满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

It was a Saturday, and the sun was scorc...

    It was a Saturday, and the sun was scorching (灼热的). I _______up and down the bus stop anxiously and impatiently, waiting for the bus to go to my English class.

Excuse me, what time is it?” said a voice in my ear. When I looked back over my _______, I was greeted by a ragged (衣衫褴褛的) man who looked like a migrant peasant worker. He was almost the same age as my elder brother, but his hair was _______and his working clothes were_______ and old. A terrible smell made me take two steps back _______ him. Disgusted and puzzled, I gave him a blank _______ and answered his question unwillingly.

Thank you! I'm just afraid of being late for work," he _______in a whisper, giving a nervous giggle (咯咯笑). I remained silent, nodding my head _______

The bus finally reached the stop, and I _______ the bus. I reached into my________,and to my surprise, it was completely empty! I was so embarrassed that I just________, my face________ shame. At that moment, a dark-colored arm reached out and put two coins into the coin box. "The money is for both of us!" a familiar ________ rang in my ear. I raised my head and realized it was him!

My previous behavior ________my mind, making me dizzy. "Thank you," I murmured, regretful and ________.On hearing my words, he smiled, revealing his perfect white teeth. “You are welcome! You helped me, too.”

I was touched, ________the only thing I could do was look steadily at his________.I noticed the calluses (老茧) and ________on them, which told the story of his struggles and hardships as a________. Although his hard work will ruin his ________, it'll never ruin his warm heart and kind soul.

1.A.jumped B.raced C.flew D.walked

2.A.shoulder B.bus C.car D.brain

3.A.messy B.straight C.black D.loose

4.A.fashionable B.unique C.torn D.tidy

5.A.for B.from C.toward D.with

6.A.stare B.agreement C.guide D.understanding

7.A.ordered B.suggested C.complained D.explained

8.A.determinedly B.slightly C.violently D.excitedly

9.A.stopped B.directed C.boarded D.recognized

10.A.bottle B.drawer C.chair D.pocket

11.A.regretted B.froze C.lied D.smiled

12.A.burning with B.taking up C.going for D.running into

13.A.song B.laughter C.voice D.shout

14.A.held up B.wore out C.looked into D.passed through

15.A.appreciative B.generous C.careless D.responsible

16.A.if B.though C.but D.or

17.A.arms B.eyes C.legs D.hands

18.A.power B.strength C.roughness D.thickness

19.A.leader B.worker C.customer D.beggar

20.A.character B.appearance C.trust D.life


1.D 2.A 3.A 4.C 5.B 6.A 7.D 8.B 9.C 10.D 11.B 12.A 13.C 14.D 15.A 16.C 17.D 18.C 19.B 20.B 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。作者等车时看到一个衣衫褴褛的男子,作者对他不屑一顾,但就是这个人上车后为没带钱的作者买了票,作者羞愧又感激。通过这篇文章告诉我们:虽然艰苦的工作会毁了他的外貌,但不会毁坏他温暖和善良的心灵。 1. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我在公共汽车站台上焦虑地不耐烦地走来走去。A. jumped 跳跃;B. raced 比赛;C. flew 飞,飞翔;D. walked散步。根据第1空后的up and down the bus stop anxiously and impatiently可知,作者在来回“走动”。故选D。 2. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我回头通过肩膀看的时候,一位看起来像农民工的衣衫褴褛的男子给我打招呼。A. shoulder 肩膀;B. bus 公共汽车;C. car 小汽车;D. brain头脑。根据 I looked back 可知,作者通过“肩膀”回头看。故选A。 3. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但是他的头发凌乱。A. messy 混乱的;B. straight 笔直的;C. black 黑色的;D. loose松散的。根据上句的a ragged (衣衫褴褛的) man who looked like a migrant peasant worker.可知,他的头发应该是“凌乱的”。故选A。 4. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:工作服又破又旧。A. fashionable 流行的;B. unique 独一无二的;C. torn 难以抉择的,破旧的;D. tidy整齐的。根据第4空后的and old可知,工作服“破旧”。故选C。 5. 考查介词词义辨析。句意:他身上发出的难闻的气味使我从他那儿倒退两步。A. for 为了;B. from 从……;C. toward 朝着;D. with和……一起。根据第5空前的A terrible smell可知,他身上发出难闻的气味。故选B。 6. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:对他感到厌恶和茫然,我茫然地盯着看了他一下,不情愿地回答了他的问题。A. stare 凝视;B. agreement 协议;C. guide 向导;D. understanding理解。根据第6空后的answered his question unwillingly.“不情愿地回答了他的问题”可知,作者“盯着”看了他一下。故选A。 7. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:他低声地解释道,发出一声紧张的咯咯的笑。A. ordered 命令;B. suggested 建议;C. complained 抱怨;D. explained解释。根据第7空前后"Thank you! I'm just afraid of being late for work,"和in a whisper可知,他在低声“解释”。故选D。 8. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:我保持沉默,轻微地点了点头。A. determinedly决然地;B. slightly 轻微地;C. violently 激烈地;D. excitedly兴奋地。根据第8空前的remained silent,“保持沉默”,可知作者“轻轻地”点头。故选B。 9. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我上了公共汽车。A. stopped停止;B. directed指导;C. boarded 登上;D. recognized认出。根据第9空前的The bus finally reached the stop“公共汽车终于到站了”。可知,此处指作者“上了车。”故选C。 10. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我手伸进衣兜。A. bottle 瓶子;B. drawer 抽屉;C. chair 椅子;D. pocket口袋。根据第10空后的to my surprise, it was completely empty!“令我吃惊的是,它是完全空的!”可知,作者把手伸进“口袋”拿钱。故选D。 11. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我如此地尴尬,以至于我呆住不动了。A. regretted 后悔;B. froze 冻结;C. lied 说谎;D. smiled微笑。作者没钱没票,所以“惊呆”。故选B。 12. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:我的脸因为羞愧而炙热。A. burning with因……而燃烧;B. taking up 拿起,从事;C. going for去找;D. running into撞上。根据第12空后的shame“羞愧”,可知,作者羞愧而脸“发热”。故选A。 13. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:一个熟悉的声音在我的耳朵里响起。A. song歌曲;B. laughter笑声;C. voice 嗓音;D. shout喊声。根据第7空后的in a whisper,可知,一个熟悉的“声音”响在耳边。故选C。 14. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:我以前的行为从我的脑海里穿过,令我感到晕眩。A. held up 举起,阻挡;B. wore out 用尽,耗尽;C. looked into 调查;D. passed through通过,经过。根据第14空前的My previous behavior“我以前的行为”,可知作者以前的行为“穿过”脑海。故选D。 15. 考查形容词词义辨析。.句意:我低声说,感到又后悔又感激。A. appreciative 感激的;B. generous 慷慨的;C. careless 粗心的;D. responsible负责的。根据第13空前的"The money is for both of us!" “这钱是给我们俩的!”可知,作者“感激”这个人。故选A。 16. 考查并列连词。句意:我感动了,但是我唯一能做的事情就是盯着他的手。A. if 如果;B. though 尽管;C. but 但是;D. or或者。前后是一种转折关系,故选C, 17. 考查名词词义辨析。句意: 我感动了,但是我唯一能做的事情就是盯着他的手。A. arms 胳膊;B. eyes 眼睛;C. legs 腿;D. hands手。根据第18空前的I noticed the calluses (老茧)“我注意到手上的老茧”,可知,作者盯着他的“手”。故选D。 18. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我注意到他手上的老茧和粗糙。A. power权力;B. strength 力气;C. roughness 粗糙;D. thickness厚度。手上有老茧,所以手很“粗糙”。故选C。 19. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:那告诉我作为一名劳动者他的奋斗和艰辛的经历。A. leader 领导者;B. worker 工人;C. customer 顾客;D. beggar乞丐。根据上文提到的“老茧和粗糙”的手,说明这是一个“劳动者”。故选B。 20. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:虽然他艰苦的工作会毁了他的外貌,那不会毁坏他温暖和善良的心灵。A. character 性格;B. appearance 外貌,外观;C. trust信任;D. life生活。此处指艰苦的工作毁了他的“外貌”。故选B。

    A study plan is an effective way to help you get through your college education in an organized way. Each student will develop a different study plan. 1. When creating your personalized (个性化的) study plan, you will need to do some self-evaluation of your current schedule and time management. Follow the step-by-step instructions below will help you.

Create a time chart of your current activities.

Creating a time chart will allow you to see how you spend your time from day to day. For a one-week period, take notes about your daily activities. Record things like when you are at work, school, or home with family. 2.

Develop a schedule.

Now that you have determined available days and times for studying, make a mark in your calendar. Use detailed notes to block out (概略画出) times on your calendar so that you are reminded every time you look at it. 3. Seeing it written down can make it seem more important, like a doctor's appointment you can't miss.

Determine your study goals.

At the beginning of each week, determine why you need to study and what you plan to accomplish in each class. Do you want to raise your average in a particular class in order to maintain a certain GPA (平均分)? 4. For example, if you are studying for an important mid-term exam, change your study plan two weeks before the test to include reviews of old tests and notes in your sessions (课程).


A study plan works best if it is followed on a consistent (一致的) basis. You should try to develop a study plan that you can follow for the length of each term of college. Since most students enroll in different classes each term, you will have to reevaluate your plan and fine- tune it each term.

A.Stick to your schedule.

B.Even note when you eat and sleep.

C.Are you preparing for a big exam?

D.There is no correct study plan for everyone.

E.It is best to have a schedule written down so you won't forget.

F.So be sure to analyze what you plan to get out of each study session.

G.However, it is helpful to write down which subject you plan to study.



    CHANGSHA-Drones (无人机) for agriculture have proved popular with farmers in China. "Drones are over 10 times more efficient (有效率的) than skilled manpower (人力) and they are cost-effective and environmentally friendly," said Li Liping, a major grain grower in the county-level city of Xiangxiang in Central China's Hunan province.

The 51-year-old farmer, who learned to fly the machine three years ago, said he no longer needed to walk through the mud and water in the fields to spray and fertilize since drones have replaced manual work. "It was so exciting to see the drone taking off," said Li as he recalled the first time he used the machine in the summer of 2018.

As the COVID-19 epidemic (流行病) wanes across China, farmers are encouraged by local governments to expand their planting areas and increase their production input (投入). The city of Xiangxiang, for example, is ready to see a rich summer harvest of early rice. Li has grown some 20 more hectares of early rice this year and expects to see a major rise in grain output with drones being a great help.

Xiao Jianliang, an owner of another major farmland in Xiangxiang, has also benefited greatly from the use of drones in agriculture. Xiao said he acquired his drone license in late 2017 after a 15-day intensive training program, and the skill of flying drones has brought him additional income as the machine improves the efficiency of sowing and crop-dusting (喷杀农药). Farmers like Li and Xiao are among a growing number of Chinese farmers who are introducing smarter and innovative ideas to increase their agricultural production.

They are skilled drone pilots, capable of designing the most efficient flight routes and heights, analyzing the flight path to fill the gap and calculating the precise amount of fertilizer and pesticide for the land.

“A revolution in agricultural production is taking place because of mechanization and intelligent intensive farming, especially in pioneering areas like Xiangxiang," said Li Xiangping, an agricultural expert in Hunan with over two decades of experience in farm management.

As the demand for the machine is predicted to rise in the coming years, farmers including Li and Xiao also expect more intelligent and economical drones equipped with longer battery life.

1.Why did Xiao Jianliang receive the training program?

A.To know the functions of flying drones.

B.To increase the agricultural production.

C.To get the skill of flying drones and a drone license.

D.To reduce the efficiency of sowing and crop-dusting.

2.What does the underlined word "wane” in Para.3 mean?

A.Turn greater in size, number or importance.

B.Having finished and not going to continue.

C.Come near to somebody/something in distance or time.

D.Become gradually weaker, often so that it finally disappears.

3.What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A.The demand for the drone is uncertain.

B.The drone has some room for improvement.

C.It costs much to use the drone in agriculture.

D.Li and Xiao are rather satisfied with the drone.

4.What can be the best title for the news report?

A.Drones have replaced manual work

B.Drones give helping hand to farmers

C.Drones are more efficient than skilled manpower

D.Drones are cost-effective and environmentally friendly



    Space is the final frontier (前沿). Sending rockets into space has become almost common. The demand for communications satellites and space-based image services is growing.

Today, space efforts cost about $200 billion a year. Joint efforts between governments and businesses are helping to lower costs and increase our understanding of the universe.

The business of space looks good for Orbital ATK, a company based in the United States. In January, the company launched its Antares rocket. The rocket was carrying the first of eight planned supply shipments to the International Space Station. Orbital ATK is one of the two American companies paid by NASA to transport supplies to the space station.

A company called Arianespace is a private European space business. Clayton Nowry heads the American division of the company. He says the increase in rocket launches is partly the result of increased demand for space-based technologies. These include high-definition (高清的) broadcasts and satellite broadband services.

While there is more demand for satellites, the end of NASA's Space Shuttle program in 2011 has hurt the space industry. Janice Starzyk works at International Launch Services. She works on education issues at the Washington Space Business Roundtable. She said, "It's a pity that the program's shutdown was a huge, huge set of lay-offs (下岗人员) in the industry."

But even as NASA reduces its spending, other countries have announced plans to explore space. In December 2013, China became just the third country to land an unmanned space vehicle on the moon. A month later, India sent its first communications satellite.

1.What makes sending rockets into space become very usual?

A.More and more people wanting to explore space.

B.Space becoming human's final home and dream.

C.Companies making every effort to earn $ 200 billion a year.

D.Increasing need for communications satellites and space-based image services.

2.Why are governments and businesses working together?

A.To earn more money from space projects.

B.To send more rockets into space and use them.

C.To produce more communications satellites for the public.

D.To keep costs down and help us learn more about the universe.

3.What do we know about Orbital ATK?

A.It's a private European space business.

B.It sent its Antares rocket in January.

C.It's a company based in the United Kingdom.

D.It's the only American company paid by NASA.

4.How may Janice Starzyk feel about the program's shutdown?

A.Hopeful. B.Content.

C.Regretful. D.Uninterested.



    At 12 years old, Braeden Mannering is already well on his way to running an empire! A 2016 win of Delaware's Healthy Lunchtime Challenge brought Braeden to the White House, where the president asked the children at the event to think about how they could pay the experience forward.

A few days later, on the drive back home, Braeden saw a homeless man in the rain. He had his parents stop so that he cold give the man a bag of snacks. Braeden knew at that moment that this was how he wanted to pay it forward. He knew what he wanted to do in the future. He felt that it was his duty to help people in trouble.

Since that day in July,2016,Braeden has handed out over 8,000 bags to the homeless through his organization Brae's Brown Bags, also known as 3B.These bags vary (各不相同) in contents, and include food, toiletries (化妆品) and even books for the kids 'bags.

In addition to packing and distributing (分发) bags, Braeden travels the country, giving talks in schools to inspire other young people to help their communities. On his travel, he's raised$60,000 to expand his program. He also is a leader at the annual Delaware Hunger Conference, where he encourages kids to write to lawmakers and help pack bags, showing them how to make a difference.

This is a huge accomplishment, especially for someone of his age. But, as he says, “Anyone can change the world, as long as you dream big."

1.What does the underlined word "it" in Para.2 refer to?

A.The bag. B.The experience.

C.The event. D.The moment.

2.What does the boy's organization try to do?

A.Provide children with clothes.

B.Help homeless women with make-up.

C.Hand out bags for people to do shopping.

D.Donate things in bags to people losing their homes.

3.Which of the following is NOT the reason why Braeden travels the country?

A.To raise some money.

B.To give talks in schools.

C.To pay a visit to some lawmakers.

D.To inspire young people to help their communities.

4.How does the author like the boy's career?

A.It is great considering his young age.

B.It is not a little boy's task to do so.

C.The government should give him more help.

D.He sets a good example for other children.



    Although being the second-smallest independent state, only 0.7 square mile in the world, Monaco benefits from an excellent climate and beautiful settings between the Mediterranean Sea and France. Monte Carlo is its only city and capital.


Every May Monaco has car racing events, such as the Monaco Grand Prix. In the main harbour, expensive yachts and boats make Monaco a good destination for the rich and famous. Monaco's pleasant climate and environment as well as the absence of taxes contribute to this situation. Tourism contributes about 25% of the government income. Museums, zoos and gardens are tourist attractions, so are the beaches, the royal palace and the opera house.


Monaco was built by the Phoenicians who occupied the area from the 10th to the 5th century B.C. The House of Grimaldi has ruled Monaco since 1297 and the first Prince Rainier got the throne (王位) in 1304.Later Monaco was under the protection of Rome, France, Spain, and Sardinia. In 1612 when Honore ll was granted the title of prince by the French crown, he signed a treaty of friendship with France, and the country has remained independent from that time on.

People and Religion

Half of the residents of Monaco are the French with many Americans, Italians, the British and Belgians making up the other half. Although the official religion of Monaco is Roman Catholic, there is religious freedom in this French-speaking country.


Prince Rainier Ill rules the country with a minister of state who is French. A National Council with 18 members must approve laws. Its legend was further spread by the marriage of Prince Rainier II to the American actress Grace Kelly in 1956.

1.Which of the following is true about Monaco according to the text?

A.It is on the Mediterranean Sea.

B.It has two cities including its capital.

C.It is the smallest country in the world.

D.Its economy mainly depends on agriculture.

2.Monaco has kept independent till now under the protection of

A.France B.Spain

C.Sardinia D.Rome

3.What can we learn from the text?

A.The residents of Monaco are mainly Americans.

B.Prince Rainier II married an American actress.

C.Half of the residents in Monaco speak English.

D.The minister of Monaco was appointed by the prince.



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