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Choosing the right career can be hard. M...

    Choosing the right career can be hard. Many people graduate from school or college not knowing what to do with their lives, and get a job without really thinking about it. For some, things work out fine. 1. Your working life lasts an average of forty years, so it's important to find a job you like and feel enthusiastic about. Luckily, there are many ways you can get help to do this.

The Australian website, www.careersonline.com, compares choosing a career with going to the movies. Before you see a movie, you find out what films are showing. 2.— find out what jobs are available and what your options are. Next, decide which movie you like best; if you're not a romantic person, you won't want to see a love story. In other words, with your career, you should decide which job will suit your personality. 3. Meanwhile, you should find out where the theater is before you go. With your career, you need to find information about where you can work, how much you will earn, and how to get a job in that profession.

So, how do you start? Begin by asking yourself some questions. 4. Have you travel overseas? Do you have any extra certificates besides your degree, such as a first aid license, for example? Your physical state and build can also affect which jobs you can do. A person, for example, who is allergic to cats would probably never become a veterinarian. Flight attendants, firefighters, and police officers have to be over a certain height, and be physically fit. 5. Are you outgoing and extroverted, or shy and introverted? If you like working alone, a job that requires lots of teamwork might not suit you.

A.Your personality matters, too.

B.Finally, decide how to get movie tickets.

C.The site suggests you do the same with your career.

D.Choosing a career can take time and a lot of thought.

E.Some jobs require you to have certain life experiences.

F.But others often find themselves stuck in a job they hate.

G.When you know you can work in your dream job, you'll be glad.


1.F 2.C 3.B 4.E 5.A 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。针对现在很多人找不到合适工作的现象,作者给读者推荐了一些可以在这方面提供帮助的方法。 1. 上文For some, things work out fine.(对于一些人来说,事情进展得很顺利)与F. But others often find themselves stuck in a job they hate.(但其他人常常发现自己被困在不喜欢的工作中)承接自然,上下文构成明显的转折关系,some和others是关键词,故选F项。 2. 下文find out what jobs are available and what your options are.(查明现在有什么工作,以及你的选择是什么)与C. The site suggests you do the same with your career.(这个网站建议你这样来处理你的职业)承接自然,下文是对选项内容的解释,故选C项。 3. 根据本段的结构,尤其是上文的Before you see a movie(在你看电影前) 和Next, decide which movie you like best(然后,决定你最喜欢哪部电影)可知此处用B. Finally, decide how to get movie tickets.(最后,决定你怎样买到电影票)符合陈述事情的发展顺序,故选B项。 4. Have you travel overseas? Do you have any extra certificates besides your degree, such as a first aid license, for example?(你是否有旅外经历?你是否有任何除学位之外的其它证书,例如急救执照)与 E. Some jobs require you to have certain life experiences.(一些工作要求你有特定的生活经历)承接自然,下文提到的内容就是一些工作所要求的特定生活经历或技能,故选E项。 5. 下文Are you outgoing and extroverted, or shy and introverted? If you like working alone, a job that requires lots of teamwork might not suit you.(你是外向还是内向。是害羞还是内向?如果你喜欢独自工作,那么需要大量团队合作的工作可能不适合你)与A. Your personality matters, too.(你的性格也很重要)承接自然,下文提到的outgoing, extroverted, shy 和introverted都是一个人的性格,故选A项。

    Carbon dioxide isn’t just a greenhouse gas that’s thinning the atmosphere, but it’s also causing a popular food to lose its nutritional value over time, which will have a major impact on more than 2 billion people worldwide.

According to a recent study conducted in a joint effort by researchers in Japan, China, Australian, and the United States, higher levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere contribute to the decline of protein(蛋白质)and other key vitamins in rice. The study, published in the journal Science Advances, looked at 18 different agriculture sites in China and Japan over four years and found that the crops exposed to higher levels of carbon dioxide were overall less nutritious than those that were not.

“Many basic crops are impacted by the rise of carbon dioxide with respect to things like protein concentration and iron and zinc,” says Lewis Ziska, a co-author and research plant physiologist at the US Department of Agriculture. The research explains that the exposed rice contained 10 percent less protein,8 percent less iron, and 5 percent less zinc, while amounts of B1,B2 and B5 vitamins also declined. And increased levels of carbon dioxide doesn’t just have a negative effect on rice, but other food staples(主食)including wheat and potatoes also face serious consequences when exposed to higher levels.

While this certainly impacts many people worldwide, it follows that the people that would suffer the most would be those that consume the most rice, which, as the study also found, also happen to be those who live in the poorest countries.

Additional studies are now underway and researchers are trying to solve this problem by looking at the different types of each crop in hopes of finding the types that react the least, or not at all, to high levels of carbon dioxide.

Until then, what can you do? For starters, you can try to eat a variety of foods and get your vitamins and proteins from various sources. Then to help with the larger problem of global warming and climate change, you can make simple lifestyle changes such as hang drying clothes, walking to work, and turning off the lights when you’re not home.

1.What is the effect of higher levels of carbon dioxide?

A.It increases protein content in rice. B.It causes nutrient loss in crops.

C.It improves agricultural productivity. D.It directly affects people’s health.

2.Who may suffer most from the rise of carbon dioxide?

A.Those who eat the most rice. B.Those who eat wheat and potatoes.

C.Those who live in rich countries. D.Those exposed to higher levels of carbon dioxide.

3.What does the underlined word“underway”in para.5 mean?

A.Under the ground B.Under control

C.In the way D.In progress

4.How can we solve the problem caused by higher levels of carbon dioxide?

A.By developing new types of crops.

B.By eating more fresh foods.

C.By having different types of foods.

D.By changing the existing lifestyle totally



    Denmark is only about half the size of South Carolina, but it produces more of its electricity from wind than any other country in the world. Denmark now gets 47%of its electricity from wind, and there will be more to come, thanks to a combination of history and policy.

Paul la Cour was a scientist and inventor who experimented with early wind power machines at the start of the 20th century. So it's not surprising that Denmark invested in building wind power the earliest. Since the 1970s,Denmark has been investing in wind energy all over the country. In the 1980s,due to a strong movement opposing nuclear power plants, Denmark increased its production of clean energy even before many other countries considered it.

Even back in 2002,Denmark took climate change warnings seriously. They drew up policies, aiming to cut fossil-fuel emissions by 20%,which they did via renewable energy investment. Some of the world's largest companies in the field—including Vestas, which builds turbines(涡轮机)and Orsted, which specializes in offshore wind projects—are Danish, so the country has an impact beyond its borders.

The huge impact of Denmark’s wind industry is important. But Denmark is a small country, so while almost 50%of its electricity from wind is admirable, it's also minor in terms of entire global impact.

While Denmark gets half its electricity from 5,758 megawatts (MW) of capacity, Spain's 23,000 MW covers just 18 percent of its electricity supply as it’s a much bigger country. China is the leader in wind energy at 221,000 MW, and the U.S.is the second in the world at about 96,000 MW.

At the end of 2019,lawmakers in Denmark set a new goal: increasing the share of electricity coming from renewable power to 100%.

1.What can we know about Demark?

A.It is a leader in solar energy. B.It is a pioneer in clean energy.

C.It is a victim of climate change. D.It is an advocate of nuclear energy.

2.What is Denmark government's attitude towards fossil-fuel energy projects?

A.Indifferent. B.Ambiguous

C.Positive. D.Opposed.

3.Which country produces the most wind energy in the world?

A.Denmark. B.China. C.The U.S D.Spain.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.Almost Half of Denmark’s Electricity Comes from Wind Power

B.Denmark's Government Pushes ahead with Fossil-fuel Projects

C.Denmark Has a Great Effect on World's Wind Power Equipment

D.Denmark Has a Long History of Developing Renewable Power



    More than 30 years ago, there was a well-known boxer named Eugene Hart. Hart was heavily favored to win his next round against an ungifted boxer, Antuofermo. It was said that the only thing that Antuofermo could do was “he bled well". However, here was an important thing. He had good qualities that you couldn't see.

During the fight, Hart controlled Antuofermo, knocking him down and giving him a good beating. Antuofermo absorbed the punishment that was dealt to him by his naturally superior opponent, and he did it so well that Hart became discouraged. In the fifth round, Hart began to tire, not physically but mentally. Taking advantage of the situation, Antuofermo attacked and knocked Hart down, thus ending the fight.

When the fighters went back to their temporary restrooms, only a thin curtain was between them. Hart's room was quiet, but on the other side he could hear Antuofermo's coach talking about who would take the fighter to the hospital. Finally he heard Antuofermo saying, "Every time he hit me with that left hook (左勾拳)to the body, I thought I was going to quit. After the second round, I thought if he hit me there again, I'd quit. I thought the same thing after the fourth round. But he stopped hitting me there."

At that moment, Hart began to weep. He was crying because for the first time he under- stood that Antuofermo had felt the same way he had and even worse. And the only thing that distinguished the guy who was talking from the guy who was crying was perseverance (毅力). The coward (懦夫)and the hero had the same emotions. They're both humans.

The important question to ask yourself here is this How does each man respond to the tough situation that they are experiencing? Maybe you are in a tough position right now or, if not, one might be coming. How will you react? Like a hero or a coward?

1.What can we learn from paragraph 1?

A.Hart was an ordinary boxer.

B.Antuofermo was hardly defeated.

C.Hart was believed to win the game.

D.Antuofermo was gifted in boxing.

2.How did Antuofermo win the fight?

A.He trained hard before the fight.

B.Hart became discouraged by his coach.

C.He was confident about his boxing talent and power.

D.He dealt with the punishment properly and grasped the chance.

3.Why did Hart cry after the fight?

A.He realized he was just mentally defeated.

B.He was hurt and sent to a hospital.

C.He lost the game easily.

D.He was considered to be a coward.

4.What are Antuofermo's qualities?

A.Hard-work and honesty. B.Humor and intelligence.

C.Perseverance and determination. D.Enthusiasm and responsibility.



Park Regulations


A.Purpose and Definition

In order to prevent the parks, parkways, and recreational facilities within the City from injury or damage, these regulations are enacted(制定).The term "park" used in this Chapter shall include all grounds, buildings, and watercourses which are located within any area for the public use as a park, parkway, or recreational facility.

B.Specific Regulations

1.Littering No person shall throw any rubbish, earth, or other material in any park.

2.Pets. Dogs, cats, or other pets are forbidden in all city parks, unless permitted by the Parks and Recreation Board. Excepted from the forbidding are animals specifically trained to assist the disabled.

3.Fires. No person shall starttendor maintain a fire except in personal grills(烤架)or specific fireplaces. Personal grills shall be used in specific picnic areas only. All fires should be thoroughly extinguished before leaving the area. Unburned fuel and ashes shall be got rid of in such a manner as to prevent damage to any park property.

4.Park Property. No person shall kill, injure, or disturb birds or animals within any park. No person shall cut down, or damage in any manner any tree, shrub, flower, soil, fountain, building, or other park property.

5.Vehicles. All motorized vehicles are limited in specific parking areas, roads, and drives. Speed limit is 15mph.Snowmobiles are not allowed.

6.Park Hours. Subject to certain exceptions, all city parks shall be closed to persons from 9:00 p.m.to 7:00 a.m. the following day. The exceptions are:

aPersons launching or loading a boat at a public dock(码头).

bThe hiking paths are closed from 9:00 p.m.to 6:00 a.m.

cScheduled athletic games at least halfway concluded by 9:00 p.m. shall be allowed to continue at Cutler Park until 12:00 a.m.

1.According to the text, what are you permitted to do in the park?

A.Pick flowers. B.Trap squirrels.

C.Have a barbecue in specific areas. D.Begin baseball games at 9:30p.m.

2.What is the author's purpose in writing the text?

A.To tell a story. B.To inform readers.

C.To persuade people to visit the park. D.To convince readers of an opinion.

3.Where does the text probably come from?

A.A guidebook of a city. B.An introduction to parks.

C.An environmental report. D.A government document.



假定你是李华,外教Smith先生下周即将来你班任教。请你用英语写一封电子邮件向他介 绍你班的基本情况,内容包括:







Dear Mr Smith,

I'm Li Hua, a student from Class 1, Grade 3.


We are looking forward to your coming!


Li Hua



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