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This new technology will make a great __...

This new technology will make a great _______ to the development of Chinese communication industry.

A.comprehension B.contribution C.composition D.conclusion


B 【解析】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:这项新技术将对中国通讯产业的发展做出巨大贡献。A. comprehension理解力;B. contribution贡献;C. composition成分;D. conclusion结论。根据句意可知,此处考查固定搭配make a contribution to,意为“对……做出贡献”。故选B项。  

A U.S. company has developed facial _______ software that can help police.

A.recognition B.recommendation C.representation D.reality




1.Which statement is true according to “The Boy who could fly”?

A.Michael had a pair of wings when he was born.

B.When in hospital, doctors gave Michael series of training to enable him to fly.

C.Michael enjoyed his stay in the hospital because he was taken good care of.

D.Everyone was happy when Michael returned home from the hospital.

2.Why did Wilson, Peters and Hunter kidnap Michael?

A.They wanted to make more films about Michael.

B.They wanted to ask Sarah and George for a large sum of money.

C.They wanted to find out why he could fly.

D.They wanted Michael to steal something for them.

3.What’s in the “Lion” envelop that Michael got from the office?

A.Some government secrets that the terrorists want. B.A check with a large sum of money.

C.A tracking device to ensure his safety. D.A letter to Michael from the police.

4.What can we learn from “The Call of the Wild”?

A.Buck lived a happy life with Judge Miller.

B.The law of club and tooth was made by the owner of the dog team.

C.The primitive beast inside Buck was hidden until Thornton’s death.

D.Buck was always gentle and friendly to other dogs.

5.What led to the failure of Hal, Charles and Mercedes?

A.That winter was too cold, and there was too much snow. B.They didn’t bring enough food.

C.There had fewer dogs than they actually need. D.They lacked order and discipline.



    Camping is a great way to enjoy nature. You can breathe fresh air, cook over a campfire and sleep under the stars. However, camping also means various troubles, including dealing with bugs, bad weather and few, if any, toilets. 1.But there is a way to enjoy the natural world without giving up the comforts at home. It’s called glamping, and interest in it has been growing since 2007!

Glamping, made up by joining the words glamorous(有魅力的) and camping, is a new word. 2.Since around 600 B.C. Nomadic Mongolians have enjoyed the benefits of glamping. Their tents were so comfortable that they inspired the design of modern glamping tents!

There are many reasons why you should consider glamping for your next vacation. One of them is that glamping gives you access to some beautiful places. 3.Nowadays, glamping can be less expensive than staying in a hotel, but you can still enjoy the modern comforts of a hotel!

4.Glampsites often use eco-friendly materials and avoid using much plastic. So, there is less waste, and the area stays beautiful.

No matter what kind of experience you’re looking for, a glampsite exists for you. From Three Camel Lodge in Mongolia to Clayoquot Wilderness Resort in Canada, adventure is waiting for you. Sites can include a spa, a swimming pool and dinner under the stars. Activities can include exploring on horseback or camel and sightings of elephants, mountain sheep or tigers. 5.

A.Every year a large number of people go camping.

B.You don’t have to give up beauty for comfort!

C.A wide variety of glamping experiences are available all over the world.

D.These troubles can discourage people from ever trying camping.

E.But it describes an activity that people have been doing for ages.

F.You can also help other campers.

G.Another reason to go glamping is that it’s good for the environment.



    In recent years, experiments examining exercise and weight loss have found that people lose far much less weight than expected, considering how many additional calories(卡路里) they are burning with their workouts.

Scientists have guessed that exercisers are likely to become hungrier and eat more after working out. They also may sit longer when not doing exercise. Together or separately, these changes could make up for the extra energy used during exercise.

To prove that possibility, scientists came up with the idea of using infrared light(红外线) to track mice’s movements in their cages. Then software can use that information to analyse their daily physical activity.

So the researchers prepared special cages, putting inside some locked running wheels, and let mice roam(闲逛) and explore for four days in the cages. This provided the researchers with information about how many calories each mouse burned every day.

Then the wheels were unlocked and for nine days, the mice could run at will, and they could decide how much to eat and when to get off the wheels, walking around. The mice,which enjoyed running, jumped readily on the wheels and started to run. On and off the wheels, they could run for hours. They showed a following height in their daily energy expenditure(支出) since they had added exercise to their lives.

But they did not change their eating habits. Although they were burning more calories, they did not eat more. They did, however, change how they moved. They now usually jogged on their wheels for a few minutes, jumped off, rested or roamed in a while, and then climbed back on the wheels, ran, rested, briefly roamed, and it repeated. These changes in how they spent their time almost counteracted(抵消) the extra calorie costs from running, says Daniel Lark, who led the new study.

What caused the running mice to run less is still uncertain. ''But it does not seem to have been tiredness or lack of time; wheel running is not arduous for mice, and does not fill their waking hours.'' Dr. Lark says.

Instead, he says, it is likely that the animals’ bodies and brains sensed the increasing energy expenditure when the mice began to run and sent out biological signals that somehow advised the animals to slow down, save energy and lose weight.

Mice will never be people, of course, so we cannot say whether the results of this would directly apply to us, Dr. Lark says. But the results do indicate that if we hope to lose more weight through, we should watch what we eat and try not to move less while we work out more.

1.What did NOT change for the mice in the experiment?

A.How they moved. B.How long they ran.

C.How much they chose to eat. D.How they spent their time.

2.What happened to the mice in the experiment according to the 6th paragraph?

A.They didn't like to run the wheels. B.They ate more after running the wheels.

C.They spent less time roaming in the cage. D.They didn't need rest after running the wheels.

3.The underlined word ''arduous'' in paragraph 7 is closest in meaning to _______.

A.tiring B.energetic C.difficult D.different

4.Which of the following statements may Dr. Lark agree with?

A.Wheel running costs the same amount of energy as roaming does.

B.The mice ran more because they really wanted to lose weight.

C.The experiment is a failure because the results don't apply to humans.

D.It might not be tiredness that caused the mice to run less.

5.The purpose of writing this passage is _______.

A.to prove that scientists' guess about exercising is wrong

B.to introduce a recent research on exercise and weight loss

C.to analyze how wheel running changes mice's movements

D.to explain why eating and running are bad for exercisers



    First introduced in 1927, The Hardy Boys Stories are a series (系列) of books about the stories of brothers Frank and Joe Hardy, teenaged detectives who solve one mystery (神秘) after another. The cover of The Hardy Boys says that the author of the series is Franklin. Over the years, though, many fans of the books have been surprised to find out that Franklin is not a real person. If Franklin never existed, then who wrote The Hardy Boys Stories?

The Hardy Boys are written through a process called ghostwriting (鬼手写作). A ghostwriter writes a book according to a fixed formula (公式). Although ghostwriters are paid for writing the books, their names do not appear on the published books. Ghostwriters can write books for children or adults, the content of which is various.

The idea for The Hardy Boys series was developed by a publisher named Stratemeyer. He noticed the increasing popularity of mysteries among adults, and thought that children would enjoy reading mysteries about younger detectives of their age. He first developed each book with an outline (提纲). Once having completed the outline, he then hired a ghostwriter to turn it into a book of over 200 pages. After finishing a draft (草稿) of a book, he or she would send it back to Stratemeyer, who would make a list of corrections and mail it back to the ghostwriter. The ghostwriter would improve the book according to Stratemeyer’s suggestions and then return it to him. Once Stratemeyer approved the book, it was ready to be published.

The Hardy Boys had a number of different ghostwriters producing books. However, the first ghostwriter, Leslie, proved to be the most influential. Although he was using prepared outlines as guides, Leslie developed the characters through his imagination. He was also responsible for the details in the story. For example, Leslie created Bayport, the Hardy Boys’ hometown, based on where he grew up.

Although The Hardy Boys were very popular with children, not everyone approved of them. Critics thought their stories were not real, since most teenagers did not have the same experience as Frank and Joe Hardy. Besides, many teachers and librarians are against the ghostwriting process, saying it was designed to produce books quickly, but not to create quality literature. Some libraries even refuse to include the books in their children’s collections.

1.Which of the following people was a real ghostwriter?

A.Franklin B.Stratemeyer C.Leslie D.Joe Hardy

2.A ghostwriter is someone who _______.

A.only writes loving stories for adults B.doesn’t receive praise as the author

C.writes the content of his books freely D.doesn’t receive money for writing

3.According to the passage, it can be inferred that Leslie _______.

A.hated writing according to a fixed formula B.didn’t respect the art of ghostwriting

C.was unsuccessful in his writing career D.was a man of imagination and creativity

4.Some teachers and librarians dislike ghostwritten books because they _______.

A.believe the books were poor in quality B.consider mystery stories bad for adults

C.think the books were too expensive D.believe Stratemeyer cheated readers

5.Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?

A.Ghostwriting: Create Quality Literature B.Who Was Leslie?

C.The Hardy Boys: Ghostwriting a Series D.Why Were The Hardy Boys Published?



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