满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

A couple of weeks ago, when some friends...

    A couple of weeks ago, when some friends and I took a trip to Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands, I immediately _______ it. Since we are all living in North Germany which is not very _______,it only took us a few hours on the train _______ we were at the heart of this _______ city. The minute we stepped off the _______, we were surrounded by _______ architecture and weaving canals.

We stayed at a youth hostel( 旅社),which was a typical tall Dutch house with lots of stairs. I _______ staying in youth hostel; it is such a great _______ to meet people from all over the world and _______ your different experiences and ________ We stayed in a room with an Argentinian, who we befriended right away, and we spent a lot of ________ together.

During our stay, we made sure to make the most of what Amsterdam has to ________ We took a boat trip through the ________, which gave us some great ________ of the fantastic architecture and canals. We also made sure to go to the Van Gogh Museum, which is one of the city's most famous tourist attractions, and consists of a ________ collection of his work, along with details of his ________ and the work of other artists that knew him. One of my favourite parts of the trip, though it was rather ________, was our visit to the Anne F rank Museum. She was a Jewish girl who hid with her family for 2 years before the Nazis ________ them and sent them to the death camps. It was a very ________ experience, and certainly worth seeing.

Overall, I think Amsterdam is one of my favourite cities that I have ever been to, and I would love to ________someday!

1.A.remembered B.loved C.recognized D.knew

2.A.hilly B.open C.similar D.far

3.A.before B.when C.unless D.since

4.A.remote B.warm C.beautiful D.industrial

5.A.train B.taxi C.boat D.flight

6.A.strange B.modern C.low D.amazing

7.A.regret B.enjoy C.imagine D.miss

8.A.difference B.pity C.decision D.chance

9.A.protect B.declare C.share D.ignore

10.A.clothes B.cultures C.attitude D.knowledge

11.A.time B.money C.energy D.effort

12.A.create B.teach C.offer D.promise

13.A.city B.country C.field D.bridge

14.A.news B.expectations C.views D.ideas

15.A.recent B.huge C.daily D.growing

16.A.performance B.life C.team D.progress

17.A.interesting B.terrible C.crazy D.sad

18.A.found B.served C.blamed D.misunderstood

19.A.subjective B.common C.direct D.moving

20.A.visit B.travel C.return D.go


1.B 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.A 6.D 7.B 8.D 9.C 10.B 11.A 12.C 13.A 14.C 15.B 16.B 17.D 18.A 19.D 20.C 【解析】 本文是记叙文。文章主要讲述了作者和朋友一起去阿姆斯特丹的旅行。 1. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:几周前,我和朋友们去荷兰首都阿姆斯特丹去旅行,一到那里我就爱上了这座城市。A.remembered记住;B.loved喜欢;C.recognized认出;D.knew 知道。根据下文中对作者和朋友愉快旅行的描述及最后一段中的I think Amsterdam is one of my favorite cities可知,当作者和朋友在阿姆斯特丹旅行时,他就爱上了这里。故选B项。 2. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:因为我们都住在德国北部,离那儿并不远。A.hilly多山的;B.open开放的;C.similar相似的;D.far远的。根据空后的it only took us a few hours on the train可知,作者和朋友居住的地方离阿姆斯特丹并不太远(far)。故选D项。 3. 考查连词词义辨析。句意:我们仅坐了几个小时的火车就到达了这座美丽城市的中心。A.before在……之前;B.when当……时候;C.unless除非;D.since自从。我们坐火车是在到达之前发生,故选A项。 4. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我们仅坐了几个小时的火车就到达了这座美丽城市的中心。A.remote遥远的;B.warm温暖的;C.beautiful美丽的;D.industrial工业的。根据下文对作者和朋友到阿姆斯特丹旅行的描述可知,这座城市在作者的眼里是很美丽的。故选C项。 5. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们一下火车就被令人惊叹的建筑和如织的运河包围了。A.train火车;B.taxi出租车;C.boat船;D.flight航班。由上文第3小题信息可知,我和朋友们是坐火车到达这座城市的。故选A项。 6. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我们一下火车就被令人惊叹的建筑和如织的运河包围了。A.strange奇怪的;B.modern现代的;C.low低的;D.amazing令人惊叹的。由下文中14空的fantastic architecture and canals可知,建筑在作者眼里是令人惊叹的。故选D项。 7. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我喜欢住青年旅社。A.regret后悔;B.enjoy喜欢;C.imagine想象;D.miss想念。下文提到作者认为住青年旅社给他提供了绝佳的机会来认识世界各地的朋友,由此可以判断作者是喜欢住青年旅社的。故选B项。 8. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:住青旅是一个绝佳的机会来认识世界各地的朋友。A.difference不同;B.pity遗憾;C.decision决定;D.chance机会。a great chance to do sth表示“做某事的绝佳机会”。故选D项。 9. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:住青旅是一个绝佳的机会来认识世界各地的朋友。还可以和他们分享不同的经历和文化。A.protect保护;B.declare宣称;C.share分享;D.ignore忽视。认识朋友之后就可以和他们分享经历、文化。故选C选项。 10. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:住青旅是一个绝佳的机会来认识世界各地的朋友。还可以和他们分享不同的经历和文化。A.clothes衣服;B.cultures文化;C.attitude态度;D.knowledge知识。这里的空格处的词和experiences成并列关系,因为青旅的旅客来自世界各地,所以这里指分享不同的文化。故选B项。 11. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我和一个阿根廷人住一个房间,我们很快就成了朋友。还一起度过了很长一段时间。A.time时间;B.money金钱;C.energy精力;D.effort努力。根据本段中的We stayed in a room with an Argentinian, who we befriended right away ... together可知,作者和朋友跟一个阿根廷人住同一个房间,大家很快就成为了朋友,还一起度过了很长一段时间(time)。故选A项。 12. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:在旅行期间,我和朋友确保我们最大限度地享受到了阿姆斯特丹能够给予我们的一切。A.create创造;B.teach教;C.offer提供;D.promise承诺。根据空前的During our stay, we made sure to make the most of what Amsterdam ... 可知,在旅行期间,作者和朋友确保他们最大限度地享受到了阿姆斯特丹能够“给予(offer)”他们的一切。故选C项。 13. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们乘船穿过了这座城市。A.city城市;B.country国家;C.field领域、田地;D.bridge桥梁。前面一句话提到他们要尽情享受阿姆斯特丹的美景,可以判断这里指他们乘船游览整个城市。故选A项。 14. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们乘船穿过了这座城市,建筑以及河道的美景尽收眼底。A.news新闻;B.expectations期望;C.views景色;D.ideas观点。根据本段中的We took a boat trip through ... the fantastic architecture and canals可知,作者和朋友坐着船游览这座城市,看到了这里建筑以及河道的美景。故选C项。 15. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我们还参观了梵高博物馆,那里收藏有大量梵高的作品。A.recent最近的;B.huge大量的;C.daily每天的;D.growing增长的。a huge collection of表示“大量的”。故选B项。 16. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我和朋友还参观了梵高博物馆,那里收藏有大量梵高的作品,还有许多他的人生故事以及另外一些与他交好的艺术家的作品。A.performance表演;B.life生活;C.team小组;D.progress进步。detail of his life表示“他的生平事迹”。故选B项。 17. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我喜欢的另一段旅行是去参观安妮﹒弗兰克博物馆,尽管这与一个悲伤的故事有关。A.interesting有趣的;B.terrible可怕的;C.crazy疯狂的;D.sad悲伤的。由下文可知,这个犹太小姑娘和父母藏在家中两年,后来纳粹发现了他们,把他们送去了死亡集中营。这是一个令人悲伤的故事。故选D项。 18. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:这个犹太小姑娘和父母藏在家中两年,后来纳粹发现了他们,把他们送去了死亡集中营。A.found发现;B.served提供、服务;C.blamed指责;D.misunderstood误解。他们藏起来了,所以纳粹应该是后来找到了他们然后送到集中营。故选A项。 19. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这是一段动人的经历,非常值得一看。A.subjective主观的;B.common普通的;C.direct直接的;D.moving动人的。由前面对犹太小女孩事迹的描述,可知这次值得一看的经历是动人的。故选D项。 20. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:阿姆斯特丹是我最喜欢的城市之一,我希望有一天自己能再回到这里。A.visit参观;B.travel旅行;C.return回来;D.go去。站在作者的角度,他现在在描述自己去阿姆斯特丹的经历,他希望自己有一天能再来这个城市。有再来的意思只有C项。故选C项。




• visit Tian’anmen Square and the Palace Museum

• go to the Great Wall

• see pandas in Beijing Zoo

Dear Jim,

I’m so glad you’re coming to Beijing this summer. I’d like to introduce some wonderful places to you.



Li Hua




Viral Marketing

Companies are always on the lookout for new ways to sell products. We’re used to seeing ads in newspapers and on television. In recent years, a new type of ad strategy—viral marketing (病毒性营销)—has become popular. It uses the Internet to spread information about a product or service.

The idea of viral marketing is the “word of mouth” effect, that is, to get people to recommend a product to others. On the Internet, that can be done by email messages. Or, the information may be posted on forums, blogs, and other websites.

Advertisers can’t force people to spread their message. So, they must think of creative ways to get people to help out. One good way is to give something away. For example, when somebody sends an email using a Hotmail account, there’s an ad on the bottom. It tells others how to get a free account. Other companies give away branded screensavers, wallpaper, and sounds. Whenever they’re seen or shared, it advertises the product.

Another way is funny and interesting videos. When someone comes across a great ad for BMW, they may send a link to their friends. They may even add the video to a forum or blog. Companies love the effect. It gets more people to watch their ads, visit their websites, and, hopefully, buy their products.

Unfortunately, it’s hard to plan viral marketing activities. There are many ads and websites on the Internet. So, designers and marketers must think up creative new strategies. If something is funny, interesting, or useful enough, people will tell their friends about it. If it includes giving something away, the viral marketing activity may be even more successful.

1.What does viral marketing use to spread information? (不多于两个单词)

2.What is the idea of viral marketing? (不多于五个单词)

3.Write down one of the ways used by viral marketers. (不多于四个单词)

4.Why is it hard to plan viral marketing activities? (不多于十个单词)



Kelly’s Book Blog

Blues Point Blues by Sherry1 Clark 56 pages

Belle was never very popular, but that all changes when she gets a cool new job in the catering department(餐饮部)for a popular TV programme, a daytime soap opera called Blues Point Blues. Now everyone wants to be her friend. However, as she becomes the center of attention, she begins to have some doubts. Wasn’t this what she was dreaming of? Belle discovers she has to make some important decisions.

Leaving Microsoft to Change the World by Juhn Wood 64 pages

In 1998 John Wood was a successful manager for Microsoft in Australia. Then, while he was hiking in Nepal during a holiday, he visited a school in a mountain village. Shocked to sec their empty library, he made up his mind to return with some books. That decision soon led him to leave his job to start a charity called Room to Read, which donates libraries and books to needy schools around the world. This is a true story about an inspiring person.

Billy Elliott by Melvin Burgess 64 pages

Eleven-year-old Billy Elliott is from a poor family in a small English town. He isn’t good at sports and hates the boxing lessons that his father makes him take. One day. Billy discovers a ballet dancing class and decides to give it a try. He immediately realizes that lie’s finally found something he can do well. Unfortunately, his father and brother have a very different opinion about ballet.

The Incredible Journey by Sheila Burnford 58 pages

This is the story of three brave pets on a long and dangerous journey together. After they were accidentally left behind in the remote Canadian north while their owners were travelling in Europe, these three very different animals determined to find their way back home. Their friendship and teamwork is heartwarming and wonderful as they help each other survive the trip across hundreds kilometers of wilderness.

1.In the book Blues Point Blues, Belle ________.

A.dreams of becoming an actress B.works in a catering department

C.wishes to be everyone’s friend D.plays a role in a soap opera

2.What did John Wood do for the needy schools?

A.He trained school children. B.He hiked around the world

C.He worked hard in Microsoft. D.He donated libraries and books.

3.If you are interested in reading stories of animals, which book will you choose?

A.Blues Point Blues. B.Leaving Microsoft to Change the World

C.Billy Elliott. D.The Incredible Journey.

4.From Kelly’s book blog, we can NOT learn ________.

A.the prices of the books B.the contents of the books

C.the pages of the books D.the writers of the books



Pizza: the World’s Favorite Food

Food, and the way we eat it, is always changing. As society develops, we learn of growing, processing, and cooking food. What we ate 200 years ago was very different from what we eat today. Also, when people travel to live in other countries, they take their knowledge of cooking with them. And food must fit modem lifestyles and local tastes, too. One food that has done this successfully is the pizza.

The pizza we recognize today first appeared in Italy in 1889. A famous baker from Naples made a special pizza for the Italian royal (王室的) family. He was very worried they wouldn’t like it but they did. Queen Margherita loved the dish so much, and the baker named it after her. Since then, this simple meal of bread, cheese, and tomato has traveled the world, and it has adapted to local cultures. The pizza began its journey in the 1890s, when many Italians moved to New York in search of a better life. There they continued to make pizzas, and the first pizzeria opened in 1905.

At first it was only popular with Italians, but by the late 1940s, Americans discovered a taste for it. Today, they spend 37 billion a year on pizzas. That’s more than 100 per American!

The pizza continued its travels around the world, adapting all the time. In Sweden, for example, it is usual to have bananas on pizzas. In Belgium, people eat chocolate pizzas with marshmallows on top. Japan is a nation of seafood lovers, so not surprisingly, they love octopus and squid, as well as roasted seaweed, toppings. Australians sometimes choose kangaroo or crocodile on their pizza.

The popularity of the pizza is also related to our changing lifestyles. In today’s super-fast society, people often don’t have the time or energy to cook. So, they order takeout—and very often, it’s a pizza. Sometimes you don’t even have to pick it up; it’s delivered to your home. If you don’t even have time to sit down, buy a single slice and eat it standing up!

The pizza has come a long way. From its beginnings m an Italian city, it has grown to become one of the world’s favorite foods.

1.The pizza first appeared as ________.

A.a homemade white bread B.a fast food for travelers

C.a dish for the royal family D.a popular local food

2.When did the pizza arrive in New York?

A.In 1889. B.In the 1890s.

C.In 1905. D.In the 1940s.

3.In which country do people love pizzas with bananas on top?

A.Japan. B.Belgium.

C.Sweden. D.Australia.

4.The passage mainly tells us ________.

A.how the pizza gets popular B.who made the first pizza

C.how the pizza is made D.where the pizza came from




This month Angelina Horsefield writes about an animal rescue (援救) society in Australia: WIRES

WIRES Wildlife Information and Rescue Service began in 1985 when someone found an injured bird in a park in Sydney, Australia. At the time, no one knew how to help this “native” animal. WIRES help animals like snakes, kangaroos and, of course, birds. However, they can only help Australian wildlife, so they can’t help other animals like cats or rabbits.

Like other animal rescue groups, WIRES need more people. I believe they are helping the local animals, but they can only continue if others join in. They hold excellent courses, where people can learn what to do when they find an injured animal. They also explain what happens to the animals in their care. Many of the people who help also lake care of the animals themselves in their own gardens or on their farms.

I spoke to 15-year-old Guy McKenzie, whose dad helps WIRES in his free time. Guy told me about the work they do. “Dad usually gets a phone call at home and drives immediately to where the animal is, to rescue it. He has special equipment and always wears gloves. The animals are wild, after all.”

Guy also talked about a woman who found a bat in her garden. She thought it might be dead but then she noticed that there was a baby bat too. Guy’s dad brought it back to the centre, where it grew into a healthy adult. Then, WIRES returned it to nature. Guy showed me a baby kangaroo that his dad was looking after and told me that one day he’ll be doing the same thing. Yes, he will, for sure.




1.WIRES aim at helping ________.

A.pet animals B.wildlife animals

C.small animals D.farm animals

2.Guy’s dad is an example to show ________.

A.who started WIRES B.how one helps WIRES

C.why people join WIRES D.how WIRES study animals

3.What does Guy hope to do in the future?

A.Live in nature. B.Take care of his dad.

C.Study bats. D.Work for WIRES.

4.The author writes the passage in order to ________.

A.describe a course on animals B.introduce an animal scientist

C.call on people to join the rescue group D.give advice on keeping pets



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