满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

If there is one thing I’m sure about, it...

    If there is one thing I’m sure about, it is that in a hundred years from now we will still be reading newspapers. It is not that newspapers are a necessity. Even now some people get most of their news from television or radio. Many buy a paper only on Saturday or Sunday. But for most people reading a newspaper has become a habit passed down from generation to generation.

The nature of what is news may change. What basically makes news is what affects our lives—the big political stories, the coverage of the wars, earthquakes and other disasters, will continue much the same. I think there will be more coverage of scientific research, though. It’s already happening in areas that may directly affect our lives, like genetic (基因的) engineering. In the future, I think there will be more coverage of scientific explanations of why we feel as we do—as we develop a better understanding of how the brain operates and what our feelings really are.

It’s quite possible that in the next century newspapers will be transmitted electronically from Fleet Street and printed out in our own home. In fact, I’m pretty sure that it will happen in the future. You will probably be able to choose from a menu, making up your own newspaper by picking out the things you want to read  — sports and international news, etc.

I think people have got it wrong when they talk about competition between the different media. They actually feed off each other. Some people once foresaw that television would kill off newspapers, but that hasn’t happened. What is read on the printed page lasts longer than pictures on a screen or sound lost in the air. And as for the Internet, it’s never really pleasant to read something just on a screen.

1.In the writer’s opinion, in the future, ___________.

A.more and more people will watch TV

B.newspapers will cover more scientific research

C.more big political affairs, wars and disasters will make news

D.newspapers will not be printed in publishing houses any longer

2.From the passage, we can infer that _____________.

A.the writer believes some media will die out

B.television will take the place of the newspaper

C.newspapers will stay with us together with other media

D.newspapers will win the competition among the different media

3.The underline phrase “feed off” in the last paragraph means “ ___________”.

A.depend on B.compete with

C.fight with D.kill off

4.What is the best title for this passage?

A.The Best Way to Get News B.Make Your Own Newspaper

C.The Changes of Media D.The Future of Newspaper


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.D 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文。文章作者认为报纸未来不会消失,它会以新的形式和其他媒体共存。 1. 细节理解题。由第二段“ What basically makes news is what affects our lives—the big political stories, the coverage of the wars, earthquakes and other disasters, will continue much the same. I think there will be more coverage of scientific research, though.”可知,作者认为,新闻通常是那些影响我们生活的事情比如说重大的政治事件、战争、地震以及其他的一些灾难。关于这些事情的新闻基本是不会有什么变化的。但是将来新闻会更多地覆盖科学研究领域。B项意为“新闻会更多地覆盖科学研究领域”符合文意。故选B项。 2. 推理判断题。由第三段“It’s quite possible that in the next century newspapers will be transmitted electronically from Fleet Street and printed out in our own home. In fact, I’m pretty sure that it will happen in the future. ”可知,作者认为,很可能下个世纪报纸会以电子形式从舰队街直接传输到我们自己的家里。作者很确信未来报纸一定是这样的。由此可以推断,报纸在未来会和其他媒体形式并存。C项符合文意。故选C项。 3. 词义猜测题。由最后一段“They actually feed off each other. Some people once foresaw that television would kill off newspapers, but that hasn’t happened. What is read on the printed page lasts longer than pictures on a screen or sound lost in the air. And as for the Internet, it’s never really pleasant to read something just on a screen.”可知,有些人预测将来电视会取代报纸,但是目前为止,报纸还继续存在。而且纸上的信息与电视图片以及广播声音相比,更能长久保存。至于网络,对着屏幕阅读不是那么一件愉悦的事情。上一段作者也提到报纸会依托网络以一种新的方式存在。由此可以推断,作者认为各种媒介谁也不会消灭谁,它们不仅仅是竞争关系,它们之间更多的是一种依赖互存关系。“feed off”意思是依赖,依靠。故选A项。 4. 主旨大意题。纵观全文,作者首段提到报纸是作为一种传承一代一代传下来的。第二段作者提出未来报纸会更多地覆盖科学研究领域。第三段作者想象未来报纸依托网络存在的情形。最后一段作者谈论了各种媒体之间的关系,认为它们不仅仅是竞争关系,更多的是一种依赖互存关系。所以整篇文章作者在谈论报纸未来不会消失,以及报纸未来存在的方式。D项“报纸的未来”符合文意。故选D项。

    Researchers from Arizona State University (ASU) published their latest report. When men expressed their opinions with anger, people considered them more believable. But when women expressed anger, they were viewed as more emotional and, thus, less convincing. In other words, a man could benefit from using anger in power and persuasion. A woman, however, could be ignored or hurt by her group if she expressed anger.

The study was based on the responses of 210 students. They were shown evidence online from a murder (谋杀) trial. A man was said to have murdered his wife. The students were asked to decide if the man was guilty or not. Before making their decisions, the students discussed the case online with five jurors (陪审员). But these jurors were computers generating responses and comments. Some of the jurors had made identities. Others had female identities.

Some male jurors were anger about the verdict (裁决). When this happened, the students reacted by doubting their own decisions about the case. Confidence in their responses on the verdict dropped. However, when female jurors seemed angry, the students became more confident in their original verdicts.

Jessica Salerno, a psychologist and co-author of the study, said, “Our results provide something important for any woman who is trying to have an influence on a decision in her workplace and everyday life.”

In a political debate, a female candidate might have less influence if she shows anger. In the entertainment world, actor Jennifer Lawrence recently wrote that women and men in Hollywood get the opposite reactions when expressing their opinions angrily. “All I hear and see are men speaking their opinions,” she wrote. “When I give mine in the quite similar manner, you would have thought I said something annoying.”

1.What’s the new finding from the ASU report?

A.Men usually do harm to angry women. B.Women are more likely to become angry.

C.People prefer to believe the angry women. D.Angry men appear to gain influence in a group.

2.In the study, the students would be sure about their decisions when_________.

A.male jurors agreed with them B.they became angry with the jurors

C.angry female jurors didn’t agree with them D.angry male jurors showed opposite opinions

3.Jessica Salerno thinks the study ____________.

A.helps women avoid losing influence B.asks men to get away from angry women

C.causes men to change their attitude to women D.shows men and women should be treated equally

4.The author supports Jessica Salerno by _____________.

A.presenting research findings B.setting down general rules

C.making comparisons D.giving examples



    If this isn’t true love then we don’t know what it is. High school sweethearts Leonard and Hazel Cherry passed away last Thursday just hours apart, a sweet ending to their 74-year together.

The couple were married in 1942 in Muldoon, Texas. Following their wedding ceremony at the start of World War II, Leonard enlisted in the Army Air Corps and became a B-24 bomber pilot. Luckily for the couple, he was never far from home as he was stationed at Carswell Army Air Corps Base in Fort Worth training others how to fly. Meanwhile, Hazel was a stay-at-home mom taking care of their only son, David. Once the war was over, Leonard worked as an auto body repairman in Fort Worth before opening an auto repair business in 1949, which the couple ran together for 31 years. The couple finally moved to Woodstock, Texas in 1980 to be close to their son and grandchildren.

In their final days, Leonard who was 95, was placed at the St. Catherine Center, a hospice (临终安养院) in Waco, Texas, while 93-year-old Hazel, who was in good health, had just moved into the village at Providence Park, a facility right next door to her husband’s.

Then on October 27, Leonard passed away just before 1 p.m. and his wife died just 10 hours later at 11 p.m.

“Every time I began to think about it, I began to smile because of how much they loved each other. In my mind my grandfather was waiting for her in heaven with open arms,” Craig Cherry told KWTX. “Even in his ninety-fifth year, he still, when he talked about her, had a sparkle (闪烁 的光) in his eye. A memorial service for them is scheduled for this Friday and I’m sure there won’t be a dry eye in the house.”

1.What is the correct order for the events in the story about Leonard?

Leonard got married.

Leonard became a bomber pilot.

Leonard moved to Woodstock, Texas.

Leonard opened an auto repair business.

Leonard worked as an auto body repairman in Fort Worth.

A.①②⑤④③ B.①⑤③④②

C.②①③⑤④ D.②①⑤④③

2.Why did Hazel move into the village at Providence Park?

A.Because she wanted to live independently.

B.Because she wanted to receive medical care.

C.Because she wanted to accompany her husband.

D.Because she wanted to be close to her son and grandchildren.

3.According to Craig Cherry,____________.

A.he felt happy because they lived long

B.Hazel died because of her deep love for Leonard

C.everyone would feel extremely sorrowful for the loss

D.the couple had affection for each other only at their advanced age

4.What’s the best title for this passage?

A.The Loving Couple B.The Long-lived Couple

C.A Sudden Death of Hazel D.Die Hours Apart for Love




Harvard Student Organization Center at Hills (SOCH)

Digital Media Academy (DMA) summer camps at Harvard SOCH focus on a great chance for students aged 6 to 17 to spend time at one of the best universities in the country. Kids and teens can learn to build an app, program a robot, or explore the world of music production in beautiful classrooms surrounded by the Harvard University grounds. Especially, we stress our STEM courses that will also help students learn teamwork, create and solve problems.

No matter what the program is, students will learn from our highly respected DMA instructors who have been employed for both their teaching experience and rich knowledge in their field. Besides making new friends, they will leave with an amazing final project and lasting memories.

Daily Schedule

8:00 a.m.


12:00 p.m.

Lunch Break

9:00 a.m.

Hands-on STEM Instruction

1:00 p.m.

Back to the Classroom

10:30 a.m.

Morning Break

2:30 p.m.

Afternoon Break

11:00 a.m.

Continued Instruction + Creation  3:00 p.m.

Continued Classroom Time


5:00 p.m.



Lunch Plan

Get lunch on campus so you don’t have to pack your own. Lunch Plans start at $85/week.

Friday Open House

Every Friday at 3:00 p.m., parents are invited to our Open House. We open up our classrooms so students can show off the projects they have been working on all week. Parents can meet their children’s instructor and explore more chances for them to continue learning and creating. Open House is typically finished by 4:00 p.m.


1.DMA summer camps focus on students’__________________________.

A.university life experiences B.physical and mental health

C.STEM knowledge development D.exploration of Harvard’s history

2.Which word can best describe DMA instructors?

A.Creative. B.Experienced.

C.Hard-working. D.Warm-hearted.

3.What do we know about Friday Open House?

A.It is open to students’ parents. B.It offers students free lunch.

C.It is open for three hours every Friday. D.It asks parents to pick up students at 5:00 p.m.



    A friend of mine met with an accident driving in darkness. His legs were so hurt that he couldn’t move. What was the_______ was that he found himself unable to ask for help  — his mobile phone went out of _______ as a result of exhausted battery. Nothing could be done but to _______ in cold wilderness. It was eight hours later that day broke, and then the arrival of the rescue (营救).

It is almost _______ that he could stand the horror in the darkness for so long. Even more surprising was his _______ , “First of all I checked up my physical conditions and found myself not in mortal danger. As there was no _______ to call for help, I leaned back in my seat trying my best to keep the wound from bleeding. In this way I dozed off.”

His story put an end to my regret for the _______ of an exploration adventure that happened last year. A group of young men _______  to explore a mountain cave and got lost. _______ to find a way out in the dark cave they were frightened and ran anxiously without a sense of ________ . Finally they all fell dead in fear and exhaustion. According to the rescue workers who found them, the place ________ they got lost was only about 10 meters away from the opening of the cave. If they stayed on the spot when they lost their way and tried to ________ themselves, they would probably sense a faint light glimmering not far away.

Don’t you think that you can compare it with ________ itself? When you meet with obstacles (障碍) in life and work, you are lost in darkness. Mind you it’s unclear yet and you needn’t put up a struggle ________ . It seems to be a negative (消极的) attitude, ________ a person who can afford to do so must have foresight as well as a great courage in the first place.

1.A.best B.more C.worst D.hopeless

2.A.way B.work C.service D.control

3.A.lie B.cry C.wait D.sleep

4.A.untrue B.useless C.possible D.unimaginable

5.A.explanation B.decision C.excuse D.plan

6.A.way B.tool C.method D.strength

7.A.loss B.failure C.sadness D.disappointment

8.A.had B.tried C.planned D.managed

9.A.Determined B.Deciding C.Willing D.Unable

10.A.sight B.hearing C.feeling D.direction

11.A.where B.what C.who D.how

12.A.help B.stop C.calm D.save

13.A.life B.work C.mankind D.adventure

14.A.really B.carefully C.hopefully D.immediately

15.A.so B.but C.and D.while



— Betty was feeling pretty blue for a while, but she’s better now.

— _________.

A.Congratulations B.It’s my pleasure

C.Oh, that’s kind of you D.Oh, I’m glad to hear that



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