满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

In a country known for high-tech ambitio...

    In a country known for high-tech ambitions and giant state-owned firms, the plight of street hawkers may seem insignificant. But in China these days, people like Shui Jin, an old lady riding a wooden cart filled with fruit, are in the spotlight.

Faced with rising unemployment, officials have concluded that pavement stands can help solve the economy’s problems. Shui Jin, who used to face the danger of heavy fines, may sell her fruit with more confidence as she slowly makes her way through the narrow lanes of Suzhou. Her family needs the money. Both her daughters-in-law recently lost their jobs, among the tens of millions in China hurt by the coronavirus outbreak.

The government’s support for street hawkers is something of an about-turn. For years Municipal authorities pushed out hawkers, trying to tidy up the colourful chaos that once characterized China’s cities. In the name of “civilizing” urban life, they wanted to see dumplings, plastic toys and T-shirts bought inside shopping malls, not sold from the back of carts. But on June 1st Li Keqiang, the prime minister, signalled a change. Stopping by a snack stand in the city of Yantai, he declared that street hawkers and small shops were vital to the economy. “Only when the people are in good shape can the nation be in good shape,” he said.

Mr. Li’s compliment has produced a feeling of excitement about the revival of China’s “street- stand economy”. At least 27 provinces and cities have announced that they will create markets for hawkers or, in some cases, let them move their things being sold onto the pavement in front of their shops. The shining example is Chengdu, a busy and noisy city in Sichuan province in the south-west, where businesses started setting up street stands in March. The local government there claims that more than 10000 jobs have been created in the process.

1.According to the passage, street hawkers in China used to_________.

A.clean the street B.be in the spotlight

C.run a shop D.be given heavy fines

2.Which of the following can best replace the underlined phrase “an about-turn” in Paragraph 3?

A.a local government B.a complete change

C.a good shape D.a clean city

3.Why did the prime minister say street hawkers and small shops were vital to the economy?

A.They can make few jobs created for the unemployed people.

B.They can make the people and the nation in good shape.

C.They can make people like Shui Jin selling their fruit.

D.They can make the city tidy and noisy.

4.What is the main idea of the text?

A.China turns to once-banned hawkers to revive its economy.

B.China’s street-stand economy has a long history.

C.China has high-tech ambitions and giant state-owned firms.

D.China is now faced with rising unemployment.


1.D 2.B 3.B 4.A 【解析】 这是一篇新闻报道。短文报道了如今的中国,面对新冠状病毒导致的不断上升的失业率,官方鼓励地摊经济以此帮助解决普通百姓的经济问题。 1. 细节理解题。根据第二段中Shui Jin, who used to face the danger of heavy fines, may sell her fruit with more confidence as she slowly makes her way through the narrow lanes of Suzhou.可知金水过去常常面临高额罚款的危险,如今她在苏州的狭窄小巷中慢慢穿行时,可能会更加自信地出售水果。由此可知,中国的街头小贩过去会被处以高额罚款。故选D。 2. 词义猜测题。根据后文For years Municipal (市政的) authorities pushed out hawkers, trying to tidy up the colourful chaos that once characterized China's cities. In the name of “civilizing” urban life, they wanted to see dumplings, plastic toys and T-shirts bought inside shopping malls, not sold from the back of carts. But on June 1st Li Keqiang, the prime minister, signalled a change. Stopping by a snack stand in the city of Yantai, he declared that street hawkers and small shops were vital to the economy.可知多年来,市政当局把小贩赶出去,试图清理曾经是中国城市特色的五彩缤纷的混乱局面。以“文明”城市生活的名义,他们希望看到饺子、塑料玩具和T恤是在商场里买的,而不是在手推车后面卖。但在6月1日,总理李克强发出了改变的信号。他在烟台市的一个小吃摊前停下,宣称街头小贩和小商店对经济至关重要。由此可知,政府对街头小贩的支持有了彻底的转变。故划线短语意思为“彻底改变”。故选B。 3. 细节理解题。根据第三段中But on June 1st Li Keqiang, the prime minister, signalled a change. Stopping by a snack stand in the city of Yantai, he declared that street hawkers and small shops were vital to the economy. “Only when the people are in good shape can the nation be in good shape,” he said.可知但在6月1日,总理李克强发出了改变的信号。他在烟台市的一个小吃摊前停下,宣称街头小贩和小商店对经济至关重要。“只有人民健康,国家才能健康,”他说。由此可知,总理说街头小贩和小商店对经济至关重要,因为他们可以使人民和国家处于良好状态。故选B。 4. 主旨大意题。根据第二段中Faced with rising unemployment, officials have concluded that pavement stands can help solve the economy’s problems.可知面对不断上升的失业率,官员们得出结论,人行道上的摊位可以帮助解决经济问题。结合文章主要说如今的中国,面对新冠状病毒导致的不断上升的失业率,官方鼓励地摊经济以此帮助解决普通百姓的经济问题。由此可知,这篇文章的主旨是中国转向曾经被禁止的小贩来振兴经济。故选A。

    Shawn Dromgoole is a 29-year-old black man who has lived in the same neighborhood his entire life. His family has been in the neighborhood for 54 years. But Dromgoole said that since he was a child, he felt an unease in his hometown, strongly aware that few people looked like him.

“Growing up in my neighborhood, I could always feel the eyes, the looks and the cars slowing down as they passed by me, ” said Dromgoole, who was recently told to stay away from his job temporarily because of the epidemic (疫情) .

As a young man, Dromgoole watched from his window as the neighborhood gradually changed before his eyes: Black families moved out and white families moved in. With each passing year, he felt more and more unwelcome, he said.

Those feelings grew in recent weeks when he heard about Ahmaud Arbery, a black man who was out jogging in Georgia when he was shot to death, and then George Floyd, a black man killed while in police custody (羁押) in Minneapolis. “What happened to these men could easily happen to me,” said Dromgoole. “I became scared to walk past my porch.”

There were also frequent postings on Nextdoor, an app that connects neighbors, warning residents to look out for “suspicious black men,” he said. Filled with fear, Dromgoole took to Facebook and Nextdoor, deciding to finally share his own post. “Yesterday, I wanted to walk around my neighborhood but the fear of not returning home to my family alive kept me on my front porch,” he wrote.

Unexpectedly, responses from his community started pouring in. Neighbors, none of whom Dromgoole had ever spoken with, asked if they could join him on a walk. “Neighbor, after neighbor, after neighbor started reaching out, telling me they wanted to walk with me,” he said.

Last Thursday afternoon, Dromgoole notified his neighbors that he was going for a walk at 6 p. m, and anyone who wanted to join him was welcome.

Dromgoole tied his shoes, ventured (冒险) off his porch and walked to the meeting spot in a nearby parking lot.

There he found 75 people waiting for him.

1.According to the passage,which of the following is NOT true?

A.Dromgoole lives in the same neighborhood for a long time.

B.Dromgoole was out of work recently at his advanced age.

C.Dromgoole felt anxious and unwelcome in his hometown.

D.Dromgoole’s neighborhood has changed a lot before his eyes.

2.What does the author mean by mentioning the two things in Paragraph 4?

A.The racial discrimination(歧视)is in existence in Dromgool’s country.

B.People who were out jogging in Georgia is likely to be shot.

C.The police in Minneapolis has no right to kill people.

D.The human rights should be respected in Dromgool’s country.

3.Dromgoole shared his own post on Facebook and Nextdoor to_________.

A.persuade his neighbors to walk with him

B.show his will to make friends with others

C.express his fear of probably being hurt

D.promote the development of his community

4.What do you think the author’s feeling is after he found 75 people waiting for him?

A.amazed B.frightened

C.puzzled D.indifferent



    The Meg

age 14+

PG-2018 113 minutes

Parents need to know that The Meg is an action movie about a big prehistoric shark and a team of heroes led by Jason Statham trying to stop it. Violence is surely the biggest matter here: Many characters die, and there’s some blood. Shark fans are likely to be interested, but be warned: It’s slow and lacks real fears.

Hope Springs Eternal

age 10+

PG 2018 88 minutes

Parents need to know that Hope Springs Eternal is a dramedy (情景喜剧) about a teenager named Hope who’s been living with terminal(晚期的) cancer for years and then discovers she’s recovering. But she pretends to still be sick to keep the identity and special consideration she’s become used to. Hope surely accepts the results of her dishonesty and learns how lucky she is to be able to plan for a future she never thought she’d have.

Dog Days

age 12+

PG 2018 112 minutes

Parents need to know that Dog Days is a comedy(喜剧)about people in L. A .whose lives are improved by dogs. Some of the storylines are sweet, such as a new family being formed through adoption (收养) and the development of an intergenerational friendship. And while the film is full of smiles, there may be some sad sobs(啜泣), too, since a dog dies.

1.What does Jason Statham do in The Meg?

A.He leads some heroes to stop a prehistoric shark.

B.He does some research on a big prehistoric shark.

C.He shoots an action movie and meets a large shark.

D.He leads a team of heroes to protect a prehistoric shark.

2.How does Hope try to keep her identity as a patient?

A.She tells others that she is recovering. B.She cheats others that she is still sick.

C.She plans a brighter future for herself. D.She tries to cure herself of the cancer.

3.Why do the people in the film Dog Days cry?

A.A new family is formed. B.They face a life of adoption.

C.They don’t like their new friends. D.One of their lovely dogs loses its life.




注意:词数不少于60。提示词:踢毽shuttlecock kicking   跳绳rope skipping   抖音Tik Tok




注意:1. 词数不少于502. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Jim,



Li Hua



    The way individuals collectively remember, forget, and recall event, people, places, etc, has been an important topic of research on collective memory. 1. He developed the concept of collective memory, arguing that individual memories are only understood within the context of a group through time and space. In all cases, most research on memory studies relies on long procedures 2. They include theoretical concepts, the study of historical sources, oral histories, case studies, interviews, and surveys. For example, one group of researchers carried out several interviews to investigate younger and older American adults for three wars, namely, the Civil War, World War Ⅱ, and the Iraq War. 3. Both younger and older adults recalled the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki; however, they differed in how they rated the bombings.

More recently, memory study scholars tend to stress the significance of the media in shaping collective memories: “Culture and individuals’ memory are constantly produced through the technologies of memory.” Under this perspective, research often involves content analysis of news and the use of surveys or interviews for analyzing the public memory. 4.

However, developments in digital technologies in recent years have significantly influenced how we keep track of events both as individuals and as a collective. “The Internet doesn’t forget.” The Internet has had strong impacts on memory and the processes of remembering and forgetting. 5. Analyzing different Web documents, researchers have shown that more recent past events are remembered more vividly in the present.

A.Research on collective memory is often based on various aspects.

B.There are a few simple things a person can do to help improve their memory.

C.Maurice Halbwachs is recognized as the father of collective memory research.

D.Although all Americans recalled similar events,the interpretation changed over the generations.

E.Also,scholars have studied the role of journalists as collective memory agents by analyzing their stories.

F.Recently developed information technologies have affected how we create,store and recall information.

G.Meanwhile,it has transformed collective memory into an observable phenomenon that can be tracked and measured online.



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