满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The team I work in just had 2 new intern...

    The team I work in just had 2 new interns (实习生),and I happen to be their supervisor. After today's lunch break, I saw that one of them was reading things on her smart phone, maybe on some social network, I _______ . I went to her and said, "There's another document here _______ translation. Do you have time to finish it for me?" That document was not in her _______ workloads. But I thought I could let her _______ herself a little bit with it, seeing that she seemed to have_______ . "Yes, I do have time. " She said, "but I'm just an intern. " I didn't quite know_______to say back then. After a while I mumbled, "Right. Yes. " And I turned around and left.

_______ the time when I was an intern for the first time. I, too, managed to finish my workload so fast, just like her. So, I asked my supervisor "Is there _______ else that I can help?" And she happened to have a plan to make. But she didn't .have time. So she let me do the research and make a draft for her. I was not very familiar with the job _______still tried to carry it out based on my understanding and make it as ________ as possible. And my supervisor was really satisfied with the ________. Later, she told me "You ________ me a lot of time. I didn't need to create it from scratch. " And she told me ________ how I should have done the plan differently. I learned a lot about the operation in the process. After that, she came to trust me completely. I got my current job all because of her recommendation.

Yes, I was just an intern with a low salary, but I ________a better future with my extra labor. Time passing, I got it that there's a kind of ________called short-sightedness.

1.A.asked B.acquired C.guessed D.guaranteed

2.A.asking B.waiting C.providing D.needing

3.A.allowed B.assigned C.achieved D.accused

4.A.challenge B.compete C.complain D.contribute

5.A.idea B.ability C.time D.task

6.A.what B.that C.which D.where

7.A.forgot B.foresaw C.reminded D.recalled

8.A.anything B.nothing C.something D.everything

9.A.and B.but C.for D.or

10.A.precious B.consistent C.professional D.complicated

11.A.report B.show C.lesson D.draft

12.A.gave B.saved C.lent D.borrowed

13.A.in detail B.in surprise C.in charge D.in trouble

14.A.persuaded B.begged C.devoted D.bought

15.A.power B.pressure C.poverty D.performance


1.C 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.C 6.A 7.D 8.A 9.B 10.C 11.D 12.B 13.A 14.D 15.C 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了作者公司来了两名实习生,正好由作者主管,作者见其中有一名实习生有时间,想让她帮忙翻译一份文件遭到拒绝,由此作者联想到自己做实习生的经历并且产生感想。 1. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:今天午休后,我看到其中一个实习生正在用她的智能手机看东西,我猜可能是在用社交网络。 A. asked问;B. acquired获得;C. guessed猜想;D. guaranteed保证。由此可以看出,作者只是看到这名实习生在用手机看东西,但是作者确实不确定,所以只能是猜想,故选C。 2. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:这里还有一份文件需要翻译,你有时间帮我完成吗? A. asking问;B. waiting等待;C. providing提供;D. needing 需要。根据句意,作者会让实习生翻译文件,所以只能是文件需要翻译。故选D。 3. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这份文件不在她需要完成的工作量中。A. allowed允许的;B. assigned 分配的; C. achieved完成的;D. accused被控告的。由此可知,实习生实习是有自己的工作量,而作者给她的这份文件不是她需要完成的工作量,故选B。 4. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:但我想我可以让她用它来挑战自己。A. challenge挑战;B. compete竞赛;C. complain抱怨;D. contribute贡献。根据句意可知,这份文件不是她需要完成的工作量,所以作者让她帮忙翻译是挑战她自己。故选A。 5. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我想我可以让她用它来挑战一下自己,看起来她似乎有时间。A. idea想法;B. ability能力;C. time时间;D. task任务。根据上文的reading things on her smart phone 可知,这名实习生正在看手机,所以看起来有时间可以完成这份文件,故选C。 6. 考查疑问词辨析。句意:她说,“但我只是个实习生。”那时我不知道该说什么来回她。A. what 什么;B. that那;C. which哪一个;D. where哪里。根据句意,实习生有时间,但却不愿意翻译这份文件,说她只是实习生,我听到这句话后不知道该用什么样的话来回应她的回答。故选A。 7. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我回忆起来了我第一次实习的时候。A. forgot忘记;B. foresaw 预见;C. reminded提醒;D. recalled 回想起。上文的but I'm just an intern 可以看出实习生不愿意翻译文件,所以这使作者回忆起了自己做实习生的时候,故选D。 8. 考查代词词义辨析。句意:我问我的上司还有什么我可以帮忙的吗?A. anything任何事;B. nothing没有事;C. something一些事;D. everything所有事。根据上文I, too, managed to finish my workload可知,我已经完成了我的工作,所以后面对应的应该是,我问上司还有没有需要帮忙的。anyyhing else别的任何事,故选 A。 9. 考查连词词义辨析。句意:我对这项工作不太熟悉,但我还是根据我的理解,尽可能地把它做到最好。A. and并且;B. but但是;C. for由于;D. or或者。此句前半句与后半句句意表示转折,所以用but,故选 B。 10. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我对这项工作不是很熟悉,但我还是根据自己的理解努力去做,使之尽可能专业。A. precious宝贵的;B. consistent坚持的;C. professional专业的;D. complicated复杂的。根据句意可知,虽然我对这项工作不是很熟悉,后面转折,表示我能尽力去做,所以是尽可能是它专业。故选C。 11. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我的主管对草案非常满意。A. report报告;B. show展示;C. lesson课;D. draft草案。根据句意,我尽力去做这项任务,再根据satisfied可知,主管是对我的草案满意。故选D。 12. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:你为我节省了很多时间。我不需要从头开始创作。A. gave给;B. saved节省;拯救;C. lent借出;D. borrowed借入。根据题意,主管不需要自己再重头开始,所以是为他节省了很多时间。故选B。 13. 考查介词短语辨析。句意:她详细地告诉我,我应该如何以不同的方式完成计划。A. in detail详细地;B. in surprise惊讶地;C. in charge在…看管之下;D. in trouble 处于不幸中。主管给我讲如何完成计划,所以是详细地讲,故选A。 14. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我只是一个薪水很低的实习生,但我用我的额外劳动买了一个更好的未来。A. persuaded说服;B. begged乞讨;C. devoted致力于;D. bought买。根据上文I got my current job all because of her recommendation可知,我的主管推荐的我做的这份工作。并且此处bought正好与a low salary 形成对比,表示虽然工资低,但额外劳动却使她有了更好的未来,故选D。 15. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我发现有一种贫困叫做短见。A. power力量;B. pressure压力;C. poverty贫穷;D. performance表演。根据a better future with my extra labor可知,此处正好与这名实习生的不愿意帮助形成呼应,我愿意帮助主管并且努力最终有了今天的工作,所以可知,实习生这种行为是短见的体现,所以有一种贫穷叫做短见。故选C。

    Whether through advertisements, news articles or social media posts, most of us by now have started hearing about the upcoming data network of the future. What is 5G?

1. To help all of us understand them, we have listed some facts everyone should know.

● First, what is 5G?

5G is the 5th generation network. It is a new global network after 1G, 2G, 3G and 4G, which can connect everyone and everything together. 2. With 5G there is a possibility that we can do everything.


Self-driving cars, which will depend on ultra-fast data transmission speeds to communicate with other cars as well as their surroundings, promise a safer transportation system if and when technology is fully realized.

●5G will change the way we work or study.

In the post-coronavirus world, having remote working capabilities will be more important than ever. Video meeting, e-learning and other Internet-enabled work applications will be possible to the point where people can use them as easily in their home or on the road as in the office or classroom. 4.

●5G will change society in too many ways.

The use-cases and applications widely talked about are only a part of what 5G will make possible. Just as in the early days of the Internet in the 1990s, few foresaw the rise of useful websites like Wikipedia, org. The same will surely be true of 5G.

With 5G, other technologies don't seem like a dream anymore. 5. Now say goodbye to 4G in your homes and be prepared for the new wave of 5G.

A.Self-driving will grow popular.

B.5G will help make self-driving cars a reality.

C.The computer game players can have a faster speed.

D.Why does 5G matter so much in people's daily life?

E.The power to do anything we want will be at our fingertips.

F.5G means faster data speeds and ultra-low latency (超低延迟).

G.It will be also easier for doctors to treat patients remotely by 5G.



    Two years ago this month, a 19-year-old American shot and killed 17 people at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. Fourteen of the victims were students the other three were teachers. The gunman was a former student at the high school.

On this anniversary, as with other anniversaries of school shootings, Americans continue debating how to make sure students are safe in schools.

To increase preparedness for such an event, many schools now hold shooter drills for students and their teachers. A report released by Everytown for Gun Safety, a non-profit organization, notes the possible harmful effects of such exercises. It urges school administrators to look for better ways to make schools safe and to prepare children for an active shooter.

One problem with the way schools carry out shooter drills is how much they frighten students. When a school fails to inform parents and students about plans for a drill, the children may think that the attack is real. In some communities, the report says, schools deploy individuals who are told to act like “masked gunmen”. Students as young as three or four years old may be told to stay quiet in a small space for a long period of time. Experts on mental health say these experiences can have both short- and long-term effects on how well the children behave in school, as well as on their physical and mental health.

Melissa Reeves, former president of the National Association of School Psychologists, said the drills may “trigger either past trauma or trigger such a similar reaction that it actually ends up scaring the individuals instead of better preparing them to respond in these kinds of situations.”

In 2007, one study found it better to prepare students for an “intruder”, rather than a shooter. Another study noted the value of announcing drills in advance and following them with discussion. Students in that situation felt better prepared to handle possible violence.

1.What is the problem with the shooter drills?

A.Students only suffer short-term damage.

B.Students' physical health cannot be affected.

C.Students may think they are real and get scared.

D.Too young children may not understand what is happening.

2.What does "trigger" in Paragraph 5 most probably mean?

A.Limit. B.Cause. C.Reduce. D.Regulate.

3.What is Melissa Reeves' attitude toward the shooter drills?

A.Critical. B.Favorable. C.Indifferent. D.Unclear.

4.How can students be better prepared to handle possible shooter drills?

A.The schools give them a surprise.

B.They only prepare for shooters.

C.The masked “attacker” carries a toy gun.

D.Drills are announced beforehand and discussed afterwards.



    This new packaging material looks like conventional plastic, but it's actually made from fish waste and algae(海藻)--and unlike plastic, if it escapes into the ocean, a fish could likely eat it safely. The material, called MarinaTex, is the winner of this year's James Dyson Award.

"It began with my desire to work with waste," says Lucy Hughes, a recent graduate from University of Sussex, who once visited a fish processing factory to see the massive quantity of waste generated by the industry and find new ways to use it. She focused on fish skins and scales (鳞片). "When I had it in my hands, I realized this has got potential, she says. "It's super strong and flexible." Hughes spent months experimenting with fish waste in her kitchen, running more than 100 experiments to find a binder and a process that could hold together the proteins in the fish skins and scales. "I had a lot of failed attempts—a lot of things either were too easily broken or too soft or easily went bad," she says. She finally landed on a type of algae that can be locally got.

The material can be used to replace oil-based plastic in packaging such as bags or the half transparent windows used to show products in boxes. As her research continues, Hughes says that she'll be studying how MarinaTex works and how long it could be used to store food.

Unlike some "compostable" plastics, which need to be processed in an industrial composting facility to break down, the new material can break down in four to six weeks in a backyard compost bin. ''All the ingredients are food-grade safe," Hughes says." So, this breaks down much like a piece of food would break down."

1.Why did Hughes develop MarinaTex?

A.She wanted to look for a new plastic.

B.She would like fish to eat it safely.

C.She wanted to win James Dyson Award.

D.She wanted to make use of fish skins and scales.

2.What does the underlined word "it" in Paragraph 2 refer to?

A.The fish processing factory. B.The fish waste.

C.Fish scales. D.Fish skins.

3.What is the main advantage of MarinaTex compared with conventional plastic?

A.It is stronger and more flexible.

B.It can be used as plastic bags.

C.It has the nutritional value for fish.

D.It can break down very easily and fast.

4.Which one is the best title for the passage?

A.Working with Waste B.Developing New Ideas

C.Making Bags from Fish Waste D.Getting Rid of Plastic Pollution



    Rome is recognized across the globe for its classical artwork, but recently the city's street art has been drawing attention. While many urban artists stick to painting murals(壁画),one Italian sculptor is resisting the trend with his wonderful works made from an unusual material. Andrea Gandini, a native of Rome in his early twenties, has been recognized for his wood carvings of old tree trunks scattered across the city's landscape.

Gandini's Trocomorto, or "dead trunk" project, began in 2018, when the artist ran out of sculpting clay. That's when he noticed the remains of an old tree stump in his neighborhood. He realized that Rome was full of potential canvases(画布)just waiting to be given a new life. "Bringing trees back to life" is exactly how Gandini and others describe his art.

Due to years of poor care by the city, many trees became diseased and had to be cut down. This resulted in lots of old stumps that degraded the streets of Rome, which were costly to remove. However, they have been a perfect canvas of Gandini, who has completed over 50 carvings across the city.

Gandini gives each old tree trunk a face and personality of its own. By recognizing each formerly living tree as individual, he hopes to give them some dignity in death and respect each of them with their own headstone of sorts. For those that can't make the trip to Rome, Gandini documents his works of art on Facebook.

Gandini's “dead trunk" project reminds us of what Auguste Rodin says, "There is no lack of beauty in the world, but a lack of eyes to find it." All is beautiful in the eyes of the artist, for his keen eye sees through the heart of all living things. To discover its character is to pierce its outer form and touch its inner truth. This "truth" is also "beauty".

1.What has drawn people's attention recently in Rome according to the passage?

A.Its classical artwork. B.Its traditional murals.

C.Its street wood carvings. D.Its unusual material.

2.Which statement is NOT correct about Gandini's works?

A.They are full of life. B.They follow the trend of murals.

C.They beautify the city. D.They are appreciated by some artists.

3.What does Gandini try to put in his works?

A.Dignity and respect. B.Beauty and kindness.

C.Hope and personality. D.Death and art.

4.What can we learn from this passage?

A.Beauty is always around for keen eyes.

B.Inner truth is difficult to find.

C.We live in a world lacking beauty.

D.Grandini is a person who loves nature and truth.



    The best London hotels near Oxford Street

An expert guide to the top London hotels near Oxford Street—eight minutes' walk or less— including the best hotels for their family-friendly services and budget accommodation.

The London EDITION

Soho, London, England

This place is just off Oxford Street in leafy Fitzrovia. It will suit those who want more than a bed for the night. The multi-functional lobby makes a great entrance, though it's the restored ceiling, old not new, that really grabs the attention. The picture- lined restaurant is an equally successful space. The rooms are a bit like being inside a luxurious cigar box, with their wood-panelled walls and artful fur sofa covers that add a feeling of warmth.

The Langham, London

Marylebone, London, England

An advert from the late 19th century declares that the Langham is situated in the "most healthy, convenient and fashionable position in London. " Today this still holds true the hotel is right in the centre of London. This is one of London's oldest grand hotels. Everything feels as if it has been running the way it should for a long time. Expect enormous vases of fresh flowers in public areas, oriental furnishings and marble baths in the rooms. This is also home to Michel Roux Jr's Roux, which does tasty French cuisine.

The Grazing Goat

Marylebone, London, England

The hotel is located on New Quebec Street, a quiet road lined with clothing shops and beauty salons about three minutes' walk from Oxford Street. There's something of a village feel to this area of London that is difficult to correspond with the tourist groups moments away—but it's most welcome. Rooms have Egyptian cotton beds,  Aesop toilets and walls in the color of moss green and steel blue. The food menu offers seasonal British foods with the latest trendy ingredients.

1.In The London EDITION, customers are most likely to be attracted by its         .

A.multi-functional lobby B.restored ceiling

C.luxurious cigar box D.wood-panelled walls

2.What do The Langham, London and The Grazing Goat have in common?

A.They are old grand hotels. B.They serve delicious French cuisine.

C.They offer fresh flowers in their bedrooms. D.They are located in Marylebone, London.

3.Which hotel gives customers the feeling of being in the rural area?

A.The London EDITION. B.The Langham, London.

C.The Grazing Goat. D.All the above.



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