满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The success of a government should be __...

The success of a government should be ________ in terms of the health and happiness of the people as well as the development of economy.

A.observed B.established C.benefited D.measured


D 【解析】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:一个政府的成功应该从人民的健康和幸福以及经济的发展来衡量。A. observed观察;B. established建立;C. benefited有益于;D. measured测量、衡量。根据the health and happiness of the people as well as the development of economy可知,这些是衡量政府好坏的标准,所以我们用measure(衡量)来满足句意。故此题选D。  

Many nations have promised to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but are falling short of the ________ reduction of 25 to 40 percent of 1990 levels.

A.target B.option C.profit D.refund



Learning English means more than memorizing a lot of words. It ________ a large amount of reading as well.

A.involves B.inspires C.motivates D.associates



The monthly sales of Mo Yan’s works ________ 199 times compared with those before he won the Nobel Prize for Literature.

A.accelerated B.stretched C.multiplied D.switched



Smiling doesn’t ________ mean you’re happy. Sometimes, it just means that you’re strong enough to face problems.

A.fortunately B.eventually C.deliberately D.necessarily



    As I stood at the base of the mountain range beside a remote African village, the male villagers all repeated the same question: Are you certain you want to climb the mountain?

It had________been climbed by local and foreign men, and local women, but a Western female had ________, unaccompanied and wanted to climb the mountain, which was quite _________

I explained that I’d been________for some time --in research and in physical strength-- and showed them the________I had got from their government authorizing my climb. I stressed that I’d be very________to follow their local traditions and hire one of their villagers as a guide, but it seemed to do little to reduce their________.

The male villagers told me that the ‘quick mud’ I’d meet would swallow me. While they couldn’t remember anyone this bad thing actually________, they seemed convinced it was a real ________. The village women, however, smiled at me, indicating their________for my climb.

The men________ telling stories of unpredictable danger. However, I was________ because my aunt’s words kept ________in my ears --the greatest risk is not taking a risk, and we should always ________our dreams.

Eventually, the men agreed to a(n)________that seemed to put them at ease with my climb. Besides the local guide I’d hire, they also________ me to hire three men guards with guns, for protection.

As I started walking down the dirt path toward the mountain, I was________not only by my new mountain support team, but also by every village woman. While two women walked hand-in-hand with me, the others danced in circles around us as if in ________of a victory.

I knew I wasn’t the first Western female to make the climb. But with the women villagers________accompanying me, I felt a strong sense of ________. And I guessed they felt the same.

1.A.formally B.fortunately C.especially D.surely

2.A.achieved B.wandered C.arrived D.explored

3.A.rare B.typical C.disgusting D.common

4.A.consulting B.attempting C.preparing D.operating

5.A.reward B.invitation C.command D.permit

6.A.generous B.cautious C.curious D.regretful

7.A.concerns B.thrills C.surprises D.problems

8.A.belonged to B.appealed to C.led to D.happened to

9.A.bargain B.possibility C.promotion D.dilemma

10.A.fancy B.support C.reason D.disagreement

11.A.finished B.enjoyed C.continued D.suggested

12.A.determined B.annoyed C.delighted D.depressed

13.A.alarming B.ringing C.breaking D.exploding

14.A.observe B.make C.strengthen D.follow

15.A.exchange B.connection C.explanation D.arrangement

16.A.warned B.refused C.advised D.reminded

17.A.joined B.expected C.frightened D.teased

18.A.celebration B.search C.possession D.defense

19.A.carefully B.boringly C.proudly D.patiently

20.A.relief B.accomplishment C.justice D.guilty



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