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Free Haircuts on a Red Chair Last summer...

Free Haircuts on a Red Chair

Last summer, Katie Steller was on her way to work. She stopped at a traffic light, where a man, in his 60s,looking out of luck, was sitting alone. She rolled down her window.

“Hey!” she shouted.“ I’m driving around giving free haircuts. Do you want one right now?”

The man, missing a few teeth, paused and laughed. “Actually,” he said, “I have a funeral(葬礼)to go to this week. I was really hoping to get a haircut.”

Then, Steller unloaded a red chair from the car. The man,named Edward, took a seat.As Steller was cutting his curly graying hair,he told her about growing up in Mississippi,about moving to Minnesota,and how he still talked to his mom over phone every day.

To date,Steller has given 30 or so such haircuts to people around the city.They are all living on the margins,and she is aware of the power of her work.

“It’s more than a haircut,”she says.“I want it to be a gateway,to show value and respect,but also to get to know people.”

Steller knows that a haircut can change a life.One changed hers:As a teen,she suffered from ulcerative colitis(溃疡性结肠炎)that was so serious,her hair thinned severely.Seeing this,her mother arranged for Steller’s first professional haircut.

“To sit down and have somebody look at me and talk to me like a person and not just an illness,it helped me feel cared about and less alone,”she says.

After that,Steller knew she wanted to have her own hair salon so she could help people feel the way she’d felt that day.Not long after finishing cosmetology school(美容学校)in 2016,she realized her dream.Two years later,she began what she now calls her Red Chair Project,reaching out to people on the streets.

Steller said,“I can’t fix their problems,but maybe I can help them feel less alone for a moment.”Steller listens to people’s stories of loss,addiction,and struggle to get back on their feet.

An offshoot of the Red Chair Project is the Steller Kindness Project,in which people who commit acts of kindness are invited for a free makeover(美容)at Steller’s salon.In exchange,they tell their stories,which Steller shares on her website.Her hope is that by reading about kind acts,others will be inspired to do their own.

So far,it’s working.“You have no idea what people are going to do with the kindness that you give to them,”says Steller.

1.Edward agreed to have a haircut by Steller because________.

A.he wanted to talk with Steller about his life

B.he wanted to look good for a special occasion

C.he was too old to go to a hair salon by himself

D.he was just waiting for a free haircut on the street

2.In paragraph 5,the underlined words“living on the margins”can probably be replaced by________.

A.living with little care and attention

B.living far from downtown areas

C.living with serious illnesses

D.living in untidy conditions

3.What made Steller want to set up her own salon?

A.Her excellent haircut skills.

B.Her mother’s encouragement.

C.Her experience of a formal haircut.

D.Her dream to offer people free haircuts.

4.What’s the purpose of Steller Kindness Project?

A.To make contributions to charity.

B.To encourage people to spread kindness.

C.To reward kind people with free makeovers.

D.To collect moving stories for Steller’s website.


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.B 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了Katie Steller走上街头为人们免费理发,让他们感觉没有那么孤独。 1. 细节理解题。根据第三段中“I have a funeral(葬礼)to go to this week. I was really hoping to get a haircut.(我这周要去参加一个葬礼。我真的希望理一次发。)”可知,Edward答应Steller提供的免费理发,是因为他想让自己在一个特殊的场合看起来好一点。故选B项。 2. 词义猜测题。根据第一段对Edward的描述“was sitting alone”及下一段中Steller 说的话“I want it to be a gateway, to show value and respect(我想让它成为一个通向展示价值和尊重的入口)”可知,Steller是为那些缺少关爱和尊重的人免费理发,所以短语“living on the margins”意为“缺乏关爱和关注地生活”,故选A项。 3. 推理判断题。根据文章内容可知,Steller得了溃疡性结肠炎后,头发稀少,所以妈妈给她安排了一次专业的理发,那次理发经历让她感觉到被关爱,不那么孤独了,再结合倒数第四段“After that, Steller knew she wanted to have her own hair salon so she could help people feel the way she’d felt that day.(从那之后,Steller知道她想拥有自己的理发店,这样就可以帮助人感觉到她那天感受到的)”可知,是Steller自己的一次正式理发经历让她想开自己的理发店。故选C项。 4. 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段最后一句“Her hope is that by reading about kind acts, others will be inspired to do their own.(她的希望是通过读善良的行为,别人也会被鼓励自己做善事)”可知,Steller Kindness Project的目的是鼓励人们传播善意。故选B项。

Come to build robots!

Robots are fun to play with, but did you know that they are equally fun to build? Don’t worry, it’s easier than you may think. You don’t have to know lots about electronics or be a genius at engineering to have a go at creating your own robot. There are lots of simple kits (配套原件) and resources available that make it easy to build a robot in your own home, and if you don’t feel confident enough to have a go at home, there are plenty of clubs that offer courses in robot-building for young people.

Why to build?

“Creating a robot teaches you in great about how it is put together and how it works, “says Steve Hubbard, of Robot Fun, which hosts robotics master classes for teens in Suffolk. “As you build and test a robot, you also learn how to fix it when things go wrong, as they always do.” Building and programming a robot is a practical application of science and engineering and a great way of learning how to solve all sorts of problems. You don’t need any special skills. If you can build with Lego or draw a line, you can build and program a robot.

How to start?

Matthew Applegate runs the Creative Computing Club in Ipswich, Suffolk. He says, “The Lego Robots kits are amazing. You can use cardboard, glue sticks and string to make a prototype (雏形).’’ Some kits can be expensive but there are ways to build your robots using things around the house. You can build an arm with cardboard, straws and string, adding it to a low-cost kit.

Building robots is really great. It isn’t easy at firstbut when you get better, you will be surprised how much you can do. Come to get your first robot kit and make it whirr into life!

For details on how to build a Raspberry Pi buggy:tinyurl.com/TW J-robotbuggy

For details on how to join a robot club:tinyurl.com/TW J-members

For more information on kits and classes:tinyurl.com/TW J-resources

For more information on robots and their history:tinyurl.com/TW J-realrobots

1.What’s essential to build a robot at home?

A.Good skills at electronics.

B.Necessary parts to put together.

C.Much knowledge on engineering.

D.Rich experience in playing with robots.

2.If you want to know more about different robot kits,you can visit________.

A.tinyurl.com/TW J-robotbuggy B.tinyurl,com/TW J-realrobots

C.tinyurl.com/TW J-resources D.tinyurl.com/TW J-members

3.What is the main purpose of the passage?

A.To encourage teens to learn to solve problems by building robots.

B.To explain the advantages of building one’s own robots.

C.To analyse the need of teens to build their own robots.

D.To advertise a method of building robots with fun.



    The spot of a red balloon in a tree was what first caught Randy Heiss’s _____on December 16,2018.He then walked toward it and found the balloon attached to a piece of_____.“Dayami,”it read on one side, in a child’s_______.Heiss flipped the paper over. It was a numbered list in Spanish. His Spanish isn’t very good, but he could__________it was a Christmas list.

He was charmed and wondered whether he could_____the child. About 20 miles to the southwest, just across the border, was the city of NogalesMexico.____the prevailing wind(常刮的风),he was pretty sure that’s where it came from.

Back home, Heiss’s wife who is fluent in Spanish_____the list. Heiss listened carefully: Dayami, ____a girl, had asked for a doll, a dollhouse, clothes and art supplies. Heiss then posted about his quest on Facebook,____photos, hoping someone might know the girl’s family.

A few days passed with no leads; Heiss worried that time was running out_____Christmas. On December 19,he decided to send a private Facebook message to Radio XENY in Nogales. The next morning, when he was still in bed, Heiss_____a message: The staff had_____Dayami, who indeed lived in Nogales and would be willing to arrange a get-together at the radio station.

Heiss and his wife rushed to_____everything on Dayami’s list. Then they drove for 45 minutes,____the border into Nogales. They finally met the very_____girl.“ Her eyes were wide open with wonder. Like,‘ Oh my goshthis really did work!’ It was a beautiful experience,”Heiss said. “Quite healing for us.”

Heiss,61 , has lived in Bisbee, Arizona for more than three decades. Ten years ago, he and his wife_____their only child in an accident. They have even no grandchildren. Now they split their time between Nogales and Bisbee.

“Being around children at Christmastime has been_____in our lives,”Heiss said. “It’s been kind of a gaping hole in our Christmas experience. ”He has since reflected on what a miracle it was that he occasionally_____the balloon, let alone that he was able to meet Dayami and her family.

1.A.hands B.breath C.attention D.imagination

2.A.paper B.glass C.wood D.cloth

3.A.steps B.voice C.eyes D.writing

4.A.remember B.see C.hope D.promise

5.A.find B.adopt C.teach D.challenge

6.A.Amazed at B.Sponsored by C.Accustomed to D.Based on

7.A.drafted B.polished C.translated D.finished

8.A.eventually B.probably C.ever D.even

9.A.downloading B.taking C.attaching D.analyzing

10.A.before B.at C.after D.until

11.A.searched for B.decided on C.subscribed to D.awoke to

12.A.saved B.comforted C.located D.appointed

13.A.consume B.buy C.produce D.exchange

14.A.examining B.closing C.defending D.crossing

15.A.frightened B.excited C.determined D.embarrassed

16.A.left B.stopped C.lost D.disabled

17.A.abused B.abnormal C.abstract D.absent

18.A.blew B.released C.spotted D.decorated





I have the1.(great)job in the world. I travel to unusual places and work alongside people from all over the world. Sometimes using2.(science)equipment and sometimes meeting local people and tourists, I am never3.(bore).Although my job is occasionally dangerous, I don’t mind because danger excites me and makes me feel alive. However, the most important thing about my job is that I help protect ordinary people4. one of the most powerful forces on earth—the volcano.


Water is a precious resource. Every person needs it5. (survive),and we use it for cooking, drinking, growing our food and washing. Howeverit is scarce(缺乏的).Just 1% of water on Earth can6. (use)by humans. What’s moretreating water to make it clean and safe and pumping it to our homes uses up lots of energy. So, what can you do to help save water? One easy way is by7.(turn)off the tap when you brush your teeth.


Robbie Phillips has become the first British person to complete one of the toughest challenges in rock climbing. 8.(know)as the Alpine Trilogy(阿尔卑斯三部曲),the challenge consists of three climbs on mountains in Austria, Germany and Switzerland, 9.Phillips completed in four years. Until now, only four other people10.(conquer)all three of the extremely difficult climbs.





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Dear Peter,

I'm glad what you are caring about the development of my hometown. Great changes have been taken place since the 19th National Congress of Communist Party of China. The targeted poverty reduction has reached it's ideal aims. Many poor family have got effective help from the local government and have improved their life greatly. Old houses are replaced by new tall buildings which are surrounding with green trees and colourful flowers. The rivers once heavy polluted are getting clearer and clearer. Much to our delighted, lots of fishes return to the rivers. The blue sky paints itself with colors and the birds joyfully dances with the music of gentle winds.

Please come to visiting my hometown in the near future.


Li Hua



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