满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

假如你是班长李华,你们班的外教 Smith 最近生病住院了,请代表你们班的同学给...

假如你是班长李华,你们班的外教 Smith 最近生病住院了,请代表你们班的同学给他写封慰问信,内容包括:

1. 表示难过; 2. 感谢他的付出; 3. 希望给他一些帮助。

注意:1. 词数:100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Smith,



Li Hua


Dear Smith, We’re sorry to hear you’re ill and have been in hospital for several days. We miss you a lot. You’re a great teacher -- humorous and warmhearted. In your class, you always motivate us to interact with you. And you’re willing to spare your time to communicate with us in English, which has greatly improved our oral English. We appreciate what you’ve done for us and have regarded you as our friend. Now we’d like to do something for you, like bringing you food and borrowing books for you. We really hope you can recover soon. If there’s anything that we can do for you, please let us know. Best wishes. Yours, Li Hua 【解析】 本篇书面表达属于应用文。要求考生作为班长代表全班同学给生病住院的外教Smith老师写封慰问信。 第一步:审题。 体裁:书信应用文 时态:根据提示,时态应为一般现在时为主。 要点:1 对Smith老师生病住院表示难过 2 感谢老师为我们英语学习的付出 3 希望能为老师做一些对他有帮助的事情 结构布局: 第一段,对Smith老师生病住院表示难过。 第二段,感谢老师对我们的付出: 1 为了调动我们学习英语的兴趣,上课方式幽默生动 2 课后会像朋友一样和我们沟通交流,给我们提学习意见 第三段, 表达想要做一些对他有帮助的事情的想法,并祝早日康复。 第二步:列重点词语,词组(注意好词的使用) 如:be sorry to hear that, on behalf of, more than, be grateful to, in order to, take an interest in, humorous, vivid, make a comment on,recovery等 第三步:连词成句(注意好句型的使用如主从复合句,非谓语动词,注意拼写和时态问题) 如:1 We are sorry to hear that you have been in hospital for several days. 2 On behalf of all students in the class, I want to say we all miss you more than a word can express. 第四步:连句成篇(注意衔接词的使用) 1.表文章结构顺序:First of all, Firstly/First, Secondly/Second…, Finally, In the end, At last; 2.表并列补充关系:What is more, Besides, Moreover, Furthermore, In addition, As well as, not only…but (also); 3.表转折对比关系:However, On the contrary, but, Although+clause(从句), In spite of+n/doing, On the one hand…,On the other hand…,some…while others… ; 4.表因果关系:Because, As, So, Thus, Therefore, As a result 连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡。 第五步:润色修改。





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

For 65 years, Mr Li has been walk around our neighborhood twice the day. It’s a part of his daily exercise routine. He is a retiring biology teacher. As Mr Li gets older and older, he has to rest several times along his route. Therefore, he still gets up early and sticks his routine. The neighbors have noticed his stop. We place different chairs along our route and invite him to sit and took a rest. Now, the mile-long route is spotted with chairs. When we see Mr Li to go by, we realize we should also get out but have a walk.



    2-year-old Truett Palmer was born in Missouri, with a genetic disorder and an inborn (先天的)_________disease. He has_________from more than a dozen surgeries, including three open heart surgeries and a heart transplant. One thing Truett_________during his most recent hospital stay was weekly visits from a therapy dog named Zuri. The dog was a Goldendoodle with curly hair and it was just kind of_________. Truett has sensory issues and he_________anyone touching his feet, but with Zuri, he would just run his feet through her fur. When Truett was with Zuri, it seemed the world didn't_________.

After Truett left the hospital, his mom Danielle began_________getting a Goldendoole for him, but found the breed (品种) especially_________. “Financially, going through a transplant and hospital stay, it wasn’t going to work out in our_________,” she said. Danielle____________Truett’s story and dream on Facebook, hoping there would be a miracle.

In Seattle, Gray, a nursing student, lived alone on several acres surrounded only by her dogs. One of Gray’s beloved dog just had puppies and she’d love to____________one child with special needs a(n)____________friend in time for Christmas. When she____________Truett’s story, she knew he would be the new____________of the puppy. “He’s got____________more than I could possibly imagine. Seeing how strong he is and how positive his family is about that all, I am deeply moved.” Gray said.

Following a(n)____________effort by Gray and the Palmer family to transport Zeda____________state lines, the Goldendoodle puppy was in Truett's arms just in time for Christmas morning. “He was so excited,” Danielle said. “You could just see the____________on his face the moment she’s placed on his lap. He’s just so happy and____________her his baby. They’re just best friends.”

Truett is now on the road to good health and____________to his transplanted heart well. Danielle says she hopes their story will encourage others to consider organ donation.

1.A.lung B.heart C.kidney D.eye

2.A.experienced B.undergone C.resulted D.suffered

3.A.took part in B.turned down C.look forward to D.dealt with

4.A.different B.patient C.gentle D.helpful

5.A.dislikes B.enjoys C.disapproves D.keeps

6.A.appear B.exist C.change D.stop

7.A.planning B.arranging C.considering D.permitting

8.A.expensive B.affordable C.economic D.modest

9.A.schedule B.hospital C.background D.budget

10.A.reported B.focused C.posted D.found

11.A.gift B.sell C.buy D.meet

12.A.novel B.furry C.old D.certain

13.A.took down B.looked for C.compared with D.came across

14.A.shelter B.guide C.owner D.employee

15.A.along B.through C.away D.down

16.A.worried B.accepted C.thrilled D.combined

17.A.on B.beneath C.into D.across

18.A.shock B.disgust C.joy D.sorrow

19.A.told B.called C.explained D.claimed

20.A.adjusting B.devoting C.referring D.using



    Each summer, Craig Stihler and Jack Wallace, scientists for the state of West Virginia hike to Peacock Cave to count Virginia big-eared bats. 1.. They want to see if the number of bats is going up or down.

I was there to learn about the bats for my book. After we arrived at the small entrance to Peacock Cave, Craig and Jack unpacked their equipment. Crale said, “2. .Hibernating (冬眠)bats may be awakened and fly around and burn up the fat they've stored in their bodies. Without that food supply, they might not live until spring when they can eat insects again. And bat mothers may drop their babies. “

As night settled inthey set up a night-vision scope (观察仪器).3. .They also set up a radio-like bat detector outside the cave. It picks up bat sounds that our ears can’t hear. For the next two hours, Craig counted the bats by speaking into a handheld voice recorder each time five bats flew out of the cave. By the time the last bat left the cave at about 10:30 p. m., Craig and Jack had counted 1,242 bats! 4. .Craig explained that when the first count was taken at Peacock Cave in 1983, there were only 160 Virginia big-eared bats. Projects to help protect bats have helped the bats make a remarkable comeback. Today the total number of Virginia big-eared bats there are more than 25,000.

5. .They will continue to need human’s help if they are going to survive into the future.

A.Why do they do so?

B.It allows them to see the bats in darkness.

C.Virginia big-eared bats are medium-sized.

D.Bats are important because they eat insects.

E.They want to catch some bats for their research.

F.Bats living in caves can suffer if disturbed by people.

G.That was the most Craig and Jack had ever counted there.



    When you drink a glass of water or take a shower, think of glaciers. Why? Glaciers contain at least 75 percent of Earth’s fresh watermuch more than all our planet’s lakes and rivers combined.

Glaciers grow by adding a new layer of snow each year. It’s easy for scientists to see the annual layers in an ice core by lighting it from beneath. They can then count the layers to determine the age of any section…much like you can count tree rings to determine a tree’s age.

Glaciers form by the accumulation, press and recrystallization of snow. It requires very specific conditions of climate and geography, which means that they are found in or high mountain regions where snowfall is heavy in winter, temperatures stay below freezing for long periods, and summers are cool.

“Hot” ice! Is that possible? Actually, ice is one of the hottest solids in existence, for it is unsteady and easy to melt when heated. Glaciers are always moving, but because ice is hot, they like liquids rather than solids. They slide over the ground on melt-water, a very thin layer of water from melted ice, and “creep” when their icy layers glide over one another because of their weight. Different parts of the same glacier slide or creep at different speeds. The center moves more rapidly than the sides; the surface moves more rapidly than the bottom, because the sides and bottom are restricted by friction. Most glaciers move several feet per year, while others “race” a few miles.

Unfortunately, glaciers are shrinking throughout the world. Melting glaciers will raise sea levels, forcing people to move from low-lying areas.

1.What does the underlined word “it” refer to in paragraph3?

A.The change of glaciers. B.The press of glaciers.

C.The accumulation of glaciers. D.The forming of glaciers.

2.Why do we say the ice is “hot”?

A.Because it keeps sliding or creeping. B.Because it is close to its melting point.

C.Because it absorbs too much sunshine. D.Because the surrounding temperature is low.

3.What is happening to glaciers?

A.They are spreading. B.They are disappearing.

C.They are rising. D.They are racing.

4.What is the best title of this passage?

A.The History of Glaciers. B.The Development of Glaciers.

C.The Secrets about Glaciers. D.The Danger Glaciers are facing.



    Ultrasound(超声)is used widely in medical imaging, but in recent years scientists have started developing it for another use: stimulating nerves to treat disease. In two new studies in mice, researchers focused the sound waves on nerves in the spleen(脾)that communicate with the immune system, reducing symptoms. If the approach proves safe and effective in people, it could serve as a treatment for diseases such as arthritis(关节炎).

In one study, led by scientists at the Feistein Institute and GE Research, mice receiving a few minutes of ultrasound treatment to the spleen nerve had a diminished symptoms to an injected(注射)poison. In another study, researchers at the University of Minnesota and their colleagues reduces symptoms of arthritis in mice by stimulating their spleen nerves for 20 minutes every day for a week. “Zeroing in on the spleen may provide a more precise approach than focusing on the vagus nerve(交感神经), which connects with the immune system via a second nerve that stimulates the spleen.” says Hubert Lin, lead author of the latter study. “When we’re targeting the spleen we have less of an effect all over the body.”

“Little is known about how repeated ultrasound affects the spleen or whether it has other harmful effects,” says neuroscientist Denise Bellinger of Loma Linda University, who was not involved in either study. An ongoing clinical trial aims to assess the treatment’s safety in humans with arthritis. A bigger unknown is how ultrasound activates in general. Scientists are now exploring the use of ultrasound on other parts of the nervous system, including the brain. “We know how to control nerves with electricity, and we’ve been doing it for more than 100 years,” neuroscientist Kevin Tracey says, “But the idea of controlling nerve signals with ultrasound is a brand-new field.”

1.What do scientists expect of the new application of ultrasound?

A.It'll be applied in medical imaging

B.It'll be used to activate nerves to treat disease.

C.It’ll be applied in spleen transplantation.

D.It'll be employed to rebuild immune system.

2.What does the underlined word “diminished" in paragraph 2 mean?

A.Complicated. B.Worsened.

C.Decreased. D.Associated.

3.What is the concern of Denise Bellinger?

A.Side effect. B.Time length.

C.The procedure. D.The cost.

4.What is most likely the next step of the study?

A.Assessing the treatment' s safety on humans.

B.Activating nerves in general with ultrasound.

C.Exploring the use of ultrasound on the brain.

D.Controlling nerve signals with ultrasound.



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