justified.

1.In paragraph 2, Morris talks about “height” in order to tell readers that _____.

A.some qualities are hardly affected by any genetic variants

B.some qualities are influenced by thousands of genetic variants

C.genetic scores are useful in predicting one’s potential diseases

D.genetic scores can help children improve their scores at school

2.How did Morris prove the effect of polygenetic scores in education?

A.By providing opposite examples. B.By explaining how the genome works.

C.By listing findings from another scientist. D.By presenting facts and data from research.

3.According to Plomin, a correlation of 0.4 is reliable because it is _____.

A.useful in telling you how intelligent and persistent children are

B.useful in predicting people who might struggle academically

C.stronger compared to other factors in behavioural sciences

D.strongly correlated to children’s academic achievements

4.Morris suggested that schools should _____.

A.study every pupil’s genomes

B.spend some money on genetic tests

C.know about parents’ educational achievements

D.provide teachers with students’ genetic information


1.B 2.D 3.C 4.C 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。一项在对英国数千人进行长期研究的基础上,考察了所谓的多基因教育分数如何预测一个人的教育成就。研究发现基因测试不能告诉老师任何有关单个学生教育成就的有用信息。研究人员希望多基因分数对教育成就的准确性有所提高,但这些分数永远不足以预测一个人的表现。文章主要说明了研究过程,以及人们对研究结论的看法。 1. 推理判断题。根据第二段中And while Morris expects the accuracy of polygenic scores for educational achievements to improve, he doesn’t think they will ever be good enough to predict how well an individual will do. Even relatively simple qualities such as height are influenced by thousands of genetic variants, each of which may only have a tiny effect.可知尽管Morris希望多基因分数对教育成就的准确性有所提高,但他认为这些分数永远不足以预测一个人的表现。即使是像身高这样相对简单的品质也会受到成千上万种基因变异的影响,每一种变异的影响都很小。由此可推知,在第2段中,Morris谈到“身高”是为了告诉读者一些品质是受成千上万的遗传变异影响的。故选B。 2. 推理判断题。根据第四段To assess the usefulness of polygenic scores in education, Morris and his colleagues calculated them for 8,000 people in Bristol who are part of a long-term study known as the Children of the 90s. The participants’ genomes have been queued and their academic results are available to researchers. Among other things, the team found a correlation of 0.4 between a person’s polygenic score and their exam results at age 16. But there would need to be a correlation of at least 0.8 to make useful predictions about individuals, says Morris.可知为了评估多基因分数在教育中的作用,Morris和他的同事对布里斯托尔的8000人进行了计算,这些人是一项名为“90年代的孩子”的长期研究的一部分。参与者的基因组已经排列好,他们的学术成果可供研究人员使用。除此之外,研究小组发现,一个人的多基因分数与他们16岁时的考试成绩之间的相关性为0.4。但Morris说,相关性至少要达到0.8才能对个体做出有用的预测。由此判断出,Morris是通过展示研究的事实和数据,来证明多基因分数对教育的影响的。故选D。 3. 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中“A correlation of 0.4 makes it the strongest polygenic predictor in the behavioural sciences,” says Plomin. “It’s so much stronger than a lot of other things we base decisions on. So it’s a very big finding.”可知“0.4的相关性使其成为行为科学中最强的多基因预测因子,” Plomin说。“它比我们赖以做决定的其他很多东西都强大得多。所以这是一个很大的发现。”由此可知,0.4的相关性是可靠的,因为它比行为科学中的其他因素更强。故选C。 4. 细节理解题。根据最后一段中Looking at parents’ educational achievements is also a better predictor of a pupil’s academic results than studying their genome, his results show. Providing teachers with an extra predictor based on genetics would just confuse matters, says Morris, and the cost cannot be justified.可知他的研究结果显示,与研究学生的基因组相比,观察父母的教育成就也是预测学生学业成绩的更好手段。Morris说,为教师提供一个基于遗传学的额外预测器只会使事情变得混乱,而且花费也不合理。由此可知,Morris建议学校应该了解父母的教育成就。故选C。

    Are you preparing for a standardized English exam? Do you find the listening section particularly challenging?

The world of standardized examinations to assess candidates’ abilities in the English language has grown rapidly, especially in the last 30 years. Most of these exams include a listening paper, in which a number of micro-skills are tested, such as listening for detailed information, understanding an author’s attitude and more. Despite the different types of exams out there, they all share many things. We can call them “skills”, as they can be applied while taking the listening test.

You need to exercise your skills to make “educated guesses” although you won’t ever have super powers. Most standardized tests give you some time to read ahead. You must use this time wisely, as this is crucial to predicting as much as possible a number of things. You should quickly ask yourself: What is their relationship? Where are they? Why are they talking? What are their tones?

By doing this, you will be able to set the situation and expect specific vocabulary which might be used in the coming listening materials. All this can be done very quickly. If the passage contains gaps that you must fill out, you should try to predict the type of word or expression (noun, adjective, verb, etc.). Do not try to read everything in detail; only focus on the key words. With practice, you will be able to predict with a certain level of precision. Even if you find it difficult, trying to make a prediction will always help you concentrate on the task, thus making it a lot more manageable and understandable.

Becoming a successful candidate takes time and practice. Unless you have had enough practice in English, you won’t probably be able to get your desired score. Keep in mind that most standardized exams are more about skills than knowledge.

1.The underlined term “educated guesses” in Paragraph 3 can be replaced with _____.

A.efforts to achieve high scores B.quick decisions about the choice

C.better options using the same words D.predictions with a certain level of precision

2.What should be stressed more in a standardized listening test according to the passage?

A.Skills. B.Vocabulary. C.Scores. D.Knowledge.

3.Who do you think the passage is intended for?

A.Teachers. B.Managers. C.Speakers. D.Candidates.



    Whistler Olympic Park, having hosted ski jumping, cross-country skiing and biathlon (冬季两项) for the Vancouver 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games, remains an active centre for competitors, the local community and visitors. Located a short drive south of Whistler, the park offers activities and programs all year-round.

Winter at Whistler Olympic Park

Discover Whistler Olympic Park through cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, biathlon and more.

Find yourself in the park’s fantastic landscape and discover its Olympic history.

Take a lesson such as ski jumping in the youth program.

Gather around the outdoor open fire or in the warm Day Lodge restaurant after a day out in the snow.

Summer at Whistler Olympic Park

Open daily for tours, self-guided activities and sightseeing from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

There is a small park access fee ($15/vehicle). This fee is for the benefit of local, national and international Nordic athletes for summer and winter training. Free park entry for 2020/2021 season pass holders and non-motorized vehicles.


Olympic Biathlon Tour

Feel like an Olympian with this hands-on introduction to biathlon! On your walk to the shooting range, learn about the park’s sports and history. It also provides the best angle for taking photos of the Olympic monuments.

Take aim and shoot a real gun! In a mini race, including walking and running, get your heart rate up, stay focused and take aim to hit the targets!

Tour Dates: Daily from June 28 – September 1, 2020

Ages: 8 and up (under 19 with an accompanying adult)

Pricing: Adult $55, Youth $45

E-Bike & Biathlon Adventure Tour

The comfortable electric assist mountain bikes have wide wheels for a smooth ride, and an electric motor to help you climb hills with ease.

Visit the Olympic monuments and enjoy breathtaking viewpoints, such as the Top of the World lookout with views of Black Tusk and surrounding mountain ranges.

Test your skills at the biathlon range, shooting at Olympic targets.

Tour Dates: Daily from June 28 – September 1, 2020

Ages: 10 and up (under 19 with an accompanying adult)

Pricing: $95 per person

For more information, please log in from our homepage.

1.If you want to learn ski jumping, you should probably go to _____.

A.Olympic Biathlon Tour B.Winter at Whistler Olympic Park

C.Summer at Whistler Olympic Park D.E-Bike & Biathlon Adventure Tour

2.Which group of visitors can enjoy free park entry?

A.Season pass holders. B.Children under age 8.

C.Locals from the community. D.Teenagers with parents.

3.What can you do during the E-bike tour?

A.Ride a bike around the lake.

B.Gather around the open fire.

C.Visit the Olympic monuments.

D.Photograph monuments at the best angle.

4.What is the passage mainly about?

A.A sports and leisure centre. B.Exciting sports adventures.

C.Year-round training programs. D.History of an Olympic Park.



    It is a story every bit as moving and magical as her Harry Potter books. The ____ between J.K. Rowling, the author of Harry Potter, and Catie Hoch, a Harry Potter fan from New York, began in early 2000, some three years after the then six-year-old had developed a fast-growing childhood cancer.

Her mother, Gina Peca, had read the first three Harry Potter to Catie, who was such a fan that she would wear her Harry Potter clothes, complete with big round glasses and a red short coat, as she ____ to hospital from home.

By the end of 1999, Catie had been through several rounds of surgery and chemotherapy (化疗), losing all her hair but none of her spirit. Ms Peca was ____ that there would soon be no more Harry Potter to read.

She sent an email to the book’s publishers with a ____ for J.K. Rowling, asking when the fourth book would be ____ and telling of the joy that the books had brought to Catie’s life.

A few weeks later, a reply came that had Catie and her mother ____ for joy. It read, “I am working very hard on book four at the moment - on a bit that involves some new creatures Hagrid has brought along for the Care of Magical Creatures classes. This is all Top Secret, so you are ____ to tell only some close friends and your mum, but no one else....With lots of love, J.K. Rowling.”

After Catie replied, Miss Rowling was back in touch: “Do you think people will mind? I seem to have ____ an awful lot of characters along the way...”

Catie’s condition began to worsen. Her mother emailed Miss Rowling to tell her that Catie could no longer use her ____. A few days later, the author ____ to read abstracts to Catie from the then ____ book four.

So it happened that at home in New York, a little girl with cancer became the first person in the world to ____ the latest adventures of Harry Potter, later published as The Goblet of Fire. Catie’s mother, father and two brothers sat with her, listening on speaker-phone.

When Miss Rowling came to America for a book tour, she ____ to meet her little friend.

___ time ran out. On May 18, 2000, Catie died, aged nine.

Hearing the family had started a memorial fund in Catie’s name, Miss Rowling sent a letter and a check for $100,000. “…I consider myself ____ to have had contact with Catie. I am crying so hard as I type. She left footprints on my heart…”

1.A.friendship B.agreement C.cooperation D.competition

2.A.marched B.fled C.drove D.travelled

3.A.shocked B.fearful C.determined D.grateful

4.A.comment B.book C.gift D.message

5.A.finished B.revised C.recommended D.sold

6.A.waving B.screaming C.chatting D.running

7.A.encouraged B.forbidden C.allowed D.required

8.A.attracted B.met C.discovered D.collected

9.A.wheelchair B.phone C.computer D.radio

10.A.offered B.demanded C.continued D.needed

11.A.unpainted B.unpublished C.undefined D.unreported

12.A.watch B.read C.discuss D.hear

13.A.failed B.managed C.hoped D.begged

14.A.Thus B.But C.And D.So

15.A.fortunate B.successful C.strong D.content



听下面一段独白, 根据题目要求在相应的横线上写下关键信息。每小题仅填写一个词。这段独白你将听两遍。

The Maritime Museum

It’s a very 1. building, opened in November 1991.

The Education Centre

It is on the 2. floor and there is a good little library.

The Theatre

It is used to screen videos and also for 3..

The Leisure Gallery

Surfing, 4., and lifesaving clubs are all very much a part of Australian 5..







1.What will the woman do on the weekend?

A.Take piano lessons.

B.Go out with her family.

C.Finish her science project.

2.When will the woman see the movie?

A.5:15 p.m. B.7:15 p.m. C.9:00 p.m.



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