满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Morris, a well-known English violinist, ...

    Morris, a well-known English violinist, had been exhausted from a day of recording at Abbey Road Studios when he exited the Southeastern Railway from London late last month. He was so tired that he didn’t even realize that he had left his beloved violin on the train until the following morning.

The violin is one of the few surviving instruments made by Roman craftsman David Tecchler in 1709. Not only is the violin worth $320,000, but Morris has also been playing the instrument for 15 years.

Feeling panic, Morris contacted the British Transport Police to see if it had been returned; unfortunately, officers checked the footage (录像) and saw that the violin had been picked up by another train passenger. Morris then created social media accounts to beg for the return of his instrument. The footage was shown in the news, and the person responsible for taking the violin was treated as a suspect.

Several days later, Morris received a phone call from someone who recognized the man on the train. Morris was then put in contact with the man who took the violin—and he had apparently been very eager to return the instrument. After promising the man that he wouldn’t be arrested, Morris met him in a grocery store parking lot so he could reunite with his beloved instrument.

The man apologized sincerely, saying he wanted to hand it to Morris in person. Morris found the instrument and the contents of its case were still in perfect condition. To his surprise, it was even still intune (音调准确). Morris was excited and deeply grateful for its return.

“I’m still getting over the shock of its coming back,” Morris admitted in an interview afterwards. Then he played a breathtaking piece of music Amazing Grace on his 310-year-old violin in front of the reporters.

1.What can we learn about the lost violin?

A.It’s valuable and important. B.It’s a gift from David Tecchler.

C.It’s the only violin Morris owns. D.It’s the oldest violin in the world.

2.What did Morris do first after he found his violin missing?

A.He spoke to reporters about it. B.He turned to the police for help.

C.He described his situation online. D.He returned to the train to look for it.

3.What do we know about the man who took the violin away?

A.He knew the violin was unique. B.He got in touch with Morris directly.

C.He was unwilling to return the violin. D.He felt afraid to be punished for his act.

4.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.Citizens protected an expensive violin

B.Strangers were connected by a special violin

C.A violinist reunited with his 310-year-old violin

D.An old violin was returned to its former owner


1.A 2.B 3.D 4.C 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章主要记叙了英国著名的小提琴家Morris不小心将自己的小提琴遗忘在了火车上,这把小提琴非常的贵重,Morris联系了警察,警方检查了录像,发现小提琴被另一名乘客拿走了。最后Morris与拿走小提琴的人取得了联系,与自己310年历史的小提琴重聚了。 1. 细节理解题。根据第二段The violin is one of the few surviving instruments made by Roman craftsman David Tecchler in 1709. Not only is the violin worth $320,000, but Morris has also been playing the instrument for 15 years.可知小提琴是罗马工匠David Tecchler在1709年制造的为数不多的现存乐器之一。这把小提琴不仅价值32万美元,Morris还演奏了15年。由此可知,丢失的小提琴很有价值,也很重要。故选A。 2. 细节理解题。根据第三段中Feeling panic, Morris contacted the British Transport Police to see if it had been returned.可知Morris感到很恐慌,于是他联系了英国交通警察,看看琴是否已经被归还。由此可知,Morris发现他的小提琴不见了之后,首先向警察求助。故选B。 3. 推理判断题。根据第四段中After promising the man that he wouldn’t be arrested, Morris met him in a grocery store parking lot so he could reunite with his beloved instrument.可知在向这个人保证不会被逮捕后,Morris在一家杂货店的停车场见到了他,这样他就可以和他心爱的乐器重聚了。由此可推知,那个把小提琴拿走的人害怕自己的行为会受到惩罚。故选D。 4. 主旨大意题。根据最后一段中Then he played a breathtaking piece of music Amazing Grace on his 310-year-old violin in front of the reporters.可知然后,他用他那把有310年历史的小提琴在记者面前演奏了一曲令人叹为观止的《奇异恩典》。结合文章主要记叙了英国著名的小提琴家Morris不小心将自己的小提琴遗忘在了火车上,这把小提琴非常的贵重,Morris联系了警察,警方检查了录像,发现小提琴被另一名乘客拿走了。最后Morris与拿走小提琴的人取得了联系,与自己310年历史的小提琴重聚了。由此可知,C选项“一位小提琴家与他310年的小提琴重聚”最符合文章标题。故选C。

    While Google, Bing and Yahoo dominate (居……之首) adult search engine choices, they are not always the best choice for students. The sites on this list are good search engines that students can rely on.

Fact Monster

Homework help is always on hand with Fact Monster (www.factmonster.com). It is mainly fit for students aged from 7 to 12. There are also all kinds of games, spelling tests and more for kids to improve their study and have some fun.

Ask Kids

Ask Kids (www.askkids.com) is a great site for students to safely find the information they need from the web. Besides being a useful and safe search engine, Ask Kids also has a useful picture and video search function that allows students to find pictures or videos that may be useful to their information search.


SortFix (www.sortfix.com) is one of the useful search engines for students because it provides relevant, organized search results. It does this by analyzing the keywords in the search results, and giving the searcher the ability to focus on, or remove, certain keywords. It is a useful search engine if you are not sure what information you want to find, or if you are tired of finding irrelevant (不相关的) results in your searches.

Wolfram Alpha

Created Stephen Wolfram, Wolfram Alpha (www.wolframalpha.com) can calculate things that it would take a hundred or more individual websites to do. It uses a set of ways to answer questions directly that you type into the search box, which is different from other websites. You can find everything from the nutritional value of an apple to the real-time position of the International Space Station. An Apple app is offered so that you can add it to any iPod Touch devices. It is best suited for older students.

1.What’s the author’s purpose in writing the text?

A.To recommend four useful apps.

B.To advertise four interesting websites.

C.To list the top four popular websites in the US.

D.To introduce four student-friendly search engines.

2.If you keep getting the results you don’t want, which will you probably use?

A.Fast Monster. B.Ask Kids. C.SortFix. D.Wolfram Alpha.

3.What’s special about Wolfram Alpha?

A.It offers answers directly. B.It provides games for kids.

C.It focuses on solving maths problems. D.It is intended for astronomy enthusiasts.




A few years ago, I had taken a part-time job in a video store at the local shopping mall. From inside the store, I’d begun to see the people rushing by outside. Then an elderly woman caught my eye. Although slow and unsure of step, she moved with deliberation(从容). The elderly woman had come into the store along with a younger woman who I guessed was her daughter. The daughter was clearly impatient, checking her watch every few seconds.

The older woman then separated from the younger one and began to tick through the DVDs on the nearest shelf, obviously expecting someone else to help. After the slightest hesitation, I walked over and asked if I could help her find something. The woman smiled up at me and showed me a title scrawled(乱涂乱画的)on a piece of paper. It was a bit unclear to make out. Clearly a person looking for it knew a little about movies, about quality. Rather than rushing off to locate the DVD for the woman, I asked her to walk with me so I could show her where she could find it.

Looking back, I think I wanted to enjoy her company for a moment. Something about her deliberate movements reminded me of my own mother, who’d passed away the previous Christmas. As we walked along the back of the store, I introduced her to the different sections: old television shows, action movies, cartoons, science fiction. The woman seemed glad of the unrushed company and casual conversation.

We found the movie, and I complimented her on her choice. She smiled and told me it was one she’d enjoyed when she was her daughter’s age and that she hoped she would enjoy it as much as she had. Maybe, she said with a hint of wistfulness(一丝渴望), her daughter could enjoy it with her own young children. Then, when the older woman’s turn in line came, she paid in cash, counting out the dollars and coins with the same sureness she’d displayed earlier.




Paragraph 1

As the cashier put the DVD into a plastic bag, I walked over to the younger woman.



Paragraph 2:

The elderly woman moved with her deliberate slowness back to her daughter.




假定你是李华,你收到外国朋友Peter的邮件,他想了解你校在新冠疫情 (COVID-19 epidemic) 期间线上教学(online classes)的情况。请你给他回复邮件,内容包括:

1. 课程与时间;  2. 你的学习状态;  3. 你的期待。


Dear Peter,



Li Hua



    When I was young, I was quite shy and wasn’t great at school. Mrs. Kerswell was my English teacher. It’s hard to_________her exact age. When you’re a child, every adult is_________. She must be past middle age with grey hair and a(n)_________face. Her lessons were in a stress-free environment. However, I was really_________because I was from a village school.

I didn’t_________anyone. No one from my primary school went there. I really struggled in my first year to   _______. Thanks to Mrs. Kerswell, she was really the sort of humorous teacher, who read materials just for_________.

She managed to make Beowulf interesting to a number of_________.She was key in keeping my love of reading going. It certainly wasn’t a_________thing for a boy of that age to love reading as an entertainment. Actually, I just treated it as a learning task.

When I was 13, I wasn’t excellent at writing. But she allowed and__________me to write in a natural way. Unlike my other teachers, she told me not to use the fanciest__________. “Writing is not about flowery language but about real communication.__________, you’re having a conversation on a page,” she said. So it made me realize that I didn’t have to__________about it too much.

I saw her once, over 10 years ago. My writing career was going well, and she was proud of my achievements and__________as a writer, and I really__________her for keeping the fame on.

1.A.work out B.leave out C.adapt to D.amount to

2.A.innocent B.friendly C.old D.lively

3.A.blue B.kind C.honest D.guilty

4.A.relaxed B.disappointed C.moved D.stressed

5.A.guide B.adore C.know D.recommend

6.A.search B.fit C.rest D.speak

7.A.fun B.defense C.victory D.fame

8.A.writers B.celebrities C.teenagers D.teachers

9.A.flexible B.cool C.major D.painful

10.A.commanded B.forbade C.warned D.encouraged

11.A.words B.dreams C.ways D.ideas

12.A.Gradually B.Basically C.Eventually D.Awkwardly

13.A.enquire B.hear C.worry D.doubt

14.A.habit B.interest C.privilege D.reputation

15.A.thanked B.criticized C.promoted D.dismissed



    If you’re enjoying a cup of tea while reading this, you’re supporting just about every organ in your body. Unsweetened tea can prevent some diseases and help repair cells in the body. The popularity of Chinese tea cannot be separated from its medicinal value.

Your heart will thank you. Tea’s properties can keep your blood vessels (血管) relaxed and clear, putting less stress on your heart, and thus slow down block formation in vital blood vessels. 1..

Your risk of the brain disease could decrease. 2.. It’s important to know the early warning signs and do what you can to prevent it. Green tea can help you develop resistance against stress and potentially Alzheimer’s disease. The special substance in it protects cells from damage.

3.. If you spend your nights turnings try relaxing yourself with a cup of east-Asian medicinal tea before bed, which can improve sleeplessness. 4., it can help improve sleep and quality of life in those with mild sleeplessness according to a study in Integrative Medicine Research.

Your attention may improve. The caffeine in tea can improve your attention and awareness. The unique acid to tea may also improve attention by relaxing the brain, but stimulating it when it is time to focus. 5.. try making a warm cup of tea just before it’s time to work or consider these reasons you may not be able to focus.

A.Your sleep could improve

B.Your body becomes more energetic

C.When you have the habit of getting up early

D.Once you have formed the habit of drinking that kind of tea

E.you ever find yourself having difficulty with concentration

F.So drinking a proper amount of black tea can be beneficial to your heart

G.The thought of you being diagnosed with the brain disease is very scary



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