满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The actress readily ________ the fact th...

The actress readily ________ the fact that her unbalanced diet was a major influence on her expanding figure.

A.recommended B.evaluated

C.acknowledged D.opposed


C 【解析】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:这个女演员欣然承认了这个事实,那就是她不均衡的饮食是影响她发胖身材的主要原因。A. recommended推荐;B. evaluated评价;C. acknowledged承认;D. opposed反对。根据句意以及readily可知,此处用“承认事实”符合语境,故选C项。  

—It was the drug, not the disease, that killed the boy.

—He would be still alive today if he ___________it.

A.doesn't take B.shouldn't have taken

C.didn't take D.hadn't taken



Now that you are in charge of the department, you are ___________ to carry out the plan.

A.voluntary B.bound C.anxious D.ambitious




Is youth lingo ruining the Chinese language?

Young people often create their own language that goes beyond rigid linguistic rules. This year’s latest slang (俚语) terms add a further simplification: the use of pinyin acronyms (首字母缩略词). “Awsl,” in pinyin, for instance,means “Ah, wo si le” (Oh, I’m gonna die), and is used if something is too cute or adorable to bear. “Pyq” stands for pengyou quan”, the social feed on the popular Chinese social media app WeChat, and “nsdd” stands for “ni shuo de dui” (you’re right).

Teens want to be different from their parents, so it’s natural for them to create and use their own linguistic terms to show that. In doing so, young people are indeed driving linguistic change. They aren’t the only factor influencing language development, but they can indeed transform how future generations communicate.

Critics fear that Chinese internet slang will have the potential to negatively influence broader linguistic trends of Mandarin Chinese, in particular, the gradual taking over of pinyin. As pinyin gets widely used when texting or writing on mobile phone or computer, while less and less people write characters by hand, people gradually forget how to write them. The phenomenon has got a name in China: Character amnesia(健忘症).


1. 用约30个单词概述上文年轻人使用网络语言的现象;

2. 用约120个单词发表你的观点,内容包括:谈谈你的看法,用23个理由或论据支撑你的看法。


1. 写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句;

2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;

3. 不必写标题。





Generally speaking, perfectionism is a good thing, if it makes you do better work and try harder to complete tasks well. However, perfectionism can become a bad thing when it stops you feeling satisfied with yourself or what you’ve accomplished. Every artist knows how important it is to stop adding touches to their paintings and how constantly adding elements can end up ruining the work. If you constantly demand only the very best from yourself, this can damage your self-respect as you find nothing you do will live up to your expectations. And if you extend this harsh (无情的) judgment to your friends and family and only focus on the negatives around them, you will find that they begin to dislike and avoid you.

So how do you get rid of these kinds of negative perfectionism? The following suggestions might help you a lot.

First of all, you’d better think twice about your standards. Look at what other people do. How long does it take them to carry out a project? Are their lower standards getting them fired? Do they still accomplish good work? Are your exacting (苛求的) standards worth the cost in terms of time and energy? I am sure that you can learn a lot from your answers.

Secondly, don’t always compare yourself with others. Perfectionists tend to have high standards. For example, an artist who thinks his work is never done might be comparing his paintings to those of Vincent van Gogh, Leonardo da Vinci or other great artists. Remember that only a few people can become great masters and that most of us are just common people.

Last but not least, try to look at the situation objectively. If you are constantly adjusting things and never feel satisfied, then the chances are that you are too close to the situation and that you can’t judge it rightly any more. You’d better ask those around you what they think and whether they think your work is good enough. Besides, give your project some breathing space by leaving it alone for some time, so you can come back to it with “fresh eyes”.

Nobody, nor any idea, is perfect. If you have a perfectionist streak in you, try and let it go, and embrace the process of getting your idea out into the world, rather than focusing on the end result.

Perfectionism is holding you back

1. perfectionism can cause

It can make one 2. with himself or his achievements.

It can get one’s self-respect damaged.

It can make one lose3. among his friends and family members.

Ways of 4. perfectionism

5. your standards

You need to find out what other people’s standards are.

Avoid making unwise 6.

It is not sensible for you to 7. yourself to become a great master.

Get a(n) 8. view

Ask others for their 9. about your work.

Step back for a while and then return to your work with “fresh eyes”


Perfection doesn’t actually 10.. Striving to do your best is good enough and will eventually lead you down a brilliant path.







    If, for some reason, you had 2,010 empty plastic bottles, what would you do? You’d probably sell them cheaply, right? But Xia Yu collected 2,010 bottles and built a boat with them. As you read this, Xia is, in fact, on a river somewhere in Anhui, slowly going towards his destination: the Expo Garden in Shanghai. 2,010 plastic bottles were to celebrate Expo (世博会) 2010 Shanghai. On the opening day of the Expo, Xia, together with five friends, went on a 1, 500km journey from Xiangtan to the Expo Garden, in spite of the doubt whether they’ll make it. After all, the boat they are on can hardly be called a boat. It cost only 2,000 yuan to build in a month.

What’s keeping Xia going is a major cause behind the trip. “We are examining water pollution through our journey and trying to promote a low-carbon (低碳) lifestyle. Before we started, no one believed we could sail the boat to the Dongting Lake. But we made it.” But as they expected, the journey has not always been smooth. Of the six from Xiangtan, four gave up. As of the press time (到发稿时), only Xia and his friend Huang Ying were on the boat. Huang suffered from a disease when they reached Jiujiang, Jiangxi province, Xia said, “There are so many things that can stop us from making it to Shanghai, like the weather, health, and sometimes swift river water”.

The boat was produced in a factory according to our design, and perhaps it’s not in a very good condition. But, Xia said, “we are wearing life jackets. Some boats passing by offered help”. What is more of a reward for Xia and Huang is that the Yangtze River turned out much cleaner than they had expected. Although Xia and Huang are uncertain about the journey ahead, they are quite happy with what they have already achieved. After all, it’s not the destination that counts. It’s always the course that matters the most.

1.Xia Yu doubts the success of the journey because of    .

A.such a long journey on the river

B.the poor boat and the bad weather

C.few people taking part in the journey

D.the seriously polluted river in some parts

2.Which of the following is NOT the purpose of the journey?

A.To examine water pollution.

B.To celebrate Expo 2010 Shanghai.

C.To win a race on the water.

D.To promote a low-carbon lifestyle.

3.From the text we know that   .

A.they stay on the boat at night

B.three people gave up due to their bad health

C.Xia Yu and his mate have arrived in Shanghai

D.Huang suffered from a disease on the journey



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