满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Today I achieved a dream that was born i...

    Today I achieved a dream that was born in April this year.Before April I never swam,biked or ran.I played basketball sometimes,but I did little in the way of endurance(耐力)workouts. One day in April,however,this changed.I want to find a way to challenge myself.I decided I was going to train for the Chicago marathon and complete it in six months.

The day finally came.For the first 11 miles,everything was going great.I was pacing(调整节奏)myself correctly and there wasn't too much pain or tiredness building up in my legs. Shortly after mile 12,however,I started to feel some pain.Miles 12-17 became a mental battle as I tried to convince myself to get to the finish line without walking.

Miles 17-20 were getting hard.I had to consciously push myself to stay at the race pace I was aiming for.My ankles(脚踝)were starting to hurt and my legs were giving out.At around mile 21 I got a stomach ache.I thought I might have to stop and walk for a minute,but the determination side of my brain took over and said,"Stick to your goals and never give up!”

The last 3-4 miles of the marathon were like nothing I have experienced.At the aid station at mile 24 I walked for a few seconds and drank some water.Then I started running and slowly I got back up to speed and went on.The last mile stands as the single most difficult thing I have done physically and mentally.Every step I took,my brain was screaming at me to walk.but I wouldn't listen.

When I crossed the finish line I was so happy and excited that I began to cry.I will never forget this day and I encourage everyone to go after that big event you have been thinking about, because although it will be hard,there are few more rewarding feelings than the feeling I had today crossing the finish line at the Chicago Marathon.

1.The writer ran a marathon because he/she wanted to

A.win a prize B.get into shape

C.make a difference D.take up a sport

2.What was the writer's mental battle at the Marathon?

A.To run or not to. B.To walk or not to.

C.To stop or not to. D.To rest or not to.

3.What played an important role in the writer's completing the Marathon?

A.Enthusiasm. B.Interest.

C.Experience. D.Determination.

4.How did the writer feel about the experience at the Chicago Marathon?

A.Painful. B.Amazing.

C.Embarrassing. D.Enjoyable.


1.C 2.B 3.D 4.B 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了不怎么运动的作者在这一年的四月决定挑战自己,进行锻炼并参加六个月后的芝加哥马拉松比赛。比赛到了后半段变得非常艰苦,尽管如此作者仍然坚持了下来,从中收获很多。 1. 细节理解题。根据第一段中“One day in April,however,this changed.I want to find a way to challenge myself.”可知,作者很少做耐力方面的锻炼,想要改变自己、挑战自己,所以决定参加马拉松比赛,与C选项“做出改变,产生不同”描述最为相符。故选C项。 2. 细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句“Miles 12-17 became a mental battle as I tried to convince myself to get to the finish line without walking.”可知,12-17英里成了一场精神战役,我试图说服自己不用走路就能到达终点。由此可知作者在马拉松比赛中的心理斗争是走还是不走,故选B。 3. 细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句“I thought I might have to stop and walk for a minute,but the determination side of my brain took over and said,"Stick to your goals and never give up!””可知,我想我可能得停下来走一会儿,但我头脑中坚定的一面占据了我的大脑,说:“坚持你的目标,永不放弃”。由此可知,决心在作者完成马拉松比赛中起了重要作用。故选D项。 4. 推理判断题。根据最后一段第一句“When I crossed the finish line I was so happy and excited that I began to cry.”可知,当我越过终点线时,我非常高兴和兴奋,我哭了起来。结合全文文章讲述了不怎么运动的作者在这一年的四月决定挑战自己,进行锻炼并参加六个月后的芝加哥马拉松比赛。比赛到了后半段变得非常艰苦,尽管如此作者仍然坚持了下来,从中收获很多。由此判断出作者感到自己的马拉松经历令人惊讶。故选B选项。

Wow!A Simple to Use Computer

Designed Especially for Seniors!

Easy to read.Easy to see.Easy to use.Just plug(插入)it in!

There is finally a computer that's designed for simplicity and ease of use.It's the WOW Computer,and it was designed with you in mind. This computer is easy-to-use, worry-free and really puts the world at your fingertips.From the moment you open the box,you'll realize how different the WOW Computer is.All the parts are connected;all you do is plug it into an outlet(插座)and your high-speed Internet connection.Then you'll see the screen-it's now 22 inches. This is a completely new touch screen system, without the messy look of the normal computer screen.The"buttons"on the screen are easy to see and easy to understand.All you do is touch one of them,from the Web, Email,Calendar to Games-you name it... and a new screen opens up.It's so easy to use you won't have to ask your children or grandchildren for help.Until now,the very people who could benefit most from E-mail and the Internet are the ones that have had the hardest time accessing it.Now,thanks to the WOW Computer,countless older Americans are discovering the wonderful world of the Internet every day.Isn't it time you took part? Call,now,and you'll find out why tens of thousands of satisfied seniors are now enjoying their WOW Computers,emailing their grandchildren, and experiencing everything the Internet has to offer.Call today!

Call now toll free and find out how you can get the new WOW!Computer.

1.According to the ad,WOW Computer is

A.power-free B.elder-friendly

C.post-free D.environment-friendly

2.What does the underlined sentence imply?

A.Seniors fail to be instructed by their children.

B.Seniors are often out of touch with their kids.

C.Seniors starve for a computer easy to operate.

D.Seniors have little time to surf the Internet.

3.If an old man buys the computer,he can

A.be given a big discount

B.update software for someone else

C.discover the bright future of his kids

D.email his children without difficulty




1.One of Barcelona’s most famous ________(标志性建筑) is the Church of the Sagrada Familia, which was ________(设计) by an _________(建筑师) called Antonio Gaudi.

2.Athens, the capital of Greece, is known as the ________(发源地) of western _________(文明) .

3.With the ________(发展) of society, in the year 2000, 147 world leaders agreed to work together to reduce _________(贫穷) by 2015 or earlier.

4.Because of _______(工业的) reasons, the beautiful place was _________(受到污染的).

5.Every day, we can get some useful things _________(满怀感谢地) and we can lead a happy life _________(满怀希望地) .

6.As far as I’m _________(关心的), the protection of environment is __________(紧急的) .

7.A lot of _________(证明) suggested that complaining can cause _________(不快乐,不幸福).

8.In ancient China, Confucius _________(强调) the importance of __________(善良), duty and __________ (秩序) in society.

9.He is an _________(发明家), and he’s just _________(发明) a clock.

10.His ideas of ________(仁爱) were __________(不同于) from the Confucian ones.

11.The report shows that we are making some __________(进步) but that we need to make great _________(努力) .

12.The _________(候机厅) building of Hong Kong International Airport covers a larger space than any other airport’s in the world.




1.Now I feel strong that I shall have to improve my English, especially when I heard his speech.

2.Senior citizens and people with disabilities will be able to go anywhere in the world using high-tech cameras attaching to their head.

3.It’s frightened to be outside in a sandstorm.

4.Tornadoes can destroy houses, leave the furniture inside exactly where it was.

5.By the time the worse tornado of all time in 1925 ended, more than 700 people have been killed and 2,700 had been injured.

6.When the lava reached the sea, there was the possible of a huge tidal wave which could flood half the island.

7.Sandstorms are often such thick that you cannot see the sun.

8.Mencius was a thinker whose teachings were very similar to that of Confucius.

9.Mencius believed that the reason which man differs from animals is that man is good.

10.What the headmaster said the other day didn’t make sense of me.



    Whenever I picked up my phone, I could feel that my whole family were staring at me. ______, the living room fell into a completely______ . All I could hear was the sound of cooking in the oven.

“look! She’s been on her phone all day long! It’s all your______ ! If they are not taught how to behave well, children will ______ respect the elders!” my grandmother ______ .

I was very shocked and ______ ! I opened my mouth to say something, but words failed me and I just sat down______ on the chair like a mouse in its trap. I thought “Here we go again”.

In fact, I truly______ my family and I would do anything for them if they require me to do. However, there are ______  that make me feel that they all______ one thing: technology is ______ me.

If I am going to be______like a child or completely ignored, I will most likely not______ their company, and I feel like most people think and do so. So I sometimes simply shut myself in my room and listened to the______coming from the living room, thinking “they all grew up in a world so______ from mine that it amazes me how they have actually gotten this far”. They did not have phones or any type of _______  technology, which is both good and bad. Bad because they had almost no type of fast ______, and good because they were______to interact with one another, which is______something today’s society is deprived of. However, maybe if they made an effort to be______of how things work nowadays, they would not be so against everything.

1.A.Unfortunately B.Suddenly C.Strangely D.Secretly

2.A.silence B.darkness C.conversation D.trouble

3.A.duty B.decision C.fault D.excuse

4.A.once B.seldom C.sometimes D.never

5.A.apologized B.comforted C.complained D.questioned

6.A.relaxed B.annoyed C.excited D.ashamed

7.A.hopefully B.quietly C.comfortably D.closely

8.A.hate B.need C.love D.remember

9.A.moments B.weeks C.decades D.hours

10.A.insist on B.turn on C.agree on D.base on

11.A.helping B.encouraging C.frightening D.ruining

12.A.laughed B.respected C.treated D.protected

13.A.enjoy B.accept C.discover D.share

14.A.promises B.voices C.advice D.music

15.A.obvious B.family C.different D.private

16.A.advanced B.important C.normal D.attractive

17.A.transport B.development C.communication D.journey

18.A.warned B.encouraged C.invited D.forced

19.A.naturally B.probably C.merely D.gradually

20.A.aware B.curious C.afraid D.proud



How to Improve Your Memory

The human brain is extremely complex and powerful. 1. Here are 3 simple things that will help you improve your memory and keep it going strong into your old age.

Get plenty of exercise and rest.

Exercise isn’t just good for your physical body, but it is also good for your brain. Exercise increases the amount of oxygen that gets to your brain.  2. When you exercise, your brain produces certain chemicals that help to protect your brain cells. Rest is also an important part of improving your memory. Studies show that key memory improvement happens when you are in those deep stages of sleep, so go to bed early every night.

Have a good laugh as often as you can.

Not only is laughter good for the soul, it is also good for the brain and can help improve your memory.3. This helps you to learn more and be more creative. So, go ahead and belt out a good laugh. Not only will others join you, but you will feel much better after doing it.


Stress has a bad effect on your body, especially the brain. If you let stress stay, it can destroy your brain cells and cause damage to the part of the brain responsible for creating new memories and remembering old ones. So, stay away from stress. It’s bad for you. If you are feeling a little stressed, go outside and take a little walk around. 5.

A.Avoid stress.

B.Change your behavior.

C.It also helps to reduce memory loss

D.This will make you feel ten times better.

E.When you laugh you excite many areas of your brain.

F.The health of your brain directly shows how strong your memory is.

G.The human brain is like a muscle and can be trained.



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