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Over a hundred years ago in 1911, someth...

    Over a hundred years ago in 1911, something strange was found in the glaciers of Antarctica. Grilffith Taylor—an Australian geologist, had discovered a blood red steam pouring out of the ice cascades(瀑布)of Talor Glacier! Popularly known as the Blood Falls, scientists had not been able to find the reason behind the blood red liquid flowing through the ice---until recently. The mystery of the Blood Falls had finally been solved.

When these falls were first discovered, scientists had believed that the red colour came from a large amount of red algae(海藻)concentrated in the water. Red algae contain a pigment(色素)which reflects red light, making the algae appear red.

This theory made sense, until it was later found that algae do not play a part in the red color of the flowing liquid at all. What really causes Talor Glacier’s waters appear blood red, is the presence of iron oxide in the liquid. The waters of the blood falls are rich in salt and iron content, and when this water comes in contact with the air, it turns red—just like rust! The water in these falls is often referred to as “brine” by scientists because of the high salt content in the water.

This reasoning behind the red colors of the falls was found back in 2003. However, the entire mystery had not yet been solved. How is it then, that the Blood Falls are not frozen?

Researchers at the University of Colorado and University of Alaska found that inside the glacier, there was a network of channels and reservoirs that move the water around. Salt water has a lower freezing temperature. In addition, when any substance undergoes a change in state, it gives off heat. Therefore, the brine actually warm itself up while it’s freezing! How this works, is that when the brine is flowing through the Talor Glacier, some of it does freeze. As a result of changing state from liquid to ice, the brine gives off heat. This heat is enough to keep the rest of the rest of the brine in liquid form, which is why it flows out of the glacier.

Incredible new chemistry facts found, any mystery solved!

1.According to the text, the red algae theory was once considered ________.

A.ridiculous B.reasonable

C.impractical D.complex

2.Why does the Blood Falls look red in colour?

A.Because there is too much salt and iron in its water.

B.Because its liquid is rich in red algae.

C.Because the following liquid reflects and sunlight

D.Because the air is thin and rare in Antarctica.

3.What is the main reason for the Blood Fall’s not freezing?

A.The water continued flowing constantly.

B.There is too much salt in the water.

C.The brine gives off heat while freezing

D.Temperatures aren’t high enough for flowing water.

4.What is the passage mainly about?

A.The discovery of the blood glacier.

B.The birth of the Talor Glacier.

C.The flowing red water in Antarctica.

D.The mystery of the Blood Falls.


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文。一百年前的1911年澳大利亚地质学家在南极洲的冰川中发现了一些奇怪的东西----血瀑布。众所周知,血瀑布,科学家一直无法找到血液中的红色液体不结冰冰的原因。直到最近,血瀑布的秘密终于被解决了。水中富含盐和铁,当水接触空气时,就会像铁锈一样变红,盐分很高,导致它不结冰。 1.细节理解题。根据第三段第一句“This theory made sense, until it was later found that algae do not play a part in the red color of the flowing liquid at all.”这个理论是有道理的,直到后来才发现海藻在流动的液体的红色中不起作用。分析句子可知这个红藻理论曾经被认为是合理的。make sense,有道理,有意义,讲的通。与reasonable(合理的,适当的)是同义词。故选B。 2.细节理解题。根据第三段中的“The waters of the blood falls arc rich in salt and iron content, and when this water comes in contact with the air, it turns red—just like rust!”可知是因为富含盐分和铁,当水接触空气时,就会像铁锈一样变红。分析选项可知A项符合题意,故选A项。 3.推理判断题。根据第五段最后一句“As a result of changing state from liquid to ice, the brine gives off heat. This heat is enough to keep the rest of the brine in liquid form, which is why it flows out of the glacier.”因此当液态到冰态的变化时,卤水放出热量。这种热量足以使其余的盐水保持液态,这就是它不结冰的原因。分析选项可知C项符合题意,故选C项。 4.主旨大意题。通读全文可知,一百年前的1911年澳大利亚地质学家在南极洲的冰川中发现了一些奇怪的东西----血瀑布。众所周知,血瀑布,科学家一直无法找到血液中的红色液体流过冰的原因。直到最近,血瀑布的秘密终于被解决了。分析选项可知D项“血瀑布之谜”符合题意,故选D项。

    Humans and gorillas shared evolution for 23 million years. Their paths separated only six million years ago. Research on how gorillas communicate can help us understand human language development.

Understanding how the brain works helps us see a connection between language development and non-verbal signs. These signs or movements include things like the way we move our hands or bodies or the different expressions our faces have in different social situations. A new study on gorillas showed that the right side of the body is controlled by the left part of the brain and it is also the location for language development.

Two cameras were used to film all of one ape’s movements. One of the first results was that gorillas use their right hands more when they are doing actions with their heads or mouths at the same time. This shows that there is a connection between how our brain works and the reason we use one side of our body more than the other. In addition, we can use the results of the study and our knowledge about brains to help us understand more about how language first developed in humans.

Dr Forrester, who did the study, says the results can be useful in other ways, such as understanding language development in children. For example, some children have serious illness called “autism” which can stop them communicating normally with people. It might be possible to use the same study method to find out which children have this illness when they are very young. Doctors will then be able to start treatment early.

1.Which of the following may have a connection with right-handedness?

A.Communication. B.Intelligence.

C.Social position. D.Social success.

2.What does the underlined word “it” refer to?

A.The right side of the body. B.The mouth.

C.The left part of the brain. D.The front part of the head.

3.Who might benefit most from the results of the study?

A.Photographers of gorillas. B.Zoo keepers.

C.Researchers on movement. D.Children with illness.

4.We can infer from the text that gorillas ___________.

A.prefer to use the right hand instead of the left hand

B.have a complex form of non-verbal communication

C.help us better develop our language abilities

D.share the same body language with humans



The Nobel Prize Winners in Literature

Rabindranath Tagore( 1913)

Prize motivation: "because of his deep sensitive, fresh and beautiful poetry, with perfect skill, he has made his poetic thought, expressed in his own English words, a part of the literature of the West"

William Faulkner (1949)

Prize motivation: "for his powerful and artistically unique contribution to the modern American novel"

Ernest Miller Hemingway(1954)

Prize motivation: "for his mastery of the art of narrative, most recently demonstrated in The Old Man and the Sea"

John Steinbeck (1962)

Prize motivation: "for his realistic and imaginative writings, combining as they do sympathetic humour and keen social perception"

Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill(1953)

Prize motivation: "for his mastery of historical and biographical description as well as for brilliant speech skills in defending noble human values"

Claude Simon (1985)

Prize motivation: "who in his novel combines the poet's and the painter's creativeness with a deepened awareness of time in the description of the human condition"

Mo Yan (2012)

Prize motivation: “he, with dreamlike realism, combines folk tales, history and the contemporary".

Bob Dylan (2016)

Prize motivation: "for having created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition"

1.Which writer won Nobel Prize for his poetry?

A.William Faulkner. B.Bob Dylan.

C.Rabindranath Tagore. D.Claude Simon.

2.Which writer won Noble Prize for his specific work instead of his lifelong achievements?

A.Ernest Hemingway. B.John Steinbeck.

C.William Faulkner. D.Winston Churchill.

3.Whose works will you turn to if you are interested in a song writing Nobel Prize winner?

A.Mo Yan’s. B.Bob Dylun’s.

C.Claude Simon’s. D.Rabindranath Tagore’s.

4.Who described real life experience in his historic works?

A.John Steinbeck. B.Mo Yan.

C.Ernest Hemingway. D.Winston Churchill.




1.What is true about the Great American Beer Festival?

A.It’s the oldest beer festival in America.

B.It’s the cheapest beer festival in the world.

C.It’s the largest beer festival in America.

2.How many companies will attend the festival?

A.Tens of thousands. B.Hundreds. C.Thousands.

3.According to the talk, what is Sticky Fingers?

A.An American beer. B.An organic cheese. C.The name of a beer company.

4.How old are people allowed to enter?

A.18. B.20. C.21.




1.How did the woman get the computer?

A.She ordered it. B.She borrowed it. C.It was a gift.

2.What surprises the man about the computer?

A.The size. B.The price. C.The color.

3.What did the woman do in the café today?

A.She talked with a friend.

B.She worked on her résumé.

C.She looked for a job there.

4.How does the woman feel about noisy cafés?

A.She dislikes the noise. B.She ignores the noise. C.She is inspired by the noise.




1.Why did the man fall asleep?

A.He is sick. B.He works at night. C.His class was boring.

2.Why does the man have to work?

A.To pay for school. B.To pay his debts. C.To pay his hospital bill.

3.Where will the man probably go next?

A.To a class. B.To the financial aid office. C.To the student employment office.



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