满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

A policeman moved along the street. Near...

    A policeman moved along the street. Near the door of a dark shop a man was_______. “It’s all right, officer,” he said. “I’m Bryan and waiting for a friend. Twenty years ago we agreed to_________ here tonight.”

Bryan appeared wealthy with a large_________ jewel in his necktie(领结). “Jimmy Wells and I _________together here in New York, like two_________. The next morning I was to start for the West. I was going to find a _________ and make a great success. We agreed that night that we would see each other here again in twenty years.” “I hope your friend comes all right.” the policeman said to Bryan and then_________.

About twenty-minutes he_________, and then a tall man in a long coat came across the street .He went _________ to the waiting man. “Is that you, Bryan?” he asked, uncertainly. “Is that you, Jimmy Wells?” cried Bryan at the door. The new man took Bryan’s__________ in his. “It’s Bryan!”

The two men started walking along the street, arm in arm. Bryan stopped suddenly at a shop bright with lights and __________his arm away. “You’re not Jimmy Wells,” he said.

“You’ve been under arrest for ten minutes, Bryan. Are you__________ with me quietly? That is __________. But first here is something I was asked to__________ you. You may read it here at the window. It’s from a__________ named Wells.”

Bryan opened the little piece of paper. He began to__________ as he read.

“Bryan: I was at the place__________. I saw the face of the man wanted as a(n)__________ by Chicago policemen. I didn’t want to__________ you myself. So I went and got another policeman and__________ him to do the job. JIMMY.”

1.A.observing B.screaming C.standing D.escaping

2.A.argue B.meet C.debate D.shop

3.A.valuable B.horrible C.dull D.local

4.A.took off B.fed up C.watched out D.grew up

5.A.brothers B.hunters C.explorers D.actors

6.A.spirit B.job C.solution D.trick

7.A.reacted B.forgave C.defended D.left

8.A.waited B.behaved C.advanced D.considered

9.A.faithfully B.directly C.elegantly D.rudely

10.A.head B.shoulders C.hands D.fingers

11.A.threw B.put C.pulled D.hid

12.A.coming B.connecting C.joining D.dealing

13.A.convenient B.sensitive C.reliable D.wise

14.A.transport B.give C.award D.buy

15.A.journalist B.shopkeeper C.policeman D.businessman

16.A.shake B.laugh C.announce D.perform

17.A.in some ways B.in the flesh C.on purpose D.on time

18.A.employee B.thief C.educator D.partner

19.A.conduct B.evaluate C.arrange D.arrest

20.A.advised B.warned C.sent D.motivated


1.C 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.A 6.B 7.D 8.A 9.B 10.C 11.C 12.A 13.D 14.B 15.C 16.A 17.D 18.B 19.D 20.C 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲叙了Bryan遵守承诺,在二十年前和好朋友Wells分别的地方去等他,但是Bryan犯了罪,而Wells却成了警察,Wells为了不亲自逮捕他,而派了另一个警察来逮捕他的故事。 1. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:在一家黑漆漆的店门边,站着一个男人。A. observing观察;B. screaming尖叫;C. standing站立;D. escaping逃跑。结合上文Near the door of a dark shop a man was可知这个男人站在(standing)一家店门边。故选C。 2. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:20年前我们约定今晚在这里见面。A. argue争论;B. meet见面,遇见;C. debate辩论;D. shop购物。结合上文Twenty years ago we agreed to可推知Bryan和朋友二十年前约定二十年后在这里见面。故选B。 3. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:Bryan的领带上戴着一颗巨大的贵重珠宝,显得很富有。A. valuable有价值的;B. horrible可怕的;C. dull迟钝的;D. local当地的。结合上文Bryan appeared wealthy可知Bryan的领带上戴着一颗巨大的贵重珠宝,显得很富有。故选A。 4. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:Jimmy Wells和我一起在纽约长大,就像兄弟一样。A. took off起飞;B. fed up厌倦;C. watched out小心;D. grew up长大。结合后文together here in New York可知Bryan是和Wells一起在纽约长大(grew up)的,故选D。 5. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:Jimmy Wells和我一起在纽约长大,就像兄弟一样。A. brothers兄弟;B. hunters猎人;C. explorers探险家;D. actors演员。结合上文可知Bryan是和Wells一起在纽约长大的,所以他们俩像兄弟一样亲密。故选A。 6. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我要找份工作,取得巨大的成功。A. spirit精神;B. job工作;C. solution解决方案;D. trick诡计。根据后文and make a great success.可知Bryan去西部为了找工作,取得成功。故选B。 7. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:“我希望你的朋友能平安归来。”警察对Bryan说,然后离开了。A. reacted反应;B. forgave原谅;C. defended辩护;D. left离开。结合后文So I went and got another policeman可知这名警察就是Wells,他离开了,让另一名警察来和Bryan相认,并抓捕Bryan。故选D。 8. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:他等了大约20分钟,然后一个穿着长外套的高个子男人穿过街道。A. waited等待;B. behaved行为;C. advanced前进;D. considered考虑。根据上文About twenty-minutes he可知Bryan等了大约20分钟。故选A。 9. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:他直接向等候的男人走去。A. faithfully忠实地;B. directly直接地;C. elegantly优美地;D. rudely粗鲁地。根据后文the waiting man. “Is that you, Bob?” he asked可知这个男人直接朝着Bryan走去,问他是不是Bryan。故选B。 10. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:新来的人握住Bryan的手。A. head头;B. shoulders肩膀;C. hands手;D. fingers手指。来人和Bryan相认了,因此是握住了Bryan的手。故选C。 11. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:Bryan突然在一家灯火通明的商店前停下,把胳膊拉开。A. threw扔;B. put放置;C. pulled拉;D. hid隐藏。结合后文his arm away. “You’re not Jimmy Wells,” he said.可知Bryan认出对方不是Wells,于是把对方的手拉了下来。pull away“拉掉”。故选C。 12. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:你要悄悄地跟我来吗?A. coming来;B. connecting连接;C. joining加入;D. dealing处理。根据上文You’ve been under arrest for ten minutes可知Bryan已经被警察逮捕了,因此此处是让他和自己来。故选A。 13. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:那才是明智的做法。A. convenient方便的;B. sensitive敏感的;C. reliable可靠的;D. wise明智的。结合上文,可知Bryan已经被警察逮捕了,他只能和警察走,这才是明智的做法。其它选项不符合语境。故选D。 14. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:但首先我要给你一件东西。A. transport运输;B. give给;C. award授予;D. buy购买。根据后文Bryan opened the little piece of paper.可知警察给了Bryan一张纸条。故选B。 15. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:是一个叫Wells的警察写的。A. journalist记者;B. shopkeeper店主;C. policeman警察;D. businessman商人。根据后文So I went and got another policeman可知Wells就是警察,信是Wells写的。故选C。 16. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:他一边读,一边开始发抖。A. shake发抖,摇晃;B. laugh笑;C. announce宣布;D. perform表演。结合后文可知Bryan从纸条上得知了刚刚的警察就是Wells的事实,忍不住一边读一边发抖(shake)。其它选项不符合语境。故选A。 17. 考查介词短语辨析。句意:我准时到了那个地方。A. in some ways在某些方面;B. in the flesh本人;C. on purpose故意地;D. on time按时,准时。根据上文,可知一开始和Bryan说话的那个人就是Wells,所以他是准时到了那个地方。故选D。 18. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我看到了芝加哥警察通缉的小偷的脸。A. employee员工;B. thief小偷;C. educator教育家;D. partner伙伴。根据后文by Chicago policemen可知Bryan是警察通缉的罪犯了,结合选项只有B选项thief“小偷”是罪犯。故选B。 19. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我不想亲自逮捕你。A. conduct实施;B. evaluate评价;C. arrange安排;D. arrest逮捕。根据上文可知Wells就是警察,因此此处指的是他不想亲自逮捕Bryan。故选D。 20. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:所以我去找了另一个警察,派他去做这件事。A. advised建议;B. warned警告;C. sent派,寄出;D. motivated使产生动机。根据后文him to do the job.可知Wells派了另一个警察来抓捕Bryan。send sb. to do sth.“派某人去做某事”。故选C。

Where Do Mosquitoes(蚊子)Go in Winter?

Why do mosquitoes ,everywhere in warmer months,disappear completely in winter?1.Mosquitoes are cold-blooded insects, meaning that they don’t like the cold and prefer temperatures that are 80 degrees .Fahrenheit or more. When the temperature drops, they actually lose their ability to fly and become motionless.

2.They would never be able to fly far enough. The actual answer to the question is different for male and female mosquitoes. Male mosquitoes? They die. But that’s not just because of the cold. Male mosquitoes have far shorter lifespans(寿命) than females, and they die in autumn.

Female mosquitoes, though, can live through the winter. They hibernate (冬眠). In autumn, the females will go into hollow logs or cracks in the ground and enter this still state.3.They put off their development, typically for months.

When it warms up again, the females will come out from hibernation. At this point, they’re getting ready to lay their eggs and they need as much blood as possible to help the eggs develop. The females must find a blood meal to provide the protein(蛋白质) needed by their eggs to develop, just in the time, when humans are outdoors in short sleeves enjoying the warming weather.4.

It actually doesn’t have to be what we humans would consider “cold” to put a mosquito in danger. While these pests live actively when it’s around 80 degrees F, most species can start heading into hibernation when it drops to around 50.5.This is when female mosquitoes start looking for a place for sleep.

A.The obvious answer is that it’s cold.

B.Now it’s time for male mosquitoes to wake up.

C.It’s only the female mosquitoes that are biting you.

D.Unlike birds,mosquitoes don’t fly south for the winter.

E.Anything below 50 degrees is already too cold for most mosquitoes.

F.They carry on with life only when there is enough water for their needs.

G.They can hibernate for up to six months in freezing or waterless conditions.



    Not long ago, Egypt marked the 150th anniversary of the opening of the Suez Canal. The canal connects the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean. It helped speed world trade between the East and the West. But the man-made waterway has also helped speed the rise of other things, such as invasive(入侵的)non-native species (物种). Scientists say the invasive creatures have damaged the Mediterranean’s environment and caused native species to disappear.

The number of non-native creatures has risen since the Suez Canal was widened in 2015. The “New Suez Canal” has raised concerns in Europe and brought disagreement from many Mediterranean countries. Bella Galil is an Israeli biologist who has studied the Mediterranean for over 30 years. She says much of the ecological(生态的)damage cannot be repaired. She said urgent action is needed to ease the effects of the invasive fish and other sea life.

Galil works at Tel Aviv University’s Steinhardt Museum of Natural History. She noted that the widening and deepening of the Suez Canal has created a “moving aquarium” of species. These creatures could make coastal waters almost unusable for human beings. Galil believes the number of invasive species has reached 400. That is twice the number 30 years ago. She said this is a “historic example of the dangers of unintended consequences.”

Israel is now dealing with huge numbers of poisonous(有毒的) jellyfish that affect coastal power centers and keep people from visiting the seashore. Other poisonous species, such as the lionfish and silver-cheeked toadfish, are also appearing.

Galil said the problems of invasive species can be compared to those of climate change, pollution and over-fishing. She argues that the new species have caused a major “restructuring” of the environment. This has endangered native species.

Some experts have suggested that increasing salt levels in the canal itself could create a barrier(障碍物) that would keep invasive species out.

1.What lesson can we learn from the effects of the Suez Canal?

A.Seeing is believing. B.Every coin has two sides.

C.Let nature take its course. D.Everyone makes mistakes.

2.What’s the attitude of many Mediterranean countries towards the“New Suez Canal"?

A.Uncaring. B.Unclear. C.Supportive. D.Against.

3.What is the ecological environment like after the Suez Canal reconstruction?

A.It is from bad to worse. B.It remains the same.

C.It improves a great deal. D.It has become a completely new one.

4.Why did Galil mention climate change,pollution and over-fishing in paragraph 5?

A.To add some background information. B.To stress the harm of invasive species.

C.To solve the problem of invasive species. D.To compare their similarities and differences.



    Ford is showing its first all-electric sports utility vehicle, or SUV—the Mustang Mach E, marking a major change in the U. S. car industry. Auto industry reporters got their first look at the new electric vehicle Sunday. The new Mustang can travel from 370 to 480 kilometers before needing an electrical charge(充电). Experts say the Mustang Mach E marks the start of an increase in electric vehicles offered by top U. S. carmakers.

There are 18 electric vehicle models for sale in the U. S. The research group IHS Mark it expects that number to grow to 80 by 2022. New vehicles will include pickup trucks and SUVs that are popular with American buyers.

Last year, electric vehicles made up only 1.5 percent of new vehicle sales worldwide. Auto Industry research company LMC Automotive predicts(预言) that will rise to 2.2 percent this year. In the U. S., electric vehicles were only 1.2 percent of sales in 2019. It is expected to be the same in 2020.

Automakers,however, see room for growth. They note that electric vehicles are getting 250 miles or more on a single charge. That means a buyer no longer needs to worry about running out of power during a day’s usual drive. Because of the added models and increased power, LMC predicts that they will make up 17 percent of worldwide sales and 7 percent of U. S. sales in 2030.

The first-generation of electric vehicles were simply existing models that were changed to electricity to meet government fuel economy rules. They did not sell well largely because they could not travel more than 100 miles between charges. But now, many can go farther than the average one-day driving distance. The five-passenger Mach E looks like a traditional Mustang. Engineers say the least costly model will be able to travel about 370 kilometers on one charge. The most costly model will be able to travel 483 kilometers.

1.What can be known from the first two paragraphs?

A.Americans like pickup trucks and SUVs best.

B.There will be more vehicle models to meet customers’needs.

C.Ford is the first company to make all-electric sports utility vehicles.

D.The long travel distance between charges is the car’s greatest advantage.

2.What do we know about the growth of electric vehicles in America in 2030 according to LMC?

A.It’s the fastest in the world. B.It is much below the world average.

C.It’s the same as the world average. D.It hasn’t changed very much.

3.How did the author develop the last paragraph?

A.By giving examples. B.By introducing new ideas.

C.By making comparisons. D.By following time order.

4.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.Ford Starts New Electric Vehicles B.Electric Vehicles Are Better for Environment

C.Old Electric Vehicles Will Be Knocked Out D.Electric Vehicles Will Take Over the Market



    Recently I invited a homeless man to have lunch with me at the Soup Plantation so that he could eat as much as he wanted to fill his stomach. I met him over the phone when I was calling Father Benno’s, a soup kitchen. Something within stirred me to invite him to lunch. Since he did not have a car, I offered to pick him up.

We had a wonderful four-hour lunch. I learned a lot about his struggles but more importantly, I finished lunch, feeling greater gratitude(感激) for a roof over my head, a warm shower, a comfortable bed , and food on the table—all of which we may not think twice about. He, too, enjoyed the connection, his lunch, and a rest from spending his afternoon on the streets.

I learned long ago that one person alone cannot solve the problem of the homeless people in California or the United States of America. However ,each person can make an effort to help the homeless in their own way. Do you know that 40% of the U.S. population live paycheck (薪水) to paycheck? Should a sudden financial(财务的) case appear, any one of those 40% can end up homeless in the streets.

For this holiday season, perhaps you may want to try something new. Buy a meal for the person asking for money instead of giving them spare change. If you can make the time and find courage, invite them to share a meal with you. Jesse Jackson once said, “Never look down on anybody unless you are helping them up,” and Rumi told us, “When we practice loving kindness and pity, we are the first one to benefit from it.”

1.What does the underlined word “stirred” in the first paragraph probably mean?

A.Limited. B.Allowed. C.Begged. D.Encouraged.

2.What was the author thankful for?

A.The homeless man. B.The length of the lunch.

C.The condition of his life. D.The connection with the man.

3.What does the author think of those who live on paycheck?

A.They live a comfortable life. B.They just make ends meet.

C.They are really homeless people. D.They look down upon the homeless.

4.Which of the following doesn’t the author advise us to do?

A.Try something new. B.Buy a meal for a person.

C.Give money to the homeless. D.Invite a person to share a meal.



These Children’s Books Written by Celebrities(名人) Are Perfect for Your Little Kids

Kelly Clarkson Wrote a Book Inspired by Her Daughter

When Kelly Clarkson wrote River Rose and the Magical Lullaby, she named the main character after her young daughter. The story follows Rose, who finds herself in a magical dream world, guided by the voice of her mother. Writing the book offered the American Idol winner a new challenge. She said, “It’s so helpful with learning.”

Jim Carrey Is on a Roll with This Book

Jim Carrey’s 2013 book, How Roland Rolls, however, is very much for the little ones. The winner of the 2013 Gelett Burgess Children’s Book Award, How Roland Rolls is about a wave who worries about what will happen when he finally hits the beach. His fear disappears when he realizes he’s more than just a wave, but he’s the entire ocean! Coming up, this horror film star isn’t trying to scare(使害怕) any kids with her book.

Jamie Lee Curtis Has Been Writing Since the 1990s

You might know her best from the Halloween series movie. This Is Me is a story about immigration(外来移民). Curtis says she has no political intentions with her book, saying, “Every person has an immigrant story about their ancestors, and we’re losing that. I thought it was important to connect that thread back to who we are.”

Steve Martin’s Books Prove He’s a Comedian for All Ages

You may have ever read one of his books, like Shopgirl. If you’re a fan of his and you have kids, you’ll be happy to know that now your kids can read his books, too. Since getting into children’ literature, Martin has written and published several books, including Late for School and The Alphabet From A to Y with Bonus Letter Z. Each letter of the alphabet is paired with a poem by Marin.

1.Which book describes a character that is not a human being?

A.This Is Me. B.Late for School.

C.How Roland Rolls. D.River Rose and the Magical Lullaby.

2.What can This Is Me remind readers of when they read it?

A.Their roots. B.Their dreams. C.Their children. D.Their school life.

3.Who wrote a book about the English alphabet?

A.Jim Carrey. B.Steve Martin. C.Kelly Clarkson. D.Jamie Lee Curtis.



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