满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

When you think of the Himalayas, you may...

    When you think of the Himalayas, you may picture tall, rocky, snow-covered peaks. But that’s not true.

The subnival (亚冰雪的) region is the zone between the treeline and the snowline. It is 5 to 15 times as large as the areas of glaciers (冰川) and permanent snow, which means studying it is vital to understanding the Himalayas as a whole.

The treeline is the edge of an ecosystem where trees are able to grow, and beyond the treeline environmental conditions become too tough to allow tree growth. Meanwhile, snowlines are the boundaries on mountains that separate areas with permanent snow (where snow is present for the majority of the year) from areas with seasonal or no snow.

Researchers used satellite data from 1993 to 2018 to measure plant cover between 4,150 meters and 6,000 meters above sea level. The scientists discovered that the greatest increase in plant cover was between an altitude of 5,000 meters and 5,500 meters. Subnival plants mostly include small shrubs and grasses.

Even areas once completely occupied by glaciers now hold rocks covered with mosses (苔藓), lichen (地衣), and sometimes even flowers. In addition, the snowline seems to be retreating, while the treeline is expanding. This shows that the region is becoming warmer, causing more melting of snow and allowing vegetation to move up in height.

In the past 40 years, 25%of all Himalayan ice has been lost due to global warming. Himalayan glaciers are reducing by about 0.5 meters each year. The rate of glacier melting has doubled in this decade. The melting of glaciers increases water in the region, making it wetter. Receding snow also forces the snowline to move up, providing a greater amount of area for the warm and moist conditions, which are perfect for vegetation growth.

As of now, we do not know whether vegetation will accelerate or slow down the rate of glacier melting.

1.How does the writer develop the third paragraph?

A.By making explanations.

B.By giving some examples.

C.By analyzing cause and effect.

D.By listing specific data.

2.What does the underlined word “retreating” mean in Paragraph 5?





3.What is the direct effect of global warming on the Himalayas?

A.The snowline moves up.

B.Glaciers are melting faster.

C.The subnival area is wetter.

D.Plants grow much better.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.The Climate of Himalayas Is Changing.

B.Icebergs in the Himalayas Disappear.

C.Plants Are Diverse in the Himalayas.

D.Plant Life Spreads in the Himalayas.


1.A 2.C 3.B 4.D 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了研究人员们发现随着全球气候变化,喜马拉雅山区的植被都在增加等情况。 1.推理判断题。根据第三段The treeline is the edge of an ecosystem where trees are able to grow, and beyond the treeline environmental conditions become too tough to allow tree growth. Meanwhile, snowlines are the boundaries on mountains that separate areas with permanent snow (where snow is present for the majority of the year) from areas with seasonal or no snow.(树木生长线是树木能够生长的生态系统的边缘,在树木生长线之外的环境条件过于艰难,无法让树木生长。同时,雪线是山上的边界,将长期降雪的地区(全年大部分时间有降雪)与季节性或无降雪地区分开)可知,本段介绍了林木线以及雪线,并分别进行了解释,因此是通过做解释展开第三段内容的。故选A。 2.词义猜测题。结合第五段划线词后面的while the treeline is expanding(树木生长线正在扩大)可知,这里的while表示对比,因此说明前面的snowline正在后退。withdrawing意为“撤离”。故选C。 3.细节理解题。根据第六段中的In the past 40 years,25% of all Himalayan ice has been lost due to global warming.(在过去的40年里,由于全球变暖,喜马拉雅的百分之二十五的冰都融化了)和The rate of glacier melting has doubled in this decade.(在这十年里,冰山融化速率翻了一倍)可知,气候变暖直接导致冰川融化加快。故选B。 4.主旨大意题。通过阅读可知,研究发现由于全球变暖,喜马拉雅冰川融化,植物在适宜的环境下开始不停地生长。因此D选项Plant Life Spreads in the Himalayas.(植物的生命在喜马拉雅山蔓延)最适合作本文标题。故选D。

    In 2003, Mary Marggraff was a 47-year-old California mother, devoted to school committees and car pool (拼车) schedules. But after losing her trusty notebook and buying a new one, she had an inspiration. ''It was blank, '' says Marggraff, now 64. ''What else could I fill it with?'' Soon she was thinking about her childhood love of flying, and next thing she knew, she determined to register in flight school. ''In my first class, all the students were single men half my age. I felt like a housemother attending a fraternity (兄弟会), but I loved it too much to walk away. '' she says.

Marggraff earned her first pilot's license in 2005. Six years and four additional licenses later, her addiction to being in the air changed into something grander: a desire to go to space. To move closer to her starry dreams, Marggraff got a part-time job as a mission support representative at Virgin Galactic, Richard Branson's commercial space line. In that role, she attended space-related gatherings where she educated people about the future of universe voyages. Though space tourism isn't quite a reality yet, Marggraff has already begun space training in expectation of being on one of Virgin's early flights. ''I've completed acceleration force exercises, '' she says, ''which require getting inside a machine, spinning around at 2,500 miles per hour, and trying not to black out. ''

Marggraff's training has meant more than getting her wings—it's expanded her sense of what the future may hold. ''It turns out I’m capable of much more than I imagined, '' she says. ''I used to think it'd be a miracle if I got my first license. Now I've completed nearly 1,000 hours of flight! I'm rotten in the kitchen and I burn anything I iron, but if you need someone to land a plane, call me. ''

1.Why did Marggraff register in flight school?

A.To break away from car pool schedules.

B.To fill her new blank notebook.

C.To prove women are equal to men in flying.

D.To pursue her childhood dream of flying.

2.What did Marggraff do after earning 5 licenses?

A.She got into space on one of Virgin's early flights.

B.She instructed people in how to make universe voyages.

C.She received space training in preparation for space tourism.

D.She tried in vain to overcome faintness from high speed.

3.What does Marggraff benefit from her space training besides getting a license?

A.It proves her a miracle. B.It increases her self-confidence.

C.It wins her a qualification. D.It improves her imagination.

4.Which of the following words can best describe Marggraff?

A.Aggressive and hopeful. B.Creative and fragile.

C.Energetic and sensitive. D.Considerate and persistent.



    The Ig Nobel Prize, a spoof (滑稽模仿) of the actual Nobel Prize, exists to award the 10 strangest research projects of the year that bring you fun and make you think. The following are three of them in 2019.

Medicine Prize: pizza

It’s one of the world’s most popular foods. According to the Ig Nobel Medicine Prize winner, eating more pizzas can lower the risk of cancer and heart disease—if your pizza is loaded with fruits and veggies. These provide flavonoids (类黄酮) to fight against certain diseases. So, if you’re a pizza enthusiast, you now have one more reason to love it!

Economics Prize: Dirty Money

Paper money the most frequently passed items on the planet, is known to pick up all kinds of bacteria. Which country’s currency is the dirtiest? An international team compared seven countries’ paper money. The Romanian Leu was the only one to carry all three types of bacteria tested and the US dollar was also a finalist. Perhaps this will make cashless payments more popular.

Biology Prize: Cockroach

Cockroaches (蟑螂) are well known for their survival abilities, but few folks know they can sense magnetic fields. More surprisingly, an international team found that dead cockroaches have more magnetic properties (磁性) than live ones. That’s because magnetic properties decrease when the temperature gets higher. So if you can stand cockroaches, they may be good magnetic sensors.

1.What do the three prizes have in common?

A.They are beneficial to our health.

B.They are entertaining and unusual.

C.They’ve gained the recognition of the Nobel Prize.

D.They are stranger than any other project in previous years.

2.What can we learn from the passage?

A.People with heart disease should eat more pizzas.

B.US Dollar is relatively dirtier than Romanian Leu.

C.Dirty paper money leads to cashless payments.

D.Dead cockroaches are better magnetic sensors than live ones.

3.Which Prize are you possible to win if your major is organizing money?

A.Medicine Prize. B.Economics Prize C.Biology Prize. D.Literature Prize.




"Wanted: A violin. Can’t pay much. Call…"

Why did I notice that? I wondered, since I rarely looked at advertisements. I laid the paper on my lap, remembering what had happened many years before. When my family struggled to make a living on our farm. I, too hard wanted a violin, but we didn’t have the money.

It was not a good year. At harvest time the crops did not bring as much as we had hoped. Yet, even though times were hard, I couldn’t wait any longer to ask, "Daddy, may I have a violin of my own?" Daddy’s face looked sad.

One evening, we all sat around the table. Daddy wrote a letter to his friend Mr. Finkle, in Columbus. As he wrote, Daddy read a part of his letter out to Mother. Weeks later, I discovered he’d written lines he didn’t read aloud: "Would you look for a violin for my daughter? I can’t pay much, but she enjoys much, and we’d like her to have her own instrument."

When Daddy received the letter from Columbus a few weeks later, he announced, "We will be driving to Columbus to spend the night with Aunt Alice as soon as I can find someone to care for the farm."

At last the day arrived and we drove to Aunt Alice’s. After we arrived, Daddy made a phone call. He hung up and asked, "Mary, do you want to go with me to visit Mr. Finkle ?" "Sure," I answered.

He drove into a residential area and stopped in the driveway of a fine house. A tall man, older than Daddy, opened the door. "Mary, I’ve been hearing things about you. Your daddy has arranged a big surprise for you." Mr. Finkle led us into the living room. He picked up a case, opened it, lifted out a violin, and started to play. The melody(旋律) surged and flowed like waterfalls.


1.所续写短文的词数应为 150 左右;

2.至少使用 5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;



Paragraph 1:

“I found it in a second-hand shop for seven dollars,” Mr. Finkle said, handing the violin to me.


Paragraph 2:

I forced my thoughts to the present and read again the advertisement.





1. 健康比漂亮更重要;

2. 不要过于注重外貌和别人的看法;

3. 适当锻炼,改变不良饮食习惯;

4. 健康的心态也很重要。

注意:1. 短文必须包括所有内容要点,可适当发挥;

2. 词数:100左右。

3. 参考词汇:state of mind 心态

Dear Xiao Wang

I have received and read your letterin which you mentioned that you wanted to lose weight by dieting.



Li Hua



    Brenda Bongos was a girl with one big ambition- to play the drums in a band. But a(n)________lay in her way. To be good enough to play in a______, Brenda had to practice a lot, but she lived next-door to lots of_______people in a care home. The sound of beating drums would really annoy them.

Brenda was________. She always tried to find a way of practicing her drums without ________other people. But without success. However,________to practice as much as she could. Brenda________all kinds of ways.

One day, while watching a science documentary, she heard that________cannot travel in space without air. At that moment, Brenda bongos decided to become a________astronaut.

So Brenda built a space________connected with a machine, which drew out all air.Inside was a________of drums. Once inside, Brenda________the machine and played like mad!

It wasn't long before she had become________. Many people came to see her play in her space bubble.________ -afterwards she started giving________out of the bubble,________ Brenda became a real musical astronaut as the government asked her to be part of a space journey, and had gone far beyond her first________of playing drums in a band.

When asked how she had________all this, she said, "If those old people next-door hadn't________so much to me, I wouldn’t have gone to such ________to find a solution, and none of this would have ever happened.

1.A.obstacle B.question C.figure D.hand

2.A.match B.band C.talks D.scene

3.A.sick B.local C.elderly D.poor

4.A.delightful B.wonderful C.awful D.respectful

5.A.waking B.reaching C.embarrassing D.bothering

6.A.scared B.thrilled C.determined D.encouraged

7.A.tested B.tried C.played D.found

8.A.light B.sound C.air D.heat

9.A.musical B.classical C.medical D.physical

10.A.bag B.bubble C.container D.aircraft

11.A.set B.pair C.couple D.part

12.A.turned on B.put on C.got on D.held on

13.A.mature B.skillful C.famous D.confident

14.A.Hardly B.Shortly C.Rarely D.Swiftly

15.A.advice B.lessons C.speeches D.concerts

16.A.Suddenly B.Generally C.Finally D.Fortunately

17.A.effort B.performance C.ambition D.attempt

18.A.gained B.done C.got D.achieved

19.A.mattered B.related C.owed D.talked

20.A.classes B.places C.difficulties D.lengths



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