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It’s a great pleasure to give you some advices on how to learn English well. First, it is important to take a English course, as you’ll be able to learn from teachers and other students. Then, it also helps to watch TV programs and reads books, newspapers and magazines with English whenever possible. Besides, it would be a good idea learn and sing English songs. By do so you’ll learn and remember words more easy. What’s more, if you make friends with British people, so you will learn more about their country, that is also quite helpful. I hope that you will find me suggestions beneficial.


【解析】 这是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了如何学好英语的一些建议。 1.考查名词的复数。句意:很高兴能就如何学好英语给你一些建议。分析句子,此处advice建议要用复数形式,advice为不可数名词,因此用advice。故advices改成advice。 2.考查冠词。句意:首先,上英语课很重要,因为你可以向老师和其他学生学习。分析句子,定冠词a后面是English,为元音音素开头,因此要用 an。故a改an。 3.考查固定短语。句意:并且,它也有助于看电视节目,阅读英语书籍,报纸和杂志,只要有可能。结合句子,此处为固定短语help to do sth.,意为“帮助做某事”,因此read用原形。故reads改read。 4.考查介词。句意:它也有助于看电视节目,阅读英语书籍,报纸和杂志,只要有可能。结合句子,此处指阅读英语书籍,因此为magazines in English。故with改为in。 5.考查不定式to。句意:另外,学唱英文歌也是个好主意。分析句子,it是形式主语,此处用不定式作句子真正的主语。故learn前面加to。 6.考查动名词。句意:通过这样做,你可以更容易地学习和记忆单词。分析句子,by为介词,后面要加动名词作宾语,因此要改为doing。故do改为doing。 7.考查副词。句意:通过这样做,你可以更容易地学习和记忆单词。分析句子,副词修饰动词learn和remember,因此要用easily。故easy改为easily。 8.考查连接词。句意:更重要的是,如果你和英国人交朋友,你会更多地了解他们的国家,这也很有帮助。分析句子,此处为条件状语从句,从句由if引导,主句不需要连接词。故so去掉。 9.考查非限制性定语从句。句意:更重要的是,如果你和英国人交朋友,你会更多地了解他们的国家,这也很有帮助。分析句子,此处为非限制性定语从句,修饰整个主句内容,关系词在从句中作主语,逗号后面从句只能由which引导。故that改为which。 10.考查形容词性物主代词。句意:我希望你会发现我的建议是有益的。分析句子,此处为“我的建议”,因此要用形容词性物主代词my。故me改为my。  

A Real Turnaround

My writing career began ten years ago with my articles published locally and nationally. As a_______writer, I was happy to be on my way, writing and learning as much as I could. And readers told me they were ______by my articles.

However, something______ happened. A series of events had me______myself and my abilities, ruining my______. My writing life______, and I didn’t write for two years. I lost my_______for writing and forgot the joy the writing gave me and others.

Slowly I learned I had to be in control of my own happiness if I was to feel ______. I started walking, establishing a routine(固定了线路). Walking______my head, allowed me time to think, gave me confidence and______, which made me feel energetic and healthy.

I started writing again, and______how much happiness it gave me. I had______a new job, and was determined to keep up my walking routine. It was difficult to______writing and my family as well as my job. The solution? I______the alarm just a bit earlier and either wrote on alternate mornings when I wasn’t walking, or I would try to spare some time to______after I walked outside.

Through all this, I learned that happiness does not______a lot of hard work, but it needs to be created and______by me. I again have readers telling me the______my writing has had on them. Even some are able to______their own writing because of my inspirational articles. It was up to me to make it ______my own happiness.

1.A.lazy B.rich C.beginning D.amazing

2.A.inspired B.caught C.interrupted D.struck

3.A.good B.terrible C.interesting D.exciting

4.A.questioning B.helping C.improving D.teaching

5.A.wealth B.marriage C.happiness D.fame

6.A.continued B.began C.lost D.stopped

7.A.pen B.income C.passion D.ability

8.A.busier B.better C.luckier D.smarter

9.A.hit B.washed C.cleared D.built

10.A.food B.patience C.water D.courage

11.A.rediscovered B.repeated C.refreshed D.returned

12.A.started B.lost C.refused D.finished

13.A.solve B.choose C.describe D.balance

14.A.put B.set C.pull D.open

15.A.walk B.jog C.write D.think

16.A.take B.spend C.like D.make

17.A.drew B.offered C.controlled D.checked

18.A.article B.story C.review D.effect

19.A.put down B.take up C.come out D.give up

20.A.happen B.gain C.disappear D.lose



    The goal of your resume(简历) is to make hiring managers pray that you walk through their door. Different jobs will have different requirements, but the 5 must-have words shouldn’t be missing. 1.

Leadership: This shows you have leadership skills, whether you led a team, a process—or all of the above! 2.

Quantity: I don’t mean the word ‘quantity’. I mean the narrative (讲述) you’re telling about your career development should always include numbers. Did you manage a team? Excellent! 3. How often did you meet?

Achievement: Show your success! If you’ve earned a respected praise within your company, emphasize this on your resume. 4.

Solution: 5. If you solved ongoing conflicts with an internal department, mention it on your resume briefly.

Partnership: Who have you worked with—or thought outside-the-box with—to work well together? Highlight this.

Finally, make sure not to send too quickly. No matter how shining your resume appears, if there are grammatical errors, it’s game over.

A.Where did you manage the team?

B.How many people did you manage?

C.You should be polite to the manager.

D.It’s important to show this skill on your resume.

E.This will help you stand out from peers in the candidate pool.

F.Here are some tips for writing a resume that will get you hired.

G.This shows you know how to independently and actively work through a problem.



    What will you vote for? English or another language should be in the U.S.? I think that other languages are useful, too. People will get hurt if there was only English. People that speak other languages will get misunderstood.

If it was only English we would not have won World War II. The soldiers used the Navajo language to trick Hitler and soldiers. Hitler was killing all Jewish people, but the soldiers tricked Hitler and saved the Jewish people by using the Navajo language.

In America we have learned new scientific discoveries. If it was only English, we would not find some new scientific discoveries in this world. For example, Severo Ochoa discovered a synthesis of RNA and spoke Spanish.

If people in America speak only English, we won’t comprehend what others are saying and we are unlikely to trade with people speaking other languages.

Without other languages we wouldn’t have books or music from other countries. For example, The Diary of Anne Frank was written in Dutch and had to be translated to English. It’s important to have a book like this because it talks about history from the perspective of Anne Frank, a girl who died in a concentration camp. Only she could have written that story.

God made us speak different languages and nobody can make this world only speak English except God. I think God created different languages because He wanted a variety of people. For example, there are different kinds of animals, plants, cultures and food. Having different languages isn’t bad because all cultures have positive things to give us.

1.The author mentions the soldiers’ story in World War II to show ___________.

A.the soldiers were tricky in the war.

B.Hitler was killing all Jewish people.

C.the diversity of language is important.

D.only English was spoken in the war.

2.If people in America only speak English, what will happen?

A.They can trade with people speaking other languages.

B.They will feel it not convenient to live and work.

C.They will find it unnecessary to speak other languages.

D.They can enjoy books or music written by Anne Frank.

3.How is the passage developed?

A.By giving examples. B.By making a comparison.

C.By presenting opinions. D.By raising questions.

4.What is the author’s attitude towards only speaking English in America?

A.Supportive. B.Subjective. C.Negative. D.Optimistic.



    Have you ever wondered why some days all you want to do is snack?

Under normal circumstances, we feel hungry when we have burnt up the food we have eaten as energy and our blood sugar and insulin (胰岛素)levels begin to drop. Ghrelin, a hormone connected to appetite, then communicates this to the brain, which is how we feel the need to eat. But some sorts of things can influence this process. 

According to a 2011 study by researchers at Columbia University in the US, those who are lack of sleep eat almost 300 calories a day more than those who get enough sleep. This is because levels of the hormone ghrelin, which tells the brain we need to eat, increase when we don’t get enough sleep.The Columbia researchers noted that the women who didn’t get enough sleep took in more fat rising by around 30g on sleep-lack daysfour times as much as the average increase for men. 

The bright blue light emitted by devices such as smartphones and tablets may give an unwelcome encouragement to your appetite. Research this year found that your appetite continued to increase when you are exposed to the light. It also changed people’s metabolism(新陈代谢), as blood tests showed that the blue-light subjects had higher insulin and glucose levels. One possible explanation is that bright blue light at night confuses our body clock, which has a role in controlling when we feel the need to eat.

1.What really causes people to feel hungry?

A.Our brain. B.A hormone. C.Our appetite. D.Blood sugar.

2.Which of the following is true?

A.Women take in fat easily.

B.Lack of sleep may lead to hunger.

C.The body clock does harm to hunger.

D.Blue-light subjects control appetite.

3.What does the underlined word “emitted” mean in Paragraph 4?

A.Broken out. B.Picked up. C.Taken place. D.Given off.

4.What is the purpose of the passage?

A.To analyse a food study.

B.To report the situation of health.

C.To tell the factors influencing hunger.

D.To introduce the importance of snack.



    The creator of the animated television series “SpongeBob SquarePants”, Stephen Hillenburg, has died aged 57. Hillenburg was a marine biology teacher in Southern California when he started creating sea creatures as teaching tools.    Internet access was still a new thing when SpongeBob SquarePants started airing in May 1999. But now, the beloved animated series has become an essential part of the online world.The series went on to win multiple awards, produced a series of books, two Hollywood movies and a Broadway musical, and have continuously appealed to young children, their families and college students, which has turned into a global phenomenon. And SpongeBob SquarePants’s online reinvention has enabled the show to age along with its fans, who were likely children when the series were first introduced.

After his death, some on social media urged others to share their favourite SpongeBob emojis as a present in memory of the cartoonist and animator, who announced last year he had been diagnosed with ALS.

“Stephen filled SpongeBob SquarePants with a unique sense of humor and innocence that has brought joy to generations of kids and families everywhere,” the Nickelodeon statement said. “His totally original characters and the world of Bikini Bottom will long stand as a reminder of the value of optimism, friendship and the limitless power of imagination.”

1.What is Stephen Hillenburg famous as?

A.An engineer. B.An actor. C.A cartoon creator. D.A biology teacher.

2.What do we know about SpongeBob SquarePants?

A.Its products have always sold well.

B.It firstly began to show on the Internet.

C.It was designed to train sea creatures.

D.It has been popular among audiences of all ages.

3.Which of the following about SpongeBob’s fans is true?

A.The series determined their growth.

B.They like all the works of this cartoonist.

C.They can only watch the series on social media.

D.They were accompanied by the series during their growth.

4.How did some fans honor Stephen Hillenburg?

A.By sharing their favourite SpongeBob emojis.

B.By presenting totally original characters.

C.By passing down the happiness to others.

D.By learning a value lesson from stories.



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